IDH Motor Starting Cal
IDH Motor Starting Cal
IDH Motor Starting Cal
The purpose of performing a motor starting study is twofold: to investigate whether the starting motor can be successfully started under the operating conditions and to see if starting
the motor will seriously impede the normal operation of other loads in the system.
The Dynamic Motor Acceleration and Static Motor Starting differ in the way the starting motors are modeled.
From the Model page for induction motor, or the LR Model page for synchronous motor, you can specify motor dynamic model from one of the five different types:
Single1 - Equivalent (Thevenin) circuit model with constant rotor resistance and reactance
Single2 - Circuit model with deep-bar effect, rotor resistance and reactance change with speed
While the Single1, Single2, DBL1, and DBL2 models are all based on an electrical circuit representation of the motor, the TSC model allows you to model a starting motor directly
from the manufacturer’s performance curves. You can choose one of the existing library models or create your own motor model in the Motor Library.
ETAP also allows you to model the load torque curve for each individual motor. You can choose one of the existing library models or create your own motor model in the Motor
Load Library.
Due to the difference in modeling of starting motors, you may perform the static motor starting study if you are more concerned with the effect of motor starting on other operating
loads in the system or if information on dynamic model for the starting motor is not available. On the other hand, if you are concerned with the actual acceleration time or whether
the starting motor can be successfully started, a dynamic motor acceleration study should be performed.
During the acceleration period, the motor is represented by its locked-rotor impedance, which draws the maximum possible current from the system and has the most severe effect
on other loads in the system. Once the acceleration period has passed, the starting motor is changed to a constant kVA load and ETAP simulates the load ramping process according
to the starting and final loads specified in the motor editor. Refer to Motor Starting Category page in Motor editor for more information.
Load Transition
In an event, you can specify a load transition to transfer system operating load from one loading category to another. This allows you to globally adjust the system load during motor
starting studies. You may apply a load transition to all operating loads or to a group of loads by setting an upper limit of capacity on loads to be involved in the load transition.
Additionally, you can start motors through load transition if the load percent is changed from zero to a non-zero value.
Due to the complexity involved in the interaction between normal motor starting actions and load transition, the following rules are implemented to resolve conflicts in motor
starting action preparation.
1. If, in an event, both action by load or starting category and action by load transition call for change of status or loading of a load, the action by load or starting category takes
2. If a load, whether a motor, an MOV, a static load, or a capacitor, is switched on/off through actions by load or starting category in one event, the load transition will not apply
to this load from that point on.
3. If, in a load transition, the load percent of a motor (or an MOV) is changed from zero percent to a non-zero value, this motor (or MOV) will be started at the new load percent
(non-zero value). And from this point on, the load transition will not apply on this motor (or MOV) any more.
4. Load transition does not apply on MOVs that have initial status as either Open or Closed .
5. In calculating load for a load transition, it takes into consideration the options for load diversity factors entered in the Motor Study Case editor for prestart load flow.
M OV M otor Starting
MOVs are specially designed motors that have different operational characteristics from regular motors. Since these motors behave close to constant impedance load during
operation, they are modeled as constant impedance load in motor starting calculations.
The operation mode of an MOV may be opening or closing a valve, depending upon its initial status. To start an MOV motor, its status has to be either open or closed. If the initial
status of an MOV is open, its operation mode will be closed and if the initial status is closed, its operation mode will be open. Both modes involve several stages of operation as
defined in the Characteristic group of the Nameplate page in MOV Editor. For each stage, the impedance to represent the MOV is calculated based on the current and power factor
for the stage and the rated voltage. Once the MOV is configured to start from the study case, it is assumed that the MOV will not consume any power before the event is executed.
Note: Once the MOV is configured to start from the study case, it is assumed that the MOV will not consume any power before the event is executed.
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For one motor starting simulations, a MOV is allowed to start only once due to infrequent operations of MOV.
Starting Device
A starting motor can have one of thirteen types of starting devices modeled in the Motor Starting studies, including four general models for soft starter. You can specify starting
device type and its control characteristics from the Start Dev page of Induction Motor editor or Synchronous Motor editor. Depending on the model type selected to represent a
starting motor, certain types of starting device may not apply. The following table gives applicable starting devices for each type of motor models.
Motor M odel
Starting Device M odel Static M otor
Starting Dynamic M otor Starting
LRZ Single 1 Single 2 Double 1 Double 1 TSC
Auto-XFMR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stator R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stator X Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Capacitor @ Bus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Capacitor @ Term Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rotor R Yes No Yes No No No
Rotor X Yes No Yes No No No
Y/D Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Partial Winding Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Current Limit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Current Control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Voltage Control Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Torque Control No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
If a system contains multiple power sources (generators and power grids), change of generation for any power source will potentially alter operating conditions of other power
sources. In motor starting calculation , whenever there is a change of generation category for a generator or a power grid, ETAP uses the prestart system loading to determine
internal voltage magnitude and angle of all generators and power grids. These internal voltage magnitude and angle values stay constant until there is a new change of generation
Dynamic Static
Element Load Flow Transient Stability M otor Acceleration M otor Starting
Generators Infinite Bus Dynamically Modeled Constant Voltage Behind Constant Voltage Behind
Xd’ Xd’
Utility Ties Infinite Bus Constant Voltage Behind Constant Voltage Behind Constant Voltage Behind
X” X” X”
Operating Motors Constant kVA Modeled Dynamically or Constant kVA Constant kVA
Constant kVA
Starting Motors Not Applicable Single1, Single2, DBL1, & Single1, Single2, DBL1, Locked-Rotor Z and Power
DBL2 Models DBL2, & TSC Models Factor
A static load can be switched on and off repeatedly at any time during a simulation with user specified loading category.
A motor can be started and switched off repeatedly at any time during a simulation.
The motor switching can be specified by an individual load or by bus and starting category.
In static motor starting, after the acceleration period is passed, it will be modeled as a constant power load. The load level can vary at a rate specified by the user. Please see
M otor Starting Category page for a detailed description on the model for load changes.
M odeling of SVC
In the initial load flow calculation, an SVC is modeled the same way as in a standard Load Flow calculation. It will adjust terminal bus voltage as specified in the SVC editor and
provide or absorb reactive power as needed. However, after the initial load flow, it will be represented as a constant impedance load with the value set based on the initial load flow.
In motor acceleration calculations, the meaning of loading being zero is different from load flow calculation. If a motor has zero loading, it means that the motor is not connected
and it draws zero current and power from the system, even if the no-load current entered in the motor editor is larger than zero. This applies to operating induction motors in both
initial load flow and load transition.
Note that if an operating motor has loading equal to 0.01%, its input power will be calculated based on the parameters from the Nameplate page of the Induction Motor Editor. So
there may be a jump in input power for operating motors in motor acceleration when the load is changed from 0.01% to 0%.
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For induction generators that are started during a simulation, either through action by element, action by starting category, or action by load transition, it is modeled differently
before and after the induction generator is started. In the initial load flow and during load transitions before the machine is started, it is modeled as in induction generator in the same
way as in the Load Flow calculations. Once the machine is started, it will be modeled as an induction motor from that point on in the simulation. When modeled as an induction
motor, its rated kVA will be the same value as displayed in the editor, but its output horsepower (or kW) will be recalculated based on the machine rated kVA, efficiency and power
M odeling of VFD
VFD Connections
ETAP allows for very flexible connections for a VFD. Its input can connect to a bus, a branch, or multiple transformers. Its output can be connected to a bus or a load (motor or a
lump load). The following figure shows some typical connections of VFD in ETAP. From the view point of calculation handling, there are two types of VFD connections: VFD sub-
network and load directly connected VFD. A load directly connected VFD is shown as VFD-1 below where a load (a motor or a lump load) is connected to a bus through a VFD. A
VFD sub-network is a sub-system connected to the output of a VFD, consisting of buses, loads and branches, as shown in VFD-2, VFD-3 and VFD-4 below. In the current version
of ETAP, it is required that a VFD sub-network be a radial system, contain only one energized motor, and not include 3-winding transformers or source elements.
In Motor Acceleration Analysis, the sub-network powered by a VFD, i.e. the sub-system below VFD-4, is aggregated along with motor equipment cable as one equivalent
impedance. ETAP does not report the voltages and flows on the buses and branches in the VFD sub-network. All adjustment options specified in the study case are still applicable to
these elements. The fixes or manual operating taps of transformers in a VFD sub-network are considered in the calculation, but transformer LTC is excluded.
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power is dependent on the operating input PF option selected from the Loading page of the VFD editor. When there are multiple input transformer connections, the input power is
equally shared among all connections.
Note that for a load that is directly connected to a VFD,( i.e. VFD-1 shown above) the equipment cable loss is calculated based on the VFD operating voltage. For a VFD sub-
network, i.e. VFD-4 shown above, the losses associated with the sub0network is calculated based on the aggregated equivalent impedance.
b. If a starting motor is directly connected to a VFD (i.e. Mtr5 below), but the VFD Starting Device type is set as Frequency Control, the VFD will be modeled according to the
specified Control Scheme. The starting device of the motor is ignored.
c. If the VFD output is connected to a bus (i.e. VFD3 below), the VFD will be modeled according to the specified Control Scheme. The starting device of the motor is ignored.
d. If the bypass switch of a VFD is closed, the VFD is simulated as a closed switch. The motor starting device takes effect if it is specified.
If a VFD has the Frequency Control type selected for motor acceleration and the starting motor has the characteristic model selected, ETAP does not support Dynamic Motor
Starting simulation for the motor, since the characteristic model is only for rated frequency and it does not represent motor behavior under different frequency. For the same reason,
if a starting motor is powered by a VFD, it is not supported to start this motor in the Static Motor Starting simulations, except that the motor is directly connected to the VFD. This
exception is primarily for compatibility to the older versions of ETAP.
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