02 03 2023 Hibernate Class Notes
02 03 2023 Hibernate Class Notes
02 03 2023 Hibernate Class Notes
Framework ( ORMTool-----> Hibernate)
ddl=Data definition language(create /alter/drop in SQL)
it has four possible value.
Those are:-
a. validate (default value)
b. create
c. update
d. create-drop
@DynamicInsert(value=true) and @DynamicUpdate(value=true)
=> It is used to generate the dynamic query, based on the fields used in the Entity
=> If we want our table name and column name to be same as entity name and field
name then no need to use
@Table(name='') and @Column(name='',length='')
=> During the creation of SessionFactory object, by refereing to mapping
information hibernate will create
pregenerated sql queries for insert,update,delete,select by using all the
fields of the entity class.
=> If we want to avoid that and if we want query to be generated based on the field
injection we do on the entity class
then we need to use @DynamicInsert(value='true') or
What are the differences between get(-) method and load(-) method?
1. get() method can be used to retrive a record from database table if the record
is existed.
If the required record is not existed then get() method will return null
public Object get(String class_Name, Serializable pk_Val)
public Object get(Class class_Type, Serializable pk_Val)
2. get() method is able to perform eager or early loading, that is, it will
interact with database directly and it will retrive data and return
to Hibernate application in the form of Object on the method call.
1. load() method can be used to retreive a record from database table if the record
is existed.
If the required record is not existed then load() method will rise an
Exception like HibernateException.
public Object load(String class_Name, Serializable pk_Val)
public Object load(Class class_Type, Serializable pk_val)
2.load() method will perform Lazy or late Loading , that is, when we access load()
method then a duplicate object will be
created with the primary key value without interacting with database(proxy
When we use other properties of the Object then only it will fetch data from
database table and return that data to
Java application.
updating a record can be done in 3 ways
a. update total object(not prefered)
remember the object exists with the id and update the
entire object.
if the id doesn't exists it would return
b. load the record and update(very useful for partial updation)
c. load and modify the record without using update()[Synrhonization
would exist b/w row and object]
This method call would first perform
a. select operation
if record found then it performs update operation,
otherwise it performs insert operation
Where saveOrUpdate(-) method will insert the specified record in database table if
the specified record is not existed .
If the specified record is existed in database table then it will update the
public void saveOrUpdate(Object obj)throws HibernateException
It can be done in 2 ways
a. perform deletion by supplied id value directly
It generates sql select query, if the record exists it
would generate delete query, otherwise it won't
generate delete query and it won't throw any Exception.
b. load and delete the record[prefered]