EC-Unit 1B Enterprise Foundations
EC-Unit 1B Enterprise Foundations
EC-Unit 1B Enterprise Foundations
11 January 2011
Applications within the business An XML interface for vendors or clients Web interface for customers
Platform independent, database independent Able to integrate new technologies Internationalisation, Localsation, Accessibilty, Customisation
Stand-alone client
Web-centric application
JDBC JavaMail Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) Web services APIs
JDBCTM technology is an API that lets you access virtually any tabular data source from the JavaTM programming language.
Cross-DBMS connectivity to a wide range of SQL databases Access to other tabular data sources, such as spreadsheets or flat files.
Java Application JDBC API Java Core APIs Application JDBC Driver Database Server
Level 1 - A JDBC-ODBC bridge provides JDBC API access via one or more ODBC drivers.
Level 2 - A native-API partly Java technology-enabled driver converts JDBC calls into calls on the client API for Oracle, Sybase, Informix, DB2, or other DBMS. Level 3 - A net-protocol fully Java technology-enabled driver translates JDBC API calls into a DBMSindependent net protocol which is then translated to a DBMS protocol by a server. Level 4 - A native-protocol fully Java technologyenabled driver converts JDBC technology calls into the network protocol used by DBMSs directly.
Java App
Database Server
Database Type 2: Native DB API Java App JDBC API JDBC Driver Native API Library Native API Database
Java App
JDBC Driver
Database Translator
Database Server
Java App
JDBC Driver
Database Server
Basic sequence of operations for a program that will use JDBC to interact with a database:
Load the correct JDBC driver (using the classname) Open a Connection to the database (using a URL) Create statements (using the Connection) Execute statements and process results Close the Connection
There are many methods a program can call on its valid Connection object.
createStatement() method will create a Statement object that can be used to assemble and run SQL commands. preparedStatement() creates an object that is associated with a predefined SQL command (the Statement object can be used for arbitrary statements and can be reused for other SQL commands) getMetaData() method will return metadata associated with the database, including descriptions of all of the tables in the DB. prepareCall() method is used to call stored procedures in the SQL database.
There are many methods a program can call on its valid Statement object.
executeQuery() method executes a SQL query statement and returns the results (as a ResultSet) executeUpdate() method executes a SQL update (such as UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE) execute() method executes other, more generic, SQL statements. setMaxRows() method allows the program to set the maximum number of data elements (rows) that can be returned from a query statement.
There are MANY more methods for both the Connection and Statement classes.
The most popular thing for a Java program to do via JDBC is to perform queries on a DB.
Perform a query using a Statement object and its executeQuery() method. This method will return a ResultSet object that gives you access to the query rows.
A ResultSet is just like a database table; it has zero or more rows (zero if no data elements match the query criteria) and each row has one or more columns
ResultSet objects keep track of their position internally, starting before the first row. You can use next() and other navigation methods to move through them
There are multiple methods of extracting data from the current row in a ResultSet.
getString() method returns the value of a particular column in the current row as a String. getInt() method returns the value of a particular column in the current row as an int. getBoolean() method returns the value of a particular column in the current row as an boolean. getDouble() method returns the value of a particular column in the current row as an double. getObject() method returns the value of a particular column in the current row as an Object.
Two versions of both of these methodsone takes the column as an integer index, one takes the columns name as a String.
Statement - allows the execution of arbitrary statements on the database. PreparedStatement - allows the program to execute the same SQL command repeatedly, while allowing substitutions for particular words or values (to make it more useful). CallableStatement - allows the program to execute SQL stored procedures, with substitutions for arguments. A stored procedure is a function that is part of, and stored inside, a SQL database (hence the name).
import java.sql.*; public class IDQuery { static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/instructors"; public static void main(String [] args) { try { Class.forName("").newInstance(); Connection theConnection; PreparedStatement prep_statement; ResultSet theQueryResults; theConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,jeffsix,arrrr!); prep_statement = theConn.prepareStatement("SELECT name,dept FROM instructors WHERE ID=?"); for(int i = 0; i < args.length; rs.close(), i++) { prep_statement.setString(1, args[i]); theQueryResults = prep_statement.executeQuery(); if ( System.out.println(theQueryResults.getString(1) + "," + theQueryResults.getString(2)); else System.out.println(Query + i + not found!); } prep_Statement.close(); theConnection.close(); } catch (Exception exp) { System.err.println("Execption! - " + exp); } }
CallableStatement calls a SQL stored procedure inside the DB. The stored procedure is specified upon object creation (using the Connections prepareCall() method). Syntax of this call is
? = call procedurename(?,?) } for a procedure that takes 2 arguments; returns a value { call procedurename(?,?,?,?) } for a procedure that takes 4 arguments; does not return a value The syntax is CallableStatement callable; callable = conn.prepareCall("{ call replace(?,?) }"); callable.setString(1, oldString); callable.setString(2, newString); int rows_modified = callable.executeUpdate();
Your program can create a Batch of statements (any of the three types) and execute that batch on the database all at once
The addBatch() method adds a statement to the current batch The executeBatch() method runs all of the statements in the batch on the database The clearBatch() method clears the statements from the batch without running them
As SQL defines its own datatypes, it is important to understand the mapping between SQL and Java datatypes
SQL Java --------------------BIT boolean BIGINT long BINARY byte[] CHAR String DATE Date DOUBLE double FLOAT float INTEGER int BLOB CLOB Blob Clob SQL Java ------------ ------------NUMERIC BigDecimal REAL float SMALLINT short TIME Time TIMESTAMP Timestamp TINYINT byte VARBINARY byte[] VARCHAR char[] REF STRUCT Ref Struct
SQLs offer two ways to support storage and retrieval of binary data in database tables:
Binary columns: BINARY / VARBINARY - these kinds of columns are suitable for small arrays of bytes (they are not very memory efficient). Binary large object columns: BLOB / LONGBLOB - these kinds of columns are suitable for large arrays of bytes, but are not supported in all database systems (they are much more memory efficient).
used to store image, audio, signal, or video data used to store serialized Java objects suitable for storing entire documents inside databases (as documents are really just binary data)
Using the SQL INSERT verb, the binary column is set using either the setObject() method and passing it a byte array or using the setBinaryStream() method and passing it an InputStream (which the JDBC driver will then use to fill in the columns data field)
Use a normal query, and either getObject() to return a byte array, getBlob() to return a Blob object, or getBinaryStream() to get an InputStream which can be used to read from this data field
JDBC is a core Java technology that supports access to relational databases and database servers.
JDBC uses the standard Structured Query Language (SQL) for all database interaction.
In order to use JDBC with a particular database, you must install a driver for the database server you are using and load that driver in your programs.
Almost all JDBC functionality is accomplished through the use of SQL statements, of three kinds Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
What are the goals and objectives of True Enterprise System ? What is JDBC? Give basic sequence of operations for a program using JDBC to interact with a database. What is ResultSet in JDC? How does JDBC refer to a database in a program code? Give the syntax. What are the three types of JDBC statement objects?
11 January 2011
1. 2.
3. 4.
Give details of different types of JDBC drivers. Give brief note on JDBC Connection Class and JDBC Statement Class. Describe the four methods of extracting data from current row n a ResultSet. Give s brief note on JDBCs support for binary data in dstabase tables.
11 January 2011