Finalised Version 1 Writing Rubric
Finalised Version 1 Writing Rubric
Finalised Version 1 Writing Rubric
Criteria Purpose and Understanding Organisation, Elaboration and Grammar, Mechanics and Word choice, Vocabulary and
Mark Support Punctuation Spelling
Clear main ideas / each main idea is
Scarce or no structure errors / Scarce or
Clear purpose throughout / shows supported with details / no irrelevant
no problem with articles, subject verb
understanding / writing meets sentences / ideas are precise, interesting
agreement, noun pronoun agreement / Effective vocabulary / precise word
requirements of prompt / logical / and innovative / clear examples /
4.5 - 5 addresses target reader effectively / all appropriate topic sentences / effective
Scarce or no punctuation and
capitalization errors / effective
choice appropriate to the task / no
repetition / no spelling errors.
content is relevant to the task. thesis statement that is accurately
transitions / effective use of variety of
placed / coherent / appropriate
complex and compound sentences.
paragraph and\or essay structure.
Few structure errors / meaning is clear
Ideas are adequate and organised / not and not obscured / few problems with
Purpose is clear but can be somehow
all ideas are supported / few irrelevant articles, subject verb agreement, noun Adequate use of vocabulary that
vague/ some understanding / most
ideas / some examples are introduced/ pronoun agreement / few punctuation communicate the meaning properly /
3.5 - 4 requirements of the prompt are met/
some logic / address target reader / most
few errors in topic sentences / thesis and capitalization errors / no fragments few spelling mistakes / Proper choice
statement is accurate / few errors in and run-ons / proper transitions /some of words / occasional repetition.
content is relevant to the task.
paragraph and\or essay structure. success in using complex and compound
Several structure errors / errors may
interfere with meaning/ some problems
Some organisation / few supporting Limited vocabulary / words
Confused purpose / little understanding / with articles, subject verb agreement,
evidence or examples / few examples are communicate the minimum
some requirements of the prompt are noun pronoun agreement / some
introduced / some irrelevant ideas / meaning /some spelling mistakes /
2–3 met/ little logic/target reader is
minimally informed / some content is
some errors in topic sentences / poorly
punctuation and capitalization errors /
some fragments and run-ons / adequate
some mistakes in word choice but that
written thesis statement / some errors in do not impede understanding / few
relevant to the task. transitions / correct simple sentences/
paragraph and\or essay structure. repetition instances.
complex and compound sentences are
not successful.
Serious structure errors that obscure
meaning and do not communicate the
Uncertain purpose / no clear logic / No organisation / no supporting evidence Writing contains numerous spelling
meaning / serious problems with articles,
irrelevant to the prompt / no or examples / ideas are mainly listed / no errors / word choice and spelling
subject verb agreement, noun pronoun
0 – 1.5 understanding / does not address target
reader/ most content is irrelevant to the
or incorrect topic sentences / no thesis
statement or off topic/ unclear
agreement/ frequent punctuation and
impede understanding / limited
vocabulary / constant use of clichés/
capitalization errors / frequent
task. paragraph and\or essay structure inaccurate word choice / repetitive.
fragments and run-ons / repetitive
Total : ----------/20