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MN 1 005 2

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Fees for Official Yacht Documents and Services


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MN 1-005-2
References ...................................................................................................................................... 5
PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
APPLICABILITY ......................................................................................................................... 5
REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.0 Private Yachts ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Private Yacht less than 24 meters in length ........................................................... 6
1.2 Private Yacht 24 meters or more in length ............................................................ 6
1.3 Private Yacht Limited Charter (PYLC) ................................................................. 7
1.4 Yacht Engaged in Trade (YET) ............................................................................. 8
.1 YET up to 12 Pax..................................................................................................... 8
.2 YET up to 36 Pax..................................................................................................... 9
.3 Temporary YET Certificate of Registry .................................................................. 9
2.0 Commercial Yacht ................................................................................................ 10
3.0 Passenger Yacht (PAXY) ..................................................................................... 11
4.0 Yacht Under Construction .................................................................................... 11
5.0 Tenders.................................................................................................................. 11
6.0 Annual Marshall Islands International Participation (MIIP) Fee ......................... 12
7.0 Re-Registration Fees ............................................................................................. 12
8.0 Change of Name ................................................................................................... 12
9.0 Documentation of Vessels .................................................................................... 12
9.1 Subsequent Certificates of Registry ..................................................................... 12
9.2 Subsequent Continuous Synopsis Records (CSRs) ............................................. 12
9.3 Bareboat Charter Registration ............................................................................. 12
9.4 Foreign Bareboat Charter Registration ................................................................ 12
9.5 Permission to Sell for Re-registration .................................................................. 12
9.6 Certificate of Permission to Transfer an RMI-flagged yacht ............................... 12
9.7 Certificate of Cancellation ................................................................................... 13
10.0 Radio Station Licenses.......................................................................................... 13
10.1 Temporary Authority (TA) .................................................................................. 13
10.2 Full Term Ship Radio Station Licenses ............................................................... 13
10.3 Radio Station License for Private Yachts of less than 24 m in length and Tenders
............................................................................................................................. 13
10.4 Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) ................................................. 13
11.0 Yacht-Owning Entity ............................................................................................ 14
12.0 Miscellaneous Yacht-Specific Charges ................................................................ 14

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12.1 Yacht Compliance Change .................................................................................. 14
12.2 Annual Yacht Service Fee (except Private Yachts) ............................................. 14
12.3 Re-instatement of a Yacht Compliance Certificate ............................................. 14
12.4 Re-issuing a Compliance Certificate or Compliance Document ......................... 14
12.5 Official Records of Auxiliary Vessels and Appurtenances ................................. 14
12.6 Obtaining an RMI Flag ........................................................................................ 14
13.0 Other Certificates and Document Charges ........................................................... 14
13.1 Certificate of Ownership and Encumbrance ........................................................ 14
13.2 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate .................................................................... 14
13.3 Marriage, Birth, Death, or Burial Certificates ..................................................... 14
13.4 Insurance or Other Financial Security Certificates: Non-RMI-registered Yachts15
13.5 Authentication...................................................................................................... 15
13.6 Certified Copies ................................................................................................... 15
13.7 Certified Extract ................................................................................................... 15
13.8 Certificates or documents not otherwise specified .............................................. 15
13.9 Waiver under §203 of the RMI Maritime Act ..................................................... 15
13.10 Courier Fees ......................................................................................................... 15
14.0 Instrument Recording............................................................................................ 15
14.1 Bill of Sale ........................................................................................................... 15
14.2 Other Instruments ................................................................................................ 15
14.3 Recording Services .............................................................................................. 16
14.4 Instrument Correction including issuing a Certificate of Ownership and
Encumbrance ....................................................................................................... 16
15.0 Fees for Compliance Verifications and Inspections ............................................. 16
15.2 Zone Fees ............................................................................................................. 16
15.3 Pre-registration Inspection ................................................................................... 17
15.4 Additional Hourly Rates ...................................................................................... 17
15.5 Expenses .............................................................................................................. 17
16.0 Fees for Special Services ...................................................................................... 17
16.1 Regional Onsite Attendances ............................................................................... 18
16.2 Administrative and Delivery Fees ....................................................................... 18
16.3 National Tonnage Calculations ............................................................................ 18
16.4 Technical Services ............................................................................................... 18
16.5 Statutory Services for Construction, Refits and Conversions .............................. 19
17.0 Investigations or Formal Hearings ........................................................................ 19
18.0 Publications ........................................................................................................... 19
19.0 Seafarer Certification ............................................................................................ 19
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19.1 Officer Certificate of Competence – First Issue .................................................. 19
19.2 Officer Certificates of Competence – Renewals .................................................. 19
19.3 Temporary Authorization as an Officer ............................................................... 19
19.4 RMI Seafarer's Identification and Record Book (SIRB) and Identification Card 20
19.5 Special Qualifications Certificates after exam or endorsement ........................... 20
19.6 Examinations ....................................................................................................... 20
19.7 Urgent Authorization (UA) .................................................................................. 20
19.8 Replacement Certificates ..................................................................................... 20
19.9 Authentication, Special Services, Expediting ...................................................... 20
19.10 Courier service fee required for secured delivery of seafarer documentation ..... 20
20.0 Management System Certification Services by the Administrator ....................... 21
20.1 Hong Kong Convention/EU Ship Recycling Regulation ..................................... 21
20.2 Safety, Security, and Maritime Labour Convention ............................................ 21
.1 International Safety Management (ISM) Code ...................................................... 21
.2 International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code .................................... 21
.3 Ship Security Plan (SSP) ....................................................................................... 22
.4 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) ................................................ 22
.5 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC) ......................................... 22
.6 Hourly Rates .......................................................................................................... 22
20.3 Shipboard Plan Approvals ................................................................................... 23
21.0 Payment................................................................................................................. 23
21.1 Check or bank draft.............................................................................................. 23
21.2 Wire transfer instructions..................................................................................... 23
21.3 Online .................................................................................................................. 23

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
REPUBLIC OF Marine Notice
No. 1-005-2



SUBJECT: Consolidated Fees for Official Yacht Documents and Services

References: (a) RMI Maritime Act 1990

(b) RMI Maritime Regulations (MI-108)


This Marine Notice (MN) provides the fees for official yacht documents and services from the
Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime Administrator (the “Administrator”).

This MN supersedes Rev. Dec/2022. Amendments have been made to incorporate a new fee
schedule in §15.0 for Compliance Verifications and Inspections. Adjustments to fees in §16.0 have
also been made.


This MN applies to all yachts registered, or seeking to register, with the RMI. It also applies to all
seafarers having, or intending, to obtain certifications for service aboard RMI-flagged vessels.

Section 13.4 applies to non-RMI-registered yachts seeking a certificate of insurance or other

financial security under international convention requirements.

The fees listed are applicable upon publication. This MN will be reviewed and adjusted as required.

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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Marine Notice should be directed to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator, 11495
Commerce Park Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1506 USA. The most current version of all Republic of the Marshall Islands Marine Notices may be
found at www.register-iri.com. MI-01, Rev. Apr/2016

1.0 Private Yachts

1.1 Private Yacht less than 24 meters in length

Registration Fee
includes Permanent Certificate of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750
Ship Radio Station License (Private Yacht less than 24 meters) US$300
Total US$1,600

1.2 Private Yacht 24 meters or more in length

Up to 299 300 –399 400 –999

≥ 1,000 GT
Registration Fee
US$1,500 US$1,500 US$1,500 US$1,500
includes Permanent Certificate of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750 US$750 US$1,000 US$1,250
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station
US$100 US$100 US$100 US$100
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four years (see §10.0 for US$200 US$200 US$200 US$200
renewal fees)
Certificate of Insurance -Wreck Removal
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and N/A US$200 US$200 US$200
Certificate of Insurance - Bunker Oil Pollution
N/A N/A N/A US$200
issued annually, applies to yachts 1,000 GT
and above
Total US$2,550 US$2,750 US$3,000 US$3,450

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1.3 Private Yacht Limited Charter (PYLC)

Up to 299 300 –399 400 –499

Registration Fee
US$1,500 US$1,500 US$1,500
includes Permanent Certificate of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750 US$750 US$1,000
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station License US$100 US$100 US$100
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
US$200 US$200 US$200
renewable every four years (see §10.0 for renewal fees)
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate US$300 US$300 US$300
Certificate of Insurance - Wreck Removal
N/A US$200 US$200
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and above
Annual Maritime Security and Compliance Fee
1) vetting of all registered yachts and their respective
crews; US$250 US$250 US$250
2) issuing Letters of Non-Objection to yachts trading in
designated High-Risk Areas; and
3) issuing Yacht Security Advisories
Annual Yacht Service Fee
Covers routine service requests, not otherwise specified, and
issuing the Private Yacht Limited Charter Compliance US$1,000 US$1,000 US$1,000
Certificate (PYLCCC)* which is valid for
five years, subject to an annual Compliance Verification
Total US$4,100 US$4,300 US$4,550

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
1.4 Yacht Engaged in Trade (YET)

.1 YET up to 12 Pax
Up to 299 300 –399 400 –999
≥ 1,000 GT
Registration Fee
includes the Permanent Certificate of Registry
US$1,500 US$1,500 US$1,500 US$1,500
(a Temporary YET Certificate of Registry is not
included in the registration fee (see § 1.4.3)
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750 US$750 US$1,000 US$1,250
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station
US$100 US$100 US$100 US$100
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four years (see § 10.0 for US$200 US$200 US$200 US$200
renewal fees)
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate US$300 US$300 US$300 US$300
Annual Marshall Islands International
Participation (MIIP)
N/A N/A US$1,700 US$1,700
for yachts 400 GT to 4,000 GT (for those over
4,000 GT, see § 6.0)
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Document
N/A N/A US$300 US$300
CSR only applies to yachts 500 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance - Bunker Oil Pollution
N/A N/A N/A US$200
issued annually, applies to yachts 1,000 GT and
Certificate of Insurance - Wreck Removal
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and N/A US$200 US$200 US$200
Annual Maritime Security and Compliance Fee
1) vetting of all registered yachts and their
respective crews; US$250 US$250 US$250 US$250
2) issuing Letters of Non-Objection to yachts
trading in designated High-Risk Areas; and
3) issuing Yacht Security Advisories
Annual Yacht Service Fee
Covers routine service requests, not otherwise
specified, and issuing the Yacht Engaged in
US$1,000 US$1,000 US$1,000 US$1,000
Trade Compliance Certificate (YETCC) which
is valid for five years, subject to an annual
Compliance Verification
Total US$4,100 US$4,300 US$6,550 US$7,000

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
.2 YET up to 36 Pax

Registration Fee
includes the Permanent Certificate of Registry (a Temporary YET Certificate of Registry US$1,800
is not included in the registration fee (see §1.4.3)
Annual Tonnage Tax US$1,250
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station License US$200
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four years (see §10.0 for renewal fees)
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate US$300
Annual Marshall Islands International Participation (MIIP)
for yachts from 400 GT to 4,000 GT (for those over 4,000 GT, see §6.0)
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Document
CSR only applies to yachts 500 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance - Bunker Oil Pollution Damage
issued annually, applies to yachts 1,000 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance - Wreck Removal
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance (Athens Convention) - Liability for the Death of and Personal
Injury to Passengers
Annual Maritime Security and Compliance Fee
1) vetting of all registered yachts and their respective crews;
2) issuing Letters of Non-Objection to vessels trading in designated High-Risk Areas;
3) issuing Yacht Security Advisories.
Annual Yacht Service Fee
Covers routine service requests, not otherwise specified, and issuing the Yacht Engaged
in Trade Compliance Certificate (YETCC) which is valid for five years, subject to an
annual Compliance Verification
Total US$7,800

.3 Temporary YET Certificate of Registry

Temporary Certificate of Registry for YET

issued each time a yacht is permitted to engage in trade (84 days/year maximum)

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
2.0 Commercial Yacht
Up to 299 300 –399 400 –999
≥ 1,000 GT
Registration Fee
includes the Provisional and Permanent US$1,800 US$1,800 US$1,800 US$1,800
Certificates of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750 US$750 US$1,000 US$1,250
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station
US$200 US$200 US$200 US$200
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four years (see §10.0 for US$400 US$400 US$400 US$400
renewal fees)

Minimum Safe Manning Certificate US$300 US$300 US$300 US$300

Annual Marshall Islands International
Participation (MIIP)
N/A N/A US$1,700 US$1,700
for yachts from 400 GT to 4,000 GT (for those
over 4,000 GT, see §6.0)
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Document
N/A N/A US$300 US$300
CSR only applies to yachts 500 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance - Bunker Oil Pollution
N/A N/A N/A US$200
issued annually, applies to yachts 1,000 GT and
Certificate of Insurance - Wreck Removal
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and N/A US$200 US$200 US$200
Annual Maritime Security and Compliance Fee
1) vetting of all registered yachts and their
respective crews; US$250 US$250 US$250 US$250
2) issuing Letters of Non-Objection to yachts
trading in designated High-Risk Areas; and
3) issuing Yacht Security Advisories
Annual Yacht Service Fee
Covers routine service requests, not otherwise
specified, and issuing the Commercial Yacht
US$1,000 US$1,000 US$1,000 US$1,000
Compliance Certificate (CYCC) which is valid
for five years, subject to an annual Compliance
Total US$4,700 US$4,900 US$7,150 US$7,600

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3.0 Passenger Yacht (PAXY)

Registration Fee
includes the Provisional (as applicable) and Permanent Certificates of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$1,250
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station License US$200
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four years (see §10.0 for renewal fees)
Minimum Safe Manning Certificate US$300
Annual Marshall Islands International Participation (MIIP)
for yachts from 400 GT to 4,000 GT (for those over 4,000 GT, see §6.0)
Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) Document
CSR only applies to yachts 500 GT and above

Certificate of Insurance - Bunker Oil Pollution Damage

issued annually, applies to yachts 1,000 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance - Wreck Removal
issued annually, applies to yachts 300 GT and above
Certificate of Insurance (Athens Convention) - Liability for the Death of and Personal
Injury to Passengers
Annual Maritime Security and Compliance Fee
1) vetting of all registered yachts and their respective crews; US$250
2) issuing Letters of Non-Objection to vessels trading in designated High-Risk Areas; and
3) issuing Yacht Security Advisories
Annual Yacht Service Fee
For routine service requests not otherwise specified and issuing the Passenger Yacht
Compliance Certificate (PAXYCC) which is valid for five years, subject to an annual
Compliance Verification
Total US$7,800

4.0 Yacht Under Construction

The fees collected for Vessel Under Construction Registration will be credited towards the Standard
Registration fee upon the full registration of the yacht under the RMI flag.
Registration of a newbuilding under construction US$2,500
Provisional Certificate of Registry under the RMI flag US$300

5.0 Tenders

Voluntary Registration - seven meters or greater in LOA

Registration Fee
includes Permanent Certificate of Registry
Annual Tonnage Tax US$750
Temporary Authority Ship Radio Station License US$100
Full Term Ship Radio Station License
renewable every four (4) years US$200
Total US$1,600

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
6.0 Annual Marshall Islands International Participation (MIIP) Fee
Annual MIIP fee per yacht
PAXY, Commercial Yachts, and YETs
from 400 GT up to 4,000 GT
PAXY, Commercial Yachts, and YETs plus
over 4,000 GT

7.0 Re-Registration Fees

7.1 The re-registration fee is the same as initial registration fee (excluding the annual fees).

7.2 Annual fees due for the subsequent year(s) remain the same as established at initial
registration or per the published schedule.

8.0 Change of Name

Changing the yacht name (any size) US$250

9.0 Documentation of Vessels

9.1 Subsequent Certificates of Registry

Issuing subsequent Certificates of Registry after registration US$300

9.2 Subsequent Continuous Synopsis Records (CSRs)

Issuing a subsequent CSR after registration or a voluntary CSR to a yacht
not required to comply with the ISM Code
Transfer or issuance of CSR transcript US$450

9.3 Bareboat Charter Registration

Letter of Consent US$250
Certificate of Deletion US$250

9.4 Foreign Bareboat Charter Registration

Certificate of Permission for Foreign Bareboat Charter Registration US$250

9.5 Permission to Sell for Re-registration

Certificate of Permission for Sale and Re-registration US$250

9.6 Certificate of Permission to Transfer an RMI-flagged yacht

For issuing a Permission to Transfer (90-day validity)

Yachts less than 24 meters in LOA and registered tenders US$200
All other yachts US$250

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9.7 Certificate of Cancellation

For processing the documentation and issuing the certificate:

Yachts less than 24 meters in LOA and registered tenders US$200
All other yachts US$500

10.0 Radio Station Licenses

10.1 Temporary Authority (TA)

A TA to operate a Yacht Radio Station – valid for 90 days

Private Yachts, PYLCs, and YETs US$100

First renewal US$125
Second and subsequent renewals US$150

Commercial Yachts and PAXYs US$200

First renewal US$250
Second and subsequent renewals US$350

10.2 Full Term Ship Radio Station Licenses

Valid for four years.

Private Yachts, PYLCs, and YETs

Original US$200
Amendment, renewal, or replacement US$200

Commercial Yachts and PAXYs

Original US$400
Amendment, renewal, or replacement US$400

10.3 Radio Station License for Private Yachts of less than 24 m in length and Tenders
Private Yachts of less than 24m and Tenders
Original US$300
Amendment, renewal, or replacement US$200

10.4 Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT)

LRIT Reconnection Fee
When the terminal is powered down intentionally and is not in compliance with US$200
applicable requirements (RMI Marine Notice 2-011-25)

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
11.0 Yacht-Owning Entity

Any outstanding business entity formation fees, foreign maritime entity registration fees, annual
maintenance fees, or any other outstanding corporate fees must also be paid at the time of

12.0 Miscellaneous Yacht-Specific Charges

12.1 Yacht Compliance Change

Processing a compliance change per vessel US$300

12.2 Annual Yacht Service Fee (except Private Yachts)

For routine service requests not otherwise specified and issuing yacht
Compliance Certificates which are valid for five years, subject to an US$1,000
annual Compliance Verification

12.3 Re-instatement of a Yacht Compliance Certificate

After failure to maintain compliance US$2,000

12.4 Re-issuing a Compliance Certificate or Compliance Document

Re-issuance due to loss, destruction, or change of particulars US$300

12.5 Official Records of Auxiliary Vessels and Appurtenances

Official Record of Auxiliary Vessels and Appurtenances issued to a

12.6 Obtaining an RMI Flag

RMI flag - 3x5 feet, (0.91 x 1.5 meters) US$75
RMI flag - 4x6 feet, (1.2 x 1.8 meters) US$95
RMI flag -5x8 feet, (1.5 x 2.4 meters) US$150

13.0 Other Certificates and Document Charges

13.1 Certificate of Ownership and Encumbrance
All yachts US$200

13.2 Minimum Safe Manning Certificate

First issue US$300
Re-issue US$150

13.3 Marriage, Birth, Death, or Burial Certificates

Certificate of a Marriage, Birth, Death, or Burial at Sea US$200

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
13.4 Insurance or Other Financial Security Certificates: Non-RMI-registered Yachts
Issuing insurance or other financial security certificates for qualifying US$300
non-RMI-registered Yachts per vessel

13.5 Authentication
Authentication of any document not otherwise specified (plus costs) US$300

13.6 Certified Copies

First certified copy of a document
plus delivery costs and expedited receipt, if requested
Each additional certified copy
plus delivery costs and expedited receipt, if requested

13.7 Certified Extract

Preferred Mortgage Index US$200

13.8 Certificates or documents not otherwise specified

Each (plus costs) US$300

13.9 Waiver under §203 of the RMI Maritime Act

20-year age limitation US$500
Other allowances US$150

13.10 Courier Fees

All courier fees, except for seafarer document deliveries listed in
at cost

14.0 Instrument Recording

14.1 Bill of Sale

Recording a Bill of Sale, all yachts US$250

14.2 Other Instruments

For recording other instruments, including a mortgage, financing charter, amendment,
supplement or other instrument recordable under the RMI Maritime Act or Regulations,
whether it provides for the addition of new security, or deals with an obligation unrelated
to that described in the original mortgage or financing charter:
All yachts
Yachts under construction

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14.3 Recording Services
For recording the Satisfaction, Release or Discharge of Mortgage or Financing Charter
All yachts US$300
Yachts under construction US$300

14.4 Instrument Correction including issuing a Certificate of Ownership and Encumbrance

All yachts US$300
Yachts under construction US$300

15.0 Fees for Compliance Verifications and Inspections

15.1 When a Compliance Verification or inspection is requested and the date/location is

confirmed, the Administration will determine the applicable fees based on the Zone. Fees
for Zones 0, 1, and 2 cover compliance verification or inspections, travel time, and
report/administrative time. They are based on the availability and location of the RMI
Yacht Inspectors (YI) for workweek days with a 10-hour attendance. Zone 3 fees are a
capped fee plus a separate hourly rate for travel time. Refer to the table in 15.2, below.

15.2 Zone Fees

Zone Description Fee
Applies when there is a local YI available that can attend within US$3,625
a half a day’s round trip, or when multiple compliance
Zone 0
verifications or inspections can be conducted in the same (fee includes
location by the same YI. travel time)
Applies to the following countries and regions when the travel
time for a YI is half a day each way:
• Bahamas
• Belgium
• France (Including Corsica)
• Germany US$4,125
• Ireland
Zone 1
• Italy (Including Sardinia) (fee includes
• Monaco travel time)
• Netherlands
• Portugal
• Spain (Including Balearics)
• UK (Including Channel Islands)
• US East Coast Area

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
Zone Description Fee
Applies to the following countries and regions when the travel
time for a YI is a full day each way.
• Caribbean Islands
• Croatia
• Greece
• Malta US$5,125
• Montenegro
Zone 2
• Oman (fee includes
• Poland travel time)
• Qatar
• Scandinavia
• Turkey
• United Arab Emirates
• US East Coast to West Coast
Applies to countries and regions not listed in Zone 1 or 2. The US$3,000
fee includes a capped fee plus actual travel time at US$125 per
hour. A lower zone fee may be applied, at the discretion of the
(Travel time
Zone 3 Administrator, where the availability of a YI allows, such as with
at US$125
a grouping of two or more attendances on multiple yachts.
per hour

15.3 Pre-registration Inspection

For Private yachts less than 24 meters US$1,000
For Private yachts 24 meters or more Upon

15.4 Additional Hourly Rates

Time required for completion of service outside regular attendance US$125/
hours hour
Weekends and holidays2 US$125/
Travel / Waiting time US$125/

15.5 Expenses
Travel, Accommodations, Meals, Mileage3, etc. (Expenses as applicable) actual cost

16.0 Fees for Special Services

In addition to any applicable fees referred to in this Notice, the following special services fees may
also be payable to the Administrator.

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Republic of the Marshall Islands
16.1 Regional Onsite Attendances
Requests for onsite meetings, consultations, and other attendances.
Day rate of attendance (8 hours) US$2,000
Weekdays during normal business hours US$250/
Weekdays outside normal business hours US$75/
Weekends and holidays2 US$125/
Travel cost per hour US$125
Travel, Accommodations, Meals, Mileage , etc. (Expenses as applicable) actual cost

16.2 Administrative and Delivery Fees

These expenses, including administrative support and photocopying, incurred for the
convenience of the requesting party or for the secure delivery of “official documents,” will
be charged as follows:

Fixed fee for yacht registration transactions US$100

Delivery of any other official documents listed in §9.0 through §13.0 actual cost

16.3 National Tonnage Calculations

Simplified tonnage measurement calculations for yachts < 24 meters US$100
(upon request)

16.4 Technical Services4

Technical services per hour or part thereof during business hours5 US$250
Technical services per hour or part thereof requested to be issued US$75/
outside business hours hour
Technical services per hour or part thereof requested to be issued US$125/
during weekends and holidays6 hour

1. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM.

2. Weekends begin at 5 PM Friday through 8 AM Monday. Public holidays vary regionally based on the
representative’s local office location.
3. Travel transportation (by car/mile) US$0.585
4. Document reviews, assessments, approvals, administrative services, etc. which are not included in the
annual yacht service fees or annual Tonnage Tax.
5. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM.
6. Weekends begin at 5 PM Friday through 8 AM Monday. Public holidays vary regionally based on the
representative’s local office location.
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16.5 Statutory Services for Construction, Refits and Conversions
Technical services provided for yachts undergoing a construction,
extensive refit, or conversion; such as but not limited to: statutory
determinations, interpretations, consulting, review of any equivalent
arrangements, and/or exemption requests. US$3,500
Standard fee excluding any regional attendance and compliance
verification / inspection fees as referenced in §15.0 and §16.1 above

17.0 Investigations or Formal Hearings

Parties and interested persons may be required to pay certain actual costs incurred by the
Administrator for investigations or formal hearings on casualties and contraventions.

18.0 Publications

To order the publications below, complete form TCMI-03 and email it to publications@register-
iri.com. Do not send payment with the publication order. Invoicing is done separately and will
include the cost of the items ordered plus courier shipping and handling charges. Once the invoice
is received, payment may be made online with a credit card or by following these instructions.

Oil Record Book US$25

Oil Record Book Instructions can be downloaded here

Articles of Agreement, one set of three pieces US$25

19.0 Seafarer Certification

19.1 Officer Certificate of Competence – First Issue

After qualification by examination or endorsement.

All Management and Operational Officers US$275
Restricted and General Operator – GMDSS only US$100
These include issuing a Certificate of Receipt of Application (CRA)

19.2 Officer Certificates of Competence – Renewals

Renewal of an Officer Certificate of Competence US$200

19.3 Temporary Authorization as an Officer

Following RMI Maritime Regulation 7.39 US$150
Must hold a valid RMI Endorsement in a lower capacity.

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19.4 RMI Seafarer's Identification and Record Book (SIRB) and Identification Card
New, renewal or replacement of an SIRB
Five-year validity
Optional Identification Card US$40
Expediting Fees:
First five applicants US$75
Plus, for every additional one to five applicants US$75

19.5 Special Qualifications Certificates after exam or endorsement

Basic Training, Wiper, Junior Ordinary Seafarer, GP-Trainee, General
No Fee
Steward Utility
All others US$40

19.6 Examinations
Officer Certificate of Competence US$300
Re-take of a failed officer examination US$150

Requests from owners, agents, or applicants to hold special group examinations or

individual examinations away from the designated test centers will be honored, if possible,
provided the requesting party undertakes the costs of all administrative out-of-pocket
expenses, including the examiner’s transportation, lodging and meals, exam facility rental,
assisting proctors’ fees, and related expenses as may be reasonably incurred, or a US$50
per day proctoring fee, whichever is greater.

19.7 Urgent Authorization (UA)

UA for an Officer to Serve on Assignment prior to submission of a
completed application US$150

19.8 Replacement Certificates

Replacement of a lost or destroyed certificate of competence US$150

19.9 Authentication, Special Services, Expediting

Authentication of sea service US$50
Special Services/Expediting for one to five applicants US$75
Plus, for every additional one to five applicants US$75

19.10 Courier service fee required for secured delivery of seafarer documentation
Courier fee for overseas delivery for one to eight applicants US$50
Plus, for each applicant over eight US$5

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20.0 Management System Certification Services by the Administrator

The Administrator’s fee schedules for statutory certification and survey services are:

20.1 Hong Kong Convention/EU Ship Recycling Regulation

These fees are for services associated with developing, surveying, and certifying the
Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM).
Statement of Compliance (SoC) Issuance
Hong Kong Convention and/or EUSRR:
Under this option, the Administrator has partnered with an IHM expert to
provide an IHM package. The cost of this package includes:
1) IHM preparation with the necessary onboard sampling and
laboratory testing by the IHM expert; and
2) IHM review and certification by the Administrator.
Travel costs, other logistical expenses or maintaining and updating the
IHM are not included.
Extended IHM upgrade to EUSRR US$9,600
Conversion of Hong Kong Convention to EUSRR US$6,800
EUSRR: Owner-appointed IHM expert
Fee only includes IHM review and certification by the Administrator.
Additional Fees
Additional Inspection (if requested) US$1,000
Five-year audit and renewal certification US$2,500
IHM Company recognition by the Administrator
Recognition is valid for one year.
Exemption Certificates US $300

20.2 Safety, Security, and Maritime Labour Convention

.1 International Safety Management (ISM) Code

ISM Shipboard Verification – Interim US$800
ISM Shipboard Verification – Interim (Harmonized) US$725
ISM Shipboard Verification – Initial or Renewal US$1,500
ISM Shipboard Verification – Intermediate US$1,500
ISM Shipboard Verification - Initial/Renewal, Intermediate US$1,250
Additional ISM Shipboard Verification US$750
ISM Office Verification – Interim US$800
ISM Office Verification – Initial/Renewal, Annual US$1,500
ISM Safety Management System Manual Review US$1,500

.2 International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code

ISPS Shipboard Verification – Interim US$800
ISPS Shipboard Verification – Interim (Harmonized) US$725
ISPS Shipboard Verification – Initial or Renewal US$1,500
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ISPS Verification – Intermediate US$1,500
ISPS Shipboard Verification –Initial/Renewal/Intermediate US$1,250
Additional ISPS Shipboard Verification US$750

.3 Ship Security Plan (SSP)

Ship Security Plan (SSP) Review and Approval – First Yacht US$1,500
SSP Review and Approval – Each Subsequent Yacht US$750
SSP Amendments Review and Approval Hourly

.4 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006)

MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection – Interim US$800
MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection – Interim (Harmonized) US$725
MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection – Initial or Renewal US$1,500
MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection – Intermediate US$1,500
MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection – Initial/ Renewal/ US$1,250
Intermediate (Harmonized)
Additional MLC, 2006 Shipboard Inspection Verification US$750

.5 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC)

DMLC, Part I Issuance Free of
DMLC, Part II Review – First ship US$1,500
DMLC, Part II Review – Each subsequent Yacht US$750
DMLC, Part II Amendment Review Hourly

.6 Hourly Rates
Daily rate (8 hours) US$2,000
Administrative, additional attendance, additional audit time, SSP US$250/
& DMLC II Amendments hour
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) US$250/
Work on weekdays outside normal business hours US$125/
(Mon-Fri 8:00-17:00) hour
Work on weekends and holidays US$125/
Travel / Waiting time US$125/
Travel, Accommodations, Meals, Mileage, etc. Expenses as Cost plus
applicable 15%
process fee

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20.3 Shipboard Plan Approvals
Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) US$1,000
Ballast Water Management Plans (BWMP) US$2,000
Sewage Discharge Rate Table Approval US$500

21.0 Payment

All fees are in United States (US) Dollars. They may be paid in several ways:

21.1 Check or bank draft

Payable to “The Trust Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc.” in United States dollars and
drawn on a US bank or the US branch of an international bank. Checks should be sent to:

The Trust Company of the Marshall Islands, Inc.

P.O. Box 2095
Reston, Virginia 20195-0095 USA

21.2 Wire transfer instructions

Details on wire transfers are here.

21.3 Online

Pay online using a credit card. Online payment requires either the Mozilla Firefox or
Internet Explorer browser.

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Republic of the Marshall Islands

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