This document provides definitions for over 100 common marine communication phrases used in maritime operations. Some key terms defined include flooding, fire monitor, foul, full speed, fumes, general emergency alarm, give way, GMDSS, GPS, cardinal points, hampered vessel, hatch rails, heading, hoist, icing, IMO class, inert, initial course, inoperative, jettison, launch, leaking, leeward, leeway, let go, lifeboat station, list, located, make water, MMSI, moor, MRCC, muster, obstruction, off air, overflow, polluter, proceed, PA-system, recover, refloat, rendezvous, restricted area,
This document provides definitions for over 100 common marine communication phrases used in maritime operations. Some key terms defined include flooding, fire monitor, foul, full speed, fumes, general emergency alarm, give way, GMDSS, GPS, cardinal points, hampered vessel, hatch rails, heading, hoist, icing, IMO class, inert, initial course, inoperative, jettison, launch, leaking, leeward, leeway, let go, lifeboat station, list, located, make water, MMSI, moor, MRCC, muster, obstruction, off air, overflow, polluter, proceed, PA-system, recover, refloat, rendezvous, restricted area,
This document provides definitions for over 100 common marine communication phrases used in maritime operations. Some key terms defined include flooding, fire monitor, foul, full speed, fumes, general emergency alarm, give way, GMDSS, GPS, cardinal points, hampered vessel, hatch rails, heading, hoist, icing, IMO class, inert, initial course, inoperative, jettison, launch, leaking, leeward, leeway, let go, lifeboat station, list, located, make water, MMSI, moor, MRCC, muster, obstruction, off air, overflow, polluter, proceed, PA-system, recover, refloat, rendezvous, restricted area,
This document provides definitions for over 100 common marine communication phrases used in maritime operations. Some key terms defined include flooding, fire monitor, foul, full speed, fumes, general emergency alarm, give way, GMDSS, GPS, cardinal points, hampered vessel, hatch rails, heading, hoist, icing, IMO class, inert, initial course, inoperative, jettison, launch, leaking, leeward, leeway, let go, lifeboat station, list, located, make water, MMSI, moor, MRCC, muster, obstruction, off air, overflow, polluter, proceed, PA-system, recover, refloat, rendezvous, restricted area,
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Flooding - Major uncontrolled flow of seawater into the vessel.
Fire monitor Fixed foam/powder/water cannon shooting fire-extinguishing agents on tank deck, manifold etc. Foul ( of anchor !nchor has its own ca"le twisted around it or has fouled (entangled an o"struction. Foul (of propeller ! line, wire, net, etc., is wound round the propeller. Full speed #ighest possi"le speed of a vessel. Fumes $ften harmful gas produced "% fires chemicals, fuel, etc &eneral emergenc% alarm- ! sound signal of seven short "lasts and one prolonged "last given with the vessel's sound s%stem. &ive wa% (o keep out of the wa% of another vessel &M)** &lo"al Maritime )istress and *afet% *%stem. () &+* ()ifferential &lo"al (satellite +ositioning *%stem. ,ardinal points (he four main points of the compass- north, east, south and west. #alf cardinal points- (he four main points l%ing "etween the cardinal points- north east, south east, south west and north west #ampered vessel ! vessel restricted "% her a"ilit% to maneuver "% the nature of her work #atch rails- .opes supported "% stanchions around an open hatch to prevent persons from falling into a hold (an upright "ar, post, or frame forming a support or "arrier #eading (he hori/ontal direction of the vessels "ows at a given moment measured in degrees clockwise from north. #oist #ere a ca"le used "% helicopters for lifting or lowering persons in a pick-up operation 0cing- ,oating of ice on an o"ject, e.g. the mast or superstructure of a vessel 0M$ class &roup of dangerous or ha/ardous goods, harmful su"stances or marine pollutants in sea transport as classified in the 0nternational Maritime )angerous &oods ,ode (0M)& ,ode 0nert (to- (o reduce the ox%gen in a tank "% inert gas to avoid an explosive atmosphere. 0nitial course ,ourse directed "% the $n-scene coordinator or other authori/ed person to "e steered at the "eginning of a search. 0noperative 1ot functioning 2ettison (to (of cargo - (o throw goods over"oard-in order to lighten the vessel or improve its sta"ilit% in case of an emergenc%. 3aunch (to (o lower e.g. life"oats to the water 3eaking 4scape of li5uids such as water, oil, etc., out of pipes, "oilers, tanks etc or a minor inflow of seawater into the vessel due to damage to the hull 3eeward $n or towards the sheltered side of a ship6 opposite of windward 3eewa% 7essel's sidewa%s drift leeward of the desired course. 3et go (to - (o set free, let loose or cast off (of anchors, lines etc 3ife"oat station +lace assigned to crew and passengers to muster "efore "eing ordered into the life"oats 3ist here inclination of the vessel to port side or star"oard side 3ocated 0n navigational warnings6 position of o"ject confirmed Make water (to (o have seawater flowing into the vessel due to hull damage or hatches awash and not properl% closed MM*0 Maritime Mo"ile *ervice 0dentit% num"er. Moor (to (o secure a vessel in a particular place "% means of wires or ropes made fast to the shore, to anchors, to anchored mooring "uo%s, or to ride with "oth anchors down M.,, Maritime .escue ,o-ordination ,entre- land-"ased authorit% responsi"le for promoting efficient organi/ation of maritime search and rescue and for coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region Muster (to (o assem"le crew, passengers or "oth in a special place for purposes of checking $"struction - !n o"ject such as a wreck, net, etc, which "locks a fairwa%, route, etc. $ff air - 8hen the transmissions of a radio station etc, have "roken down, "een switched off or suspended !m"iguous 8ords-- (he conditionals 9ma%:, 9might:, 9should:, and 9could: Ma% )o not sa%- 9Ma% 0 enter the fairwa%;: *a%- 9<=4*(0$1. )o 0 have permission to enter the fairwa%;:
)o not sa%- 9>ou ma% enter the fairwa%: *a%- 9!1*84.. >ou have permission to enter the fairwa%.: Might )o not sa%- 90 might enter the fairwa%: *a%- 901(41(0$1. 0 will enter the fairwa%:.
*hould )o not sa%- 9>ou should anchor in anchorage ? @: *a%- 9!)70,4. !nchor in anchorage ? @: ,ould )o not sa%- 9>ou could "e running into danger:. *a%- 98!.101&. >ou are running into danger.: . $ff station (of "uo%s- 1ot in charted position $il clearance $il skimming from the surface of the water . $perational .ead% for immediate use $*, $n- *cene coordinator- ! person designated to co-ordinate search and rescue operations within a specified area $verflow 4scape of oil or li5uid from a tank "ecause of a two-fold condition as a result of overflowing thermal expansion, change in vessel trim or vessel movement. +olluter ! vessel emitting harmful su"stances into the air or spilling oil into the sea. +reventers .opes or wires attached to derricks to prevent them from swinging during cargo handling operations +roceed (to (o sail or head for a certain position or to continue with the vo%age +!-s%stem +u"lic address s%stem- loudspeakers in the vessel's ca"ins, mess rooms, etc., and on deck through which important information can "e "roadcast from a central point, mostl% from the navigation "ridge. .ecover (to #ere- to pick up shipwrecked persons .efloat (to (o pull a vessel off after grounding- to set afloat again .ende/vous !n appointment "etween vessels normall% made on radio to meet in a certain area of position .eported 0n navigational warnings- position of o"ject unconfirmed. .estricted area ! deck, space, area, etc., in vessels where, for safet% reasons, entr% is onl% permitted for unauthori/ed crewmem"ers. .esume (to #ere- to re-start a vo%age, service or search .ig move (he movement of an oilrig, drilling platform, etc., from one position to another. .etreat signal - *ound visual or other signal to a team ordering it to return to its "ase .oll call (he act of checking how man% passengers and crewmem"ers are present, e.g. at assem"l% stations, "% reading aloud a list of their names. *afe speed (hat speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to "e taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to "e stopped within an appropriate distance. *83 *afe working load- maximum working load of lifting e5uipment that should not "e exceeded *afe working pressure (he maximum permissi"le pressure in cargo hoses *!. *earch and .escue *!.( *earch and .escue (ransponder *cene (he area or location where the event, e.g an accident , has happened. *earch patterns- ! pattern according to which vessels and /or aircraft ma% conduct a coordinated search the 0M$*!. offers seven search patterns *earch speed- (he speed of searching vessels directed "% the $*,. *eamark- ! navigational aid placed to act as a "eacon or warning. *egregation (of goods- *eparation of goods which for different reasons must not "e stowed together *hackle A. length of chain ca"le measuring AB fathoms C. =nshaped link closed with a pin used for connecting purpose *hifting cargo (raverse movement of cargo, especiall% "ulk cargo, caused "% rolling or a heav% list. *lings- .opes, nets and an% other means for handling general cargoes. *peed of advance (he speed at which a storm centre moves *pill- (he accidental escape of oil, etc, from a essel, container, etc, into the sea *pill control gear !nti-pollution e5uipment for com"ating accidental spills of oils or chemicals. *tand "% (to- (o "e in readiness or prepared to execute an order6 to "e readil% availa"le *tand clear (to- #ere6 to keep a "oat awa% from the vessel. *tanding orders- $rders of the Master to the officer of the watch which he/she must compl% with. *tand on (to (o maintain course and speed. *tation (he allotted place or the duties of each person on "oard. *tripping Final pumping of tank's residues. *urvivor- ! person who continues to live in spite of "eing in an extremel% dangerous situation e.. ! shipping disaster. (ake off (to (o lift off from a vessel's deck (helicopter. (arget- (he echo generated e.g. "% a vessel , on a radar screen. (ension winch ! winch which applies tension to mooing lines to keep them tight. (4=- (went% Foot 45uivalent =nit (standard container dimension. (rack- (he path followed, or to "e followed "etween one position and another. (ransit- #ere6 (he passage of a vessel through a canal , fairwa%,etc. (ransit speed- *peed of a vessel re5uired for passage through a canal , fairwa% etc. Fairwa%- 1aviga"le part of a waterwa%. Fairwa% speed- Mandator% speed in a fairwa%. (ransshipment (of cargo- here6 the transfer of goods from one vessel to another outside har"ours =nder wa%- )escri"es a vesel which is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground. =nion purchase- ! method of cargo handling "% com"ining two derricks, one of which is fixed over the hatch, the other over the ship's side. =nlit- 8hen the light of a "uo% or a lighthouse is inoperative. =(,- =niversal (ime ,o-ordinated (&M(. 7aria"le (of winds- ! wind that is constantl% changing speed and direction 7eering (of winds- ,lockwise change in the directin of the wind6 opposite of "acking. 7eer out (to (of anchors- (o let out a greater length of ca"le. (7essel constrained "% her draught- ! vessel severel% restricted "% her draught in her a"ilit% to deviate from the course followed in relation to the availa"le depth and width of naviga"le water. 7#F- 7er% #igh Fre5uenc% (@D-@DD M#/ 8alk out (to (of anchors (o reverse the action of a windlass to lower the anchor until it is clear of the hawse pipe and read% for dropping 8a% point- ! position 8a% point- ! position a vessel has to pass or at which she has to alter course according to her vo%age plan. 8indward- (he general diectin from which the wind "lows6 opposite of leeward. 8reck- ! vessel which has "een destro%ed, sunk or a"andoned at sea. VTS SPECIAL TERMS Fairwa% 1aviga"le part of a waterwa%. Fairwa% speed- Mandator% speed in a fairwa%. 0(E- 0nshore (raffic Eone (of a (**6 ! routeing measure comprising a designated area "etween the landward "oundar% of a (** and the adjacent coast. Maneuvering speed- ! vessel's reduced speed in circumstances where it ma% "e re5uired to use the engines at short notice. .eceiving point- ! mark or place at which a vessel comes under o"ligator% entr%, transit, or escort procedure. .eporting point ! mark or position at which a vessel is re5uired to report to the local 7(* station to esta"lish its position. (raffic clearance- 7(* authori/ation for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified *eparation /one/line- ! /one or line separating the traffic lanes in which vessels are proceeding in opposite or nearl% opposite directions6 or separating a traffic lane from the adjacent sea area6 or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of vessels proceeding in the same direction. .eference line !-line displa%ed on the radar screens in 7(* ,enters and /or electronic sea-charts separating the fairwa% for in"ound and out"ound vessels so that the% can safel% pass each other. (raffic clearance 7(* authori/ation for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified. (raffic lane- !n area within defined limits in which one-wa% traffic is esta"lished. (**- (raffic *eparation *cheme- a routing measure aimed at the separation of opposing streams of traffic "% appropriate means and "% the esta"lishment of traffic lanes. 7(* 7essel (raffic *ervices- services designed to improve the safet% and efficienc% of vessel traffic and to protect the environment. 7(* area- !rea controlled "% a 7(* centre or 7(* station. !"andon vessel (to (o evacuate crew and passengers from a vessel following a distress. !ccommodation ladder 3adder attached to platform vessel's side with flat steps and handrails ena"ling persons to em"ark/disem"ark from water or shore. !drift =ncontrolled movement at sea under the influence of current, tide or wind. !ir draught- the height from the waterline to he highest point of the vessel. !ssem"l% station +lace on deck, in mess rooms, etc., assigned to crew and passengers where the% have to meet according to the muster list when the corresponding alarm is released or announcement made. ?acking (of wind- *hift of wind direction in an anticlockwise manner, for example from north to west (opposite of veering ?each (to (o run a vessel up on a "each to prevent its sinking in deep water. ?erth i ! sea room to "e kept for safet% around a vessel, rock, platform. ii (he place assigned to a vessel when anchored or l%ing alongside a +ier, etc. ?last ! whistle signal made "% the vessel ?lind sector- !n area which cannot "e scanned "% the ship's radar "ecause it is shielded "% parts of the superstructure, masts, etc. ?oarding arrangements- !ll e5uipment, such as pilot ladder, accommodation ladder, hoist etc., necessar% for a safe transfer of the pilot. ?oarding speed (he speed of a vessel adjusted to that of a pilot "oat at which the pilot can safel% em"ark/disem"ark ?o"-cat ! mini-caterpillar with push-"lade used for the careful distri"ution of loose goods in cargo holds of "ulk carriers. ?riefing ,oncise explanator% information to crew and / or passengers ,a"le- i ,hain connecting a vessel to the anchor(s ii 8ire or rope primaril% used for mooring a ship iii (Measurement one hundred fathoms or one tenth of a nautical mile. ,lose-coupled towing- ! method of towing vessels through polar ice "% means of ice-"reaking tugs with a special stern notch suited to receive and hold the "ow of the vessel to "e towed ,lose up (to -(o decrease the distance to the vessel ahead "% increasing one's own speed. ,ompati"ilit% (of goods 0ndicates whether different goods can "e safel% stowed together in one cargo space or in an adjacent hold. ,onvo% ! group of vessels which sail together, e.g. through a canal or ice ,ourse (he intended direction of movement of a vessel through the water ,$8 ,rude $il 8ashing- a s%stem of cleaning the cargo tanks "% washing them with the cargo of crude oil during discharge. ,+!/(,+! ,losest +oint of !pproach/(ime to ,losest +oint of !pproach- - limit as defined "% the o"server to give warning , when a tracked target or targets will close to within these limits ,rash-stop !n emergenc% reversal operation of the main engine(s to avoid a collision. )amage control team ! group of crew mem"ers trained for fighting flooding in the vessel. )erelict 7essel still afloat, a"andoned at sea )estination- +ort for which a vessel is "ound )isa"led- ! vessel damaged or impaired n such a manner as to "e incapa"le of proceeding on its vo%age )isem"ark (o go from a vessel. )raught ( or draft )epth in water at which a vessel floats. 4m"ark (to (o go a"oard a vessel M.,, Maritime .escue ,o-ordination ,entre- 3and-"ased authorit% responsi"le for promoting efficient organi/ation of maritime search and rescue and for co-coordinating the conduct of search and rescue operations within a search and rescue region. Moor(to (o secure a vessel in a particular place "% means of wires or ropes made fast to the shore, to anchors, or to anchored mooring "uo%s, or to ride with "oth anchors down. (&M)**- &lo"al Maritime )istress and *afet% *%stem )istress alert (&M)** ! radio signal from a distressed vessel automaticall% directed to an M.,, giving position identification, course and speed of the vessel as well as the nature of distress. E4(! 4stimated (ime of !rrival 4() 4stimated (ime of )eparture Fathom- ! measure of F feet. 4+0.? 4mergenc% +osition 0ndicating .adio ?eacon 4scape .oute- ! clearl% marked wa% in t he vessel which has to "e followed in case of an emergenc% 4scort !ttending a vessel to "e availa"le in case of need, e.g. ice-"reaker, tug etc. 4longated spreader #ere, step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting )ragging (of anchor Moving of an anchor over the sea-"ottom involuntaril% "ecause it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel )redging ( of anchor Moving of an anchor over the sea-"ottom to control the movement of the vessel. )rop "ack (to (o increase the distance from the vessel ahead "% reducing one's own speed ,asualt% #ere case of death in an accident or shipping disaster.