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Importanat Question Answer For LHV 1st Year

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Mips Services Academy

Guess Paper
Important Question For LHV 1st Year, CMW Part
1st and CMW Part 2nd.
Short Question Answers
1. Prolactin
2. Ovulation
3. Lochia Serosa
4. Low Birth Weight Baby
5. False Labour Pain
6. HELLP Syndrome
7. Oxytocin
8. Signs of Pregnancy
9. Atonic Uterus
10. Menstual Cycle
11. Menorrhagen
12. Fertilization
13. Ectopic Pregnancy
14. Missed Obortion
16. Hegar Sign
17. Sutures and Fontanelles
18. Funis
19. Restitution
20. Oestrogen
21. Hydatidiform Mole
23. Lochia alba
24. Extension
25. Birth canal
26. Meconium
27. Name the methods of separation of placenta
28. Restitution
29. Retraction
30. Forewater
31. Incomplete Abortion

Dr. Wajid Mughal Khan

Mips Services Academy
32. Face Presentation
33. Fibroid Uterus
34. Gestational Diabetes
35. Contracted Pelvis.
36. Component of Bishop scoring system
37. Preterm baby and its classification
38. Sub-involution
39. Shoulder dystocia
40. Hypothyroidism
41. Polyhydramnios
42. Puerperal psychosis
44. Down’s Syndrome
45. Post Maturity
46. HELLP Syndrome
47. Lochia
48. Card Prolapse
49. Contracted Pelvis
50. Asphyxia neonatorum
51. Pureperium
52. Antepartum hemorrhage
53. Congenital asphyxia
54. Meconium
55. Pre-eclampsia
56. Shoulder dystocia
57. Stillbirth
58. Pregnancy care
59. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
60. Midwifery

Authors: Dr Wajid Mughal and Talha Ibraheem
Edition: 2024
Publisher: Maktabah Danyal

: ‫یہ کتاب پاکستان نرسنگ کونسل کی لیڈی ہیلتھ وزیٹر کے پرانے امتحانی سواالت کا مجموعہ ہے۔ اس میں تین مضامین کے‬
‫پرچے شامل ہیں‬

Dr. Wajid Mughal Khan

Mips Services Academy
‫یہ کتاب طلبہ کو امتحانات کی تیاری میں مدد دیتی ہے اور ان کے عملی مہارتوں کو بہتر بنانے کا موقع فراہم کرتی ہے۔ اس‬
‫ طلبہ امتحانات میں اچھے نمبر حاصل کر سکتے ہیں‬،‫کتاب کی مدد سے‬

Required Answer please Collect Book 7 Years Papers Solved Papers From Any Book Store
LHV Part 1st Solved Paper BY Dr Wajid Mughal Khan
LHV Part 2nd Solved Paper By Dr Wajid Mughal Khan
CMW Community Midwife Solved Paper By Dr Wajid Mughal Khan
Publisher Danyal Book Depot Lahore.

Long Question Answers

1. Define Ectopic pregnancy and write down clinical feature of ectopic pregnancy.
2. Define 3rd Stage of labor. Write down the specific care of 4th stage of labor
3. what is jaundice of newborn baby and write down its types
4. Write down the specific midwifery of hyperemesis gravidarum
5. What is the contraindication of breast feeding
6. Define Menstrual Cycle
7. Briefly explain the phases of menstrual or endometrial cycle
8. Write Down the Nursing Management of newborn just afer birth.
9. Write down the steps of immediate care of newborn?
10. Enlist the indication of caesarean section delivery and explain the postprative nursing
management of caesarean section.
11. Discuss the composition and advantages of colostrums.
12. Discuss the normal physiological changes during pregnancy.
13. What is retraction ring
14. Define engorgement and your role as a midwife
15. What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum
16. Definition Syphilis, Clinical Features & Management
17. Define amniotic fluid, what are the functions of amniotic fluid
18. What do you mean by family planning
19. Write down the merits and demerits of oral contraceptive pills
20. What are the specific features of true labour pains
21. Write down the difference between of Cephalohematoma and Caput Succedaneum
22. Describe the adaptation to extra uterine life
23. Write down the types of placenta previa
24. Explain briefly the signs and symptoms of abruption placenta.

Dr. Wajid Mughal Khan

Mips Services Academy
25. Enlist the steps of mechanism of normal labor
26. Define abortion. Write down the causes, clinical features and management of septic abortion in
27. Causes of anaemia during pregnancy
28. Write down the specific midwifery management of Hyperemesis Gravidarum
29. Define Placenta, attachment of placenta and write down its development
30. Write down the fetal development from conception to 12 weeks of life.
31. What is the composition of breast milk
32. Write down the modes of heat loss in the neonate
33. Define postpartum hemorrhage and write down predisposing causes of post partum
34. Differentiate between caput succedaneum and cephalohematoma
35. What is birth asphyxia and how you will differentiate the mild not severe birth asphyxia
36. Write down the modes of heat loss in the neonate
37. Define obstructed labour. Discuss the causes of obstructed labour.
38. Explain the concept of conception or fertilized ovum
39. Define secondary postpartum hemorrhage, its causes, clinical features and midwifery
40. Define breast engorgement, causes, symptoms and its midwifery management
41. What is puerperal sepsis?
42. Enlist causes of puerperal sepsis?
43. Describe management and midwifery care of puerperal sepsis
44. Define Antenatal Care And Enlist The Aims Of Antenatal Care
45. Define Postmatrum Hemorrhage
46. Discus the minor ailments causes and nursing management in detail
47. What are the specific feature of true labour pain
48. Expain the Structure of Uterus
49. Define the pelvis, bones of the pelivis, joint of the pelvis, parts of the pelvic, landmark of the
pelvic diameter and also write the function of pelvic
50. Define the labour define the stage of labour and also explain the 3rd stage active management
of labour
51. Explain the fetul skull
52. Write down the five cause of face presentation
53. Write down the polystics overian syndrome
54. Explain the dangerous sign of cordpolapse
55. Write down the post care of C section
56. Write the short note on APGAR Score
57. Write the objectives of antenatal care ANC
58. Define abortion? Write the causes, clinical features and management of septic abortion
59. Write the complications of eclampsia
60. Differentiate between threatened abortion and unavoidable abortion

Dr. Wajid Mughal Khan

Mips Services Academy
61. Write down the types of the antepartum hemorrhage
62. Define abortion, enlist its types and briefly describe the types of spontaneous abortion
63. Describe the Management of Engorged Breast

Dr. Wajid Mughal Khan


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