SQL Interview Prep Questions Repository-1
SQL Interview Prep Questions Repository-1
SQL Interview Prep Questions Repository-1
1) Given we have a relationship as mentioned below. Return the total number of
comments received for each user in the last 30 days. Assume that today is
2022-06-15 .
User_id int,
Created_at DateTime,
Number_of_comments int);
Difficulty: Easy
Company: Facebook
The approach to the solution should be:
Now to filter the dataset from 2022-06-15 to 30 days before, we can do it statically by manually
mentioning the date that would be 30 days before. But it is not the recommended method.
Therefore, we should move forward with the dynamic method and use the clause INTERVAL for
the same.
Also, we need to cast the date string as the DateTime in the query, for that, we either need to
use “::date” or cast( ) function directly.
Static solution:
Select User_id, SUM(Number_of_comments)
From Fb_comments_count
Where Creater_at BETWEEN “2022-05-15” : : date AND “2022-06-15” : : date
GROUP BY User_id;
Dynamic Solution:
Select User_id, SUM(Number_of_comments)
From Fb_comments_count
Where Creater_at BETWEEN (“2022-06-15” : : date - 30 * INTERVAL ‘1 day’) AND
“2022-06-15” : : date
GROUP BY User_id;
2) Which countries have risen in the rankings based on the number of comments
between Dec 2021 vs Jan 2022?
User_id int,
Created_at datetime,
Number_of_comments int);
User_id int,
Name varchar,
Status varchar,
Country varchar);
Difficulty: Hard
Company: Facebook
The approach to the solution should be:
Step 1: Join the two tables on user_id (left join because not all users may have made
Step 2: Filter our table for Dec 2021 and Jan 2022
Step 3: Exclude rows where the country is empty
Step 4: Sum the number of comments per country
Step 5: Rank 2021 comments counts and 2022 comment counts
Step 6: Apply final filter to fetch only countries with ranking decline(Jan rank > dec rank)
dec_summary as
Select Country,
SUM(Number_of_comments) as number_of_comments_dec,
dense_rank() over(order by sum(Number_of_comments) DESC) as country_rank
FROM Fb_active_users as a LEFT JOIN
Fb_comments_count as b
On a.User_id = b.User_id;
Where Created_at <= “2021-12-31” and Created_at > = “2021-12-01”
GROUP BY Country
Jan_summary as(
Select Country,
SUM(Number_of_comments) as number_of_comments_jan,
dense_rank() over(order by sum(Number_of_comments) DESC) as country_rank
FROM Fb_active_users as a LEFT JOIN
Fb_comments_count as b
On a.User_id = b.User_id;
Where Created_at <= “2022-01-31” and Created_at > = “2022-01-01”
GROUP BY Country
Select j.country
From jan_summary j
LEFT JOIN dec_summary d
on j.country = d.country
WHERE(j.country_rank<d.country_rank) OR d.country is NULL;
Definition of correlation:
X1 X2
1 34
2 34
3 4
10 5
… …
Company: Google
Difficulty: Medium
Step1: Find the numerator with help of the formula using windows function
Step2: Similarly find the denominator with windows function.Hint: You can reuse the numerator
num_tbl_1 as (select *
, avg(x1) over () as x1_mean
, avg(x2) over () as x2_mean
from correlation_db.correlation)
, num_tbl_2 as (select
(x1 - x1_mean) as x1_diff,
(x2 - x2_mean) as x2_diff
from num_tbl_1)
, numerator as (select
sum(x1_diff * x2_diff) as num
from num_tbl_2)
, den_tbl_1 as (select
pow(x1_diff, 2) as x1_sqr,
pow(x2_diff, 2) as x2_sqr
from num_tbl_2)
, denominator as (select
sqrt(sum(x1_sqr * x2_sqr)) as denom
from den_tbl_1)
(select num from numerator) / (select denom from denominator) as correlation_co_eff
4) Find the number of emails received by each user under each built-in email
label. The email labels are:
1. Promotion
2. Social
3. Shopping
Output the user along with the number of promotion, social, and shopping mails
id int
from_user varchar
to_user varchar
day int
email_id int
label varchar
Difficulty: Medium
Company: Google
Step 1: Group the column of user and label before counting them individually.Here we have
used count in place of sum in order to ignore the null values, if we use sum we may get a blank
output for any grouped values that include a null
Step 2: We put together the individual counts for each of the different labels.
Step 3: Finally, we write in our initial joined table.
SUM(CASE WHEN label = 'Promotion' THEN cnt
ELSE 0 END) AS promotion_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN label = 'Social' THEN cnt
ELSE 0 END) AS social_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN label = 'Shopping' THEN cnt
ELSE 0 END) AS shopping_count
FROM (SELECT mails.to_user,
COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM google_gmail_emails as mails
INNER JOIN google_gmail_labels as labels
ON mails.id = labels.email_id
GROUP BY mails.to_user, Labels.label
GROUP BY to_user
ORDER BY to_user;
5) Find the total costs of each customer’s orders. Output the customer’s id, first
name, and the total order cost. Order records by customer’s first name are
id int,
cust_id int,
order_date datetime,
order_details varchar,
total_order_cost int
Difficulty: Easy
Company: Amazon
Join given tables of customers and orders where we can group the customer id and name and
then sum the total cost of the orders that they have.
Step1: Join the relations
Step2: Aggregate each customer's order's total costs and then group the relevant column.
Step3: Since questions ask us to order the customer's first name alphabetically, that required a
simple order at the end of the above query.
SELECT customers.id,
FROM orders
JOIN customers ON customers.id = orders.cust_id
GROUP BY customers.id,
ORDER BY customers.first_name ASC;
6) You have a table of in-app purchases by user. Users that make their first
in-app purchase are placed in a marketing campaign where they see
call-to-actions for more in-app purchases. Find the number of users that made
additional in-app purchases due to the marketing campaign's success.
The marketing campaign doesn't start until one day after the initial in-app
purchase so users that only made one or multiple purchases on the first day do
not count, nor do we count users that over time purchase only the products they
purchased on the first day.
Difficulty: Hard
Company: Amazon
To be considered in the marketing campaign, the user needs to buy a product that is not the
same product as what was bought in their first purchase date. That is a product needs to be
different + it needs to be purchased on a different date.
Scenarios to be considered:
- 1 item, 1 date of purchase (not eligible for a marketing campaign)
- Multiple products, 1 date of purchase (not eligible for a marketing campaign)
- 1 product, multiple days (not eligible for a marketing campaign)
- Multiple products, multiple days, but same products as the 1st day of purchase (not
eligible for a marketing campaign)
- Multiple dates, multiple products (should be in a marketing campaign)
7) Given a users table, write a query to get the cumulative number of new users
added by day, with the total reset every month.
users table
Columns Type
Id Integer
name varchar
Created_at datetime
Date Monthly
2020-01-01 5
2020-01-02 12
... …
2020-02-01 8
2020-02-02 17
2020-02-03 23
Step1: Convert the date to a proper data format which might be present as string
Step2: Extract the month from date, since the count has to be reset every month.
Step3: to get the cumulative count use count() with partition on the months.
Note: By default the window frame will be range so users who joined on the same day will get
the same count. Modify it with rows between unbounded preceding and current row
tbl1 as
(select id
, name
, str_to_date(created_at, "%m/%d/%Y") as created_at
, month(str_to_date(created_at, "%m/%d/%Y")) as created_month from google.g_users
From user_tbl
, final_tbl as
(select id
, name
, created_at
, created_month
, count(id) over (partition by created_month order by created_at
rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as cumulative_count
from tbl1
8) Get a histogram of users to count based on the number of tweets they have
The histogram bins should be
● less_than_11
● Between_11_and_15
● Between_16_and_20
● Between_21_and_25
● Between_25_and_30
● Greater_than_30
Company: Twitter
Difficulty: Hard
Step1: Get the count of tweets sent by each user.
Step2: Bin the users into different buckets based on the tweet count using case statement
Step3: Find the number of users in each bucket by taking a group by on the buckets and count
the users in it.
tweet_cnt as (
select user_id,
count(tweet_id) tweet_count
from user_tweet
group by user_id
, tweet_cnt_s as (
select *
from tweet_cnt
order by tweet_count desc
, tweet_buck as (
select *,
case when tweet_count <= 10 then 'less_than_11'
when tweet_count between 11 and 15 then 'between_11_and_15'
when tweet_count between 16 and 20 then 'between_16_and_20'
when tweet_count between 21 and 25 then 'between_21_and_25'
when tweet_count between 26 and 30 then 'between_25_and_30'
else 'greater_than_30' end as tweet_bucket
from tweet_cnt_s
select tweet_bucket,
count(user_id) as user_count
from tweet_buck
group by tweet_bucket
order by user_count
9) Consider you are given a table of ride info from Uber. How frequently do
customers book a ride on average?
Difficulty: Medium
Step1: Convert the date which may be in the string format to the correct date format
Step2: For each customer, create a new column as ‘prev_booked_ride’ to find the last
time they took a ride using the lag function.
Step3: Find the days difference between the current and previous ride and call it as
Step4: Each rows in column ‘days_since_last_ride’ will contain how long it took for each
user to book a ride from their previous ride.
Step5: Taking an average on ‘‘days_since_last_ride’’ grouped by each user will be the
final solution.
table_1 as (
str_to_date(ride_start_date, "%m/%d/%Y") as current_booked_ride
from uber.uber_rides
, data_with_prev_ride as (
Select Customer_id
, current_booked_ride
, lag(current_booked_ride) over (partition by customer_id order by
current_booked_ride) as prev_booked_ride
from table_1
, days_between_ride as (
, current_booked_ride
, prev_booked_ride
, datediff(current_booked_ride, prev_booked_ride) as
from data_with_prev_ride
customer_id, AVG(days_since_last_ride) avg_days
GROUP BY customer_id
order by avg_days
10) Find the users who have watched the first ad of a Youtube video at least 80%
of it overall duration
You are provided with 4 tables:
● Event table
● Video table
● Ads table
● User table
Difficulty: Hard
Company: Youtube
Added information:
● Visiting a website(here Youtube) until closing the tab/window is considered as a session
● Within a session there are many actions that the user will take like clicking on a video,
posting comments, like, dislike etc which are considered events within an active session.
● While watching a video, Ads appearing is considered an event, then resuming the video
is another event, if there is a second ad and the video resuming are all considered
subsequents events.
Step1: Since we are not worried about video information we don’t have to use the video table
Step2: Inner Join the Ads table with the event table. This will remove all event corresponding to
Step3: Create a rank column within each user and each session sorted based on the ads
starting time. This will help us which ad was displayed first, second, third etc..
Step4: As we are interested only on the first ad, filter the rows corresponding to rank=1
Step5: Create a column to find the difference between start-time and the end-time in seconds of
the event which is the duration the user watched the ad i.e. they could have skipped it without
watching them completely
Step6: Similarly get the duration of the actual ad in seconds from the ads table.
Step7: Now that we have ads watched time and the actual ads duration in seconds, dividing
them will give the % watch duration.
Step8: Final step we can filter all users who have watched more than 80%
with session_with_ad as
select s.user_id
, s.session_id
, s.event_type_id
, s.start_time
, s.end_time
, a.Duration as ad_duration
from session s inner join advertisement a
on s.event_type_id = a.ad_id
, ad_rank as
select *,
row_number() over(partition by user_id, session_id
order by start_time) as rank_
from session_with_ad
, first_ad as
Select *
from ad_rank
where rank_ = 1
, ad_watch_duration as
select *,
timediff(end_time, start_time) as ad_watch_duration
from first_ad
, ad_watch_duration_in_sec as
select *
, minute(ad_watch_duration)*60 + second(ad_watch_duration) as ad_watch_duration_in_sec
, minute(ad_duration)*60 + second(ad_duration) as ad_duration_in_sec
from ad_watch_duration
, ad_watch_percent as (
select user_id
, ad_watch_duration_in_sec
, ad_duration_in_sec
, (ad_watch_duration_in_sec/ad_duration_in_sec)*100 as watch_percentage
from ad_watch_duration_in_sec
11) Find the total number of concurrent users who were online when a particular
user is online
Company: Pinterest
Difficulty: Medium
When the start time or end time of one user is within the online duration of the other user then
they are said to be online at the same time
Here when User1 is online, there are 2 other users who are online as well (User 2 and User 3)
whereas User4 is not offline. So the count for user 1 is 2.
Similarly, when User 4 is online only User 3 is online so the count of user 4 is 1.
Step1: Convert the date to the proper format
Step2: Do a self join with inequality on user id, this will compare one user with every other user
but themselves.i.e. It will create rows with one user Vs the rest…
Step3: Filter all rows where start-time or end-time of user1 is within the start-time,end-time of
Step4: Find the count of total users online by grouping on each user.
with tbl_1 as
select user_id
, session_id
, date
, str_to_date(start_time, "%H:%i:%s" ) start_time
, str_to_date(end_time, "%H:%i:%s" ) end_time
from fb_online_users
, tbl_2 as
(select t1.user_id as user_1
, t2.user_id user_2
, t1.start_time as u1_start_time
, t1.end_time as u1_end_time
, t2.start_time as u2_start_time
, t2.end_time as u2_end_time
from tbl_1 t1 join tbl_1 t2
on t1.user_id <> t2.user_id
, final_tbl as (
select * from tbl_2
where (u1_start_time between u2_start_time and u2_end_time)
or (u1_end_time between u2_start_time and u2_end_time)
order by user_1
select user_1
, count(distinct user_2) as online_users_count
, group_concat(user_2)
from final_tbl
group by user_1
order by online_users_count desc
12) Assume you are given the table below containing measurement values
obtained from a sensor over several days. Measurements are taken several
times within a given day. Write a query to obtain the sum of the odd-numbered
and even-numbered measurements on a particular day, in two different columns.
Note that the 1st, 3rd, and 5th measurements within a day are considered
odd-numbered measurements and the 2nd, 4th, 6th measurements are
even-numbered measurements.
Company: FAANG
Difficulty: Medium
On 07/11/2022, there are only two measurements. In chronological order, the first measurement
(odd-numbered) is 1124.50, and the second measurement(even-numbered) is 1234.14.
WITH ranked_measurements AS (
CAST(measurement_time AS DATE) AS measurement_day,
PARTITION BY CAST(measurement_time AS DATE)
ORDER BY measurement_time) AS measurement_num
FROM measurements
CASE WHEN measurement_num % 2 != 0 THEN measurement_value
ELSE 0 END) AS odd_sum,
CASE WHEN measurement_num % 2 = 0 THEN measurement_value
ELSE 0 END) AS even_sum
FROM ranked_measurements
GROUP BY measurement_day;
13) Assume you are given the tables below containing information on Snapchat
users, their ages, and their time spent sending and opening snaps.
Write a query to obtain a breakdown of the time spent sending vs. opening snaps
(as a percentage of total time spent on these activities) for each age group.
Output the age bucket and percentage of sending and opening snaps. Round the
percentage to 2 decimal places.
● You should calculate these percentages:
○ time sending / (time sending + time opening) ̑
○ time opening / (time sending + time opening)
● To avoid integer division in percentages, multiply by 100.0 and not 100.
Difficulty: Medium
For the age bucket 26-30, the time spent sending snaps was 5.67 and opening 3. The percent
of time sending snaps was 5.67/(5.67+3)=65.4%, and the percent of time opening snaps was
WITH snaps_statistics AS (
SUM(CASE WHEN activities.activity_type = 'send'
THEN activities.time_spent ELSE 0 END) AS send_timespent,
SUM(CASE WHEN activities.activity_type = 'open'
THEN activities.time_spent ELSE 0 END) AS open_timespent,
SUM(activities.time_spent) AS total_timespent
FROM activities
INNER JOIN age_breakdown AS age
ON activities.user_id = age.user_id
WHERE activities.activity_type IN ('send', 'open')
GROUP BY age.age_bucket
ROUND(100.0 * send_timespent / total_timespent, 2) AS send_perc,
ROUND(100.0 * open_timespent / total_timespent, 2) AS open_perc
FROM snaps_statistics;
14) Given a Transaction table and Users table, we want to find out the current
balance of all users and check whether they have breached their credit limit (If
their current credit is less than 0).
Difficulty: Medium
A user can be either a creditor or a debitor in a transaction.
Step1: Find the overall transaction of each user as a debitor(i.e.paid_by). Since the money is
debited change the overall transaction sum to negative
Step2: Similarly find the overall transaction of being a creditor(i.e. paid_to)
Step3: Combine both the results into a single table so the credit and debit amount are in a
single column for each user(i.e. Union all)
Step4: Group by on each user and find the overall transaction left out amount(could be positive
or negative).
Step5: We have to combine the leftout amount with the initial credit amount of each user i.e. join
each user's credit amount from the users table.
Step6: Since we want information about all the users, do a right join with the users table being
the right table or you can also do a left join with the users table being the left table.
Step7: Once the table is joined, compare the user’s initial credit amount with the transaction
leftover amount to find the final amount if the credit limit is breached or not. Note: There could
be some users who may not have done any transaction, for them the final credit should be their
initial credit amount(i.e. Use coalesce)
with debit as
select paid_by as user_id,
-sum(amount) as amount
from transactions group by paid_by
credit as
select paid_to as user_id,
sum(amount) as amount
from transactions group by paid_to
all_transaction as
select * from debit
union all
select * from credit
amount_with_users_info as
select u.user_id,
coalesce(u.credit + sum(amount), u.credit) as final_amt
from all_transaction t
right join users u on t.user_id = u.user_id
group by user_id, user_name, credit
final as
select user_id,
final_amt as credit,
if (final_amt>0, 'No', 'Yes') as credit_limit_breached
from amount_with_users_info
15) A telecommunications company wants to invest in new countries. The
company intends to invest in the countries where the average call duration of the
calls in this country is strictly greater than the global average call duration.
Write an SQL query to find the countries where this company can invest.
Return the result table in any order.
The query result format is in the following example.
Difficulty: Medium
If a call duration between user1 from country A to user2 in country B is 10 mins. Then the same
duration of 10 mins is assigned to both the countries. If User1 and User2 are from the same
country A, then even in this case the duration is assigned to both countries i.e. duration is twice
for country A
Step1: As a first step, find the global average from the Calls table. As explained above one call
duration has to be attributed to both the countries (i.e. one call duration * 2). Since we are
interested in only the avg. (i.e. (total call duration * 2)/(total calls * 2)) the * 2 gets canceled out
so we can just take the normal avg using group by
Step2: Next, the country table has to be joined with the person table. As mentioned in the table
info the first 3 characters of the phone number is country code. Use the `left` string operation to
pull the country code from the phone number in the Person table and use this substring as the
key to join with country code in the country table.
Step3: Now that we have mapped the country to each of the users, we have to get the call
duration information.
Step4: As mentioned before a user can be a caller or a callee. So when joining with the Calls
table it has to be joined on both `caller_id` and `callee_id` columns.
Step5: To join one column with 2 or more columns simultaneously we can use the `IN` clause.
Step6: Because of joining using the `IN` clause against 2 columns(caller_id, callee_id), each
call will be repeated twice, one for each user from each country.
Step7: Now we can just groupby on the Country to get the average call duration for each
Step8: Filter all the countries that are greater than the global avg calculated from Step1.