Personality traits imply consistency and According to the book Essential Social
stability someone who scores high on a Psychology by Richard Crisp and Rhiannon
specific trait like extraversion is expected to Turner:
be sociable in different situations and over • The individual self consists of attributes
time. Thus, trait psychology rests on the idea and personality traits that differentiate us
that people differ from one another in terms from other individuals.
of where they stand on a set of basic trait
dimensions that persist over time and across • The relational self is defined by our
situations. relationships with significant others.
The most widely used system of traits is • The collective self reflects our membership
called the Five-Factor Model. This system in social groups.
includes five broad traits that can be
remembered with the acronym OCEAN.
WEEK 2: THE SELF ACCORDING TO *The ideal realm is the one that is imperfect
PHILOSOPHY and unchanging, eternal, and immortal.
It is defined as the study of knowledge or PLATO
wisdom from its Latin roots, “philo” (love)
A student of Socrates, who introduced the
and “sophia” (wisdom). This field is also
idea of a three-part soul/self that is
considered as “The Queen of All Sciences”
composed of reason, physical appetite and
because every scientific discipline has
spirit or passion.
philosophical foundations.
o Reason enables human to think deeply,
make wise choices and achieve a true
SOCRATES understanding of eternal truths. Plato also
called this as divine essence.
*A philosopher from Athens, Greece and
said to have the greatest influence on o Physical Appetite is the basic biological
European thought. needs of human being such as hunger, thirst,
and sexual desire.
*According to the history he was not able to
write any of his teachings and life’s account o Spirit or passion is the basic emotions of
instead, he is known from the writings of his human being such as love, anger, ambition,
student Plato who became one of the aggressiveness and empathy.
greatest philosophers of his time. Socrates
had a unique style of asking questions called
Socratic Method. ST. AUGUSTINE
*Socratic Method. Socrates did not lecture; *Augustine has been characterized as
he instead would ask questions and engage Christianity’s first theologian.
the person in a discussion. He would begin
*Like Plato, Augustine believed that the
by acting as if he did not know anything and
physical body is different from the immortal
would get the other person to clarify their
soul. Early in his philosophical development
ideas and resolve logical inconsistencies
he described body as “snare” or “cage of the
(Price, 2000).
*“Know Thyself”. Here, Socrates would like
According to St. Augustine, the human
to emphasize that knowing or understanding
nature is composed of two realms:
oneself should be more than the physical
self, or the body. 1. God as the source of all reality and truth.
Through mystical experience, man is capable
* According to Socrates, self is dichotomous
of knowing eternal truths. world.
which means composed of two things.
2. The sinfulness of man. The cause of sin or
*The physical realm - one that is changeable,
evil is an act of men freewill.
temporal, and imperfect.
*He also stated that real happiness can only *The way people judge you, it’s not you, it’s
be found in God. For God is love and he them.
created humans for them to also love.
*A well-known Australian psychologist and
*Student of Plato considered as the Father and Founder of
*Law of Diminishing Utility - (lahat ng sobra
ay masama, lahat ng kulang ay masama) *The dualistic view of self by Freud involves
the conscious self and unconscious self.
*EUDIMONIA – happiness
*Subconscious serves as the repository of
past experiences, repressed memories,
RENE DESCARTES fantasies, and urges. The three levels of the
mind are:
*A French philosopher, mathematician, and
considered the founder of modern 1. Id. This is primarily based on the pleasure
philosophy. principle. It demands immediate satisfaction
and is not hindered by societal expectations.
*Descartes, famous “I think, therefore I
exist” established his philosophical views on 2. Ego. The structure that is primarily based
“true knowledge” and concept of self. on the reality principle. This mediates
between the impulses of the id and
*He explained that in order to gain true
restraints of the superego.
knowledge, one must doubt everything even
own existence. Doubting makes someone 3. Superego. This is primarily dependent on
aware that they are thinking being thus, they learning the difference between right and
exist. wrong, thus it is called moral principle.
Morality of actions is largely dependent on
childhood upbringing particularly on
JOHN LOCKE rewards and punishments.
*An English philosopher and physician and *According to Freud, there are two kinds of
famous in his concept of “Tabula Rasa” or instinct:
Blank Slate that assumes the nurture side of
*Eros- the life instinct
human development.
*Thanatos- the death instinct
*He was a Scottish philosopher and also an
GILBERT RYLE *Churchland’s central argument is that the
concepts and theoretical vocabulary that
*A British analytical philosopher. He was an
people use to think about the selves using
important figure in the field of Linguistic
such terms as belief, desire, fear, sensation,
Analysis which focused on the solving of
pain, joy actually misrepresent the reality of
philosophical puzzles through an analysis of
minds and selves. He claims that the self is a
product of brain activity.
*According to Ryle, the self is best
understood as a pattern of behavior, the
tendency or disposition for a person to MAURICE-MERLAUE PONTY
behave in a certain way in certain
*A French philosopher and
(your actions reflect who you are)
He took a very different approach to the
(your personality depends on who you are self and the mind/body problem. According
with) to him, the division between the “mind” and
the “body” is a product of confused thinking.
*SUBJECTIVE CULTURE- intangible *Heroes. These are persons from the past or
present who have characteristics that are
* Urbanization is the process that moves
important in culture.
people from country to city living. This result
to the concentration of population in one *Rituals. These are activities participated by
place brought about by industrialization. This a group of people for the fulfilment of
paved way to the organization of labor or desired objectives and are concerned to be
increased division of labor, which demands socially essential.
specializations wherein this creates more
*Values. These are considered to be the core
objective culture.
of every culture.
The four subfields of anthropology are
Archeology, Biological Anthropology,
Linguistics, and Cultural Anthropology,
suggest that human beings are similar and
different in varying ways and tendencies.
The subfields of Anthropology are as follows:
o Archeology. Focus on the study of the past
and how it may have contributed to the
present ways of how people conduct their
daily lives.
o Biological Anthropology. Focus on how the
human body adapts to the different earth
PSYCHOLOGY *William James is a well-known figure in
Psychology who is considered as the founder
Psychology is a scientific study of mental
of functionalism. He brought prominence to
processes and human behavior.
U.S. psychology through the publication of
The Self as Cognitive Construction The Principles of Psychology (1890) that
made him more influential than his
*The cognitive aspect of the self is known as
contemporaries in the field.
self-concept. Self-concept is defined as self-
knowledge, a cognitive structure that James made a clear distinction between
includes beliefs about personality traits, ways of approaching the self the “knower“
physical characteristics, abilities, values, (the pure or the I-Self) and the “known” (the
goals, and roles, as well as the knowledge objective or the Me-Self).
that an individual exists as individuals. As
knower (I-Self) - the agent of experience.
humans grow and develop, self-concept
known (Me-Self) have three different but
becomes abstract and more complex.
interrelated aspects of empirical
According to the psychologist Dr. Bruce A.
*Me viewed as material - everything an
Bracken in 1992, there are six specific
individual call uniquely as their own, such as
domains that are related to self-concept
the body, family, home or style of dress.
these are:
*Me viewed as social - recognition an
1) social domain - ability of the person to
individual gets from other people
interact with others
*Me viewed as spiritual in nature - individual
2) competence domain - ability to meet the
inner or subjective being.
basic needs;
3) affect domain - awareness of the
emotional states; CARL ROGERS (Real VS. Ideal Self)
4) physical domain - feelings about looks, *Carl Rogers is best known as the founder of
health, physical condition, and overall client centered therapy and considered as
appearance one of the prominent humanistic or
existential theorists in personality. His
5) academic domain - success or failure in
therapy aimed to make the person achieve
the school
balance between their self-concept (real-
6) family domain - how well one function self) and ideal self.
within the family unit
*The real self includes all those aspects of
one's identity that are perceived in
*The ideal self is defined as one’s view of self DONALD WINNICOTT (True VS. False Self)
as one wishes to be.
FALSE SELF - is an alternative personality
*A wide gap between the ideal self and the used to protect an individual’s true identity
self-concept indicates incongruence and an or one’s ability to hide the real self.
unhealthy personality.
*Healthy self if it is perceived as functional
for the person and for the society and being
compliant without the feeling of betrayal of
true self.
*According to Multiple Selves Theory, there
*Unhealthy false self happens when an
are different aspects of the self-exist in an
individual feels forced compliance in any
*Self is a whole consist of parts, and these
TRUE SELF has a sense of integrity and
parts manifest themselves when need arise.
connected wholeness that is rooted in early
*Gregg Henriques proposed the Tripartite infancy.
Model of Human Consciousness
o experiential self - theater of consciousness
ALBERT BENDURA (Proactive VS. Agentic)
is a domain of self that defined as felt
experience of being. *Albert Bandura is a psychologist and
Professor Emeritus of Social Science in
o private self -consciousness system or the
Psychology at Stanford University. He is
narrator/interpreter is a portion of self that
known for his theory of social learning by
verbally narrates what is happening and tries
means of modeling. He is famous for his
to make sense of what is going on.
proposed concept of self-efficacy.
o public self - persona, the domain of self
PROACTIVE means an individual have control
that an individual shows to the public, and
in any situation by making things happen.
this interacts on how others see an
AGENTIC assume some degree of ownership
and control over things, both internally (I
*UNIFIED being is essentially connected to control my own thoughts) and externally (I
consciousness, awareness, and agency. A make things happen in the environment).
well-adjusted person is able to accept and
*SELF-EFFICACY beliefs determine how
understood the success and failure that they
people feel, think, motivate themselves and
WEEK 5: THE SELF IN THE WESTERN AND Confucianism is centered on ren which can
ORIENTAL/EASTERN THOUGHT be manifested through the:
Individualistic VS. Collective Self *li (propriety)
Individualistic Self *xiao (filiality)
*Individualism is not the idea that *yi (rightness)
individuals should live like isolated entity, nor
the idea that they should never get or give
help from others, nor the idea that an -reflects the person’s own understanding of
individual never owes anything to other humanity.
- found within each person and can be
*Individualism is the idea that the realized in one’s personal life and
fundamental unit of the human species that relationship.
thinks, lives, and acts toward goals is the
-guides human actions that makes life worth
individual. This means that we can form our
living which can be realized through li, xiao,
own independent judgments, act on our own
and yi:
thoughts, and disagree with others.
o Li the propriety. Rules of propriety should
*Western cultures are known to be
be followed to guide human actions. These
rules are the customs, ceremonies, and
traditions that forms the basis of li.
Collective Self o Xiao the filiality. This is the virtue of
reverence and respect for the family.
*Collectivism is the idea that the
Children show respect to their parents by
fundamental unit of the human species that
exerting efforts to take care of themselves
thinks, lives, and acts toward goals is not the
individual, but some group. In different o Yi the rightness. The right way of behaving
variants, this group may be the family, the which is unconditional and absolute. Right is
city, the economic class, the society, the right, and what is not right is wrong.
nation, the race, or the whole human
*Asian countries are known to be collective
in nature.