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[By Mrutyunjaya Sahoo]

Floods are sudden and temporary inundation of a large area as an overflowing of rivers or reservoirs.


Floods are caused by rains, high winds, cyclones, tsunami, melting snow or dam burst.

Flood can happen gradually or can happen suddenly due to heavy rains, breach of the water storage and control

Siltation of the rivers and reservoirs can enhance the incidence and magnitude of floods.


Casualties: Human and livestock death due to drowning, serious injuries and outbreak of epidemics like diarrhea,
cholera, jaundice or viral infections are common problems faced in flood affected areas. (People are forced to drink
the contaminated floodwater, which may cause serious diseases.)

Structural damage: During floods mud huts and buildings built on weak foundations collapse endangering human
lives and property. Damage may also be cause to roads, rail, dams, monuments, crops and cattle. Floods may uproot
trees and may cause landslides and soil erosion.

Material loss: Household articles including eatables, electronic goods, beds, clothes, and furniture get submerged in
water and get spoilt.

Utilities damage: Utilities such as water supply, sewerage, communication lines, power-lines, transportation network
and railways are put at risk.

Crop loss: Apart from the loss of human and cattle life, floods cause severe destruction of agricultural crops. Flood
water spoils the stored food-grains and harvested crops.


Identification of flood prone areas: A rational planning for flood management involves identification the flood
prone areas and frequency and magnitude of flooding in these areas.

Flood forecasting and warning: By measuring intensity of rain fall, people can be warned to evacuate the likely
areas to be flooded and advise to go to safer places along with their belongings including livestock.

In India flood warnings are issued by the Central Water Commission (CWC), Irrigation and Flood Control
Department and Water Resources Department.

Land use planning: Land use planning is very important for all the developmental activities. No major development
should be permitted in flood prone areas.

If construction is unavoidable it should be able to withstand the flood forces.

Buildings should be constructed on elevated areas.

Afforestation should be encouraged.

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