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Aip 2025

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Date: May 15, 2024


No Climate Change Expenditure (Please tick the box if your LGU does not have any climate change expenditure)
AMOUNT of Climate Change
Schedule of Implementation AMOUNT (in thousand pesos) Expenditure
Implementing (in thousand pesos)
AIP Reference Maintenance and Other CC Typology
Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Expected Outputs Funding Source Personal Services Capital Outlay Total Climate Change Climate Change PRM CODES
Code Start Date Operating Expenses Code
(2) Department Date (6) (7) (PS) (CO) (11) Adaptation Mitigation (15)
(1) (4) (MOOE) (14)
(3) (5) (8) (10) 8+9+10 (12) (13)


Provision of cash and non-cash assistance to

Individuals in Crisis Situation
*Provision of Assistance to Fire Victim
*Provision of Assistance to Typhoon Victim
*Provision of Medical Assistance (Medicine
and Hospital bill) 100% of eligible beneficiaries availed the
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 2,000,000.00 100,000.00 ₱2,100,000.00
*Provision of Transportation Assistance services
*Provision of Burial Assistance
*Provision of Food Assistance
Establishment and Management
of Crisis Intervention Monitoring System

100% of eligible beneficiaries availed the

Implementation of Balik Probinsya Program
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 services based on the implementing General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
and aftercare services
guidelines of the program

Adoption *Profiling of Prospective Adoptive

Parents (PAPs) *Assessment for Relative and
Non-Relative Adoption * Series of Home Visits *1 Profiles of PAPs ready and available
and Counseling *Conduct Collateral Interview for cross-matching
to the Three Character References *Conduct *95% of
Parental Capability Assessment Report * referred clients underwent Psychological
Preparation of Child Study Report Evaluation
*Preparation of Home Study Report *Assist in MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 *95% of court Hearings General Fund 250,000.00 ₱250,000.00
the signing of the Deed of Voluntary Attended
Commitment (DVC) *Facilitate Clients undergo *Conducted 2 Foster Care and
Psychological Evaluation *Attend Court Adoption Forum
Hearings *Testify in Court *Conduct Foster *Celebrated Annual Observance of
Care & Adoption Forum *Observance of Adoption conciousness Week
Adoption Consciousness Week Celebration *
Assist Inter-Country Adoption

*1 Celebration of Child Sexual Abuse

Awareness Week
*Child Sexual Abuse Awareness Week
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 *1 Training on General Fund 250,000.00 ₱250,000.00
*Conduct Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
Trainors conducted on CSAP for
community volunteers and childs
welfare advocates
Advocacy Campaign Activities on Anti-Child MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 25 conduct of IECs on Anti-Child General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
Pornography Act Pornography Act to 25 Barangays
*Conduct “Safer Internet Day for Children
Philippines” under Proclamation 417, signed MSWD Feb-25 Feb-25 Conducted municipal Wide campaign on General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
by former president Rodrigo R. Duterte in Safer Internet Day for Children

Monitoring of compliance and

accomplishment per indicators of five areas of
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Passer of CFLGA 2023 Assessment period General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
assessment for the Child Friendly Local
Government Audit (CFLGA)

Organization and Election of Child 1 conduct of Childrens Congress and 1

Representative through conduct of Childrens MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Child Representative elected and General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
Congress installed as member of the LCPC
AMOUNT of Climate Change
Schedule of Implementation AMOUNT (in thousand pesos) Expenditure
Implementing (in thousand pesos)
AIP Reference Maintenance and Other CC Typology
Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Expected Outputs Funding Source Personal Services Capital Outlay Total Climate Change Climate Change PRM CODES
Code Start Date Operating Expenses Code
(2) Department Date (6) (7) (PS) (CO) (11) Adaptation Mitigation (15)
(1) (4) (MOOE) (14)
(3) (5) (8) (10) 8+9+10 (12) (13)

*Conduct Regular Monitoring ECCD/Day Care

Service Program *Survey pre-kinder 1 and pre-
kinder 2 for Registration *Produce forms for
SFP, Child Service Providers, etc *Conduct
Regular Meeting of CDW *Administration of
100% of support services for Early
ECCD Checklist *Orientation to New CDW MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 500,000.00 75,000.00 ₱575,000.00
Childhood Care and Development are
*Observance of Childrens Month Celebration
*Conduct Session Planning *Child
Development Workers Week Celebration
*Conduct Pre-Assessment Child Development
Centers, Child Development Workers for

Establishment/improvement and maintenance

100% of Child Development Centers
of WASH facilities in CDCs to ensure proper MEO Jan-25 Dec-25 20% LDF 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
(CDC) passed the ECCD accreditation on
hand washing and tooth brushing are
WASH indicator
practiced by the children beneficiaries.
Conducted PES to 48 Child Development
Conduct of Parent Effectiveness Service MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Centers and Supervised Neighborhood General Fund 200,000.00 50,000.00 ₱250,000.00
Play (SNP)
*Renewal of ECCD Accreditation and or
Accreditation of Child Development Workers MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 100% of ECCD facilities and Workers are 20% LDF 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
and private centers implementing ECCD for 3- acredited
4 years old

Conduct annual training for the continous 100% of Child Development Workers
professional development of Child provided different capacity building
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 200,000.00 50,000.00 ₱250,000.00
Development Workers and Supervised activities for their professional growth
neighborhood Play Workers and practice


100% of enrolled Pre-schoolers in CDC's

Implementation of Supplementary Feeding MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 in 25 barangays are provided and General Fund 2,520,000.00 ₱2,520,000.00
Program allocated an amount of 15 pesos per
child for 120 days feeding Program

100% of CDC facilities are provided with

Provide Kitchen and Feeding Utensil to every complete set of Kitchen and Feeding
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
CDC utensil for Supplementary Feeding
Capability building of Service Providers and 100% of Service Providers attended the
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
Formulation of Cycle Menu/Marketing List Capacity building activities
100% of CDCs are monitored and
Monitoring and Evaluation of SFP MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 evaluated and provided Technical General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
Assistance in the implementation of SFP
Provision of Weighing Scale and Height board 100% of CDCs provided with Weighing
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
to every CDC Scale and Height Board

Provision of logistical support such as 100% of ECCD & SNP faciltiies has beed
transportation allowance and or mobilization MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 monitored and provided technical General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
of SFP focal Person for monitoring purposes assistance on the proper implementation
and other SFP activities of SFP in the locality


*Provision of Educational Assistance,
Livelihood and Skills Training for Children in 100% of referred and eligible clients are
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
conflict with the law (CICL) and Children At provided with assistance
Risk (CAR)
Conduct of Juvenile Justice Welfare Week 1 conduct of Juvenile Justice Welfare
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 150,000.00 ₱150,000.00
Celebration Week
Falicitate Registration of PYAP to DOLE MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Federated PYAP registered to DOLE General Fund 50,000.00 ₱50,000.00
Conduct personality enchancement MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Conducted 1 seminar for organized PYAP General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
training/seminars to organized PYAP in the locality
Conduct quarterly meeting of Federation MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 4 conduct of Tagbina Federation of Pag- General Fund 50,000.00 ₱50,000.00
Officers Asa Youth Association Program
90% of Out of School Youth in the
Conduct Capacity Building and Advocacy
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 locality attended the Advocacy General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
Campaign Activities for OSY
Campaign and capacity building
Major Repair/Rehab of old Senior Citizens
MEO Jan-25 Dec-25 Old Senior Citizens Building Rehabilitated 20% LDF 1,000,000.00 ₱1,000,000.00
AMOUNT of Climate Change
Schedule of Implementation AMOUNT (in thousand pesos) Expenditure
Implementing (in thousand pesos)
AIP Reference Maintenance and Other CC Typology
Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Expected Outputs Funding Source Personal Services Capital Outlay Total Climate Change Climate Change PRM CODES
Code Start Date Operating Expenses Code
(2) Department Date (6) (7) (PS) (CO) (11) Adaptation Mitigation (15)
(1) (4) (MOOE) (14)
(3) (5) (8) (10) 8+9+10 (12) (13)
Establishment/Maintenance and Utilization of
Social Pension Information System
Social Pension Information System (SPInS) as
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 (SPInS) installed and utilized for planning General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
reference for budget preparation and data
and bugetting
95% of federation officers and selected
Conduct Capabilty Building and Advocacy
members are aware of their rights plans
Campaign Activities such as Elderly Filipino
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 for the strenghtening to the associations General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
Week, Technnical Assistance to Federation
and able to transfer their knowledge to
Officers, Walk for Life, Symposia and Fora
their members in the community

Conduct of Home Visitation and provision of

95% of abandoned and neglected older
assistance to abandoned and neglected older MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
persons are visited, monitored and has
persons in the locality. Organized Home-Care
been provided with intervention
Support and Services for the older persons

Provide assistive device to Elderly and extend MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 95% of referred older persons was General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
Medical, Food and Burial assistance. facilitated to avail services needed
Process qualified Elderly for the provision of 100% of validated and eligible olders
Cash award to Senior Citizens aged 80 to 99 MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 persons availed the available cash General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
years old awards and or incentives

100% of eligible beneficiary with

Provide Centenarian Incentive to Senior complete documents based on Republic
Citizen aged 100 years old and up amounting MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Act 10868 the Centenarians Act of 2016 General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
to 100,000.00 with Plaque. and its guidelines has received the
awards and cash incentives


Construction of standardard Crisis Center
100% of referred and eligible clients are
Facility for Children, Youth and Womens
MEO Jan-25 Dec-25 provided with temporary shelter with 20% LDF 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00
victims of different abuses and other forms of
after care program
Maintenance of Women and Children Crisis Women and Children Crisis Center
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 20% LDF 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
Center Facility is well-maintained
Accreditation of Crisis Center Facility and 100% of clients are case managed and
implementation of After Care Support Services MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 provided with desired serviced based on 20% LDF 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
for Eligible beneficiaries the Intervention Plan
Provision of Food and Non-Food items for the
100% of clients amitted was provided
residents admitted in Women and Children MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 GAD 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
with basic services and needs
Crisis Center

Case Management for TIP and VAWC

*Assessment (Administer Intake Sheet,
Report on Home Visit) * Intervention Planning
( Conduct SCSR) * Implementation (Process
100% of clients are case managed and
Recording, Progress notes, proceedings of
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 provided with desired serviced based on General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
Group work) *Evaluation and Termination
the Intervention Plan
(Process Recording, progress notes, Closing
Summary) *Referral System (Referral Letters)
*Database of clients (masterlist of clients)
*Assist in Court Hearings

Conduct of Capacity Building and Advocay

Campaign Activities such as provision of
technical assistance to service providers and
Community Members, Trainings on TIP and
VAWC Cases and proper Handling for
Barangay Officials, Strengthening Municipal
100% of advocacy plans and services
Council Against Trafficking-Violence Against MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
provided and implemented for the
Women and Children, Observance to
welfare of women in the locality
Women's Month Celebration, 18-day
Campaign to End VAW, Gender Sensitivity
Training, Production of IEC Materials,
Symposia and Fora, Provision of protection
and support to trafficked persons and VAWC

100% of Women's Assciations in the

Implementation of KALIPI (Kalipunan ng Liping locality has been strenghened and
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
Pilipina) actively participated in all women's
welfare activities

Monitoring of compliance and

accomplishment per indicators for the LCAT- MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Functional LCAT-VAWC General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
VAWC functionality through the conduct of
regular meetings
AMOUNT of Climate Change
Schedule of Implementation AMOUNT (in thousand pesos) Expenditure
Implementing (in thousand pesos)
AIP Reference Maintenance and Other CC Typology
Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Expected Outputs Funding Source Personal Services Capital Outlay Total Climate Change Climate Change PRM CODES
Code Start Date Operating Expenses Code
(2) Department Date (6) (7) (PS) (CO) (11) Adaptation Mitigation (15)
(1) (4) (MOOE) (14)
(3) (5) (8) (10) 8+9+10 (12) (13)

100% of planned activities during

Annual Womens Month Celebration MSWD Mar-25 Mar-25 Womens Month Celebration has been GAD 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00


Conduct of Capacity Building and Advocacy

100% of advocacy plans and services
Campaign Activities such as Paralegal MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
provided and implemented for the
Trainings, Radio Program and Plugs and
welfare of IP community in the locality
Gender Training for IP Communities

Annual IP month Celebration MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 1 Indigenous people's Month Celebrated General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
Conducted ERPAT training for the
Conduct Empowerment and Re-Affirmation of empowerment of Filipino Fathers in the
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 350,000.00 ₱350,000.00
Parental Abilities (ERPAT) locality as advocates and role models in
the community

Conduct Capabity Building and Advocacy

Campaign Activities such as Observance of Celebrated the annual observance of
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
Filipino Family Week Celebration, Symposia, Filipino Family Week
Fora and Production of IEC Materials

Strenghtening of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino

100% of programs and services for the
Program (4P's) beneficiaries through provision MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 550,000.00 ₱550,000.00
family welfare of the beneficiaries are
of different support services implemented by
DSWD-Caraga Community-Based Workers


Creation and Intallation of Solo Parent Affairs

Office appropriating funds not limited only for 1 Federation of Solo Parents Affairs
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
the honorarium of its officers but for the Created
operation of the program

Provision of Financial Support for eligible Solo

100% of Eligible Solo Parents availed the
Parents who earn minimum wage and below MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 1,000,000.00 ₱1,000,000.00
financial assistance monthly.
amounting to Php. 1,000.00 monthly.

Provided Assistance through liveihood

Provision of Assistance
asistance training/employment
*Livelihood Assistance to Indigent Solo Parent MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 400,000.00 ₱400,000.00
facilitation and provided Educational
*Educational Assistance to Children of
Assistance to eligible indigent Children of
Indigent Solo Parent
Solo parents

Advocacy campaign Activities for Solo Parent

Conducted Municipal Wide Advocacy
and Production of IEC Materials
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 campaigns on the rights and privileges of General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
*Annual observance of Solo parent
solo parents.
Month every April

Conduct of Capacity Building Activities such as

100% of planned trainings, seminars and
leadership Training, Seminars on mental
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 activities are conducted, attended and General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
health and Conflict management for the
participated by the solo parents arget
Officers of Solo Parent Association of Tagbina
and selected members.

YAKAP BAYAN PROGRAM (Persons Who Used Drugs)

*Profiling of Drug Surrenderers
*Implementation of Community-
Based Rehabilitation Program
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Provided support services for the General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
implementation of YBP
*After Care Program for Recovering Drug
Conducted training on
Training on Camp Coordination and Camp CCCM/Capacitated the identified
Management community key leaders in 25 barangays
*Provision of psycho-Social Services MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 with trainings on the provision of DRRM fund 400,000.00 ₱400,000.00
*Ensuring Women and Child Friendly Spaces psycho-social services and ensures
in Camp installation of Women and Child Friendly
Spaces in evey evacuation centers
Provided support services every
Quick Response Team Activation MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 DRRM fund 50,000.00 ₱50,000.00
activation of QRT
AMOUNT of Climate Change
Schedule of Implementation AMOUNT (in thousand pesos) Expenditure
Implementing (in thousand pesos)
AIP Reference Maintenance and Other CC Typology
Program/Project/Activity Description Office/ Completion Expected Outputs Funding Source Personal Services Capital Outlay Total Climate Change Climate Change PRM CODES
Code Start Date Operating Expenses Code
(2) Department Date (6) (7) (PS) (CO) (11) Adaptation Mitigation (15)
(1) (4) (MOOE) (14)
(3) (5) (8) (10) 8+9+10 (12) (13)
Ensures that Humanitarian Cargoes and
Construction of Warehouse for stockpiling and
other Welfare Goods are safe and
distribution of Welfare Goods Before, during MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 DRRM fund 20,000,000.00 ₱20,000,000.00
secure/ready and available every Relief
and after disaster
Conducted series of trainings for
Creation and Trainings of Volunteer Groups
Volunteer Groups created for ready
such as CSO and POs for Disaster relief MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 DRRM fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
augmentation every Disater Relief
Implemented the Social Preparation
Intensification of Sustainable Livelihood
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Stage, Resource Mobilization activities General Fund 2,000,000.00 ₱2,000,000.00
Program (SLP)
and project implementation stage.
RECOVERY AND REINTEGRATION PROGRAM MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Provided intervention to the victims of General Fund 200,000.00 ₱200,000.00
FOR TRAFFICKED PERSONS different forms of traficking

Ensures that victim-survivors of VAWC,

human and child trafficking cases and
Establishment of Activity Center MEO Jan-25 Dec-25 other forms of abuses has given proper 20% LDF 500,000.00 ₱500,000.00
intervention through the use of Activity

1 organized task forces and parent

INTENSIFICATION OF COMPREHENSIVE leaders with conducted trainings
PROGRAM FOR STREET CHILDREN, STREET MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 seminars and capacity building activities General Fund 100,000.00 ₱100,000.00
FAMILIES AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE for strenghtening on the implementation
of of the program

Provision of logistical support to ensure

attendance of Case managers and other
Conducted/Attended Capacity Building
MSWD personnels for different capacity
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 Trainings and enhanced their knowledge General Fund 400,000.00 ₱400,000.00
building activities, enhancement training and
skills and practices in relation to their job
other professional development from
national, Regional and Provincial facilitated

*Provide honorarium on the conduct of

Provided support on the activities of SP
Enumeration for the Family Risk Vulnerability
team and ensures proper planning for
Assessment (FRVA) in 25 barangays.
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 the implementation of Social Protection General Fund 550,000.00 ₱550,000.00
*Conduct Workshop for the
Programs and Projects. Develop the
Crafting of Social Protection Development
Social Protection and Development
Report (SPDR) *Strenghtening of
Report (SPDR)
Social Protection Team and its TWG

Purchase of MSWD office Equipments (not

Purchased complete set of tables and
limited to office supplies and MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund 300,000.00 ₱300,000.00
chairs and other office material and
Paraphernalia)/maintenance of Office

1 convergence office constructed for the

Construction of Convergence Office for social MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 General Fund/20% LDF 500,000.00 20,000,000.00 ₱20,500,000.00
daily operation of Social Welfare and
welfare services
Development programs and Services

Purchase of 1 unit Vehicle (VAN) for rescue

1 unit vehicle purchased and utilized in
operation, court filing and court appearance
MSWD Jan-25 Dec-25 different MSWD office activities General Fund/20% LDF 150,000.00 3,500,000.00 ₱3,650,000.00
during hearings, disaster activities and other
(Transporting goods and people)
MSWD office transactions

TOTAL ₱ 150,000.00 ₱ 22,170,000.00 ₱ 50,675,000.00 ₱ 72,995,000.00

Prepared by: Reviewed and Submitted by:


Date: June 5, 2024 Date: June 5. 2024
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget


FY 2025

Region: Total LGU Budget: 286,599,260.00

Province: Total GAD Budget: 14,329,963.00

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Need for financial assistance for

the legal procedures of victims
of abuse (R.A. 8505, R.A. 9262, Provision of Financial assistance No. of reported abused children
1 R.A. 7610, R.A. 10364, R.A. 9344 to VAWC, CICL and other court and women extended financial ₱200,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
and Municipal Ordinance No. 10 related cases support.
& 11 series of 2021 art. II sec.
12,13 & 14)

Limited services and Provision of food and non-food No. of women and children
interventions for women and items and other support sheltered in crisis center provided
2 children in difficult situations. services for Women and their basic needs & other required ₱250,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
(R.A. 9710 Sec. 10, 30, 31 & 32) Children in Difficult Situation services

Provision of financial assistance

Increasing numbers from 6 to facilitate 95% of the mentally ill individuals
(2022) to 61 (2023) of transportation/referral, were referred to mental health
3 individuals diagnosed with payment of psychiatric institutions, assisted with the ₱100,000.00 MSWD/MHO
mental illness evaluation, and medical needs payment of check-ups, purchase
of mentally ill clients and or maintenance of medicines

Logistical Provisions for the

improvement, repair and Furniture, fixtures and other
Lack of amenities for women maintenance of Women and needed equipment procured for
4 crisis center MCW-IRR Sec. 12. Children Crisis Center: an improved women and children ₱200,000.00 MSWD
B-8 furniture, fixtures and other crisis center
needed equipment procured

Page 6 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Funtawid Day Celebration

*MCAC Meetings
Limited support for the *Focused Group Discussions
implementation of DSWD's anti- *Parent Leaders/Volunteers
poverty reduction programs Summit
such as Pantawid Pamilyang *Support to different
Pilipino Program (4P's), interventions for the 100% of target beneficiaries
5 Modified Conditional Cash transitioning/graduating attended/availed of the programs ₱500,000.00 MSWD
Transfer for Indigenous people Beneficiaries and services conducted/provided
(MCCT-IP) , and other DSWDs *Cluster Meetings and other
devolved services (R.A. 11310, monitoring and evaluation
EO 138 S. 2021) activities.
*Capacity Building Activities for
Community-Based Workers
from local and national

Need to strengthen the women,

children, and vulnerable 90% of target
families, especially in difficult Conduct of IECs, and FGDs on beneficiaries/participants attended
circumstances/situations the different programs, IEC and FGDs, understand their
6 through engagement, services, and laws to protect rights, and responsibilities, and can ₱100,000.00 MSWD & PNP
attendance, and participation in women's rights, Children's strengthen their family life
all programs and services rights, and their families. situation.
provided for their welfare
(MCW-IRR Sec. 22( B ) 1 2. B-8

Provide additional cash

Adoption and or augmentation incentives for Octogenarians
of funds for the recently and Nonagenarians on
enacted RA 11982 " for milestones of 80, 85, 90, and 95 100% of eligible senior citizens
7 Octogenarians and years (Adopt the national law residing in the locality aged 80, 85, 600.000.00 MSWD/OSCA
Nonagenarians on milestones for the financial, instead the 90, and 95 were given cash gifts.
of 80, 85, 90, and 95 years to be LGU role is to facilitate for the
entitled to P10k Cash gift eligible senior citizen to avail
the national assistance)

Page 7 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Lack of funds for the 100% of assessed clients such as:

implementation of aftercare youth offenders,
and follow-up services for youth Abandoned/Neglected/
offenders, Provision of different Abused/Exploited/Children and
Abandoned/Neglected/ interventions based on the Youth, PWDs, Released Prisoners,
8 Abused/Exploited/Children and assessed needs of the client Released Mental Patients, ₱150,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
Youth, PWDs, Released through the social work case Abused/Battered/ Exploited
Prisoners, Released Mental management process Women, Mendicant and Older
Patients, Abused/Battered/ Persons have been provided
Exploited Women, Mendicant services based on his/her/their
and Older Persons needs.

No TB patients in the locality are

Conduct IEC on the Prevention aware/informed on the Prevention
of TB-DOTS diseases and Right Treatment of TB-DOTS ₱100,000.00 MHO
R.A 10767 "Comprehensive diseases.
9 Tuberculosis Elimination Plan
Act of 2016"
Testing and treatment of No. of identified patients
identified patients completed their treatment ₱50,000.00 MHO
through DOTS

*IEC on Prevention/ Awareness 100% of target beneficiaries

of HIV/AIDS diseases attended/availed of the programs ₱100,000.00 MHO
and services conducted/provided

Logistical Provision for the 100% HIV positive provided with

treatment of HIV positive quarterly medication ₱100,000.00 MHO
Republic Act 8504: Philippine clients.
AIDS Prevention and Control Act
of 1998 and R.A. 11166 State
10 shall respect, protect, and
promote human rights as the
cornerstones of an effective
response to the country's HIV
and AIDS situation *Strengthening capacities of LGBTQ+ organization officers and
LGBTQ+ organization in selected members are capacitated ₱100,000.00 MHO
advocating health safety to advocate health safety
awareness awareness

100% of referred suspected clients

11 Purchase of Drug Test Kits have undergone Drug Testing ₱150,000.00 MHO
Limited support for the
intervention Programs of
Person's Who Used Drugs Page 8 of 45
(PWUDS). (Sec. 77of R.A. 9165)
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
support for the (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)
intervention Programs of
Person's Who Used Drugs 100% of clients including their
(PWUDS). (Sec. 77of R.A. 9165) families have attended/
12 *Conduct of Psychoeducation participated in different drug ₱150,000.00 MHO/PNP
Activities (Drug Awareness awareness lectures

Limited supply of Dietary 100% of Pregnant Women

13 Supplement for Pregnant Dietary Supplementation for received the Dietary ₱100,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Women pregnant Women Supplementation Packages

Limited supply of Dietary Dietary Supplementation for 100% of children ages 6-23 months
14 Supplement for children aged 6- children 6-23 months received Dietary Supplementation ₱50,000.00 MHO-MNAO
23 months Packages

Limited supply of Micronutrients 100% of children ages 0-11 months

15 Micronutrients Supplement for Supplementation for children 0- received Micronutrients ₱50,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Children ages 0-11 months old. 11 months Supplementation Packages

Limited supply of Multivitamins

Supplement for Children ages to Increased numbers of children
16 6-59 months. (SAM AND MAM) Multivitamins Supplementation with improved health condition ₱50,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Severely and Moderately Acute for children 6-59 months from severe, Moderate Acute
Malnutrition Malnutrition to Normal

Limited supply of Deworming Increased numbers of children

17 Pills for 1 year to 19 years old Deworming of 6-19 years old dewormed with improved health ₱200,000.00 MHO-MNAO
children twice a year conditions

Adoption of DILG Memo Circular

No. 2023-001 on the Provisions of vegetable seeds 50% of 4Ps households established
18 Implementation of the "Halina't and fruit-bearing seedlings (vegetable backyard gardens and ₱200,000.00 MNAO-OMAG,
Magtanim ng Prutas at Gulay with priority to 4Ps planted at least one fruit trees) MSWD
(HAPAG) sa barangay Project beneficiaries

Page 9 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

An act to recognize, protect and

promote the rights of
indigenous cultural
peoples, creating a national *Indigenous Peoples Day *No. of Indigenous People in 25
19 commission on indigenous Celebration(Month of October) Barangays participated in the ₱200,000.00 IPMR
Peoples, establishing annual IP Day celebration
implementing mechanisms,
appropriating funds therefor,
and for other purposes chapter
Sec. 2. c. (R.A. 8371)

Aid to Barangay Health

Workers, Barangay Nutrition
Scholars, and Women's
Presidents to wit;
*RA 9771 - Incentives and
Benefits act for Barangay
Health workers
*Presidential Decree No. 1569 *BHWs @ 1000.00 x 170 x 12
“Strengthening The Barangay = Php. 2,040,000.00
Nutrition Program By Providing
For A Barangay Nutrition *BNS @ 1000.00 X 44 X 12
Scholar In Every Barangay, =Php. 528,000.00
Providing Funds Therefor, And No. of BHWs, Women Chapter
20 For Other Purposes” *Womens Chapter Presidents Presidents, BNS, house parents ₱2,898,000.00 MHO, MSWD &
*R.A. 9710 25 x 500 x 12 = Php. 150,000.00 and solo parent designate received MNAO
AN benefits
MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN *1 House Parent (Child &
Sec. 25. Right to Representation Women's Crisis Center) @
and Participation 300/day x No. of days x 12 =
*R.A 11861 the Solo Php. 90,000.00
parent Welfare Act
*1 Solo Parent Division Staff @
300/day x No. of days x 12 =
Php. 90,000.00

Mandatory initial subsidy for No. of registered eligible solo

21 R.A. 11861 "Solo Parent Welfare ELIGIBLE solo parents (Means-, parents provided with initial ₱500,000.00 MSWD
Act" Section 15 pension-, and subsidy-tested monthly subsidy
monthly cash subsidy)

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

R.A. 11861 "Solo Parent Welfare National Solo Parent's Day and No. of registered Solo parents and
22 Act" Article 10 section 47. national Solo parent's Week other stakeholders celebrated the ₱100,000.00 MSWD
Celebration activity


June 25, 1974 Sec. 7. Nutrition
Month. The month of July shall Nutrition Month Celebration *
be designated as NUTRITION Feeding program to identified 95% of target beneficiaries
23 MONTH, for the purpose of dist. 1,2 and 3 learners, out of attended/availed of the programs ₱200,000.00 MO/Nutrition Office
creating greater awareness school children and children in and services conducted
among our people on the IP cummunity
importance of nutrition.

RA 7719. National Blood Conduct bloodletting activity

Services Act of 1994. An act twice a year (part of the funds No. of bags of blood available and
24 promoting voluntary blood will be part from the accessible at the designated blood ₱100,000.00 MHO/MO
donation providing for an MDRRM_Resiliency Month) storage facilities
adequate supply of safe blood.

Araw ng Tagbina different activities

Conduct of the different participated by men, women,
activities for the Araw ng children, senior citizens,
25 Tagbina celebration in indigenous people, and other ₱2,500,000.00 Tourism
R.A. 5774 dated June 29, 1969 preserving its cultural heritage sectors in the community for its
"An Act creating Municipality of and practices cultural heritage and practices
Tagbina, Province of Surigao Del preservations
Sur on preserving cultural
heritage and practices of its
Logistical provisions for the 25 barangays provided with
26 participation of barangays in logistical supports in the Araw ng ₱250,000.00 Tourism
the celebration of Araw ng Tagbina celebration

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

To promote legitimate living Conduct of "Kasalan ng Bayan"

27 amonsgt families in the locality (Free mass civil Wedding No. of indigent couples solemnized ₱150,000.00 LCR/MO
(E.O No. 209 s. 1987) Ceremony) twice a year

No. of GBV cases provided

interventions such as Counselling,
28 Pscholoygical Test, Psychiatric ₱100,000.00 MSWD/WCPDU
Increasing numbers of reported Evaluation and Etc.
cases among children who are Gender-Based Violence
victims of Gender-Based intervention program and
prevention measures No. of GBV cases provided
Violence preventive measures such as IECs
29 (CSAP- Child Sexual Abuse and ₱50,000.00 MSWD/WCPDU
Prevention); Provisions of flyers,
brochures, etc.

SUB-TOTAL A ₱9,898,000.00 ₱0.00 ₱0.00


Child Development 46 CDWs/ ECCD service providers

1 Worker’s Training trained 250,000.00 MSWD

Republic Act No. 10410

An Act Recognizing the Age
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) Years
as The First Crucial Stage of
Educational Development and
Strengthening the Early
Childhood Care and *Conduct Quarterly Meeting
Development System, *Attendance in Provincial and
Appropriating Funds therefor Regional Meetings, Forums and
*4 Meetings conducted *No.
2 and for other Purposes Sec. 7 B3 consultations of provincial and regional activities 100,000.00 MSWD
*Conduct Monitoring/
Coaching/ Mentoring or any attended
Technical Assistance amongst
ECCD and SNP implementors

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Conduct orientation in the

Capacity Enhancement of VAW preparation of VAW reports for
3 Desk officers in 25 barangays newly appointed VAW desk 100% Functional and capacitated 150,000.00 MSWD
on pertinent laws and rules officers in the barangay VAW Desk Officers in 25 barangays
related to womens protection

* Conduct of Tagbina
Federation PYA quarter *4 quarter meetings conducted
meeting *No. of OSY ages
*Continous Orientation on the 15-30-year-old attended the
4 Unlad Kabataan Program organizational meeting 200,000.00 MSWD
*No. of
R.A. 8044 or the Youth in Nation *Attendance to Regional, Consultation, Forum and dialoques
Building Act of 1995 further Provincial and Local Forums,
Consultation and dialogue attended
strengthening governments'
commitments to promote the
welfare and Development of
Hiring of UKP coordinator as
job order to assist the LYDO in UKP President of Tagbina elected
5 the implementation of youth- as provincial president absorbed as 85,000.00 MSWD/LYDO
related programs, projects, and JO to assist the LYDO in
activities (In 2025) implementation its PPAs

*Conduct Training of Trainors

Lack of advocacy and (ToT) on Parent Effectiveness
mobilization activities for Seminars *No. of trainors trained on PES
Filipino fathers' paternal roles *Conduct Orientation on *1
and responsibilities in the ERPAT/KATROPA and conduct orientation conducted and 1
6 locality. (1987 Philippine organization of Fathers organized fathers association 250,000.00 MSWD/ POPCOM
Constitution Article 2 sec. 1, Asociation among LGU men *Licensed and
Article XV sec. 1, Family Code of employees accredited PMOC
the Philippines At. 71, PD 603 *Provision of Logistical Support
chapter 1 art. 17.) on the preparation PMOC
licensing and accreditation

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Conduct training on Mental

Health and Psychosocial
Support Services and Stress
Management to selected
Limited numbers of experienced organic LGU employees and
or trained service providers who other stakeholders No. of employees attended the
7 can provide psychosocial *Conduct Training on training on MH-PSS, PFA, and 500,000.00 MSWD/MHO
services. Psychological First Aid (PFA) for Stress-debriefing activities
selected employees
*Conduct Stress-
Debriefing cum Team Building
Activities for the carers

100% of PMC applicants attended

8 Signing of MOA utilizing part of the Pre-Marriage Counseling as 50,000.00 PMOC/MSWD/LCR/
IP duplex as PMC Center scheduled in a conducive and MHO
No accredited Pre-Marriage standard- licensed PMC center
Counselling Center and no
licensed PMOC for the conduct
of PMC seminars Furniture, fixtures and other
Improvement of the designated needed equipment procured for PMOC/MSWD/LCR/
9 PMC center an improved standard designated 100,000.00 MHO
PMC center

*Capability building
Strengthening Women's training/Monthly Meetings
Organization of the 25 *Strenghening of the 100% women's members had
barangays Federation attended federation activities,
10 a.) Capacity *Program Review and capability building activities and 400,000.00 MSWD/ TAFEWA
Development b.) Evaluation participated in the women's month
Women's Month Celebration *Conduct of annual women's celebration
month celebration

Strengthen the local structures *Conduct regular Local

to collaboratively address the Committee meetings on Local *No. of Meetings conducted
11 problems of trafficking and Anti-Trafficking and VAW *Compliant and Functional LCAT- 50,000.00 MSWD & MO
VAWC. (JMC No. 2010 the *Crafting of Municipal VAWC *1
creation of LCAT-VAWC) R.A Action Plan LCAT-VAWC action plan crafted
9208 and R.A. 9262

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Need to celebrate National Day 100% of Child Development

Care Workers Week ( M.C 2003 Conduct Day care Workers Workers (DAY Care Workers)
12 - 111) (43 Child Development Week Celebration attended and participated in the 80,000.00 MSWD/FTCDW
WorkersCDWs) DILG MC 2003- celebration

Lack of enhancement and *LGU PPAs are Gender Responsive

capacity development on and Gender-Sensitive
*Gender Continuous involvement of LGU *Conducted enhancement
13 Mainstreaming key personnel in GAD related Training and Conferences for the 600,000.00 GFPS
*Gender Responsive Planning workshops and write shops and preparation of GAD Plan and
*Gender Analysis and benchmarking Budget for 2026 and GAD-ARs for
Gender Sensitivity in LGU's MFO 2024. *Conducted
(MCR IRR Sec. 28) Bench Marking

Lack of provision of
comprehensive, culture-
sensitive, and gender-
responsive health services and Conduct LGUlympics 2025 No. of male & female employees
14 programs covering all stages of among LGU employees participated in the 2025 200,000.00 MO/GFPS/HRMO
women's life cycle which LGUlympics
addresses the major causes of
women's mortality and

Limited program for the

Enrichment of LGU Men and
Women officials and employees Conduct of Family Day 95% of LGU men and women
on moral values and mental Celebration, seminar on values employees participated in the
15 health awareness civil service formation and mental health family day celebration; value 600,000.00 MO/HRMO
week celebration act (pls refer awareness formation and mental health
to hrmo) Presidential awareness seminar
Proclamation No. 1050, series of

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Conduct Gender Sensitivity

Training among LGU employees
2025 Title: *Introduction to
16 Gender Sensitivity Training *Basic GAD Concept: Sex and 100% LGU employees including 500,000.00 MO/GFPS/HRMO
among LGU men and women Gender; CoS, JOs attended the training
*Gender-Based Violence;
*Filipino Brand of Service
Excellence (FBSE) and other
GAD related trainings

95% of the ABC members have

Continuing education to Men *Conduct reorientation on the attended acquired additional
17 and Women ABC members on special laws for women and knowledge on children protection 200,000.00 Liga ng mga Barangay
the special laws for women and children laws as well as for youth and
their children womens.

*Conduct capacity building *Barangay Youth Leaders has

activities for barangay youth capacitated on child and youth
Implementation of R.A 8044 leaders welfare laws and mandates
18 "Youth in Nation Building Act" *Conduct Inter Barangay youth *100% of youth 800,000.00 LYDO/SK Federation
section 2-a,b,c, and d. sports tournament (Governor's officials and members in 25 Officials /MSWD
Cup and Mayor's league) barangays participated in a youth
*Conduct sports tournament
Linggo ng Kabataan Program

Limited support for the

continous professional
development of Women and Attendance to government No. of Social workers and WCPD
children responders/frontliners initiated Trainings/Seminars of attended all required
19 especially on the following laws: Social Workers and WCPD enhancement trainings and 200,000.00 MSWD/WCPD
RA 9262, RA 11313, and other Personnel/ seminars facilitated by national,
Gender-based violence related Regional and Provincial entities

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Strengthening of the WCPD

20 Office in Tagbina MPS (Please Establishment of functional Functional/Standard Pink Room 350,000.00 50,000.00 WCPD
provide legal mandate) standard PINK ROOM - stablished

No. of public and accredited

21 PD 242 s of 2011 "National Conduct various activities for private Teaching and Non- 800,000.00 MO
Teachers Month Celebration the Teachers Day Celebration Teaching Staff attended from
DepEd 1 and 2, and NEMSU, CDWs

Conduct training and seminars

Limited capacity enhancement on leadership enhancement, No. of women members of the
22 program for the various Rural basic bookkeeping, and various RICs participated in the 100,000.00 OMAg
Improvement Clubs in the financial literacy for the various skills training
municipality RICs across the municipality

Limited capacity enhancement

program that will strengthen Conduct skills training on basic No. of BAHWs and BBOs
23 the Barangay Bio-security veterinary works; and basic participated in the skills 100,000.00 OMAg
Officers, and Barangay Animal farming techniques/ technology enhancement training and seminar
Health Workers across the for BAHWs and BBOs across the municipality

*Conduct training on tilapia

processing (dried fish);
24 Farmers Organization Activities Provision of drying facility (net No. of farmers (men and women) 100,000.00 50,000.00 OMAg
and other related activities and UV plastic) *conduct participated in the skills training
training on rice production
(Palay Check)

Search for outstanding young No. of young farmers/

25 agriprenuers agripreneurs participated in the 50,000.00

Decreasing number of
teenagers involvement in LYDO / OMAg
different agricultural activities

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Decreasing number of
teenagers involvement in *Conduct training on financial LYDO / OMAg
different agricultural activities literacy for the various 4H Clubs *No. of young farmers participated
26 in the municipality; * Conduct in the training; No. of young 350,000.00 150,000.00
coffee barista training; * farmers benefited with the
Provision of mobile coffee cart, program
and start-up capital

Lack of recognition and At least 500 farmers across the

27 appreciation for the hard work Farmers Day Celebration every municipality attended the 300,000.00 OMAg
and dedication of farmers Month of May celebration
(Proclamation no. 33 s. of 1989)

*Conduct quarterly meetings

*4 quarterly meetings conducted
Strengthening of Civil Society *Conduct annual capability *No. of
28 Organization Networks in 25 building training CSO's participants provided with 100,000.00 MO
barangays *Facilitate accreditation of capacity building training
existing NGOs and POs in the

Republic Act No. 9547 An act

strengthening and expanding
the coverage of the Special
Program for Employment of Conduct of SPES deployed in No. of target beneficiaries
29 Students, amending for the the Municipal Government deployed in different department 300,000.00 MO/PESO
purpose of RA No. 7323 Offices offices
otherwise known as the Special
Program for Employment of

Need of Recognition and

appreciation for the hard work 90% of Community Volunteers are
and dedication of men and awarded and recognized on their
30 Women community volunteers KALAHI Volunteers Summit exemplary performance in 200,000.00 MO
(Pls provide SB Resolution implementing CDD programs and
declaring ___ as Volunteer's Day projects in the community
as mandated)

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2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

No. of the Barangay Health

R.A. 7883 "Magna Carta for To conduct Capability Workers and other health
Barangay Health Workers Act of development training/seminar practitioners attended the
31 1995" sec. 8 (f) Training twice a year related to health enhancement training and were 100,000.00 MHO
Education and Career care programs. able to transfer their knowledge to
Enrichment Program. the community they served.

Lack of knowledge on Planning Conduct year-end evaluation No. of Tribal Leaders attended and
32 and Evaluation process amongst cum Team Building Activities capacitated on the planning and 100,000.00 IPMR
Tribal Leaders among Tribal leaders in 25 Evaluation process and produced
Barangays an Action plan per barangay

Lack of vehicle for the

immediate response, rescue
operation of Women in Need of
Special protection and Children Purchase of 1 unit Hi-Ace
in Need of Special Protection Commuter 3.0 manual
due to gender-based violence transmission with following
reports including street Specifications:
children, Child At-Risk (CAR), *Engine Size: 3.0 L, 100% of reported cases within and
33 Children In Conflict with the Law displacement 2982 cc, cylinder outside the locality who needed 1,800,000.00 MSWD
(CICL)victims of child traficking, 4, balbs 16, transmission type 5 assistance have provided
child abuse and other related speed, Manual immediate response.
types of abuses. *Dimension: Lenght 4695
*Lack of vehicle to use for mm x width 1695 mm x height
mobilization/transportation of 1980 mm
women, children, their families
and their witnesses during court
hearings and other court related

Page 19 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and Target GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Continuous development of Maintenance of GAD Database

gender Responsive data and information system ( Family 100% Utilization of readily and
34 information system in the LGU Preparedness with CBMS and available sectoral GAD data in the 200,000.00 MSWD/MPDO/GFPS
(Municipal Ordinace No. 10 s. of FACED linkages -continuing in harmonization of LGU Programs,
2021 chapter II sec. 24.e) 2025) Projects, and Activities

SUB-TOTAL B ₱8,465,000.00 ₱0.00 ₱2,050,000.00


HGDG Design / Funding Total Annual Program / Project Lead or Responsible

Facility / Generic Checklist Budget GAD Attributed Program / Project Budget Office

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Sub-Total C
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) ₱20,413,000.00
Prepared by Approved by: Date:

GFPS-TWG Chairman Municipal Mayor

Page 20 of 45
Local Government Unit of Tagbina

Budget Year 2025


referenc SECTOR P/A/P Office/
e code Department AIP AB AIP AB

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

100% of LCPC members and

its representatives were
upgrading amongst MCPC
capacitated on different
members through Conduct of MO/MPDC/ January - December
Institutional trainings related to children 300,000.00 150,000.00
trainings, Regular (Bi-monthly MSWD 2025
laws, advisories & issuances.
meetings) & Special meetings
Further, 100% of Meetings
of the council
were attended.

Conduct Capacity Building

Activities for Barangay
Officials as members of
100% of newly, re- elected
Barangay Council for the
and appointed barangay
Protection of Children (BCPC)
officials have capacited on
of 25 Barangays on R.A. PNP/MSWD/ January - December
Social different child protection laws 400,000.00 300,000.00
9344/R.A. 10630 and other DILG 2025
and proper handling of
child Protection & related laws,
children in conflict with the
and proper handling of
Children In Conflict with the
Law and Children At Risk

Conduct of Municipal 100% of barangay BCPC have

Monitoring Activities and been monitored on their
Technical Assistance from proper implementation and
MSWD/ January - December
Social National down to local level compliance to the law and 100,000.00 80,000.00
(Monitoring of the provided technical assistance
enforcement of national and for different areas for
local laws on children) improvement.
referenc SECTOR P/A/P Office/
e code Department AIP AB AIP AB

Provision of cash assistance

and other support services
100% of eligible
including support for rescue
beneficiearies in need of
operations for Childrens In January - December
Social MSWD/PNP special protection have been 100,000.00 100,000.00
Need of Special Protection 2025
provided with cash assistance
(CNSP) and referral of cases
and other means of support
filed against child abusers to
concern agencies/institution

Subsidize the 44 Child

Development Workers through
100% of child Development
provision of monthly
Workers in 25 barangays
Honorarium for proper January - December
Social MSWD/ DILG have provided with monthly 792,000.00 792,000.00
implementation of Early 2025
support through provision of
Childhood Care and
monhtly honorarium
Development (ECCD) Program
in 25 Barangays

Provision of additional cash 100% of accredited Child

subsidy to Accredited Child Development Workers have
Development Workers per provided additional subsidy in January - December
Social MSWD 252,000.00 252,000.00
level of competencies (Level 1 recognition of their legal 2025
- 500, Level 2 - 750 & Level 3- operation and implementation
1000) of ECCD

100% of referred clients to

Regional Rehabilitation for
Provision of Financial
Children and Youth have been January - December
Social Assistance for minors at RRCY MSWD 100,000.00 100,000.00
provided with assistance 2025
and Bahay Pag-asa
through payment of monthly
billings/charges of their stay.

1 conduct of annual Childrens

Conduct of Annual Childrens
Month Celebration January - December
Social Month Celebration/Annual MSWD 300,000.00 250,000.00
participated by selected 2025
Local State Childrens Report
school children in the locality
referenc SECTOR P/A/P Office/
e code Department AIP AB AIP AB

Conduct of Annual Childrens 1 conduct of Childrens January - December

Social MSWD 200,000.00 150,000.00
Congress Congress 2025

Supplementary Feeding to 2nd 100% of supplementaty

and 3rd degree malnourished MNAO/ feeding program activities January - December
Social 150,000.00 100,000.00
children 0-59 months to 25 MSWD/MHO have been conducted to 2025
Barangays target areas.

Strengthening of Unlad-
Conducted trainings/seminars
Kabataan Program (UKP) (15-
for 15-24 years old target
24 years old) Through capacity
beneificiaries members of January - December
Social building activities and support MSWD 100,000.00 100,000.00
organized Unlad kabataan 2025
to the following: Livelihood
program and pag Asa Youth
Assistance, Balik Eskwela and
Association of the Philiipines
Skills Training Project

Conducted trainings/seminars
Conduct training on Population for 15-30 years old target
awareness and family Life beneificiaries members of January - December
Social MSWD 100,000.00 100,000.00
Orientation (PAFLO) for PYAP organized Unlad kabataan 2025
members program and pag Asa Youth
Association of the Philiipines

Maintenance and updating of

Database on Children (With all
of the following disaggregated
information on children: Age, Database of Children have January - December
Social MSWD 100,000.00 50,000.00
Sex, Ethnicity, Disability and upgraded and maintained 2025
School Status)/Purchase of
additional Database
referenc SECTOR P/A/P Office/
e code Department AIP AB AIP AB

Monitoring of compliance and

accomplishment per indicators
of five areas of assessment for
the Child Friendly Local January - December
Social MSWD CFLGA passer 100,000.00 100,000.00
Government Audit (CFLGA). 2025

Enhancement and evaluation

of CLJIP implementation

Provision of Financial Support

for accredited Foster parents 100% of registered foster
January - December
Social as per Republic Act No. 10165 MSWD parents with foster child have 100,000.00 70,000.00
or otherwise known as the provided monthly subsidy
Foster Care Act of 2012
conducted 2 adoption and
foster care forum and
Conduct Adoption and Foster January - December
Social MSWD endorsed applicants for 50,000.00 27,792.60
Care Conferences 2025
adoption and foster care to

TOTAL 3,244,000.00 2,721,792.60

2,721,792.60 -
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

MSWDO MPDC MBO Municipal Mayor
Local Government Unit of Tagbina
Budget Year 2025


AIP reference SECTOR P/A/P Implementing Office/ IMPLEMENTATION
code Department AIP AB AIP AB SCHEDULE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Provision of Basic need
Purchased of Basic Medicine for
SC medicines (Medical/Dental OSCA/MSWD/Mayor’s Office 80,000.00 June-December
Older Person
Number of SC availed Assistive
SC Provision of Assistive Devices OSCA/MSWD Mayor Office Devices: 10 units Wheelchair, 20 98,396.30 January-December
pcs. Quadcane
Home care services to the Provided care and services to all
SC OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office 50,000.00 January-December
Senior Citizens frail and sickly SC
SC Provision of Office supplies OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office Office supplies purchased 50,000.00 March-October
Office Maintenance of Maintained of Features and
SC OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office 50,000.00
Features and Fixtures Fixtures
Capability building Training 100% of SC Barangay President
SC on Basic Parliamentary OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office enhanced the knowledge on 30,000.00 March- October
procedures and Parliamentary procedures
Senior Citizen attendance to
SC CELEBRATION ( local & OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office 130,000.00 October
Elderly week celebration
Provincial )
100% of SC president presented
SC Year End Evaluation report and attended year end 50,000.00
Mayor office December

Local counterpart for the

National Program Pay-out
100% supported of all national
SC (Social Pension and TCT) and OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office 50,000.00 January- December
activities for SC
other National, Regional and
provincial Activities

Provision of cash incentives

to OSCA for monthly 100% of OSCA attended monthly
SC meeting, Activities, training OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office meeting, trainings and seminars 72,000.00 January –December
and seminars at local, ( 6,000x12)
provincial and regional level

Page 25 of 45
AIP reference SECTOR P/A/P Implementing Office/ IMPLEMENTATION
code Department AIP AB AIP AB SCHEDULE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
100% of OSCA and Chapters
president attended monthly
Provision of cash incentives meeting
to SC Federation President ( Pres. 1,500x24x12= 432,000)
SC and Chapter presidents for OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office 618,000.00 January-December
monthly meeting, Activities, ( Fed. Sec 2,500x12= 30,000)
training and seminars (Fed. Pres 4,000x12=48,000)
( Utility 3,000x12=36,000)
(Office Encoder 6,000x12=72,000)
Maintenance of Data Additional equipments for Data
SC OSCA/MSWD 50,000.00 January-December
Banking for Senior Citizens management use
Travelling expenses for OSCA Attendance to trainings and
SC federated president and OSCA/MSWD/Mayor office seminars at provincial and regional 50,000.00 January-December
focal person level

Learning Journey for Senior

1 Learning Visit conducted to best
Citizens Association of
SC OSCA/MSWD implementing Senior Citizens of 30,000.00 January-December
Tagbina (SCAT) officers and
selected members

Fuel, Lubricants and Motor Purchased Fuel, Lubricants and

SC OSCA 24,600.00 January-December
accessories maintenance accessories

TOTAL 1,432,996.30
Prepared by: Approved by:

OSCA Designate MPDC MBO Municipal Mayor

Page 26 of 45
Local Government Unit of Tagbina


Budget Year 2025


code SECTOR P/A/P Department SCHEDULE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Number of PWDs primary and
Supplies and Educational Needs
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor secondary education provided with
PWD of PWD Primary and secondary 50,000.00 October
office School Shoes, Socs, School Supplies,
pack bags and Umbrellas
Provision of Medical/Cash 100% of Eligible beneficiaries availed
PWD PDAO/MSWD 40,000.00 January-December
Assistance to PWDs the assistance
Inclusion of PWDs in school
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor PWDs encouraged to participate the
PWD activities on Children’s Month 20,000.00 October-December
Office children’s month celebrations

Number of PWD enrolled in Tertiary

Provision of Educational
Education provided with 1 time
PWD Assistance to indigent PWDs PDAO/MSWD 30,000.00 june - July 2025
Educational Support through
enrolled inTertiary Education
provision of Education Assistance

Provision of Assistive Devices

a.) Wheelchair (10 units)
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor Number of PWD availed on different
PWD b.) Metal Crutches (10 pcs.) 80,000.00 January-December
Office assistive devices
c.) Cane (walker, Quad) (10 pcs.)
d.) Hearing aid
Skills training on sustainable
livelihood program (handy craft
for PWD)
a. Business Basic Mgt.
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor PWDs acquired skills and enhance
PWD training September-October
office their source of living
b. Start up capital
a. Start up capital ( Sari-
sari store)
Advocacy campaign on PWD
Laws( RA 7277, 9442, BP 344
a. Hanging of Tarpaulin
b. Advertisement through
Community have knowledge on
Radio Station PDAO/MSWD/Mayor
PWD PWDs laws ( 7277, 9442, BP 344, 40,000.00 April – October
c. Conduct Barangay PWD office
d. Provision of Stickers
and pamphlets
Community have knowledge on
PWD PWDs laws ( 7277, 9442, BP 344, 40,000.00 April – October
AIP reference Implementing Office/ IMPLEMENTATION
code SECTOR P/A/P Department SCHEDULE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Observance of Special Event on

National Disability Prevention and
Rehabilitation (NDPR) Week
Celebration with series activities: Number of PWDs attended NDPR
PWD a. Medical Mission week Celebration and knew the 120,000.00 July
b. Team Building benefits being PWD
c. Sports Competition
d. Culmination Program

Inclusion of Women's with

Dissability on Women's Month Participated the Women's Month
PWD Celebration and on the Celebration and Women's With 20,000.00 March
observance of women's with Disability Day
dissability day

International Day of Disabled

Person celebration ( IDDP)
a. Giving of awards and
recognition of Top performing
PWD leader/association Number of PWDs attended IDDP
b. Year End Evaluation
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor week Celebration and knew the
PWD 100,000.00 December
office benefits and privileges from other
c. Giving of PAMASKONG
HANDOG to PWDs who are
Bedridden, Mental Disability, on
wheelchair PWDs, fully blind, etc.

PDAO/MSWD/ Mayor 100% of eligible beneficiaries availed

PWD Medical/Dental Mission October
office the services
Logistical Support for children
enrolled in Special Education
100% of officially enrolled children
(SpEd) at Tagbina Elementary PDAO/MSWD/ Mayor
PWD have provided needed services as 75,000.00 January - December
School, Sta. Juana Elementary office
requested by school
School and Tagbina Natinal High

Capability Building Training on:

a. enhancement
Leadership for PWD
b. Team Building activities
PDAO/MSWD Mayor 100% of PWD leaders enhanced
PWD 86,396.30 April- October
Office Knowledge, ability and skills
code SECTOR P/A/P Department SCHEDULE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c. Conduct Symposium, PDAO/MSWD Mayor 100% of PWD leaders enhanced
PWD 86,396.30 April- October
Seminar, training & Office Knowledge, ability and skills
workshop on related laws,
issues and concerns of
PWD sector.
d. Sress and conflict
management /training

Fuel, Lubricants of motorcycle, PDAO/MSWD/Mayor Purchased Fuel, Lubricants and

PWD 30,000.00 January-December
Vehicle and office maintenance office accessories

Provision of cash incentives to

PDAO Head for monthly meeting, 100% Monthly meeting, activities,
PWD activities, training and seminars training and seminars attended and 72,000.00 January-December
at Local, Provincial, Regional and conducted to the welfare of PWDs.
national level

100% of PDAO and Chapters

Provision of cash incentives of president attended monthly meeting
office utility/ Encoder, driver, (Pres. 1000x25x12=300,000.00)
PWD federation President and Chapter 489,600.00 January- December
Office (Fed. Pres 2,500x12=30,000)
presidents for monthly meeting,
Activities, training and seminars ( Fed.Sec 1,300x12= 15,600
Office Encoder 6,000=72,000.00
Driver 6000 = 72,000.00
PDAO/MSWD/Mayor Additonal equipment for the
PWD Maintenance of PWD Database 50,000.00 January- December
Office maintenance of PWD Data
Office Supplies and maintenance PDAO/MSWD/Mayor Provided supplies and maintained
PWD 30,000.00 January- December
of office Equipments Office office equipments
Office Maintenance of Features
PWD and Fixtures (Tables, Chairs and Maintained of Features and Fixtures 30,000.00 January- December
Strenghtening of PWD Officers and selected members
Associaition through Learning acquired knowledge from the best
PWD PDAO/MSWD 30,000.00 January- December
Visit/Journey to areas in Caraga practices of other PWD association in
implementing best practices the region
code SECTOR P/A/P Department SCHEDULE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Travelling expenses of PDAO,

100% of PDAO, Federation/Chapter
PWD Focal person, Federation
PDAO/MSWD/ Mayor President acquired knowledge on
PWD President and Chapter presidents 40,000.00 January-December
office how to deal the PWDs in the
during training @ province, region
municipality of Tagbina
and National level

TOTAL ₱1,432,996.30
Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

PDAO Designate MPDC MBO Municipal Mayor
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget


FY 2025

Region: Total LGU Budget: 286,599,260.00

Province: Total GAD Budget: 14,329,963.00

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Need for financial assistance for

the legal procedures of victims
of abuse (R.A. 8505, R.A. 9262, Provision of Financial assistance No. of reported abused
1 R.A. 7610, R.A. 10364, R.A. 9344 to VAWC, CICL and other court children and women ₱200,000.00 80,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
and Municipal Ordinance No. 10 related cases extended financial support.
& 11 series of 2021 art. II sec.
12,13 & 14)

Limited services and Provision of food and non-food No. of women and children
interventions for women and items and other support sheltered in crisis center
2 children in difficult situations. services for Women and provided their basic needs & ₱250,000.00 120,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
(R.A. 9710 Sec. 10, 30, 31 & 32) Children in Difficult Situation other required services

Provision of financial assistance 95% of the mentally ill

Increasing numbers from 6 to facilitate individuals were referred to
(2022) to 61 (2023) of transportation/referral, mental health institutions,
3 individuals diagnosed with payment of psychiatric assisted with the payment ₱100,000.00 50,000.00 MSWD/MHO
mental illness evaluation, and medical needs of check-ups, purchase and
of mentally ill clients or maintenance of

Logistical Provisions for the

improvement, repair and Furniture, fixtures and
Lack of amenities for women maintenance of Women and other needed equipment
4 crisis center MCW-IRR Sec. 12. Children Crisis Center: procured for an improved ₱200,000.00 100,000.00 MSWD
B-8 furniture, fixtures and other women and children crisis
needed equipment procured center

Page 31 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Funtawid Day Celebration

*MCAC Meetings
*Focused Group Discussions
Limited support for the *Parent Leaders/Volunteers
implementation of DSWD's anti- Summit
poverty reduction programs *Support to different
such as Pantawid Pamilyang interventions for the 100% of target beneficiaries
Pilipino Program (4P's), transitioning/graduating attended/availed of the
5 Modified Conditional Cash Beneficiaries (skills training programs and services ₱500,000.00 400,000.00 MSWD
Transfer for Indigenous people with starter kits) after TNA. conducted/provided
(MCCT-IP) , and other DSWDs *Cluster Meetings
devolved services (R.A. 11310, and other monitoring and
EO 138 S. 2021) evaluation activities.
*Capacity Building
Activities for Community-Based
Workers from local and

Need to strengthen the women,

children, and vulnerable 90% of target
families, especially in difficult Conduct of IECs, and FGDs on beneficiaries/participants
circumstances/situations the different programs, attended IEC and FGDs,
6 through engagement, services, and laws to protect understand their rights, and ₱100,000.00 100,000.00 MSWD & PNP
attendance, and participation in women's rights, Children's responsibilities, and can
all programs and services rights, and their families. strengthen their family life
provided for their welfare situation.
(MCW-IRR Sec. 22( B ) 1 2. B-8

Provide additional cash

Adoption and or augmentation incentives for Octogenarians
of funds for the recently and Nonagenarians on
enacted RA 11982 " for milestones of 80, 85, 90, and 95 100% of eligible senior
7 Octogenarians and years (Adopt the national law citizens residing in the 600.000.00 350,000.00 MSWD/OSCA
Nonagenarians on milestones for the financial, instead the locality aged 80, 85, 90, and
of 80, 85, 90, and 95 years to be LGU role is to facilitate for the 95 were given cash gifts.
entitled to P10k Cash gift eligible senior citizen to avail
the national assistance)

Page 32 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Lack of funds for the 100% of assessed clients

implementation of aftercare such as: youth offenders,
and follow-up services for youth Provision of different Abandoned/Neglected/
offenders, interventions based on the Abused/Exploited/Children
Abandoned/Neglected/ assessed needs of the client and Youth, PWDs, Released
8 Abused/Exploited/Children and through the social work case Prisoners, Released Mental ₱150,000.00 150,000.00 MSWD/WCPD/MHO
Youth, PWDs, Released management process (such as Patients, Abused/Battered/
Prisoners, Released Mental psychological services, Exploited Women,
Patients, Abused/Battered/ livelihood assisstance, Mendicant and Older
Exploited Women, Mendicant educational support and etc.) Persons have been provided
and Older Persons services based on
his/her/their needs.

No TB patients in the locality

are aware/informed on the
Conduct IEC on the Prevention Prevention and Right ₱100,000.00 100,000.00 MHO
of TB-DOTS diseases Treatment of TB-DOTS
R.A 10767 "Comprehensive diseases.
9 Tuberculosis Elimination Plan
Act of 2016"

Testing and treatment of No. of identified patients

identified patients completed their treatment ₱50,000.00 50,000.00 MHO
through DOTS

100% of target beneficiaries

*IEC on Prevention/ Awareness attended/availed of the ₱100,000.00 100,000.00 MHO
of HIV/AIDS diseases programs and services

Logistical Provision for the 100% HIV positive provided

Republic Act 8504: Philippine treatment of HIV positive ₱100,000.00 50,000.00 MHO
AIDS Prevention and Control Act clients. with quarterly medication
of 1998 and R.A. 11166 State
shall respect, protect, and
10 promote human rights as the
cornerstones of an effective
response to the country's HIV
and AIDS situation LGBTQ+ organization
*Strengthening capacities of officers and selected
LGBTQ+ organization in members are capacitated to ₱100,000.00 50,000.00 MHO
advocating health safety advocate health safety
awareness awareness

Page 33 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

100% of referred suspected

11 Purchase of Drug Test Kits clients have undergone Drug ₱150,000.00 100,000.00 MHO
Limited support for the
intervention Programs of
Person's Who Used Drugs 100% of clients including
(PWUDS). (Sec. 77of R.A. 9165) their families have
12 attended/ participated in ₱150,000.00 MHO/PNP
*Conduct of Psychoeducation different drug awareness
Activities (Drug Awareness lectures

Limited supply of Dietary 100% of Pregnant Women

13 Supplement for Pregnant Dietary Supplementation for received the Dietary ₱100,000.00 30,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Women pregnant Women Supplementation Packages

Limited supply of Dietary Dietary Supplementation for 100% of children ages 6-23
14 Supplement for children aged 6- children 6-23 months months received Dietary ₱50,000.00 20,000.00 MHO-MNAO
23 months Supplementation Packages

Limited supply of Micronutrients 100% of children ages 0-11

15 Micronutrients Supplement for Supplementation for children 0- months received ₱50,000.00 20,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Children ages 0-11 months old. 11 months Micronutrients
Supplementation Packages

Limited supply of Multivitamins Increased numbers of

Supplement for Children ages to children with improved
16 6-59 months. (SAM AND MAM) Multivitamins Supplementation health condition from ₱50,000.00 20,000.00 MHO-MNAO
Severely and Moderately Acute for children 6-59 months severe, Moderate Acute
Malnutrition Malnutrition to Normal

Limited supply of Deworming Increased numbers of

17 Pills for 1 year to 19 years old Deworming of 6-19 years old children dewormed with ₱200,000.00 50,000.00 MHO-MNAO
children twice a year improved health conditions

Adoption of DILG Memo Circular 50% of 4Ps households

No. 2023-001 on the Provisions of vegetable seeds established (vegetable
18 Implementation of the "Halina't and fruit-bearing seedlings backyard gardens and ₱200,000.00 200,000.00 MNAO-OMAG,
Magtanim ng Prutas at Gulay with priority to 4Ps planted at least one fruit MSWD
(HAPAG) sa barangay Project beneficiaries trees)

Page 34 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

An act to recognize, protect and

promote the rights of
indigenous cultural
peoples, creating a national *Indigenous Peoples Day *No. of Indigenous People in
19 commission on indigenous Celebration(Month of October) 25 Barangays participated in ₱200,000.00 150,000.00 IPMR
Peoples, establishing the annual IP Day
implementing mechanisms, celebration
appropriating funds therefor,
and for other purposes chapter
Sec. 2. c. (R.A. 8371)

Aid to Barangay Health

Workers, Barangay Nutrition
Scholars, and Women's
Presidents to wit;
*RA 9771 - Incentives and
Benefits act for Barangay
Health workers
*Presidential Decree No. 1569 *BHWs @ 1000.00 x 170 x 12
“Strengthening The Barangay = Php. 2,040,000.00
Nutrition Program By Providing
For A Barangay Nutrition *BNS @ 1000.00 X 44 X 12
Scholar In Every Barangay, =Php. 528,000.00 No. of BHWs, Women
Providing Funds Therefor, And Chapter Presidents, BNS,
20 For Other Purposes” *Womens Chapter Presidents house parents and solo ₱2,898,000.00 ₱2,898,000.00 MHO, MSWD &
*R.A. 9710 25 x 500 x 12 = Php. 150,000.00 parent designate received MNAO
AN benefits
MAGNA CARTA OF WOMEN *1 House Parent (Child &
Sec. 25. Right to Representation Women's Crisis Center) @
and Participation 300/day x No. of days x 12 =
*R.A 11861 the Solo Php. 90,000.00
parent Welfare Act
*1 Solo Parent Division Staff @
300/day x No. of days x 12 =
Php. 90,000.00

Mandatory initial subsidy for No. of registered eligible

21 R.A. 11861 "Solo Parent Welfare ELIGIBLE solo parents (Means-, solo parents provided with ₱500,000.00 500,000.00 MSWD
Act" Section 15 pension-, and subsidy-tested initial monthly subsidy
monthly cash subsidy)

Page 35 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

No. of registered Solo

R.A. 11861 "Solo Parent Welfare National Solo Parent's Day and parents and other
22 Act" Article 10 section 47. national Solo parent's Week stakeholders celebrated the ₱100,000.00 100,000.00 MSWD
Celebration activity


June 25, 1974 Sec. 7. Nutrition
Month. The month of July shall Nutrition Month Celebration * 95% of target beneficiaries
be designated as NUTRITION Feeding program to identified attended/availed of the
23 MONTH, for the purpose of dist. 1,2 and 3 learners, out of programs and services ₱200,000.00 200,000.00 MO/Nutrition Office
creating greater awareness school children and children in conducted
among our people on the IP cummunity
importance of nutrition.

RA 7719. National Blood Conduct bloodletting activity No. of bags of blood

Services Act of 1994. An act twice a year (part of the funds available and accessible at
24 promoting voluntary blood will be part from the the designated blood ₱100,000.00 70,000.00 MHO/MO
donation providing for an MDRRM_Resiliency Month) storage facilities
adequate supply of safe blood.

Araw ng Tagbina different

activities participated by
Conduct of the different men, women, children,
activities for the Araw ng senior citizens, indigenous
25 Tagbina celebration in people, and other sectors in ₱2,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 Tourism
R.A. 5774 dated June 29, 1969 preserving its cultural heritage the community for its
"An Act creating Municipality of and practices cultural heritage and
Tagbina, Province of Surigao Del practices preservations
Sur on preserving cultural
heritage and practices of its
Logistical provisions for the 25 barangays provided with
26 participation of barangays in logistical supports in the ₱250,000.00 Tourism
the celebration of Araw ng Araw ng Tagbina celebration

Page 36 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

To promote legitimate living Conduct of "Kasalan ng Bayan" No. of indigent couples

27 amonsgt families in the locality (Free mass civil Wedding solemnized ₱150,000.00 75,000.00 LCR/MO
(E.O No. 209 s. 1987) Ceremony) twice a year

No. of GBV cases provided

interventions such as
28 Counselling, Pscholoygical ₱100,000.00 80,000.00 MSWD/WCPDU
Test, Psychiatric Evaluation
and Etc.
Increasing numbers of reported Gender-Based Violence
cases among children who are intervention program and
victims of Gender-Based prevention measures
Violence No. of GBV cases provided
preventive measures such as
29 IECs (CSAP- Child Sexual ₱50,000.00 50,000.00 MSWD/WCPDU
Abuse and Prevention);
Provisions of flyers,
brochures, etc.

SUB-TOTAL A ₱9,898,000.00 ₱0.00 ₱0.00 ₱8,263,000.00


1 Child Development 46 CDWs/ ECCD service 250,000.00 250,000.00 MSWD

Worker’s Training providers trained

Republic Act No. 10410

An Act Recognizing the Age
from Zero (0) to Eight (8) Years
as The First Crucial Stage of
Educational Development and
Strengthening the Early *Conduct Quarterly Meeting
Childhood Care and *Attendance in Provincial and
Development System, Regional Meetings, Forums and
consultations *4 Meetings conducted
2 Appropriating Funds therefor *No. of provincial and 100,000.00 80,000.00 MSWD
and for other Purposes Sec. 7 B3 *Conduct Monitoring/ regional activities attended
Coaching/ Mentoring or any
Technical Assistance amongst
ECCD and SNP implementors

Page 37 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Conduct orientation in the

Capacity Enhancement of VAW preparation of VAW reports for 100% Functional and
3 Desk officers in 25 barangays newly appointed VAW desk capacitated VAW Desk 150,000.00 150,000.00 MSWD
on pertinent laws and rules officers in the barangay Officers in 25 barangays
related to womens protection

* Conduct of Tagbina *4 quarter meetings

Federation PYA quarter conducted
meeting *No. of OSY ages 15-30-
*Continous Orientation on the year-old attended the
4 Unlad Kabataan Program organizational meeting 200,000.00 100,000.00 MSWD
R.A. 8044 or the Youth in Nation *Attendance to Regional,
Building Act of 1995 further Provincial and Local Forums, *No. of Consultation, Forum
strengthening governments' Consultation and dialogue and dialoques attended
commitments to promote the
welfare and Development of
Hiring of UKP coordinator as UKP President of Tagbina
job order to assist the LYDO in elected as provincial
5 the implementation of youth- president absorbed as JO to 85,000.00 85,000.00 MSWD/LYDO
related programs, projects, and assist the LYDO in
activities (In 2025) implementation its PPAs

*Conduct Training of Trainors

Lack of advocacy and (ToT) on Parent Effectiveness
mobilization activities for Seminars *No. of trainors trained on
Filipino fathers' paternal roles *Conduct Orientation on PES
and responsibilities in the ERPAT/KATROPA and conduct *1 orientation
6 locality. (1987 Philippine organization of Fathers conducted and 1 organized 250,000.00 100,000.00 MSWD/ POPCOM
Constitution Article 2 sec. 1, Asociation among LGU men fathers association
Article XV sec. 1, Family Code of employees *Licensed and
the Philippines At. 71, PD 603 *Provision of Logistical Support accredited PMOC
chapter 1 art. 17.) on the preparation PMOC
licensing and accreditation

Page 38 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

*Conduct training on Mental

Health and Psychosocial
Support Services and Stress
Management to selected
Limited numbers of experienced organic LGU employees and No. of employees attended
or trained service providers who other stakeholders the training on MH-PSS,
7 can provide psychosocial *Conduct Training on PFA, and Stress-debriefing 500,000.00 MSWD/MHO
services. Psychological First Aid (PFA) for activities
selected employees
*Conduct Stress-
Debriefing cum Team Building
Activities for the carers

100% of PMC applicants

attended the Pre-Marriage
8 Signing of MOA utilizing part of Counseling as scheduled in a 50,000.00 - PMOC/MSWD/LCR/
IP duplex as PMC Center conducive and standard- MHO
No accredited Pre-Marriage licensed PMC center
Counselling Center and no
licensed PMOC for the conduct
of PMC seminars
Furniture, fixtures and
other needed equipment
9 Improvement of the designated procured for an improved 100,000.00 100,000.00 PMOC/MSWD/LCR/
PMC center standard designated PMC MHO

*Capability building
Strengthening Women's training/Monthly Meetings 100% women's members
Organization of the 25 *Strenghening of the had attended federation
barangays Federation activities, capability building
10 a.) Capacity *Program Review and activities and participated in 400,000.00 400,000.00 MSWD/ TAFEWA
Development b.) Evaluation the women's month
Women's Month Celebration *Conduct of annual women's celebration
month celebration

Strengthen the local structures *Conduct regular Local *No. of Meetings conducted
to collaboratively address the Committee meetings on Local *Compliant and Functional
11 problems of trafficking and Anti-Trafficking and VAWC LCAT-VAWC 50,000.00 50,000.00 MSWD & MO
VAWC. (JMC No. 2010 the *Crafting of *1 LCAT-VAWC action
creation of LCAT-VAWC) R.A Municipal Action Plan plan crafted
9208 and R.A. 9262

Page 39 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Need to celebrate National Day 100% of Child Development

Care Workers Week ( M.C 2003 Conduct Day care Workers Workers (DAY Care
12 - 111) (43 Child Development Week Celebration Workers) attended and 80,000.00 80,000.00 MSWD/FTCDW
WorkersCDWs) DILG MC 2003- participated in the
111 celebration

*LGU PPAs are Gender

Lack of enhancement and Responsive and Gender-
capacity development on Sensitive
*Gender Continuous involvement of LGU *Conducted enhancement
13 Mainstreaming key personnel in GAD related Training and Conferences 600,000.00 500,000.00 GFPS
*Gender Responsive Planning workshops and write shops and for the preparation of GAD
*Gender Analysis and benchmarking Plan and Budget for 2026
Gender Sensitivity in LGU's MFO and GAD-ARs for 2024.
(MCR IRR Sec. 28) *Conducted Bench

Lack of provision of
comprehensive, culture-
sensitive, and gender-
responsive health services and Conduct LGUlympics 2025 No. of male & female
14 programs covering all stages of among LGU employees employees participated in 200,000.00 GFPS/HRMO
women's life cycle which the 2025 LGUlympics
addresses the major causes of
women's mortality and

Limited program for the

Enrichment of LGU Men and 95% of LGU men and
Women officials and employees Conduct of Family Day women employees
on moral values and mental Celebration, seminar on values participated in the family
15 health awareness civil service formation and mental health day celebration; value 600,000.00 600,000.00 MO/HRMO
week celebration act (pls refer awareness formation and mental
to hrmo) Presidential health awareness seminar
Proclamation No. 1050, series of

Page 40 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Conduct Gender Sensitivity

Training among LGU employees
2025 Title: *Introduction to
GAD; 100% LGU employees
16 Gender Sensitivity Training *Basic GAD Concept: Sex and including CoS, JOs attended 500,000.00 200,000.00 GFPS/HRMO
among LGU men and women Gender; the training
*Gender-Based Violence;
*Filipino Brand of Service
Excellence (FBSE) and other
GAD related trainings

95% of the ABC members

Continuing education to Men *Conduct reorientation on the have attended acquired
17 and Women ABC members on special laws for women and additional knowledge on 200,000.00 200,000.00 Liga ng mga Barangay
the special laws for women and children children protection laws as
their children well as for youth and

*Conduct capacity building *Barangay Youth Leaders

activities for barangay youth has capacitated on child and
Implementation of R.A 8044 leaders youth welfare laws and
18 "Youth in Nation Building Act" *Conduct Inter Barangay youth mandates 800,000.00 800,000.00 LYDO/SK Federation
section 2-a,b,c, and d. sports tournament (Governor's *100% of youth Officials /MSWD
Cup and Mayor's league) officials and members in 25
*Conduct barangays participated in a
Linggo ng Kabataan Program youth sports tournament

Limited support for the

continous professional No. of Social workers and
development of Women and Attendance to government WCPD attended all required
children responders/frontliners initiated Trainings/Seminars of enhancement trainings and
19 especially on the following laws: Social Workers and WCPD seminars facilitated by 200,000.00 200,000.00 MSWD/WCPD
RA 9262, RA 11313, and other Personnel/ national, Regional and
Gender-based violence related Provincial entities

Page 41 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Strengthening of the WCPD

20 Office in Tagbina MPS (Please Establishment of functional Functional/Standard Pink 350,000.00 50,000.00 250,000.00 WCPD
provide legal mandate) standard PINK ROOM - Room stablished

No. of public and accredited

private Teaching and Non-
21 PD 242 s of 2011 "National Conduct various activities for Teaching Staff attended 800,000.00 700,000.00 MO
Teachers Month Celebration the Teachers Day Celebration from DepEd 1 and 2, and

Conduct training and seminars

Limited capacity enhancement on leadership enhancement, No. of women members of
22 program for the various Rural basic bookkeeping, and the various RICs participated 100,000.00 50,000.00 OMAg
Improvement Clubs in the financial literacy for the various in the skills training
municipality RICs across the municipality

Limited capacity enhancement No. of BAHWs and BBOs

program that will strengthen Conduct skills training on basic participated in the skills
23 the Barangay Bio-security veterinary works; and basic enhancement training and 100,000.00 100,000.00 OMAg
Officers, and Barangay Animal farming techniques/ technology seminar across the
Health Workers across the for BAHWs and BBOs municipality

*Conduct training on tilapia

processing (dried fish); No. of farmers (men and
24 Farmers Organization Activities Provision of drying facility (net women) participated in the 100,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 OMAg
and other related activities and UV plastic) *conduct skills training
training on rice production
(Palay Check)

Search for outstanding young No. of young farmers/

25 agriprenuers agripreneurs participated in 50,000.00
the activity

Decreasing number of
teenagers involvement in LYDO / OMAg
different agricultural activities

Page 42 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Decreasing number of
teenagers involvement in *Conduct training on financial LYDO / OMAg
different agricultural activities literacy for the various 4H Clubs *No. of young farmers
26 in the municipality; * Conduct participated in the training; 350,000.00 150,000.00
coffee barista training; * No. of young farmers
Provision of mobile coffee cart, benefited with the program
and start-up capital

Lack of recognition and At least 500 farmers across

27 appreciation for the hard work Farmers Day Celebration every the municipality attended 300,000.00 200,000.00 OMAg
and dedication of farmers Month of May the celebration
(Proclamation no. 33 s. of 1989)

*Conduct quarterly meetings

*4 quarterly meetings
Strengthening of Civil Society *Conduct annual capability conducted
28 Organization Networks in 25 building training *No. of CSO's 100,000.00 100,000.00 MO
barangays *Facilitate accreditation of participants provided with
existing NGOs and POs in the capacity building training

Republic Act No. 9547 An act

strengthening and expanding
the coverage of the Special
Program for Employment of Conduct of SPES deployed in No. of target beneficiaries
29 Students, amending for the the Municipal Government deployed in different 300,000.00 200,000.00 MO/PESO/LYDO
purpose of RA No. 7323 Offices department offices
otherwise known as the Special
Program for Employment of

Need of Recognition and 90% of Community

appreciation for the hard work Volunteers are awarded and
and dedication of men and recognized on their
30 Women community volunteers KALAHI Volunteers Summit exemplary performance in 200,000.00 200,000.00 MO
(Pls provide SB Resolution implementing CDD
declaring ___ as Volunteer's Day programs and projects in
as mandated) the community

Page 43 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

No. of the Barangay Health

R.A. 7883 "Magna Carta for To conduct Capability Workers and other health
Barangay Health Workers Act of development training/seminar practitioners attended the
31 1995" sec. 8 (f) Training twice a year related to health enhancement training and 100,000.00 50,000.00 MHO
Education and Career care programs. were able to transfer their
Enrichment Program. knowledge to the
community they served.

No. of Tribal Leaders

Lack of knowledge on Planning Conduct year-end evaluation attended and capacitated on
32 and Evaluation process amongst cum Team Building Activities the planning and Evaluation 100,000.00 80,000.00 IPMR
Tribal Leaders among Tribal leaders in 25 process and produced an
Barangays Action plan per barangay

Lack of vehicle for the

immediate response, rescue
operation of Women in Need of
Special protection and Children Purchase of 1 unit Hi-Ace
in Need of Special Protection Commuter 3.0 manual
due to gender-based violence transmission with following
reports including street Specifications: 100% of reported cases
children, Child At-Risk (CAR), *Engine Size: 3.0 L, within and outside the
33 Children In Conflict with the Law displacement 2982 cc, cylinder locality who needed 1,800,000.00 MSWD
(CICL)victims of child traficking, 4, balbs 16, transmission type 5 assistance have provided
child abuse and other related speed, Manual immediate response.
types of abuses. *Dimension: Lenght 4695
*Lack of vehicle to use for mm x width 1695 mm x height
mobilization/transportation of 1980 mm
women, children, their families
and their witnesses during court
hearings and other court related

Page 44 of 45
2025 Gender and Development Plan and Budget

Gender Issue/ GAD Mandate GAD Activity Performance Indicator and GAD Budget Lead or Responsible
Target Office
(1) (4) (5) MOOE PS CO (7)

Continuous development of Maintenance of GAD Database 100% Utilization of readily

gender Responsive data and information system ( Family and available sectoral GAD
34 information system in the LGU Preparedness with CBMS and data in the harmonization of 200,000.00 91,963.00 MSWD/MPDO/GFPS
(Municipal Ordinace No. 10 s. of FACED linkages -continuing in LGU Programs, Projects, and
2021 chapter II sec. 24.e) 2025) Activities

SUB-TOTAL B ₱8,465,000.00 ₱0.00 ₱2,050,000.00 ₱6,066,963.00


HGDG Design / Funding Total Annual Program / Lead or Responsible

Facility / Generic Checklist Project Budget GAD Attributed Program / Project Budget Office

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

Sub-Total C
GRAND TOTAL (A+B+C) ₱20,413,000.00 ₱0.00
Prepared by Approved by: ₱14,329,963.00 Date:

GFPS-TWG Chairman Municipal Mayor

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