Painom Ka Naman Midterm
Painom Ka Naman Midterm
Painom Ka Naman Midterm
Article 12 - Submersion
1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article, the appropriate loadlines on the sides of the ship
corresponding to the season of the year and the zone or area in which the ship may sail shall not be
submerged at any time when the ship puts to sea, during the voyage or on arrival.
2) When a ship is in fresh water of unity density the appropriate load line may be submerged by the amount of
the fresh water allowance shown on the International Load Line Certificate (1966). Where the density is other
than unity, an allowance shall be made proportional to the difference between 1.025 and the actual density.
3) When a ship departs from a port situated on a river or inland waters, deeper loading shall be permitted
corresponding to the weight of fuel and all other materials required for consumption between the point of
departure and the sea.
Chapter II-1 - Construction - Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations. The subdivision
of passenger ships into watertight compartments must be such that after assumed damage to the ship's hull the
vessel will remain afloat and stable .
Part B-4 - Stability Management
Regulation 22 - Prevention and control of water ingress, etc. 1. All watertight doors shall be kept closed during
navigation except that they may be opened during navigation as specified in paragraph 2. Watertight doors
located below the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck of cargo ships having a maximum
clear opening width of more than 1.2 m shall be kept closed during navigation, except for limited periods when
absolutely necessary as determined by the Administration. 3. Watertight doors of a width of more than 1.2 m in
machinery spaces as permitted by regulation 13.10 may only be opened in the circumstances detailed in that
regulation. Any door which is opened in accordance with this paragraph shall be ready to be immediately closed.
Regulation 24 - Additional requirements for prevention and control of water ingress, etc. in cargo ships
1. Openings in the shell plating below the deck limiting the vertical extent of damage shall be kept permanently
closed during navigation.
2. Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 3, the Administration may authorize that particular doors may
be opened at the discretion of the master, if necessary for the operation of the ship and provided that the safety of
the ship is not impaired.
3. Watertight doors or ramps fitted to internally subdivide large cargo spaces shall be closed before the voyage
commences and shall be kept closed during navigation. The time at which such doors are opened or closed shall
be recorded in such log-book as may be prescribed by the Administration.
Regulation 25 - Water level detectors on single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers
1. Single hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers constructed before 1 January 2007 shall comply with the
requirements of this regulation not later than 31 December 2009.
2. Ships having a length (L) of less than 80 m, or 100 m if constructed before 1 July 1998, and a single cargo
hold below the freeboard deck or cargo holds below the freeboard deck which are not separated by at least
one bulkhead made watertight up to that deck, shall be fitted in such space or spaces with water level
3. The water level detectors required by paragraph 2 shall: •
.1 give an audible and visual alarm at the navigation bridge when the water level above the Inner bottom in
the cargo hold reaches a height of not less than 0.3 m, and another when such level reaches not more
than 15% of the mean depth of the cargo hold; and •
.2 be fitted at the aft end of the hold, or above its lowest part where the inner bottom is not parallel to the
designed waterline. •
.3 Where webs or partial watertight bulkheads are fitted above the inner bottom, Administrations may
require the fitting of additional detectors.
4. The water level detectors required by paragraph 2 need not be fitted in ships complying with regulation
XII/12, or in ships having watertight side compartments each side of the cargo hold length extending
vertically at least from inner bottom to freeboard deck.