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Herman Yeung Physics Eat To Full 1

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Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases

The temperatures of 2 gases are 4C and 40C respectively.
Find the temperature difference between 2 gases in absolute temperature scale.
2 氣體的溫度分別為 4C 及 40C 。
求 2 氣體的溫差 (答案以絕對溫度表示。)

1 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
Two bodies A and B, their volumes in the ratio 2 : 1, their densities in the ratio 3 : 1
and their specific heat capacities in the ratio 4 : 1. What is the ratio of their heat
兩物件 A 及 B,它們的體積比為 2 : 1、它們的密度比為 3 : 1 及 它們的比熱容
比為 4 : 1。 求它們的熱容量的比?

2 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
A heater of power 20 W is used to heat 3 kg of a liquid with specific heat capacity
1000 J kg–1K–1. Assume all the energy given out by the heater is absorbed by the
liquid. If the initial temperature of the liquid is 30 C , find its temperature after
300 s.
一功率為 20 W 的電熱器將 3 kg 的某液體加熱,液體的比熱容量為
1000 J kg–1K–1。 假設所有電熱器輸出的能量皆被液體吸收,若液體初始溫度為
30 C ,求它在 300 秒後的溫度。

3 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
3 different liquids are separately heated at the same rate.
The initial temperatures of the liquids are all 18 C .
The boiling points and heat capacities of the liquids are shown below.
Which one of them will boil first?
3 種不同的液體以相同的率加熱,它們的最初溫度均為 18 C 。

Liquid 液體 Boiling point 沸點/ C heat capacity 熱容量/ J kg–1

X 58 300
Y 78 200
Z 108 150

4 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
An immersion heater of resistance 100 raises the temperature of 10 kg of water
by 3 C in 7 minutes, the voltage supply being 200 V. Find the efficiency of the
immersion heater.
Given: Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 C –1
一 100 電阻的浸沒式電熱器能在 7 分鐘時間內將 10 kg 的水升高 3 C ,
而供電電壓為 200 V。 求電熱器的效率。
已知: 水的比熱容 = 4200 J kg–1 C –1

5 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
Shan mixes 30 g of soup at 90 C to 50 g of water at 30 C , what is the final
temperature of the mixture?
Given: Specific heat capacity of soup = 3200 J kg–1 C –1
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 C –1
珊把 30 g 溫度為 90 C 的湯加進 50 g 溫度為 30 C 的水中,
已知: 湯的比熱容 = 3200 J kg–1 C –1
水的比熱容 = 4200 J kg–1 C –1

6 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
An immersion heater is used to heat a cup of water.
It takes 20 minutes to bring the water from 30 C to the boiling point.
Find the time taken for the heater to vaporize the boiling water completely.
Given: Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1K–1,
Specific latent heat of vaporization of water  2.268106 J kg–1.
一浸沒式電熱器將一杯水由 30 C 加熱至沸點需時 20 分鐘。
已知: 水的比熱容量= 4200 J kg–1K–1,
水的汽化比潛熱  2.268106 J kg–1

7 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
A cup of water is of mass 2 kg and temperature 60 C .
Find the minimum amount of ice at 0 C that should be added to the juice in order
to lower its temperature to 0 C .
Given: Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1K–1,
Specific latent heat of fusion of ice  3.34105 J kg–1.
一杯質量為 2 kg,溫度為 60 C 的水。
若要將該杯水的溫度降低至 0 C ,最少要在水中加入多少 0 C 的冰塊?
已知: 水的比熱容量= 4200 J kg–1K–1,
冰的熔解比潛熱  3.34105 J kg–1

8 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
7 kg of water at temperature 60 C is mixed with 6 kg of ice at temperature 0 C in
an insulated container of negligible heat capacity. What is the final temperature of
the mixture?
Given : specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 C –1
specific latent heat of fusion of ice  3.34 105 J kg–1
將 7 kg 溫度為 60 C 的水跟 6 kg 溫度為 0 C 的冰在一絕緣容器內混合,
已知 : 水的比熱容 = 4200 J kg–1 C –1
冰的熔解比潛熱  3.34 105 J kg–1

9 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
A solid cube exerts a pressure P on the table.
What is the pressure exerted by another cube of the same material but with all the
dimensions tripled?
一實心立方體施於桌上的壓強為 P,
另一立方體也用同樣材料造成,但各邊的長度變成 3 倍。

10 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases

[Balloon = 氣球、Chamber = 容器、To vacuum pump = 接真空泵]

A balloon containing 300 cm3 of gas at a pressure of 100 kPa is placed inside a
chamber. Air is slowly pumped out of the chamber, if the final pressure inside the
balloon become 40 kPa, find the final volume of the balloon.
將一個氣球置於某容器內,該氣球盛著 300 cm3,壓強為 100 kPa 的氣體。
用真空泵緩慢地抽出容器內的空氣,直至氣球內的最終壓強為 40 kPa,求氣球

11 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases

[Half-metre rule = 半米尺、Capillary tube = 毛細管、Paraffin oil = 石蠟油、

Air column = 空氣柱、Stirrer = 攪拌器、Thermometer = 溫度計、Water = 水]

Figure shows the position of the paraffin oil when the temperature of the water is
50 C . A half-metre rule is used to measure the length of the air column in cm.
Estimate the length of the air column when the temperature of the water is boiling.
圖中顯示當水溫為 50 C 時石蠟油的位置,而空氣柱的長度用半米尺量度 (以
cm 表示)。

12 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases

[stirrer = 攪拌器、thermometer = 溫度計、trapped air column = 被困的空氣柱

、ruler = 尺、capillary tube = 毛細管、mercury thread = 水銀段、water = 水]

When the reading of thermometer is 10 C , the length of the air column is 70 mm.
When the reading of thermometer is 70 C , the length of the air column is 84 mm.
Find the ‘absolute zero’ as obtained from this experiment.
當溫度計的讀數是 10 C 時,空氣柱的長度是 70 mm。
當溫度計的讀數是 70 C 時,空氣柱的長度是 84 mm。
以這個實驗所得的結果求「絕對零度」 。

13 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
A fixed mass of gas at  73 C is heated at constant volume so that its pressure is
doubled. Find the new temperature of the gas.
某固定質量氣體的溫度為  73 C 。 若在體積不變的情況下把氣體加熱,使其
壓強增至原來的兩倍。 求氣體的溫度會變為多少?

14 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
The pressure of a fixed mass of gas at 10 C is 7  10 5 Pa.
What would be its pressure if the volume of the gas is tripled and its temperature is
decreased to –30 C ?
某固定質量的氣體在 10 C 時壓強為 7  10 5 Pa。
若氣體體積增大 3 倍,而溫度降至 –30 C ,氣體壓強變為多少?

15 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
A balloon filled with 10 kg of hydrogen gas has a volume of 100 m3 at the gas
pressure of 2  10 5 Pa, find the temperature of the balloon.
Given : mass of 1 mole of hydrogen gas = 2 g
一氣球注有 10 kg 氫氣,在氣體壓強為 2  10 5 Pa,求氣球內的溫度。
已知 : 1 摩爾氫氣的質量 = 2 g。

16 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
An inexpansible vessel contains air at 27 C .
What percentage of air remains in the vessel if it is heated to 127 C under constant
於 27 C 時,一個不能擴張的容器包含空氣。
若在壓強固定的情況下,將其加熱至 127 C ,還有多少百份比的空氣留下?

17 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
Two vessels, A and B, of volumes 4V and 7V respectively are connected by a narrow
tube with a tap as shown in the figure.
Initially the tap is closed and both vessels are at the same temperature.
Vessel A contains an ideal gas at a pressure 3p while vessel B contains an ideal gas at
a pressure p.
Now the tap is open and a steady state is reached, find the gas pressure inside the
vessels in terms of p.
2 容器 A 及 B 的體積分別為 4V 和 7V,以一條裝有開關閥的幼管連接 (如
圖)。 起始時開關閥關閉,而兩容器的溫度相同。 容器 A 內有壓強為 3p 的
理想氣體,而容器 B 內有壓強為 p 的理想氣體。
求容器內的氣壓,以 p 表達。

18 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

Herman Yeung and Shan Ip Physics – Heat & Gases
When an ideal gas is heated from –73 C to 27 C , find the percentage change of
average kinetic energy of the gas molecules.
將一理想氣體從 –73 C 加熱至 27 C ,氣體分子的平均動能的改變百分率。

19 Copyright by Herman Yeung www.youtube.com/HermanYeung

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