Herman Yeung Physics Eat To Full 1
Herman Yeung Physics Eat To Full 1
Herman Yeung Physics Eat To Full 1
The temperatures of 2 gases are 4C and 40C respectively.
Find the temperature difference between 2 gases in absolute temperature scale.
2 氣體的溫度分別為 4C 及 40C 。
求 2 氣體的溫差 (答案以絕對溫度表示。)
A balloon containing 300 cm3 of gas at a pressure of 100 kPa is placed inside a
chamber. Air is slowly pumped out of the chamber, if the final pressure inside the
balloon become 40 kPa, find the final volume of the balloon.
將一個氣球置於某容器內,該氣球盛著 300 cm3,壓強為 100 kPa 的氣體。
用真空泵緩慢地抽出容器內的空氣,直至氣球內的最終壓強為 40 kPa,求氣球
Figure shows the position of the paraffin oil when the temperature of the water is
50 C . A half-metre rule is used to measure the length of the air column in cm.
Estimate the length of the air column when the temperature of the water is boiling.
圖中顯示當水溫為 50 C 時石蠟油的位置,而空氣柱的長度用半米尺量度 (以
cm 表示)。
When the reading of thermometer is 10 C , the length of the air column is 70 mm.
When the reading of thermometer is 70 C , the length of the air column is 84 mm.
Find the ‘absolute zero’ as obtained from this experiment.
當溫度計的讀數是 10 C 時,空氣柱的長度是 70 mm。
當溫度計的讀數是 70 C 時,空氣柱的長度是 84 mm。
以這個實驗所得的結果求「絕對零度」 。