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Design Construction Specification

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Design and


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Version: 1.0
Issue Date: December 2020

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CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................. Page

1. Scope ............................................................................................................................................6
2. Responsibilities .........................................................................................................................5
3. Terminology ...............................................................................................................................5
4. Charging ......................................................................................................................................7
5. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................7
6. Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................8
7. Reference Documents ............................................................................................................7
8. Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM)...........................7
8.1 General……………………………………………………………………………...7
8.1.1 Pre-Construction Phase Plan……………………………………………...8
8.2 Collaborative Design……………………………………………………………….9
8.3 Non-Contestable Work – Installation of District Meter or Pressure Reduction
9. Design Process……………………………………………………………………….... 9
9.1 Minimum Information Required from Developers……………………………….9
9.2 Point of Connection (PoC) Requests……………………………………………..9
9.3 Annual Contestability Summary………………………………………………….10
9.4 Activities shaded green in the ACS……………………………………………...13
9.5 Activities shaded amber in the ACS……………………………………………..16
9.6 Activities shaded red in the ACS…………………………………………………15
9.7 Design Submissions to Water Company………………………………………..18
9.8 Design Proposal…………………………………………………………………...18
9.9 Drawing Standards………………………………………………………………..18
9.10 Drawing Legend…………………………………………………………………20
9.11 Design & Construction Variations……………………………………………..21
9.11.1 Minor Variations…………………………………………………………….21
10. Pipe Sizing Methodology………………………………………………………………21
10.1 Permitted Pipe Diameters, Pressure Ratings and Permissible Materials…21
10.2 Principles of Sizing of Water Mains…………………………………………...21
10.3 Indicative Pipe Diameter Selection……………………………………………122
10.4 Domestic Hydraulic Demand Calculations……………………………………23
10.5 Calculations for Multi-Occupancy Building and Industrial and Commercial
Domestic Use……………………………………………………………………………...24
10.6 Process Water…………………………………………………………………...24
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10.7 Pressure and Flow………………………………………………………………20
10.7.1 Source Pressure……………………………………………………………20
10.7.2 Pressure and Flow ..................................................................................................... 24
10.7.3 Velocity .......................................................................................................................... 24
10.7.4 Calculating Headloss through the Network ..................................................... 25
10.7.5 Topography .................................................................................................................. 21
10.8 Selection of Materials for Contaminated Ground ................................................... 25
10.8.1 Ground contamination during construction...................................................... 25
11. Water Main Design and Construction Principles………………………………………...26
11.1 Design Accreditation ........................................................................................................ 26
11.2 Construction (pre-start) ................................................................................................... 26
11.3 Routing and Positioning Principles .............................................................................. 26
11.4 Depth of Self-Laid Main ................................................................................................... 28
11.5 Water Quality Considerations ....................................................................................... 28
11.6 Mains Fittings ...................................................................................................................... 29
11.7 Controlling Valves and Valve Operation ................................................................... 29
11.8 Washout and Fire Hydrants .......................................................................................... 30
11.9 Air Valves .............................................................................................................................. 27
11.10 District Metered Areas and Boundary Valves ......................................................... 30
11.11 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Considerations ...................................... 30
11.12 Double Spade Valves ....................................................................................................... 31
11.13 Rights of Access ................................................................................................................. 31
12. Service Pipe Design and Installation……………………………………………………...29
12.1 Routing, Positioning and Location ............................................................................... 31
12.2 Depth of Services ............................................................................................................... 31
12.3 Sizing of Services ............................................................................................................... 36
12.4 Location of Boundary Boxes .......................................................................................... 32
12.5 Supplies to Multi Occupancy Buildings ...................................................................... 32
12.6 Services to Multi Storey Buildings ................................................................................ 32
12.7 Additional Requirements for Supplies to Buildings Other Than Domestic
Dwellings .............................................................................................................................................. 32
13. Civil Engineering Considerations………………………………………………………….33
13.1 General ................................................................................................................................... 33
13.2 Marker Tape and Tracer Tape ....................................................................................... 34
13.3 Indicator Posts and Marker Plates ............................................................................... 34
13.4 Chambers and Covers ...................................................................................................... 34
13.5 Bedding and Backfill ......................................................................................................... 34

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13.6 Reinstatement of Highway ............................................................................................ 34
13.7 Ducts ....................................................................................................................................... 34
14. Metering Requirements…………………………………………………………………….35
14.1 Standard Domestic Metering for Individual Dwellings and Multi Occupancy
buildings ................................................................................................................................................ 35
15. Water for Firefighting……………………………………………………………………….36
15.1 Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Consultation ............................................................ 36
15.2 Location and Flow from Hydrants ............................................................................... 36
15.3 Dedicated Fire Mains ........................................................................................................ 36
15.4 Fire Sprinkler Systems ...................................................................................................... 36
16. As Laid (As Constructed) drawings……………………………………………………….37
17. Self-Laid Main and Services Commissioning…………………………………………….38
17.1 Mains Flushing .................................................................................................................... 39
17.2 Not Used ......................................................................................................................................
17.3 Mains Bacteriological Sampling ................................................................................... 40
17.4 Pressure testing of Self-Laid Main............................................................................... 41
18. Water Company Key Contacts…………………………………………………………….43
19. Local Practices………………………………………………………………………………43
19.1 Meter Pairing and Commissioning............................................................................... 43
19.2 Timing of the Generation of Plot Reference Numbers .......................................... 43
19.3 Water Company Design Service Offerings .............................................................. 43
19.4 Design Self-Certification Scheme ................................................................................ 43
20. Design and Construction Specification Appendices…………………………………….43
21. Schedule of Permissible Materials and Construction…………………………………...43
22. Meter and Service Pipe Policy and Installation………………………………………….43
23. Standard Arrangement Drawings…………………………………………………………44
24. Construction Pre-Start Meeting Agenda………………………………………………….45
Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………………………..47

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1. Scope
This document has been prepared to assist practitioners with the planning, design,
construction and commissioning of a Self-Laid Main and Service Pipes to supply
domestic and industrial/commercial properties.

It has been prepared to meet the requirements of the Code and is a template document.
The contents of this template are mandatory but there remain a number of areas where
there will be variations between individual Water Companies.

This template indicates where there is scope for variation and each Water Company
will complete those parts of the document and publish a Water Company specific
version on its website. That version will govern the requirements in that Water
Company’s area.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Water Sector Guidance which
can be found on Water UK’s website at https://www.water.org.uk/technical-

Over time, it is envisaged that work will be undertaken to reduce the scope of variation
between each Water Company’s version of this document. This will be done through
change requests presented to the Water Adoption Code panel (details of which can be
found on the Water UK website).

2. Responsibilities
An SLP and/or Developer wishing to design and/or construct a Self-Laid Main shall
comply with the DCS.

It is the responsibility of the Water Company to ensure that the relevant sections of the
DCS conform to its design standards, completing the sections highlighted in yellow with
their own parameters and inserting text where instructed by the square brackets.
Completing these sections will create the Water Company’s Design and Construction
Specification document which shall be published on the company’s website and which
form a contractually binding part of the Water Adoption Agreement.

Within this document the words "include" and "including" are to be construed without

3. Terminology
In this document the following terms have the stated meanings:

Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement

Should: Indicates a strong preference or best practice

May: Indicates an option which is not mandatory

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References to the SLP shall include a reference to its permitted contractor where

4. Charging
Water Company charges for work relating to the adoption of water assets are based
on the Water Company’s published charging arrangements.

Funding of any work over and above that which is required to supply a Site (including
Network Reinforcement) shall be in accordance with Ofwat’s Charging Rules and
therefore any work of this type shall be identified during the design stage and funded
appropriately by the Water Company.

5. Abbreviations
AC Asbestos Cement
AOD Above Ordnance Datum
ACS Annual Contestability Summary
CDM Construction, Design and Management Regulations
CESWI Civil engineering Specification for the Water Industry
CI Cast Iron
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
DEFRA Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
DCS Design and Construction Specification
DI Ductile Iron
DMA District Metered Area
DWI Drinking Water Inspectorate
EA Environment Agency
EUSR Energy and Utility Skills Register
FRS Fire and Rescue Service
HAUC Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee
HPPE (PE100) High Performance Polyethylene
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSWA Health and Safety at Work Act
ICE Institution of Civil Engineers
IGN Information & Guidance Notes
IWater Institute of Water
LR Lloyd’s Register EMEA
MDPE (PE80) medium Density Polyethylene
NCO(W) Water Network Construction Operations
NRSWA New Roads and Street Works Act
NVQ National Vocational Qualification
OFWAT the Water Services Regulatory Authority
PE/AL/PE Polyethylene Aluminium Composite Barrier Pipe
PE Polyethylene
PE80 Medium Density Polyethylene

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PE100 High Density Polyethylene
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPM Parts Per Million
PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride
Standard Dimension Ration - Outside diameter / Wall
COMPETENCY Safety and Technical Competency
TA Technical Advisor

WIA Water Industry Act

WIRS Water Industry Regulation Scheme
WIS Water Industry Specifications
WRAS Water Regulation Advisory Service

6. Nomenclature
v - Volume, Litres
A - Area, metres squared
V - Velocity, metres per second
Q - Flow, litres per second
t - Time, in seconds
P - Pressure, in Bar
H - Static Head, in metres
hL - Head loss due to Friction, metres
L - Length in metres
G - Gravitational acceleration, ms-2
D - Diameter, millimetres
i - Hydraulic Gradient, metres per metre
 - Kinematic viscosity of fluid, m²/s
Ks - Effective roughness value, millimetres
Qt - Design Flow, l/s
LU - Loading Units
E - Equivalent length, metres
Ω - Soil Resistivity, Ohm -cm

7. Reference Documents
See Appendix 1 for a comprehensive list of reference documents.

The documents in this list are relevant to design and construction standards but may
not necessarily be referred to expressly in this DCS.

If there is a conflict between any of those standards and the DCS, the DCS shall take
precedence unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

A list of accredited SLPs can be found here:

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8. Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015


8.1 General

The relevant sections of the CDM Regulations (2015) apply to all design works carried
out by or on behalf of the Water Company – both the Water Company’s representative
(Approving Design Engineer) and the SLP’s representative (SLP Designer) are
Designers under CDM Regulations when the design of Self-Lay Works is being
generated and accepted for adoption. When carrying out work specific to a Site, neither
the SLP Designer nor the Approving Design Engineer would be expected to be the
Principal Designer. The Client (Developer) has a responsibility to formally appoint a
competent Principal Designer and Principal Contractor for the Site. The Principal
Designer shall provide oversight of all design activity in accordance with the

To comply with CDM Regulations (2015) it is expected that, prior to release for
construction, the SLP Designer shall:

 Ensure that the design avoids or addresses at source foreseeable risks to health
and safety
 Give priority in the design to measures which will protect all people associated /
or affected by the project
 Ensure that the design includes adequate information about any aspect of the
project, structure, and all materials which may affect the health and safety of
persons during construction and during any subsequent maintenance operations
 make the Water Company aware of any non-standard method of operation
applicable to the Self-Lay Works
 Record non-standard residual risks including chemical or oil pipeline crossing,
working at height which cannot be designed out, in the project file, and a copy
passed to the Principal Designer and Water Company
 Co-operate with all parties concerned with planning and design for the project

The SLP responsible for the proposed construction shall be made aware of the risks
identified by the Designer and the control measures required to reduce the risks to an
acceptable level.

A design which is prepared or modified outside Great Britain, for use in work to which
CDM 2015 applies, must comply with “Regulation 9 – Duties of Designers” and the
person who commissions the work is responsible for ensuring Regulation 9 is complied

8.1.1 Pre-Construction Phase Plan

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A Pre-construction Phase Plan shall be created at the design stage. This plan shall
include the following: –

 Description of works.
 Proposed time scales of works within the project.
 Details of risk and required control measures.
 Information required by Principal Contractor to demonstrate competence of
 Information for preparing the health and safety plan for the construction phase

The pre-construction phase plan shall be passed to the Principal Contractor for
inclusion and development of their Construction Phase Plan before work commences
on Site.

The need for the plan arises from the requirements of CDM. HSE leaflet INDG411(rev1),
published 04/15 states:

“Ensure a construction phase plan is in place

The principal contractor (or contractor if there is only one contractor) has to draw up a
plan explaining how health and safety risks will be managed. This should be
proportionate to the scale of the work and associated risks and you should not allow
work to start on site until there is a plan”

8.2 Collaborative Design

On occasion Water Companies may produce indicative design drawings relative to the
proposed Site layout for costing, routing or tendering purposes.

Where this is the case the design drawing should be clearly marked as “Not for
Construction” and/or an accompanying document produced which states precisely
what has been considered when producing that layout drawing. The Water Company
shall detail any services supplied and the rates chargeable in its published Charging

8.3 Non-Contestable Work – Installation of District Meter or Pressure

Reduction Equipment

Sites may require a Source of Water Connection from a high-pressure Water Main and,
in such a case, the Water Company may require a pressure reducing valve or district
meter installation as part of the Non-contestable Work and Services (typically with
branch connection). In this instance, the Water Company shall assume Designer
responsibility under CDM Regulations for this element of the work solely where it is off
Site (outside of the site boundary) and out of scope of the contestable activity to be
undertaken by the SLP. If this installation is required to be installed within the Site
boundary due to the proximity of the Source of Water Connection, then design
responsibility will be determined between the parties by written agreement.

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9. Design Process

9.1 Minimum Information Required from Developers

Appendix E (Minimum Information) of the WSG contains a complete statement of

information requirements at all stages of the adoption process. At the design stage,
the SLP may be Accredited to carry out the design activity or may request the Water
Company carry out this activity if the Water Company offers this service as a Local
Practice under section 4.6 of the WSG. An application form available from the Water
Company website shall be completed which is used to identify the minimum inflow of
information to begin the design process relevant to the route of delivery of the Design.

9.2 Point of Connection (PoC) Requests

At the determined PoC the connection is typically made by an under-pressure

connection (UPC) to ensure disruption to existing customers is minimised. However
operational considerations may dictate that the Water Company determines that a
UPC is not suitable and that the connection will require a tee piece to be installed. This
involves isolating the Network and cutting a section of the existing Network out to insert
same, and additional valves may also be installed in conjunction, on the existing
Network. Such a connection will be considered as Non-contestable work.

Where additional valves on the existing Network, typically installed at the same time
as a connection involving cutting in to the existing Network, are not specifically required
in the design for the new Self-Laid Main (i.e. to supply a Site) but which the Water
Company requires to be installed for operational reasons; then these valves shall be
considered as Network Reinforcement work.

The Water Company may identify a supply need in respect of future development that
means that it requires Network Reinforcement to be incorporated within the SLP’s
design (e.g. via the planning system, local authority development plans or developer
engagement). In these circumstances, the Water Company shall initiate discussions
with the SLP when a Point of Connection (PoC) is issued, or at the earliest opportunity
if a Point of Connection (PoC) has already been issued.

Similarly, where the Water Company identifies a need for the improvement or upgrade
of the Network as part of the Self-Lay Works, the Water Company shall initiate suitable
discussions with the SLP when a Point of Connection (PoC) is issued, or at the earliest
opportunity if a Point of Connection (PoC) has already been issued. These requirements
may be incorporated by agreement into the final SLP Accepted Design.

If an alternative PoC is required and is evident particularly during the early stages of
design by the Water Company to a PoC (that may have been provided also by an
SLP/Developer) for technical and/or supply reasons the Water Company shall provide
the SLP designer with an explanation and identify related options and requirements.

If Network Reinforcement work is deemed necessary by the Water Company relative to

supplying the Site this shall be identified by the Water Company to the SLP and/or

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Developer during the initial design stage; and considered by the SLP designer in
designing the layout of the Self-Lay Works.
The requirement for detailed design drawings and related information relative to design
and/or construction activities shall be agreed between the parties to the WAA and
included in Schedule1 of the WAA.

9.3 Annual Contestability Summary

This section contains information about how the Water Company assesses
contestability of particular work categories.
9.3.1 Set out below at Table 9.3 is the summary that all Water Companies will publish
at the date of implementation of this DCS and at least annually thereafter. This
will be known as an “Annual Contestability Summary (“ACS”) and it will be a
Water Company specific variant of the standard template appearing at table 3.2
of the WSG.
9.3.2 No Water Company’s ACS will allow fewer activities to be Contestable Work and
Services than are set out on that template, as amended from time to time.
9.3.3 Each Water Company’s ACS will be accompanied by indicative information
about the steps that an SLP would be required to take to carry out the higher risk
tasks shaded amber on Table 9.3.
9.3.4 It is expected that over time, the template ACS will be modified in the light of
experience and of changing accreditation requirements, to increase the scope of
Contestable activities available for SLPs to undertake.
9.3.5 The activities appearing in green on Table 9.3 shall always be Contestable (i.e.
marked green).
9.3.6 The works and services designated Contestable by a Water Company under its
ACS shall not, in any event, be fewer than those permitted to be carried out by
SLPs in that Water Company’s area before the date on which the Guidance
comes into effect.
9.3.7 In advance of publication, the ACS will be discussed with relevant Customers in
a Water Company’s area. Each Water Company shall publish its ACS on its
website no later than four (4) weeks before it takes effect, to allow sufficient time
for SLPs to amend their processes, if required.
9.3.8 A Water Company will explain within its ACS where it has used its discretion to
include an activity within the red category and ensure this is published on its
9.3.9 Where providing an adequate Site supply requires Network Reinforcement,
elements of this work should be considered as Contestable subject to the scope
of works required and impact on existing end-user customers. This concerns
additional works to extend from the nearest Point of Connection of suitable size
to a more distant Point of Connection specified by the Water Company. Charges
shall by agreement between the SLP and the Water Company and with reference
to Water Company Charging Arrangements
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Table 9.3

Work categories by number of properties potentially

affected by work or strategic nature of Existing Main
<49 50-199 200-499 500+/Strategic
Selection of a proposed POC
to serve a Site/Development
from records of Existing Mains
Construction of new mains
and service connections
Construction of new mains as
part of reinforcement of
Network extension or
associated Site diversion
Design of new water network
Chlorination and pressure
testing of Self-lay Works
Meter installation in
conjunction with new service
Undertaking Water Quality
Analysing Water Quality
samples (subject to
paragraph 17.3)
Construction of routine mains
connections (CRMC)
Main and/or service
connection: up to 63mm
PE/Barrier pipe to:
Parent Network: <12”
nominal bore* DI/CI/SI/PE/AC/
Barrier pipe/ steel
Permanent Connections
(Piece through).
Connection: 63mm to 300mm
PE / Barrier Pipe to:
Parent Network: <12”
nominal bore *
Operational pressure: up to

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Connections: 63mm to
300mm PE / Barrier pipe to:
Parent Network: 12” nominal
bore * to 18” nominal bore * /
300mm to 450mm nominal
bore * DI/ CI/ SI/ AC/ PE/
Barrier pipe/Steel
Operational pressure: 50m to
Connections: over 300mm to:
Parent Network: 18” nominal
bore * & above, or high risk
parent Network: material
(such as steel)
Operational pressure: above
Valve operation in relation to
commissioning new Self-Lay
Works *
Self-certification of SLP for
Site water distribution
systems designs
Any size connection to GRP /
PVC Network
Design of Network
Reinforcement (upsizing of
existing assets) and/or design
of Network diversion(s).
Pipe sizing criteria, and the
approval of design by others
Assessment of network risk, &
operating live network
Commission telemetry links
(meters / field equipment)
Connection, commissioning
and/or decommissioning of
diverted Network

* Notes:
1 All references to PE are to all Polyethylene pipe materials
2 PE pipe sizes are identified by outside (OD) diameter and other pipe materials
and sizes refer to internal (nominal bore) diameters
3 Strategic main defined by reference to potential impact of work on key
customer such as a hospital
4 See further paragraph 11.7 of the DCS

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9.4 Activities shaded green in the ACS

9.4.1 All activities shaded green in the above table are capable of being performed
by SLPs.

9.4.2 These green-shaded activities will apply where the SLP has the relevant WIRS
or other accreditation (see section 7 of the WSG). Where further activities are accredited
by WIRS, such activities shall be marked as green in the above table once approved by
the Codes Panel.

9.4.3 The Water Company will set out the procedures it has in place relating to
connections to the Existing Main and the forms supporting this. These will be published
on the Water Company’s website.

9.4.4 Changes will be brought about by the procedures set out in the Water Sector
Guidance Section 11 – Governance.

9.4.5 References to the Final Connection of the Self-Laid Main to the Existing Main on
the Network are;
a) of an under-pressure type connection and/or,
b) a connection to a previously installed temporary valve-controlled washout
installed in conjunction with the connection to the Existing Mains Network at the
POC to supply the Site or Development, and/or
c) a connection to a previously installed valve-controlled washout, which has been
installed on a Self-Laid Main for a future connection off such main.

Where references to the Final Connection of the Self-Laid Main to the Existing Main on
the Network require a section to be isolated by a shut (to enable it to be cut-out to install
a connection point), and/or if a new branch tee is required to be cut into a Self-Laid Main
and the relevant assets are subsequently adopted by the Water Company (and
therefore forms part of the Network), then such connections are excluded from activities
shaded green.

9.5 Activities shaded amber in the ACS

9.5.1 The activities shaded amber shall be capable of being performed by an SLP in the
area of an individual Water Company where the SLP complies with the requirements
of the Water Company as set out below. Such publication shall include information
about control measures required to allow the work to be performed. The following
paragraphs set out how publication of such information is to be approached.

9.5.2 The Water Company may require additional evidence of competence to carry out
activity and/or require the SLP to follow an operational process equivalent to one that
the Water Company’s direct labour or term contractor would be required to follow.

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9.5.3 The Water Company’s requirements will relate to the specific Site and will take
account of the type of connection involved; the location of the connection; the strategic
importance of the main Network to be connected to; the potential impact on end user
customers; risk to water quality and regulatory impact/consideration; and the resources
the SLP proposes to use.

9.5.4 The company will set out the information it needs from the SLP regarding its
Accreditation and how its general and specific operations, resources, and procedures
will protect the company from any risk of interruption of supply to its end-user
customers and/or to water quality. These requirements will be equivalent to those that
the Water Company’s direct labour or term contractor would be required to follow.

9.5.5 The SLP will need to demonstrate its competence or relevant experience to
undertake this activity. This may be demonstrated where the Water Company has
previously observed relevant Self-lay Works having been carried out by the SLP or by
the SLP providing details of similar work that it has carried out to a satisfactory
standard for other Water Companies.

9.5.6 Water Company requirements relative to valve operation in relation to

commissioning of Self-Lay Works, a contestable activity, shall apply as set out in in
paragraph 11.7.

9.5.7 The Water Company will set out below the procedures it has in place to allow
connections to the Existing Main and the forms supporting this. These will be published
on the Water Company’s website.

9.5.8 For an SLP or NAV to undertake valving operations in relation to commissioning

new Self-lay works a completed SL-N3B: Notification of Proposed Routine Mains
Connection form will need to be completed and submitted 5 working days prior to
It is required that SLP’s have full SCRMC WIRS Accreditation.

For connections outside of the scope of the above to be discussed on an individual basis
and ideally at initial launch meeting.

9.6 Activities shaded red in the ACS

9.6.1 The Water Companies have concluded that connections shaded red in table 9.3
are of such a high risk that they are unlikely to be contestable in most conceivable
9.6.2 However, if an SLP wishes to carry out this work, it shall contact the Water
Company directly to determine whether conditions can be agreed that enable the SLP
to carry out the requested activity.

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9.7 Design Submissions to Water Company

Design submissions shall be submitted to the Water Company along with all supporting
information as set out in Appendix E – Minimum Information of the WSG.

Any activity classed as Non-Contestable shall be confirmed in writing by the Water

Company following discussion between the Water Company and SLP upon the issue
of a Design Acceptance.

9.8 Design Proposal

When preparing a water network design proposal, the SLP Designer shall:

1. Select appropriate materials for the Self-Laid Main and Service Pipes.
2. Determine the legal land ownership boundary of the Site.
3. Produce a drawing to an appropriate scale to show the layout and route of the
Self-Laid Mains and Service Pipes and proposed meter arrangements (relative to
Service Pipe entry points) in accordance with this Design and Construction
4. Provide all related material requirements and details as required by this Design
and Construction Specification.
5. Calculate demands and size all Service Pipes in line with this Design and
Construction Specification (see also paragraph 10.2).
6. Size the Self-Laid Mains across the Site as may be required to meet the
requirements of the Site and any Development relative to the Site, following
discussion with the Water Company. Any Water Company requirements will be
communicated after such discussion has taken place. See further section 10.2.
7. Identify the agreed Point of Connection and determine by agreement with the
Water Company all work that is Contestable and Non-contestable.
8. Design the appropriate number of Self-Laid Main fittings required to control the
Network and the Self-Lay Works.
9. Identify any sections of Self-Laid Mains that require easements or wayleaves.
10. Identify any Special Engineering Difficulties as appropriate.

Water companies shall share with the SLP any pipe size methodology where this is
requested by the SLP.

9.9 Drawing Standards

The Water Company may supply the SLP with templates to assist in the
standardisation of design drawings. If this is not available, then the SLP should provide
their own design template.

Design and as-laid (as constructed) drawings shall be submitted to the Water
Company electronically in both CAD and PDF format, by agreement with the Water
Company, for incorporation into the Water Company’s corporate geographical
information system (GIS).
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Design drawings shall show all asset locations, size and specification in a clear and
unambiguous format. Should enlargements, blow ups or schematics be required in
order to ensure a clear and unambiguous layout then these shall be incorporated within
the design submission.

Design drawings shall include and clearly show, as a minimum:

1. Proposed off-site Self-Laid Mains to Point of Connection to the Network

2. AOD at POC and highest point of the site including Site topography can be
provided separately
3. Proposed Self-Laid Mains, including position of sluice valves, washouts,
hydrants, air valves and any other fittings required
4. Any requirements for the protection and/or diversion of the existing Network.
5. Material and size of each Self-Laid Main
6. Depth of each Self-Laid Main when installation depth is not in accordance with
Streetworks UK guidance (subject to agreement by Water Company).
7. The Self-Lay Works and Water Company Works (Contestable / Non-contestable
8. Position of existing buildings or features relative to the design proposal for
reference (minimum of 3 points on the drawing to enable triangulation)
9. Individually numbered plots
10. Location of Service Pipes, showing size if above 25mm
11. Service Pipe entry points
12. Location of boundary boxes, manifold boxes and any meter chambers as
13. Type of service connection for each plot, i.e., wall box, boundary box, manifold,
14. Hydrants adoptable by the Fire and Rescue Service
15. Location of any ducts
16. Any Special Engineering Difficulties
17. Areas of contamination where protective pipework is required
18. Future demand, or Development, or phase adjacent to Site as identified by the
Water Company or Developer and its Point of Connection relative to the
proposed Self-Laid Main
19. North point
20. Site boundary
21. Roads / highways / service strips (adopted or proposed for adoption)
22. Change in ground level
23. Service strips, wayleaves and easements required for the construction,
operation and maintenance of the Self-Laid Main
24. Significant environmental and health and safety hazards
25. Contestable / Non-contestable works annotated
26. A drawing legend / title block
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 The above list represents best practice and in some cases, not all such drawings
will be required by the Water Company. Water Companies will justify differences
in documentation requirements between requisitioned and self-lay schemes.

9.10 Drawing Legend

The drawing legend shall contain:

1. SLP contact details

2. Developer contact details
3. Company carrying out the design (if different to above)
4. SLP Designer name
5. CAD operator name
6. Site name
7. Site address
8. Ordnance Survey coordinates
9. Industry recognised scale of the drawing
10. Drawing / revision reference number
11. Water Company reference number
12. Approval status i.e.
a. Proposed design (not for construction)
b. Water Company approved design (not for construction)
c. Approved for Construction

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9.11 Design & Construction Variations

Changes to the design/construction of the Self-Lay Works (including those due to site
conditions, changes to the Site made by the Developer, etc.) which require the re-issue
of either the SLP Accepted Design or the Water Company Design shall be considered a
Significant Variation. The Parties shall comply with the process in clause 19 of the WAA

9.11.1 Minor Variations

Minor variations shall be agreed in writing between the Parties.

Minor variations shall be classed as changes to the proposed Self-Laid Mains and/or
Service Pipe design with no significant impact on the maximum scope of work
measured by the number of plots on the Site i.e. if there is no change in the number of
plots or the financial transaction, the change is classed as minor.

10. Pipe Sizing Methodology

This section covers permitted pipe sizes and methodology of pipe size determination.

10.1 Permitted Pipe Diameters, Pressure Ratings and Permissible


The below table specifies the Water Company’s accepted size and pressure ratings
for water pipes. Requests to use sizes and materials other than those listed below
must be approved by the Water Company.

Size Material Internal Diameter (mm) SDR Pressure Rating

25mm PE80 20.2 11 12.5
32mm PE80 25.8 11 12.5
63mm PE80 50.9 11 12.5
90mm PE100 72.9/78.8 11/17 16/10
125mm PE100 101.3/109.7 11/17 16/10
180mm PE100 146/158 11/17 16/10
250mm PE100 255.8/276.6 11/17 16/10
315mm PE100 288.3/311.6 11/17 16/10
355mm PE100 11/17 16/10

Table 10.1 Permitted pipes sizes, materials, SDR and pressure ratings to be used
within the Water Company area. Where Barrier Pipe is required the preferred pipe is
either Protectaline or Puriton.

10.2 Principles of Sizing of Water Mains

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The Self-Laid Main shall be sized to meet peak hydraulic demands and shall be not
oversized such that they fail to satisfy all requirements or conditions to maintain water

The Self-Laid Main shall be sized to take in account the entire development that the
Developer and SLP are aware of to avoid unnecessary upsizing at a later date, taking
into account

 The results of any Network modelling by the Water Company relative to an

area of Development by reference to information in the public domain and/or by
reference to related development enquiries it has received
 information from the Water Company relevant to the design of mains and
services for a Site and/or a Development.

(Water Companies’ Charging Arrangements shall be referred to in relation to the

provision of more than a single feed into a Site and/or a Development and/or relating to
upsizing of proposed Self-Lay Works).

If the Water Company identifies a need for the betterment of Network or associated
activity required on the existing network and has agreed with the SLP that they will
undertake this work, or part thereof, then this proposal shall be shown as part of the
detailed design of the Network and Service Pipe to supply the development.

The sizing of pipes for indicative design purposes (e.g. for cost estimates or tendering)
may be done using a simple table method for number of properties. However, no
reliance shall be placed on this indicative assessment for the purposes of any final
design as pipes shall be designed in accordance with the principles and criteria stated

Headloss calculations should be calculated using hydraulic modelling software but

where not available hand calculations using the Hazen Williams equation is acceptable.

10.3 Indicative Pipe Diameter Selection

As an indicative initial assessment of the water network pipe size requirements for a
Site, Table 10.3 may be used to determine the size of pipe to supply a given number of
residential dwellings. It may also be used as a method of determination of Source of
Water requirements on the existing Network.

When a Water Company requires to deviate from these guidelines in determining a

suitable PoC (e.g. inadequate capacity in the Network or site-specific constraints
including the condition of existing assets) then such additional work would be
categorised as Network Reinforcement and funded by the Water Company in
accordance with its charging arrangements.

Number of Individual Typical Pipe Outside Nominal Bore (Other

Residential Diameter (PE Pipes) Pipe Materials)

Page | 22
0-17 63mm 50mm
17-60 90mm 80mm
60-150 125mm 100mm
150-775 180mm 150mm
775- 1500 250mm 200mm

Above Table 10.3: Bristol Water Specific Guidance

For all developments the Designer shall consider and incorporate spine mains as
necessary to allow for additional development or phases of development which are to
be connected ideally to at least two points on the Network. The Water Company shall
make available information during this discussion and an assessment and advice shall
be provided to the Designer of any Network Reinforcement to be considered in a Site

Note: Notwithstanding that more than one connection point into a Site may be designed
(e.g. for mitigation of future supply risk) only one of these shall be designated as the
Point of Connection of supply to the Site as required by the Sector Guidance). Any
additional work over and above that which is required to provide the Site with a water
supply shall be categorised as Network Reinforcement and funded by the Water
Company in accordance with its Charging Arrangements.

10.4 Domestic Hydraulic Demand Calculations

In this section the Water Company shall specify the following constants:

X = Average demand per capita

Y = Average household occupancy rate
Z = Peak flow factor

Demand per capita per day shall be taken as 125 Litres unless evidence to the contrary
is provided for the specific development.

Calculation for household occupancy shall be taken as 2.4 persons per household on
average unless evidence to the contrary is provided for the Site.

Average daily demand per household is therefore 125 x 2.4 = 300 litres

To account for diversity in the network, Peak Flow Factors for domestic scenarios shall
be taken to be 2.38.

Peak Demand may be calculated then by multiplying the average day demand per
household by the peaking factor.

A site of ‘n’ Domestic units has a daily demand in litres of 300 x n = 300n litres

This must be multiplied by the peaking factor 2.38.Therefore peak demand in litres per
second can be estimated at nx300 x 2.38/24 x 60 x 60 = Peak demand in l/s
Page | 23
10.5 Calculations for Multi-Occupancy Building and Industrial
and Commercial Domestic Use

Where flow rates are specified in the application these will be used and if necessary
multiplied by a peaking factor of 2.38. Alternatively the use of loading units may be used
to calculate the estimated flow rates.

10.6 Process Water

It is expected that the client should provide peak demands given their individual
knowledge of the Development. The connection and Self-Laid Mains that are to be
installed should then be selected based on their peak demand.

10.7 Pressure and Flow

10.7.1 Source Pressure

For the purposes of designing the network, the SLP shall check with the Water
Company to confirm pressure at the source. During the design stage, if any constraints,
e.g. effect on headloss due to an increased AOD relative to a Site and/or Development,
are identified by the SLP or the Water Company a workable solution is to be agreed
between the Parties.

10.7.2 Pressure and Flow

Reference levels of service shall be used to ensure that networks can supply all
properties with a minimum pressure and flow at the customer’s communication pipe.

Minimum pressure in communication pipe at boundary of property to be serviced based

on Ofwat’s Guaranteed Standards Scheme (GSS) is 7 metres head with a flow of 9 litres
per minute.

In normal operational circumstances Minimum Pressure at a hydrant or nodal point on

the system shall be 15 mH or 1.5 Bar

Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) which is equal to Design Pressure plus allowance for
surge, shall not exceed Pressure Nominal (PN) which is the pressure rating of the lowest
rated component in the system.

SLP Designers shall clearly state where a component has been used below the Water
Company’s standard pressure rating to allow standard System Test Pressures (STP) to
be adjusted on site.

10.7.3 Velocity

Minimum peak time velocities in all Pipes shall reach 0.2 msˉ¹

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Maximum velocity in Mains shall not exceed 1.5 msˉ¹

Maximum velocity in Service Pipe shall not exceed 1 msˉ¹

Headloss calculations should be calculated using hydraulic modelling software but

where not available hand calculations using the Hazen Williams equation is acceptable.

10.7.4 Calculating Headloss through the Network

For newly designed and constructed Water Mains headloss per 1000m shall not
exceed 10 mH, target values shall be between 2m/1000m and 4m/1000m

Bristol Water use hydraulic modelling to calculate the headloss in pipes.

10.7.5 Topography

Above Ordnance Datum (AOD) shall be the preferred scale when highlighting level
changes on the design drawing.

The effect of increased altitudes on a Site shall be taken into consideration by the SLP
Designer when low source pressures have been identified by the Water Company.

The finished floor level of the highest connection shall for the purposes of the design
serve as the additional loss of head when ensuring the reference level of service.

10.8 Selection of Materials for Contaminated Ground

Materials for use in contaminated ground shall be selected in accordance with the
Water UK Contaminated Land Assessment Guidance. See link in Appendix 1.

10.8.1 Ground contamination during construction

lf contamination is suspected during construction of the Self-lay Works the work shall
be stopped and be shall be isolated from the potential source of contamination and
the incident reported to the Water Company and Developer. An investigation and
action plan, which may include a change of pipe material (and/or replacement of the
apparatus already installed) shall be agreed with the Water Company before work

The SLP shall ensure that all employees are trained and able to undertake the
appropriate actions when working in potentially contaminated land in accordance
with health and safety legislation.

Consideration should be given to the effect of permeable surfaces on future

contamination risk and documented in section 5 of the Contaminated Land Risk

Any mains laid under permeable surfaces will require to be barrier pipework.

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11 Water Main Design and Construction Principles
General principles in designing Self-Laid Mains shall be that they;

 Minimise whole lifecycle costs and impact on the environment

 Deliver minimum standards of service to customers
 Ensure security of supply so far as reasonably practicable (see section 4 as
regards funding of any such additional works)
 Ensure continuing water quality
 Allow for safe and flexible operation of control points and surface assets

11.1 Design Accreditation

The SLP shall demonstrate that it has suitable design Accreditation based on

11.2 Construction (pre-start)

Prior to the construction of any Self-Lay Work the SLP shall ensure that any Water
Company required approvals have been obtained and that a pre-start meeting
between the Parties has occurred when one has been requested by reference to
paragraph 24.

11.3 Routing and Positioning Principles

Where the Self-Laid Main is to be laid within an adopted highway, a street, or a

dedicated service strip, it should be laid in accordance with the latest Streetworks
UK good practice guidance (Volumes 1 to 6) unless the Water Company has
indicated its preferred routing and positioning of the Self-Laid Main and Service
Pipe. In this case, the Water Company’s requirements shall be incorporated into
the design by the SLP Designer. Any requirement for preferred routing and
positioning will typically be associated with technical requirements that includes
future access to assets for maintenance and/or repair. Where the Water Company
requests a change to the route due to it not meeting their specific requirements,
the costs incurred will be payble by the Water Company. Any such variation will
need agreement with the SLP and Developer before works proceed

Design Acceptance will consider any installation route relative to private land, land
that is defined as a street and/or which is designated as highway and any
requirement for an adoptable service strip or footpath.

Designs for the installation of Self-Laid Main and/or Service Pipe(s) in shared
driveways (i.e. where multiple plots are to be supplied) shall be in accordance with
the Water Company’s criteria.

P a g e | 26
The general principles are:

 new mains should be laid in a street;

 new mains should be on the side of the street with the greatest number of
service connections;
 routes for new mains should be planned in conjunction with other utilities
and laid in accordance with NJUG guidance;
 service connections should be arranged so that they run perpendicular to
the main that they are connected to;
 the total length of pipe installed (both mains and services) is minimised,
this is particularly relevant in areas such as shared drives and courtyards;
 all equipment such as valves and stop taps should be installed so that
access is generally available without any requirement for special
arrangements such as traffic management notices etc. These examples
are provided to assist in planning new developments; it should not be
assumed that any final design will always be fully in accordance with
these examples.

If it is not possible to follow the Streetworks UK guidance, then the SLP Designer
should consult with the Water Company to agree the preferred location.

Any easements required will be obtained by Water Company (at the expense of
the SLP/Developer which will include any consideration payable for the grant of
easement and all legal costs and surveyors’ fees incurred in relation to the
documentation required). The easements must be granted direct to the Water
Company and be entered into before adoption of the Self Lay Works can occur

During construction the SLP/Developer shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure

that other utility companies’ apparatus installed after the Self-Laid Main and
Service Pipe shall not restrict or compromise that Self-Laid Main and future access
to it.

Self-Laid Mains are to be laid on the side of the road where the housing density is
higher to minimise the number of service pipe crossings.

Although not a preferred configuration, the requirement for new Self-Laid dual
Main(s) (typically where road construction prohibits utility apparatus at normal
depths e.g. shallow drains, permeable paving systems) may be necessary, and in
these instances such a technical consideration is to be agreed between the parties.

Security of supply may be increased by linking in the Self-Laid Main when there is
a significant number of properties being serviced through a single pipe, provision
for flushing in these cases must be made by designing washouts located within 3-
way valve arrangements or between in line valves.

P a g e | 27
To reduce the likelihood of water quality issues from the lack of turnover in the Self-
Laid Main to an end hydrant (dead leg) it shall not extend more than 2m past the
last service connection.

Self-Laid Mains shall maintain minimum proximity to buildings and structures as

specified by the Water Company in the table below:

Nominal Pipe Size mm Min Proximity required (m) from centre line of
Water Main
<169mm 5m (2.5m from centre line)
>170mm<299mm 6m (3m from centre line)
>300mm<449mm 8m (4m from centre line)
>450mm<649mm 10m (5m from centre line)
>649mm 12m (6m from centre line)

Table: 11.1 Minimum strip width required for varying pipe diameters

See also paragraph 13: Designers shall refer to Streetworks UK publication Volume
4: Guidelines for the Planning, Installation & Maintenance of Utility Apparatus in
Proximity to Trees when selecting route in proximity to existing trees and if
necessary, shall highlight any Tree Protection Orders on the design drawing.

No Self-Laid Main shall be constructed unless the design of said main has been
approved by the Water Company, and no Self-Laid Main or Service Pipe shall be
connected to the Network until all conditions precedent within the WAA have been

11.4 Depth of Self-Laid Main

Self-Laid Main(s) shall be installed at the appropriate cover depths in accordance

with the minimum and maximum depth range specified in the Streetworks UK
guidance relative to the surface in which the Self-Laid Main(s) are to be installed.

The Water Company preferred installation depth (cover to crown of pipe) is be

900mm for new Self-Laid Main or 900mm where there is a risk of damage e.g.
from agricultural activities. All DI mains should be installed at 900mm cover.

11.5 Water Quality Considerations

In accordance with the Principles of Water Supply Hygiene and related technical
guidance notes listed therein (see Appendix 1-Other documents) the SLP shall
ensure that the Developer and the SLP ensure demand is sufficient to allow
adequate turnover of water following commissioning of any new Self-Laid Main in
order to protect water quality.

P a g e | 28
Where possible, Development spine roads shall be serviced with two-way fed ring
mains to maintain water quality across the Site. The Water Company and SLP
Designer shall consult on such proposals and the SLP Designer shall incorporate
the Water Company requirements relative to this design consideration into the Site
design. The costs associated with this shall be dealt with under the principles set
out in paragraph 4 of this document.

Where despite the above, infrastructure is laid in advance of turnover, the Self-
Laid Main shall either have artificial load by way of cross connection into the live
system or shall have a flushing programme denoted on the design, to be carried
out by the SLP.

The Developer or SLP shall be responsible for ensuring that all required permits
and agreements are in place for identifying where water can be flushed to and for
disposal of said water and whether water is required to be de-chlorinated prior to
Only standpipes that have been approved by the Water Company shall be used
(details of such may be published on the Water Company website).

Operation of valves: The Water Company’s specified standards in paragraph 11.7

below for operation of valves and hydrants shall be complied with (including
satisfactory completion of any related training in line with guidance material
offered by the Company).

11.6 Mains Fittings

Valves, washouts, hydrants, etc. should, as far as is practicable be located in the

footpath or verge for both access and safety reasons and to mitigate the effect of
traffic, surface water and silting in chambers.

Where there is no option but to design site fittings in trafficked areas, under no
circumstances shall they be placed in parking bays or behind any locked access

Isolation valves shall be installed on all branch connections and on the

downstream side of main line tees.
Washouts/Fire Hydrants (where requested by the local Fire Service) shall be
installed at the end of every branch.

11.7 Controlling Valves and Valve Operation

Mains isolation associated with any planned interruption requiring a shut to an

Existing Main valve may be carried out by the Water Company and/or by an SLP
subject to the SLP persons involved in the Site works having been authorised by
the Water Company to undertake this activity. The Water Company will take into

P a g e | 29
account specific Site constraints or considerations and specific Risk Assessments
that may impact on the end user customer and/or water quality.

Approval and authorisation by the Water Company may include compliance with
specific Water Company approval and authorisation procedures (and training) and
completion of Water Company provided training that includes; CALM network
training, valve operations, and discoloration risk assessment.

Valve closing directions within the Water Company area are Close Clockwise and
all new valves to be installed by an SLP shall be Clockwise closing.

Bristol Water will permit the operation of valves by third parties where prior
approval has been granted and a site-specific Risk Assessment undertaken.

11.8 Washout and Fire Hydrants

Fire Hydrants and Washouts to be fixed jumper close Close Clockwork type
sandwich valves installed to enable replacement/repair without the need to isolate

11.9 Air Valves

Air valves are required at high points and at points of significant changes of vertical
direction along the network where in either case there is a risk of air locking. The
location is to be agreed at design stage.

11.10 District Metered Areas and Boundary Valves

District meter locations shall be agreed with the Water Company. If no information
is available, then as a rule where the design exceeds domestic properties in size or
a development size of 300-500 properties then a DMA meter is likely to be required.
See also paragraph 8.3.

Shut valves will need to be installed if a Site is fed by two separate DMAs via two
Source of Water Connections. In this instance their requirement and location shall
be agreed at the design stage with the Water Company.

11.11 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) Considerations

SLP Designers shall ensure relative to the final installation of the Self-Laid Main
and Service Pipe that any Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) shall not be
installed above, underneath, or adjacent to the final position of Self-Laid Mains and
Service Pipe. The location of any proposed SuDS and permeable surfaces
proposed for a Site are to be clearly marked on the proposed design drawing (see
also paragraph 10.8).

P a g e | 30
11.12 Double Spade Valves

Bristol Water does not permit the use of Double Spade Valves.

11.13 Rights of Access

The Self-Laid Main shall, wherever possible, be routed in publicly adopted

highways and maintained highways or streets as defined in NRSWA Section 48
(1) and amended under the Traffic Management Act (TMA) 2004. These shall not
normally require rights of access. Examples of situations where Self-Laid Mains
are to be laid in a street are:

 An adopted street on land which is owned by a Local Authority.

 A street on land which is owned by the Developer and which may or may
not be adopted in the future but serves more than one property.
 A street on land which is in joint third-party ownership.

The section 38 Drawing shall be used to highlight any Self-Laid Main installed in
third party land, which is not a street and that may require land rights to be
obtained and a legal notice to be issued. In these instances, the Water Company
shall establish and confirm with the Developer/SLP the right of access and shall
normally require an easement to be provided by the landowner. Examples of
situations where Self-Laid Mains are not to be laid in a street are:

 Industrial and commercial Site where land is wholly owned by a singular

3rd Party.
 Site access is through a third party’s land that does not form part of the

In cases requiring the Self-Laid Main to be laid in land not defined as a street all
such permissions and rights of access shall be identified before the design is

In the process of designing it may be necessary to obtain other consents for

works; these consents include;

 Local Highways by way of Section 50 Agreements

 Other Adopting Utilities where we are laying within an existing easement
 Environmental Agencies and Waterways Authorities
 Rail and Transport Network Operators
 Historical Societies and National Heritage Agencies

All such servitudes, easements, wayleaves and planning permission required for
the Self-Lay Works and land for the siting of equipment shall be obtained prior to

P a g e | 31
commencement of works and in accordance with the Statutory Consents and
Land Rights sections of the WAA.

In accordance with the WAA, the Water Company shall obtain any required
easements to protect its Network, or any future extension of such, and any
related and/or incurred costs including third party costs shall be recovered by the
Water Company in accordance with its published Charging Arrangements.

P a g e | 32
12 Service Pipe Design and Installation
Both parts of the Service Pipe shall be appropriately designed, and responsibility
for design acceptance typically rests with the party responsible for its
The following diagram provides guidance as to the allocation of such

Figure 1

Property of premises

Boundary box (to

Water Company
policy). Plus, where
applicable, meter Street

Water main

A – B Communication SLP Water Water Supply
Pipe Company (Water Quality)
Boundary box (plus, SLP Water Regulations
where applicable, meter) Company

B – C Supply pipe Developer Property owner Water Supply

Internal plumbing Developer Property owner (Water
1999 and
Water Supply

P a g e | 33

Modern developments are arranged in many different ways and it is difficult to be

specific about the location and provision of service pipes. Mains, service pipes,
stop taps and meters for any new development should be configured for
optimum hydraulics, construction, and maintenance. Specifically, the
arrangement should not cause unreasonable cost or difficulty to either BW or the
customer, either to construct or to undertake any future maintenance.

1) The normal rule is each set of premises – one service pipe – one meter;
2) Supply pipes i.e. that part of the service pipe laid generally within the
boundary of the premises served, should be laid such that the
communication pipe will be generally perpendicular to the main to which it
will be connected, and preferably such that no part of the supply pipe is
laid in any land that is not within the boundary of the premises being
3) A shared service pipe can serve any number of properties (typically in a
multi-occupied building). It will not normally be in a street or in land
protected by an easement, but should be installed such that it remains
accessible for repair;
4) For low-rise buildings with multiple-occupancy the developers should be
encouraged to lay separate service pipes for each occupancy unit. If this is
completely impractical or impossible, a shared service pipe can be provided
to a manifold arrangement in a ground floor services room or cupboard,
where individual stop taps, meters and supply pipes will be provided;
5) For high-rise buildings, characterised by the requirement for pumping to
upper floors, a shared service pipe from the tank/pump to each floor is
often installed. A single common tank and pump is usually acceptable
where a building has more than one tower, whether or not the buildings
are linked at the ground floor. For small numbers of dwellings, where
practical, the individual meters should be located in an accessible plant
room or meter room in a basement or at ground level. Alternatively, meters
may be installed in service cupboards where individual stop taps and
supply pipes are fitted to a common manifold arrangement on each floor,
where the pipework branches from the located riser;
6) For high or low rise multi-occupancy premises, a common billing
agreement is available as a non-preferred option, but may be allowed after
consultation with BW. Irrespective of the agreed billing arrangement, the
water service pipe work within the building must be arranged such that

P a g e | 34
individual metering to each dwelling or to any shared water provision can
be installed without the need to carry out any modification;
7) There is a general presumption against making service pipe connections to
trunk mains due to fluctuations of water pressure and availability of water.
Applications to make connections should be made on the relevant form
and only if no distribution main local to the property or properties are

The supply pipe shall be the property owner’s responsibility and shall conform to
the Water Regulations and requirements of the Water Company.

12.1 Routing, Positioning and Location

The Water Company shall specify its policy and installation requirements on the
design and installation of Permissible Materials (service pipes, meters, chambers,
ducting, etc.) required routing, and location relative also to contaminated ground

Service Pipes shall only be laid through land which either form part of a street or
to which the property being served has permanent rights of access.

Service Pipe routes in so far as is reasonably practicable shall follow a straight

route perpendicular to the Self-Laid Main and the property to which it services.

Service Pipes shall generally be designed to connect to the nearest Self-Laid Main
to the property.

Separate Service Pipes shall be provided to each house or building on the premises,
or to those different parts of a building on the premises which are separately
occupied by way of multiple supply pipes.

Joint communication pipes may be used to reduce road crossings however each
property must receive an individual supply pipe and meters (if applicable).

Service Pipes shall be designed such that the requirements of Streetworks UK are
maintained with respect to separation from other plant and utilities.

12.2 Depth of Services

Service Pipes shall be installed in accordance with the Water Regulations and
Streetworks UK guidance.

Service pipes shall be laid with an even grade where possible, with cover
between a depth of 750mm to 1350mm from the finished ground level in
accordance with Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.

P a g e | 35
If a boundary box is to be installed on the Service Pipe, the pipe shall be laid with
cover between 750mm and 850mm for a minimum of 1.0metre on each side of the
boundary box.

Service Pipes being designed outside this range shall have special protective
measures vetted and agreed by the Approving Design Engineer.

12.3 Sizing of Services

While service connections can only be designed to meet minimum standards at the
point of delivery every effort shall be made to ensure that all parts of the service
pipe are sized in accordance with industry standards.

Service Pipes shall be sized to ensure velocity is ≤ 1msˉ¹ and that total headloss is
≤ 10mH

Services to standard domestic properties shall be minimum 20mm internal

diameter and capable of supplying required flow and pressure based on required
Methods used for sizing of communication pipes should be in accordance with BS
EN806-3 (Pipe Sizing Simplified Method).

12.4 Location of Boundary Boxes

Boundary Boxes are to be located a minimum of 300mm off the back edge of
footpath. Where no footpath exists, locating within I metre of a non-trafficked area
inside the boundary may be permitted.

12.5 Supplies to Multi Occupancy Buildings

Premises that consist of a number of separate occupancy units, which may be

domestic, commercial or industrial, can be metered using a common billing
arrangement or individually with meters being provided for each occupancy unit.
Additionally, there may be a need to fit separate meters to record water
consumption for communal facilities such as communal hot water or laundry
facilities. Where meters are installed in a communal area, each meter should be
clearly identified using a tag with permanent lettering, so that customers may
easily identify which meter serves their property. Where meters are located in a
secure area, customers should be provided with access both for meter reading
and to enable the water to their premises to be individually controlled. Meters
should not be located in any area such as a plant room or similar that could
present access difficulties or other safety related issues.

It is usually acceptable for domestic and commercial units to be served via a

single shared supply within a multi occupancy premise.

P a g e | 36
Designs using other distribution options are not precluded, however, any
alternative arrangements must be subject to a risk assessment as part of BW
obligation under the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999, to ensure
that water quality and leakage control will be maintained under all possible
operating circumstances.

A bulk metering arrangement will not be made available where occupancy units
within the premises are being offered for sale at the time that the first connection
is made.

12.6 Services to Multi Storey Buildings

Water Industry Act 1991 - Section 66 states that where the top-most storey in a
building is greater than 10.5m above the draw off point the statutory undertaker
may require the Developer to fit storage equal to twenty-four hours usage and
adequate pumping to reach the highest point.

12.7 Additional Requirements for Supplies to Buildings Other Than

Domestic Dwellings

When the Developer’s flow rates are in question the SLP Designer shall check
that demand was calculated in accordance with BS EN 806.

The design shall include for back flow prevention; at least single check non-return

Demand for process water shall be treated separately when designing the

The SLP Designer shall investigate any seasonal demand patterns when
designing the service.

All non-domestic water applications to be assessed by Bristol Water Regulations

Team for any additional requirements.

13 Civil Engineering Considerations

13.1 General

The general specification for civil engineering components and materials shall be
that of the document “Civil Engineering Specification for The Water Industry
(“CESWI”) 7th Edition which is available from the WRc plc.

 Thrust Restraint and Anchorage

P a g e | 37
Thrust Blocks to be designed in accordance with CIRIA Guide to design of
thrust blocks for buried pressure pipelines. All calculations undertaken shall
be provided to Bristol Water.

 Puddle Flanges
o No Additional requirements.

 Self-Anchoring Joints
o No Additional Requirements.

 Site Conditions and Ground Bearing Capacities

o The Self lay Designer shall satisfy themselves that the site conditions
including but not limited to Contamination are suitable for the design

 Thrust Blocks
o As above.

 Jointing of pipes
o Where PE pipes are installed the preferred jointing method is fusion.
Where mechanical joints are installed these need to be in accordance
with Manufacturers recommendations.

 Ground Anchorage
o No Additional Requirements

13.2 Marker Tape and Tracer Tape

Marker Tape to be compliant with CESWI and Water Fittings Regulations.

13.3 Indicator Posts and Marker Plates

Indicator Posts and Marker Plates to be compliant with CESWI.

13.4 Chambers and Covers

Water Company to detail Permissible Materials in paragraph 21. Chambers shall

be designed and installed to be of an appropriate size to allow operation of the
Self-Laid Mains and service fittings.

Covers shall be designed to be capable of withstanding all potential loads placed

upon them and shall comply with BS EN 124.

P a g e | 38
13.5 Bedding and Backfill

Materials used for bedding shall conform to WIS 4-08-02 "Specification for
bedding and side fill materials for buried pipelines” and material for backfill
material shall be in accordance with the NRSWA 1919 the Specification for the
Reinstatement of Opening in Highways (3rd Edition).

13.6 Reinstatement of Highway

Materials and work shall be in accordance with the NRSWA 1991 the Specification
for the Reinstatement of Opening in Highways (3rd Edition).

The SLP is responsible for the classification and disposal of waste from
excavations in highway accordance with Applicable Law.

13.7 Ducts

SLP Designers shall consult with the Water Company at Design Acceptance stage
if ducts are required to be installed by a SLP/Developer.

Where ducts are designed to be laid under major roads or obstructions, they shall
be shown to extend beyond the road to ease installation and future inspection.

Service pipe ducting where extending into building to form part of the service
entry must facilitate the installation of insulation to Water Fitting Regulations.

Laying ducts is only permitted when there is a risk of potential damage during
construction and where the mains laid are required to be deeper than usual limits.

14 Metering Requirements

14.1 Standard Domestic Metering for Individual Dwellings and Multi

Occupancy buildings

14.1.1 Meter carrier arrangements

It is the customer’s responsibility to install a meter carrier fully in accordance with

the Water Companies specification for all new standard service connections.
During the design process, the location and accessibility of the meter must be
clearly defined such that the meter remains accessible for operational and
maintenance purposes.

P a g e | 39
14.1.2 Internally located meters

Where a meter is to be installed inside the premises the meter carrier should be
located immediately after the controlling stop tap and immediately before the
drain valve. The meter may be oriented in any direction, but should be positioned
such that the recording dial can be read directly and with sufficient space to
permit a meter change. Consideration should also be given to how possible
changes to the immediate surroundings of the meter will impact on future
maintainability. A stop tap located within an underground meter chamber should
be positioned externally close to where the service pipe enters the building.

14.1.3 Externally located meters for standard connections

Meters may be located within an “in wall box” or a “wall mounted box”, as set out
in section 9 of this document. When either of these options is chosen, a risk
assessment should be carried out with regard to any external influences that may
impact on the meter enclosure. Frost protection is an integral feature of any
externally located meter box, and where there is any possibility of the enclosure
being damaged by external influences then relocation or additional mechanical
protection should be considered.

It is essential that the meter box is installed fully in accordance with the
manufacturer’s requirements and that the installation is fully re-validated at the
time the service connection is made. This re validation is particularly important as
there can often be a considerable period of time between installation of the meter
box and its connection to the water supply during which the integrity of the box
and insulation may have been affected. Under no circumstances should any box,
wall-mounted or in-wall be connected to the water network unless it has been
installed fully in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.

14.1.4 Metering non-standard connections

Service connections greater than 25 mm are classed as non-standard

connections, these connections may be used to provide supply to a number of
individually metered premises or may be used to supply single premises and
fitted with a bulk meter. The arrangements for metering and their locations are
likely to be design specific and dependant on the construction of the building, the
layout of the pipe work and the availability of sufficient space to facilitate the
meter installation.

15 Water for Firefighting

15.1 Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Consultation

P a g e | 40
Pursuit to Section 43 (1) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 a plan showing
adoptable washouts shall be sent to the FRS for consultation purposes, along
with this plan shall be a location plan and a covering letter.

Water Companies to provides FRS contact upon request from an SLP.

The FRS have the statutory period, 42 calendar days, to respond with their
requirements in respect of adopting hydrants for firefighting.

Hydrants to be adopted shall be then marked on the drawing.

15.2 Location and Flow from Hydrants

Ordinarily, water companies do not design distribution networks for firefighting

purposes. It should be expected that flow from fire hydrants would be in line with
minimum standards on the water distribution network.

See also Water UK Guidance: https://www.water.org.uk/guidance/national-

(in particular those details referenced in Appendix 5 regards flow from fire

The Designer should position the requested hydrant so that it can be safely

15.3 Dedicated Fire Mains

Dedicated fire mains shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Water
Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 2016 and fitted with backflow prevention,
spiral wrapping and appropriate marker tape.

15.4 Fire Sprinkler Systems

In the absence of any information from the Water Company, SLP Designers shall
refer developers to the polices within the building regulations when requests for
sprinklers are being made, these documents, “Document B (Fire Safety) –Volume
1: Dwellings and Volume 2: Buildings other than Dwelling houses”, can be obtained
on the UK Government Planning Portal at

It is recommended that the SLP Designer consults with the Developer who is
responsible for seeking advice from a specialist provider of sprinkler systems
(where one is required) relative to the Site and/or Development.

Bristol Water’s guidance for Domestic Sprinklers can be found below:-

P a g e | 41

16 As Laid (As Constructed) drawings

The Water Company's asset data is typically recorded on a geographic information
(digital mapping) or CAD systems. Therefore, it is important that accurate and
compliant location information is supplied to the Water Company in a format
agreed with the Water Company and which shall be specified by each Water
Company in the Schedule of Permissible Materials and construction.

The approved design drawing shall be updated and amended in accordance with
all changes to as constructed installation whenever there is a deviation from the
approved design (note: all changes to an approved design shall only be made with
the acceptance of the Water Company as per Level of Service measure S2/1b).

The “as-laid / as-constructed” installation shall be in accordance with the

approved design and with any changes to same approved by the Water Company
as any deviation not agreed by the Water Company from the approved design
shall be a Defect and the Water Company may require such to be corrected prior
to adoption of the installation.

The position of all installed apparatus shall be recorded to ensure locational

accuracy (the position of apparatus shall be recorded relative to a minimum of two
fixed (geographical or otherwise) features adjacent to the installed apparatus and
the measurements shall intersect the centre of the new asset and if available is to
be referenced by British National grid reference).

Positional accuracy is to be measured and recorded, wherever practicable, to a

minimum GPS accuracy of +/- 100mm to the centre of the apparatus.

Surveys for Self-Lay Works shall be carried out using triangulation, i.e., two
measurements taken from fixed features. They should intersect at the centre of the
asset in the following order of priority;

 corners of buildings, and

 corners of boundary walls

Surveys done using offsets, i.e., using a single measurement (usually along the
length of the Self-Laid Main) in accordance with the following order of priority:

 building lines, and

 kerb lines

P a g e | 42
Temporary and natural features should only be used when no other permanent
features are available, with the agreement of the Water Company.

Scaled survey drawings should be provided. The scale shall be to 1:500 (unless
otherwise agreed with the Water Company) to ensure clarity of applicable
measurement and features.

Material, pipe size, external and internal corrosion protection of pipe, and the depth
of cover to Self-Laid Main (where depth differs from standard) shall be identified.

All valves, hydrants, washouts, meters, ducts, swab access points, tappings, tees,
Service Pipe(s) and boundary boxes shall be clearly identified, together with the
relevant fitting on the plan and/or in an accompanying legend. The legend should
be consistent with the Water Company' Schedule of Permissible Materials and

Where a number of assets are installed adjacent to each other, suitable asset
information (increased scale extracts) are to be incorporated and clearly
referenced as a subset of information from the Self-Laid Main “as-laid / as-
constructed” drawing.

The full dimensional references for all pipes and fittings shall be indicated (e.g.
material, diameter, SDR) at any change in details, and measurements shall be in

Clear differentiation should be made between live and decommissioned Water

Mains and associated fittings. Decommissioned Network assets may be shown on
a separate drawing, if required.

As-laid / as –constructed drawings shall be submitted with any request to

commission any completed work. Such shall be clearly labelled with the
Developer's name, scheme number, scheme name, scheme type, stage, number,
and date of submission.

17 Self-Laid Main and Services Commissioning

To enable the commissioning of new assets to take place the Water Company shall
provide its flushing, super chlorination and sampling requirements including
minimum training requirements for samplers e.g. as per the Water Regulations
under ISO/IEC 17025 may be deemed appropriate.

A compliant pressure test should be carried out which demonstrates the Self-Laid
Main to be free of air and leaks. Certificates shall be provided by the SLP to the
Water Company confirming a compliant pressure test.

P a g e | 43
Before flushing into a public combined or surface water sewer the developer shall
contact and obtain approval from the local wastewater company, Environment
Agency, Highway Authority or other, as appropriate.

In addition, the Water Company may include further guidance in its Schedule of
Permissible Materials and construction in paragraph 21.1 setting out its
requirements for the provision of Testing and commissioning.

17.1 Mains Flushing

In accordance with the Principles of Water Supply Hygiene and associated

technical guidance notes (see in particular TGN02 and TGN03) it is a requirement
that there is always a sufficient turnover of water on all potential dead-legs of main
or sectional lengths and a regular flushing of these mains shall be undertaken to
satisfy water quality requirements.

Accordingly, a suitable flushing regime is to be agreed in respect of the

construction programme of the Self-Laid Main. The responsibility for work and
related costs is set out in the WAA.

Note: Operation of existing valves shall only be in accordance with the Water
Company’s published guidelines in this DCS.

The Water Company may seek to recover the cost of flushing work where a delay
to the proposed Delivery Date occurs as a consequence of a failed pressure test
and/or mains sample. This will likely delay the mains connection date and
subsequent installation date of new service connections and hence an appropriate
flushing regime to protect water quality will be required to be agreed with the
Water Company who reserves the right to revert to a flushing regime operated and
managed by the Water Company with costs recovered.

Prior to any end washout on any phase/section of main the SLP may install a
temporary or permanent sluice valve and if the washout is to be used for flushing
or building water with a standpipe then it shall be an approved metered standpipe
in accordance with the Water Company requirements.

The SLP is responsible for ensuring that the Developer secures all required permits
and agreements for flushing, identifies where water can be flushed to and
disposed of and, where the Water Company is to undertake flushing, is able to
indicate whether water is required to be de-chlorinated first.

As a general rule it is unnecessary to consider cleansing velocities, except the need

to discharge a volume (twice the pipe’s volume will ensure complete turnover) from
a washout at the end of the main.

P a g e | 44
The Water Company has a responsibility to ensure that its customers are not
affected by discoloured water which may be caused by flushing out mains so when
discharging water it is important to keep velocities in the pipe under control to
avoid discolouration upstream.
Suggested guideline is to limit flow velocity to no greater than 0.2 m/sec with the
need to turn over mains water at least once per week, and examples are detailed
in the table below.

Example guidelines

Internal Area m2
Pipe Volume in litres
diameter Imperial and volume
size per metre
(mm for equivalent in m3 per
(mm) (rounded off)
PE) metre
63 50 2 inches 0.00196 2
90 80 3 inches 0.00502 5
125 110 4 inches 0.00950 9.5
180 158 6 inches 0.01960 19.6
225 198 8 inches 0.03079 31
8 to 9
250 220 0.03801 38
315 278 11 inches 0.06069 61
355 312 12 inches 0.07645 76.5

17.2 Not used

17.3 Mains Bacteriological Sampling

All sampling and data relating shall be undertaken by an approved UKAS
accredited analytical laboratory that will confirm and provide all results and
required reports relative to:

 Incoming main sample(s).

 New mains sample(s) - result(s) for each length of new main to be

commissioned and connected to existing water supply distribution network.

Samples must be analysed for:

Laboratory Testing

P a g e | 45
Total coliforms
E. Coli
Colony counts at 37°C (48 hours)
Colony counts at 22°C (72 hours)

In addition free and total chlorine measurements will be made on site at time of
sampling and the results recorded.

All new, renovated or replacement mains; and services with a nominal internal
diameter greater than 100 mm and a length greater than 25m must be brought
into service within 15 days of a satisfactory sample being taken. If the main or
service is not brought into service within this period it must be flushed with mains
water and resampled. If contamination is suspected it must be re-chlorinated and
sampled. The main must be flushed with mains water following connection.

All taking of samples shall be carried out by accredited persons. Sample point
location(s) where samples were taken from must be detailed and cross-referenced
with the results and shown on the construction drawing and provided to the Water

All activities are to be carried out in accordance with Principles of Water Supply
Hygiene & Technical Guidance Notes (<

Prior to accepting a request for any Final Connection to the Network, the Water
Company must be reasonably satisfied that the samples have been taken where
indicated and have passed water quality requirements such that the Self-Laid
Main can be adopted.

As such, the Water Company may (at its own cost) undertake a check sample on
the Main post Final Connection, prior to permitting any further connections (mains
or services).
In accordance with the Principles of Water Supply Hygiene (TGN02) if the Self-
Laid Main is not brought into service within 14 calendar days of a satisfactory
sample having been taken, the Main should be flushed with mains water and re-
sampled. If contamination is suspected, the Main should be re-chlorinated and
sampling carried out as in paragraphs numbered 10 & 12 of the TGN02.

The SLP is advised to contact the Water Company to confirm arrangements for
taking samples, sample testing, testing parameters and reporting, and
laboratories they intend to use and/or to confirm any requirement for the Water
Company to provide (at reasonable cost) any such support services.

P a g e | 46
17.4 Pressure testing of Self-Laid Main
17.4.1 Pressure testing of pressure pipes and fittings for use by public water
suppliers must be carried out as set out in the Water Industry ‘Information
and Guidance note’ (IGN 4-01-03 October 2015: issue 2), available to view
online at water.org.uk/publications/wis-ign/general with reference to the
following guidance notes: ‘Pressure Testing and Disinfection
(supplemental) of PE Water Pipelines, Services and Installations’. Pressure
data, analysis report/pass certificate and pressurisation/decay graphs are
to be provided by the SLP to the Water Company within a handover
commissioning suite of information.

All results must be provided in both graphical (test output graph) and
tabular formats.

17.4.2 Pressure Testing and Disinfection (supplemental) of PE Water

Pipelines, Services and Installations

All testing shall be carried out in accordance with IGN 4-01-03, reference
should also be made to the Civil Engineering Specification for the Water
Industry (CESWI) (with Additional Clauses) and any specific Water
Company requirements specified additionally in paragraph 21 Schedule of
Permissible Materials and construction.
The following also applies:

1. On-site testing operations will be clearly identified using appropriate

warning notice boards.
2. All new mains, including renovated mains using open cut method, any
replacement mains with a length greater than 25m and any service with
a nominal internal diameter greater than 100 mm and a length greater
than 25m must be disinfected using one of the following methods:

a. Disinfected with water containing sufficient free chlorine to give a

measured value of 20mg/l (ppm) throughout the entire pipe length. The
main or pipe must be left standing with this level of chlorine for a minimum
of 16 hours to ensure adequate dispersion and contact of the chlorine with
the water and the entire internal surface of the main or pipe and fittings.
b. Disinfected with water containing sufficient free chlorine to give a
measured level of 50mg/l (ppm) throughout the entire pipe length. The
main or pipe must be left standing with this level of chlorine for a minimum
of 1 hour to ensure adequate dispersion and contact of the chlorine with
the water and the entire internal surface of the main or pipe and fittings.

At the end of the contact period and prior to flushing the level of free
chlorine must be measured at the end hydrant or downstream end of pipe.

P a g e | 47
If this level is more than 5 mg/l (ppm) lower than the measured value at the
start of the contact period the disinfection process must be repeated.

The main or pipe must then be flushed until all the chlorinated water has
been removed and the chlorine level measured at the end hydrant or
downstream end of pipe is the same as the incoming water supply used to
flush the main or pipe. The main or pipe must be left charged with normal
mains water for a minimum of 16 hours prior to sampling.

Samples must be taken from appropriate points including a mains

reference point and the downstream end hydrant or end of pipe and from
any branches. For long sections of main or pipe a minimum of one sample
per 250 m of main or pipe must be collected in addition to the mains
reference and downstream end hydrant or end of pipe. When it is not
possible to collect samples at points a maximum distance of 250 m apart
on the main or pipe, sufficient samples must be taken from the end hydrant
at appropriate intervals so that water sampled is representative of that
held within the main or pipe at 250 m intervals. For example on a 1 Km of
100 mm main, after the initial end hydrant sample additional samples will
be collected from the
end hydrant after 1964 litres, 3928 litres and 5892 litres have been
discharged from the main.

3. Service test: All new Service Pipe connections must undergo a service
test. The procedure is also defined in Water Industry Information &
Guidance Note (IGN 4-01-03) ‘Pressure Testing of Pressure Pipes and
Fittings for use by Public Water Suppliers’.

 The system test pressure shall be 18 bar.

 The service shall not have been tapped prior to this test being

18 Water Company Key Contacts

A list of key contacts is published on the Bristol Water website:-


19 Local Practices
By reference to the Water Sector Guidance, the Water Company may insert here
a permitted local practice using the terminology in the WSG.

P a g e | 48
19.1 Meter Pairing and Commissioning

Not Applicable

19.2 Timing of the Generation of Plot Reference


Not Applicable

19.3 Water Company Design Service Offerings

Bristol Water Offers a design service for Self Lay Providers. Please complete the
relevant area of the application form.
There is a fixed fee for mains design except where the design relates to a
Strategic Mains diversion for which an estimated design fee will be given.

19.4 Design Self-Certification Scheme

Not Applicable

20 Design and Construction Specification Appendices

Water Company may insert appendices into this document within the following
paragraphs 21 to 24 only in the form of text or “object” file.

21 Schedule of Permissible Materials and Construction


22 Meter and Service Pipe Policy and Installation

See Section 14 for Metering Policy.

23 Standard Arrangement Drawings

Drawing No. Revision Description: Thrust blocks & marker posts

12496 D Mains: Horizontal Thrust Block Details

12503 I Mains: Marker Posts

12515 F Mains: Testing And End Tests For New Mains

P a g e | 49
13099 M Mains: Watercourse Crossings

15881 F Mains & Telemetry: Trench Bed & Surround Details

Drawing No. Revision Description: Meters

13098 U Mains: Waste Water Meter Chamber

27345 J Mains: District Meter Chamber (Electromagnetic)

28233 H Mains: Waste Meter And PRV Chamber

Drawing No. Revision Description: Fire Hydrants And Washouts

12508 P Mains: Fire Hydrant/Washout Installations

Drawing No. Revision Description: Valves: Air, Butterfly, Non-Return And Sluice

12509 M Mains: Single Air Valve Installation

12510 O Mains: Double Air Valve Installation

12511 O Mains: Sluice Valve (Telescopic Extension Spindle)

12512 N Mains: Sluice Valve (Fixed Length Extension Spindle)

12513 L Mains: Sluice Valve – Vertically Geared

16531 H Mains: Non-Return Valve (Up To 150mm)

Drawing No. Revision Description: Service Pipes

19277 I Service Pipes: Service Meter Box – Single

20445 H Service Pipes: Manifold Meter – Highway/Contaminated Ground

20448 H Service Pipes: Service Meter (25mm To 40mm)

24072 C Service Pipes: Manifold Meter – Atplas

The above drawings are available from the Self Lay area of the Bristol Water

P a g e | 50
24 Construction Pre-Start Meeting Agenda
A pre-start meeting shall only be required if one party to the WAA submits a

request to the remaining Parties notifying them that it requires a pre-start

However, such meetings are viewed by Water Companies as a key means of
helping to achieve good Health and Safety outcomes, of securing timely, cost-
effective delivery and ensuring smooth adoption and handover. For this
reason, they will generally be requested by Water Companies

In more detail, such meetings will allow the following aspects of the project to
be addressed:

 Site-specific Health & Safety and site management issues

 Confirmation of the identity of the Principal Contractor under CDM
 Introduce site personnel and establish their individual roles and
 Establish local lines of communication between site and Water Company
 Assess any associated construction activity that may need
accommodating in the SLP construction programme
 Discuss issues relating to the distribution that have the potential to affect
the project.

The Parties shall agree the date of the pre-start meeting and shall record the
minutes of the meeting and circulate such within 5 calendar days. The pre-
start meeting shall include the ‘pre-start information’ listed below.

Where no pre-start meeting is required by a party, the SLP and/or

Developer shall, if requested by the Water Company, prior to the
commencement of the Self-Lay Works, provide the following pre-start
information in any event.

‘Pre-start information’ includes as a minimum:

1. Confirmed arrangements for CDM 2015 Regulations and other H&S
2. Future contact arrangements and authorised parties for giving
instructions, agreeing “right day” for SLAs, making variations, and
exchanging information regarding progress with all parties’ works.
3. Confirmation of line and level of Self-lay Works.
4. Confirmation of national (Street-Works) and local (Water Company)
design requirements.

P a g e | 51
5. Overview of process for dealing with variations/ and changes to the
Site layout and associated approved design drawing (revisions and
impact on design, co-ordination and charges etc.).
6. Confirm and detail the Source of Water for testing and mains
connection Delivery Date.
7. Confirm latest design approved drawing, and any revision, and
drawing for construction
8. Process for submitting as-laid drawings.
9. Identify any potential site hazards or constraints (such as existing
Network considerations, including protection, diversion or renewal)
10. Confirm that access is approved relative to any land rights, statute, and
third-party consents.
11. Contact details.
12. An indication of when any new service connections are required by and
if any new property is to be fed from the Network.
13. Confirmation that the Agreement has been signed by all Parties.
14. Completion and issue by the SLP and/or Developer and/or the Water
Company of all risk and method statements relative to design and/or
construction activities.
15. Arrangements for co-ordination of activities.
16. Arrangements for supply of proof of WIRS Accreditation, personnel
qualifications and/or certification documents (i.e. Hygiene Code of
17. Arrangements for water sampling and requirements for certification
and accreditation of results, pressure testing, and disposal of water.
18. Arrangements for Water Company approved standpipe supply if
19. Confirmation of all required Regulatory requirements, arrangements,
permits and consents relative to the construction, flushing (and any
future arrangements to maintain water quality), and commissioning of
the Self-lay Works.
20. Confirmation of any requirement for a Water Company post
commissioning check sample by the Water Company in accordance
with the Code Procedures.
21. Arrangements and contact details for future management of Defects
and/or damage following adoption.
22. Confirmation of how the SLP proposes to demonstrate to the Water
Company that the materials and products intending to be used (and
on completion of work all actual materials used in case of divergence
from the intended list) in the installation of Self-lay Works complies

P a g e | 52
with Regulation 31 of The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations
2016 before commencement of any work. This confirmation may
consist of the SLP providing the Regulation 31 appropriate identifier
relative to the materials proposed.

P a g e | 53
Appendix 1


Number Title
WIS 4-08- Specification for bedding and sidefill materials
IGN 4-37-02 Design against surge and fatigue conditions for thermoplastic pipes
IGN 4-01-03 Guide to Pressure Testing of Pressure Pipes and Fittings for use by
Public Water Suppliers

IGN 4-01-03 Water Industry Information and Guidance note -

Guide to Pressure Testing of Pressure Pipes and
Fittings for use by Public Water Suppliers
IGN 4-08-01 Bedding and sidefill materials for buried pipelines

WIS 4-08-02 Specification for bedding and sidefill materials

WIS 4-21-02 Mechanical couplings and repair clamps for iron pipes
for the conveyance of cold potable water
(underground use) for the size range 40 to 1600mm

WIS 4-22-02 Specification for ferrules (tapping tees) and ferrule

straps for underground use
WIS 4-23-04 Specification for underground stop valves,
including spherical valves, for potable water
services for nominal sizes up to and including
63 and nominal
pressures of 10 bar minimum and made principally of
metal or thermoplastics
WIS 4-52-03 & Specification for Anti-Corrosion Coatings on
4- Threaded Fasteners.
See also amendment 4-52-03A
WIS 4-32-08 Specification for the fusion jointing of polyethylene
pressure pipeline systems using PE80 and PE100
WIS 4-32-11 Specification for thermoplastic end load resistant
mechanical fittings for polyethylene pipes of nominal
size < 63mm.

Note with outside diameters to BS 5556 (metric)

P a g e | 54
WIS 4-37-01 Specification for boundary boxes for the metering
and control of domestic and small industrial water
WIS 4-32-16 Specification for butt fusion jointing machines.

WIS 4-37-01 Specification for boundary boxes for the metering

and control of domestic and small industrial water
services (see also British Standards).
IGN 4-37-02 Design against surge and fatigue conditions
for thermoplastic pipes.
IGN 4-50-03 Operating guidelines for the use of site-applied,
factory applied, and reinforced factory applied
polyethylene sleeving on ductile iron pipeline
IGN 4-51-01 External zinc coating of ductile iron pipe.
WIS 4-52-01 Specification for polymeric anti-corrosion (barrier)
IGN 4-52-02 The use of polymeric anti-corrosion (barrier)
IGN 9-04-05 Report of the expert group on the risks of
contamination of the public water supply by backflow
at: http://wras.co.uk

British Standards (BS) & BS EN Standards

Number Title
BS EN 124 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian
BS5834-2 “Meter chamber” - Boundary box - (and when for use in
areas subject to occasional vehicular access relevant
aspects of this BS apply) with anti-slip lid design to BS
7976 Part 2

Internal fitted NRV in accordance with WIS 5-11-01(BS

EN 13959 and shut off device rising-spindle with WIS
BS EN 805 Water Supply – Requirements for systems and
components outside buildings

BS 8588 Polyethylene pressure pipe with an aluminium barrier

layer and associated fittings for potable water supply in
contaminated land. Size 20 mm to 630 mm

P a g e | 55
BS 8561 Specification for mechanical fittings for use in the repair,
connection and renovation of pressurized water supply
pipelines. Requirements and test methods
BS EN 545 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints
for water pipelines. Requirements and test methods.

BS 750 Specification for underground fire hydrants and surface

box frames and covers.
BS EN 805 Water supply. Requirements for systems and
components outside buildings.
BS EN 806 Specifications for installations inside buildings
conveying water for human consumption. Operation
and maintenance.
BS 1042-2.2 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits and
1983 & Determination of flowrate of fluids in closed conduits
of circular cross selection – Method of velocity
1982 measurement at one point of cross-section.

BS EN 1295 Structural design of buried pipelines under various

conditions of loading. General requirements.

BS 3251 Indicator plates for fire hydrants and emergency water

Part 1: Hose Reels and Foam Inlets.
BS 9295 Guide to the structural design of buried pipelines.

BS EN 12201 Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for

drainage and sewerage under pressure.
Polyethylene (PE). General.
Part 2: Pipes.

Part 3: Fittings.

BS PD Guide to the flushing and disinfection of services

855468 supplying water for domestic use within buildings and
their curtilages.

P a g e | 56
Other documents
Number / Date Title
10/WM/03/21 Guidance for the Selection of Water Supply Pipes to be used
in Brownfield Sites
CESWI Civil Engineering Specification for the Water Industry 7 th
Edition (or later version thereof) (“CESWI”) together with any
Water Company amendments (to be published on Water
Company website with DCS).
2009/03 Guidance Note On Notification of Methods of Reinstatement
using EToN available at: http://hauc-uk.org.uk/
Published January Contaminated Land Assessment Guidance: Protocols
2014 Published by Agreement Between Water UK and the Home
Builders Federation
Water UK/HBF Water UK/HBF National Joint Committee 2014 (available free
National Joint of charge at: http://www.water.org.uk/publications/water-
Committee 2014 industry- guidance
(available free of
charge at:
Volumes 1 - 6 Streetworks UK (formally National Joint Utilities Group)
Guidance Publications available at:

Principles of Water Supply Hygiene & Technical Guidance

Notes (available from Water UK online at

Drinking Water Safety DWI,

- Guidance to health Available free of charge at:
and water http://dwi.defra.gov.uk/stak
professionals eholders/information-
letters/2009/09 2009Annex.

P a g e | 57
Drinking Water Safety Specifications for polyethylene
- Guidance to health pipe and fittings:-.
and water

Specifications for PVC pipe and

Report R97 Trenching Practice (2nd edition) CIRIA, 1983
Available at:
Report 128 Guide to the Design of Thrust 3f1
Blocks for Buried Pressure Available at:
Pipelines http://www.ciria.org/ItemD

HSG 47 Avoiding Danger from HSE Books, 2014

Underground Services
Available free of charge at:
b ns/priced/hsg47.pdf

Specification for the Department of

Reinstatement of Openings in Transport 2010

Highways (3rd Edition) Available at:

ati on-for-the-

P a g e | 58
Water supply to domestic fire Water UK June 2015
sprinkler systems (and earlier documents
Available free of charge
u blications/policy-
positions- and-

P a g e | 59

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