Barmar 2009
Barmar 2009
Barmar 2009
M. Barmar*, M. Barikani
Department of Polyurethane, Fibers and Nanopolymers, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Tehran, Iran
thickener was synthesized using poly (ethylene glycol), Dicy- lowed by addition of an alkyl amine to terminate the isocyanate
clohexylmethane diisocyanate (H12MDI) and cethyl alcohol groups. S-G HEURs with broad molecular weights are pro-
via step growth polymerization technique. The molecular duced by step growth process. These materials are prepared
weight of the thickener was determined by GPC, and its behav- by the reaction of a hydroxyl-end-capped PEG with a diisocya-
ior in aqueous solution was studied. The steady shear experi- nate to form isocyanate terminated prepolymer. The synthesis
ments were carried out by mixture of the synthesized thickener is followed by the reaction of isocyanate terminated prepoly-
with two resins. These resins had different nature; one with hy- mer with hydrophobic alcohols or amines (Barmar, 2001). A
drophilic and the other with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic schematic structure of S-G HEUR is shown in Fig. 1.
segmental structure. The result showed the type of resin can be Over the past few years, several major rheological studies of
effective in the thickening efficiency of HEUR thickener. HEURs in aqueous solution have been reported (May et al.,
1996; Dai et al., 2001a; Lundberg and Glass, 1991; Tam et al.,
1998; Tirtaatmadja et al., 1997; Vorobyova et al., 2001; Win-
nik and Yekta, 1997). The research in this area was carried
For personal use only.
218 Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich Intern. Polymer Processing XXIV (2009) 3
M. Barmar, M. Barikani: Thickening Efficiency of HEUR on Two Different Latex Types
polymerization of poly (ethylene glycol) with a proper amount Physica rheometer model MCR 300 (Austria), using a cone-
of dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate (H12MDI), with average and-plate fixture with 50 mm diameter, 28 angle cone. The dis-
molecular weight in the range of 6000 to 8000. Then, the tance of gap was 0.53 mm. All rheology measurements have
synthesized prepolymers were fully end-capped with excess been performed at 293 K. For the steady shear experiments,
dodecyl alcohol. Steady shear flow measurements were carried an equilibration time of 10 s was given at each shear rate to
on aqueous solution of thickener and mixture of thickener and allow the system to reach steady state.
3 Results and Discussion
2 Experimental
The FTIR spectrum of the prepolymer is presented in Fig. 2.
2.1 Materials and Methods The presence of NCO groups in the structure of the prepolymer
at 2270 cm – 1 and also, polyurethane characteristic bands in
Industrial grade PEG 6000 (Mn = 4600 – 6000) was obtained the regions of 1720 cm – 1 (carbonyl groups in urethane) and
from Kimiagaran Emrooz company, Iran. Toluene, tetrahydro- 3330 cm – 1 (NH stretching) confirming the preparation of pre-
furan (THF) and dodecyl alcohol were purchased from Merck, polymer. The completion of the reaction and formation of final
International Polymer Processing downloaded from by University of Minnesota on July 6, 2018
Germany. Dicyclohexylmethane diisocyanate (H12MDI) with polymer is shown in Fig. 3. In the final product the absorption
trade name of Desmodur W was purchased from Bayer, Ger- band at 2270 cm – 1 related to unreacted NCO groups disap-
many and used as received. The details of the synthesis proce- peared.
dure were described in our previous work (Barmar et al., The number average molecular weight and polydispersity
2001). The molar ratio of OH/NCO was chosen as 0.478 and index (PDI) of synthesized thickener models are 8980 and
adjusted by weighting the proper amounts of the reactants. 1.94 respectively. The molar ratio of OH/NCO was adjusted
Two industrial grade lattices of non-plasticized aqueous dis- by weighting the proper amounts of the reactants. The data of
persion based on vinyl acetate (Veova) and acrylic acid esters, molecular weight was obtained by gel permeation chromato-
(Polyfam 420) and non-plasticized aqueous dispersion based graphy (GPC), using a Gynkotek pump, a Phenogel M 5 lm
on styrene and acrylic acid ester (Polyfam 735) from Resinfam column with 60 cm length and an ERC 7512 (EKMA) refract-
company, Iran, were studied. Surfactant type and concentration ometer. Chloroform was the mobile phase with a flow rate of
in the two lattices are the same. The specifications of these lat- 1.0 ml/min. A calibration curve was prepared with Polyethy-
tices are given in Table 1. lene glycols (Polymer Labs) standards.
For personal use only.
Parameters Standard method Polyfam 420 Polyfam 735
Solid content (%) ISO 1625 50 ± 1 50 ± 1
Viscosity (cP) ISO 2555 8000 ± 4000 3500 ± 1500
PH-value ISO 976 4.5 ± 1 8 ± 0.5 3.1712
Minimum film ISO 2115 –1 15
forming (8C)
Density (g/cm3) ISO 2811 1.05 1.02 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 cm-1 500
Hardness, Koenig (s) ISO 1522 6 17 Wavenumber
Fig. 3. Completion of the reaction and formation of final polymer
Table 1. Specification of Polyfam 420 and 735
101.3095 4 % conc.
Pa s 3 % conc.
2.5 % conc.
94.3207 102
2 % conc.
3330 cm-1 1.5 % conc.
1720 cm-1
10-1 -3
10 10-2 10-1 100 101 s-1 102
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 cm-1 500 Shear rate
Fig. 4. Steady shear viscosity profiles as a function of shear rate for
Fig. 2. FTIR spectrum of the prepolymer aqueous solutions with various concentration of HEUR
The steady shear viscosity profiles as a function of shear rate The relation between viscosity and shear rate of Polyfam
for aqueous solutions with various concentrations of HEUR 420 samples are also given in Fig. 5. The viscosity behavior
model are illustrated in Fig. 4. In general, there are three stages of Polyfam 735 against shear rate is shown in Fig. 6. This resin
in the curves. The first stage, at low shear rates, is Newtonian has also low viscosity and this viscosity is reduced with slightly
viscosity, where viscosity is not dependent on the shear rate. increasing shear rate.
In the third stage, the viscosity is reduced significantly at high For proper mixing of this thickener with resins, the model
shear rates. This is due to disruption of the association network thickener was dissolved in 75 cm3 double distilled water first
at high shear rate. The association network is a physical net- and then was added to 100 cm3 resin. The amount of thickener
work and can be destroyed in high shear rate fields. In spite of was 2, 3, and 4 g, so by addition to 75 cm3 water and 100 cm3
these two stages, there is another stage where viscosity is in- of resin, the weight percentage of thickener will be 1.15, 1.71
creased at increasing shear rate. This behavior is called shear and 2.28 %. These data are given in Table 2.
thickening and also was reported by other researchers (Kacz- The behavior of samples prepared with Polyfam 420 and dif-
marski et al., 1999; Sharon and Stuart, 2001; Svanholm et al., ferent amount of thickener is given in Fig. 7. As it can be seen,
1997). This behavior is due to changing of chain orientation by introducing urethane thickener in these resins, the viscosity
between associated thickener micelles to bridges between is increased at both low and high shear rates. For example, the
viscosity of pure resin at shear rate of 0.1 s – 1 for Polyfam 420
International Polymer Processing downloaded from by University of Minnesota on July 6, 2018
101 103
Polyfam 420-04
Pa s Pa s Polyfam 420-03
Polyfam 420-02
10-1 100 -2
10-2 10-1 100 s-1 101 10 10-1 100 101 s-1 102
Shear rate Shear rate
Fig. 5. Relation between viscosity and shear rate of Polyfam 420 sam- Fig. 7. Relation between viscosity and shear rate of samples prepared
ples with Polyfam 420 and different amount of thickener
10-1 103
Polyfam 735-04
Pa s Pa s Polyfam 735-03
Polyfam 735-02
10-3 100 -3
10-2 10-1 s-1 100 10 10-2 10-1 100 101 s-1 102
Shear rate Shear rate
Fig. 6. Relation between viscosity and shear rate of Polyfam 735 sam- Fig. 8. Relation between viscosity and shear rate of samples prepared
ples with Polyfam 735 and different amount of thickener
higher viscosity is built up in comparison with Polyfam 420. In hydrophilic segments, improve associated networking in appli-
another way, in the low shear rate viscosity region in mixture cation of HEUR, and this is the reason of improving thickening
International Polymer Processing downloaded from by University of Minnesota on July 6, 2018
of Polyfam 735 and thickener, by increasing amount of thick- efficiency of HEUR model in Polyfam 735 resin.
ener, the viscosity is slightly decreased. This behavior may As mentioned before the type of resin has an important role
lead to inhomogenity in the mixture. It means some of the on thickening efficiency of HEUR thickeners. Overall, the
thickeners stay beside of the associated network. This behavior low shear viscosity of HEUR model and Polyfam 735 mixture
may be the reason for the difference in viscosity profile at low- is more than the HEUR model and Polyfam 420 mixture. But
er shear rate around 0.1 s – 1. By increasing shear rate to an the viscosity-shear rate curve slope of Polyfam 420 is more
amount higher than 0.1 s – 1, the system leads to better homoge- than of Polyfam 735. This phenomenon is related to hydrophil-
neity and the behavior of the samples become normal. So the ic- hydrophobic structure of Polyfam 735. Although, the Poly-
samples with higher amount of thickener, show higher viscos- fam 735 structure gives higher low shear viscosity, by increas-
ity. ing HEUR model concentration (2.28 %), the dispersion of
Usually, for the study of thickener efficiency, the variations HEUR model in Polyfam 735 was weaker. Hence at the point
of viscosities are compared at low shear rate with consideration of 2.28 wt.% of the thickener, the efficiency of the HEUR
of thickener percentages. The thickening efficiency of model model in both resins was similar.
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