RWF Paper 100671
RWF Paper 100671
RWF Paper 100671
This paper summarises the main content of a presentation given at the 53 Annual Symposium on Re
fractories sponsored by The St. Louis Section and Refractory Ceramics Division of the American Ceramic
Society when receiving the T. J. Planje St. Louis Refractories Award in 2017.
Mineralogical approaches including the work with phase diagrams can be very useful tools for the assess
ment of hot temperature properties and reactions occurring during wear of refractories. It does not require
sophisticated computer programs to work with the diagram but only a ruler and a calculator. The paper
describes the benefit of phase diagram work in the assessment of high alumina refractories by selected
examples from high alumina castables for steel applications. The investigation of wear mechanism from
Andalusite based castable as tundish permanent lining is another example provided.
1 Introduction
The basics of thermodynamics are included
in the curriculum of almost all material
sciences. This includes the principles and
function of phase diagrams. However, the
lectures often focus only on the theoretical
background, which includes rather com
plicated formulas, but the practical work
with the diagrams often falls short. Conse
quently, many engineers remember the the
oretical formula challenges with bad feel
ings when considering thermodynamic, but
never apply practical working with phase
For the practical work with the diagrams it
requires only the knowledge of the phase
rule and some basic principles but no com Fig. 1 Tools for the classical work with phase diagrams
plicated mathematics. This shall be briefly
discussed using the ternary (three compon most refractory applications it does not vary system is not in equilibrium and reac
ent) phase diagram CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 as an in relevant ranges and can be considered as tions will occur to achieve the equilibrium
example [1]. The tools are simple as shown constant. The phase rule changes accord stage.
in Fig. 1. ingly to P + F = C + 1.
In a ternary system (C = 3), three phas Andus Buhr
2 Basic principles es can occur when the temperature is Almatis GmbH
The phase rule defines the number of variable (F = 1), for example three solid 60528 Frankfurt
phases and degrees of freedom which ap phases or two solid and one liquid phase Germany
ply for a system in equilibrium. It says: (P = 3). Four phases, e.g. three solid and
P + F = C + 2, where P is the number of one liquid, can only occur in equilibrium, E-mail:
phases, F is the degrees of freedom (chem when the temperature is fixed (F = 0).
ical composition, temperature, pressure), These points in a diagram are called “in
and C is the number of components (e.g. variant points” and are marked with the Keywords: phase diagrams,
CaO-Al2O3-SiO2). The pressure is relevant specific temperature in the diagram. If high alumina refractories, steel
for geological systems (kbar range) but for more phases occur in a given sample, the
7 % CaO
44 % Al2O3
Fig. 2 Position of a given composition in the phase diagram [1] Fig. 3 Single, binary, and ternary compounds and conodes connecting
(7 % CaO, 44 % Al2O3, 49 % SiO2) co-existing phases
A few basics for the work with the diagrams can co-exist in equilibrium, e.g. SiO2 – mul this will happen. This level of the diagram is
will be discussed. Fig. 2 shows how to place lite. Triangles connect co-existing phases in therefore named the liquidus. The name of
a given position in the diagram. The points on a ternary system, e.g. SiO2 – mullite – anor the primary phase is given in each primary
straight lines are either single compounds at thite. Only triangles are possible in a ternary crystallisation field.
the edges (e.g. SiO2), or binary compounds system (Fig. 3). The points where three primary crystallisa
(e.g. mullite 3Al2O3 · 2SiO2), or ternary com The curved lines in the diagram show the tion fields meet are the solidus. At this tem
pounds (e.g. anorthite CaO · Al2O3 · 2SiO2). primary crystallisation fields of all phases perature, the melting of all compositions
Straight lines (conodes) show the phase (compounds) in the diagram (Fig. 4). These inside the according subsolidus triangle will
relations in the subsolidus which means all fields indicate which phase will crystallise start. If this solidus point lies inside the tri
phases are solid, nothing is molten. They first when a liquid of a given composition angle, it is eutectic melting behaviour (e.g.
connect phases (resp. compounds) which is cooled down and at which temperature at 1345 °C for the triangle SiO2 – mullite
a b
SiO2 Corundum
Mullite Mullite
Anorthite Anorthite
1345 °C 1512 °C
Fig. 4 a–b Primary crystallisation fields and eutectic and peritectic melting behaviour – a) triangle anorthite – SiO2 – mullite,
b) triangle anorthithe – mullite – corundum
3 Hot properties of
high alumina castables
Fig. 5 shows the constituents of high alu
mina castables, and Fig. 6 shows the com
positions of 48 high alumina castables in
the phase diagram. The melting behaviour
from phase diagram evaluation of these
castables was compared with the hot prop
erties such as creep resistance and hot
crushing strength [2].
Here, two corundum and two andalusite Fig. 5 Constituents of high alumina castables
castables are used as examples. Their com
position is given in Tab. 1. Shape
The theoretical solidus temperature is de 1345 °C
rived from the phase diagram and gives the
onset of melting. The presence of even small
amounts of liquid phase has a significant
effect on the thermomechanical proper CA6 – Corundum
ties of the castables, because it works as a 1512 °C (peritectic 1875 °C)
lubricant in the microstructure and has an
immediate effect on the strength at high Corundum – Anorthite – Mullite
temperatures. This shows in the hot crush (peritectic 1512 °C)
ing strength and the creep resistance at
Mullite – Anorthite – Cristobalite
high temperature.
(eutectic 1345°C)
The cement phases in high alumina castables
react with the other components in the tem
perature range from 1100–1500 °C to form
higher alumina calcium-aluminates such as
CA2 and CA6, or anorthite if SiO2 is pres
ent. These sintering reactions also show in Think alumina, think Almatis. Page 14
Fig. 9 Creep under compression of corundum low cement castables (0,2 MPa, 1500 °C, 24 h)
The creep under compression at 1500 °C lies and the 0,7 % TiO2 for corundum 2 are
of corundum 1 shows a stable behaviour taken into account. TiO2 plus Na2O form a
whereas corundum 2 has no creep resist liquid already at 1300–1350 °C [3, 4].
ance at that temperature due to liquid phase Andalusite is a metamorphous mineral
formation (Fig. 9). This is in line with the formed under pressure at elevated tem
theory especially when the small amounts perature in the earth crust. It is not stable Fig. 10 Position of andalusite low cement castables 1
of additional contaminants such as alka under atmospheric pressure and transforms and 2, solidus temperature for both at 1345 °C
with the matrix around the previous anda wet sprayed, water glass bonded magnesia- anism. The residual cold crushing strength
lusite crystals, especially when this matrix olivine wear lining. The wear lining was was between 50–70 MPa, comparable
itself has a high refractoriness due to the removed through tilting the tundish upside to the new castable pre-fired for 12 h at
addition of reactive matrix aluminas. This down after each casting campaign of typ 1000 °C in the laboratory. The mechanical
explains the unexpected high creep resist ically 4 heats, sometimes up to 15 heats. stresses due to tilting the tundish and ther
ance and hot crushing strength at 1500 °C Afterwards, the tundish cooled down to be mal cycling between each campaign are an
(Tab. 1) of andalusite castable 2. low 100 °C before a new wear lining was important challenge to the tundish castable.
applied. However, mechanical and thermal spalling
4 Wear mechanism of Once per year after about 1200 heats, the could be excluded as major wear mech
andalusite tundish castable tundish castable was replaced. The remain anism due to the high thermal shock resist
The wear mechanism of tundish castable ing thickness was typically between 100– ance and sufficient mechanical strength of
was investigated at the Dortmund steel 150 mm but in higher challenged areas such the low cement andalusite castable. This
Source file Fig 12
works [2]. The size of the tundish was
about 40 t. Fig. 13 shows the lining with
as in the impact zone and around the well
Fig. 13
blocks it could be down to 80–90 mm.
investigation focuses on the chemical-min
Tundish with Andalusite castable
eralogical reactions at the hot face of the
sprayed basic wear lining (II+III)
1345 °C
1512 °C
Andalusite 1
Andalusite 2
Fig. 12 Composition of andalusite castables 1 and 2, solid points are Fig. 13 Tundish with andalusite castable permanent
bulk composition, circles are matrix composition as size fraction lining (I), and wet sprayed basic wear lining (II+III)
below 0,12 mm 24
5 Conclusion
For the practical work with phase diagrams
no sophisticated calculations and theory
are required. The understanding of a few Na2O
basic principles and sufficient training dur
ing the scientific education provides the Fig. 19 Mullite decomposition by alkalies (here Na2O)
[1] Levin, E.M.; Robbins, C.R.; McMurdie, H.F.:
Phase diagrams for ceramists. Amer. Ceram.
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[2] Buhr, A.: Tonerdereiche Feuerfestbetone für
den Einsatz in der Stahlindustrie (High alumina
Fig. 20 Mullite completely transformed, corundum ledges in matrix of
35 refractory castables for use in the steel indus
nepheline composition
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necessary skill set for refractory engineers grams such as FactSage® [6] is convenient [3] Schlegel, E.: Auswertung von Phasendiagram
to apply work with phase diagrams in their and, given a reliable data base, extends the men hinsichtlich der Alkalibeständigkeit feu
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be very helpful to assess the behaviour of tems or areas, where no phase diagrams are [2–3] 94–97
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cludes also their stability in contact with described in this paper. However, they concerning sintering in aluminas doped with
other materials e.g. slags or reactions be should not simply replace the basic under Ti4+. Amer. Chem. Soc. 68 (1985) [6] C156–
tween different layers in a lining, which has standing of the work with phase diagrams. C158
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in this paper. such modern tools can be misleading. material for its excellent thermal shock resist
Each refractory engineer and metallur The matrix composition of refractories is ance. refractories WORLDFORUM 1 (2009) [1]
gist should be able to do work with phase often defining the thermomechanical be 93–102
diagrams. The use of modern computer pro haviour, because the matrix contains all the [6]
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