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Rent demanded Rs.80,000/-

I, Abida Noreen w/o Sheikh Muhammad Zafar owner of the House
No.372 Ravi Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore do hereby give my consent
out for rent to Mrs. Humera Javed Assistant Collector, Collectorate of
Customs (Appraisement) Mughal Pura Dry Port Lahore at a monthly rent
Rs.80,000/- and advance amount Rs.200,000/- only.
Status of difference of rent:
If the rent demanded by me is higher than the rent sanctioned by the
department as per rules the difference shall be payable by the above officer
direct to me. The Government shall not be a party in this transaction. Moreover,
I shall never claim the difference of the rent from the Government.
Period of lease agreement.
I shall execute lease agreement for a period of one year at the rate of
sanctioned by the Government and is extendable.
Period of lease agreement.
In case the house after having been hired by the Government is vacated by the
above mentioned officer during the course of agreed lease period, I shall refund
the balance of advance rent if any, outstanding for the remaining period in order
to get back the possession of the house. If fails to make this refund the
department may utilize the house for another Government employee for the
residual periods on the rent as agreed by me in the lease agreement.
Condition of the house:
It is hereby affirmed that house is complete in all respect fully habitable. If, it is
no found so on inspection, the permission of occupation allowed by the
Government shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.
Non-renting of house / flat to department earlier.
The house is not rented out through Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement),
Lahore other Government / Semi Government Department.

Abida Noreen____________________________
Signature of the owner

I the undersigned hereby undertake:

Presently I am not occupying any accommodation owned hired or
requisitioned by the Government.

To pay the difference or rent between the assessed rent of my entitlement

(which is less) and the demand of the owner direct to the owner and the
Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Lahore will not be a party in this

To accept the category, which categorized by the works division, assessment

board at a rent fixed by it, and for which the owner will sign the lease

I or any of my dependent has never allotted any government hired

accommodation at Lahore, during my service.

That, if for one reason or the other, the house is not hired by the Collectorate
of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, it will not be responsible for payment of
any rent on it, even if I have been allowed to occupy it.

Name: Humera Javed

Designation: Assistant Collector, Collectorate of Custom

(Appraisement), Mughalpura Dry Port, Lahore.
I, Abida Noreen w/o Sheikh Muhammad Zafar owner of the House
No.372 Ravi Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore do hereby give my consent
on this date 01.10.2022 to rent out my above stated house to Mrs. Humera
Javed w/o Muhammad Usman Tipu, a monthly rent of Rs.80,000/- (Rupees
eighty thousands only) with one year advance rent. If the above demanded rent
is higher than the rent sanctioned by the Collectorate of Custom (Appraisement)
Lahore, than the difference shall be payable by the above stated officer direct to
me. The Government shall not be a party to this transaction nor will I ever have
claim on the Government for the same.

In case, the house after having been hired by the Collectorate of Custom
(Appraisement) Lahore is vacated by the above mentioned officer during the
currency of agreement/ agreed lease period, I shall refund the balance of
advance rent.

This agreement is extendable with the consent of the both parties after
One Year. In case of holding over of the premises the rent of the premises shall
stand automatically increased at the end of every Year of its tenancy by 10%
percent of the rent already being paid by the “Tenant”.

I hereby affirm that the house is complete in all respect and habitable. If it
is not found so on inspection, the occupation allowed by the Customs
Department shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.


(Abida Noreen) (Humera Javed)

CNIC:35202-8095316-8 CNIC: 34101-7579540-
Rent demanded Rs.50,000/-
I, Jamshed Abbas S/o Saif Ullah owner of the House No.44, Block N-3
Wapda Town, Lahore do hereby give my consent out for rent to Mr. Jamshed
Abbas S/o Saif Ullah, Inspector Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement)
Mughal Pura Dry Port Lahore at a monthly rent Rs.50,000/- and advance
amount Rs.100,000/- only.
Status of difference of rent:
If the rent demanded by me is higher than the rent sanctioned by the
department as per rules the difference shall be payable by the above officer
direct to me. The Government shall not be a party in this transaction. Moreover,
I shall never claim the difference of the rent from the Government.
Period of lease agreement.
I shall execute lease agreement for a period of one year at the rate of
sanctioned by the Government and is extendable.
Period of lease agreement.
In case the house after having been hired by the Government is vacated by the
above mentioned officer during the course of agreed lease period, I shall refund
the balance of advance rent if any, outstanding for the remaining period in order
to get back the possession of the house. If fails to make this refund the
department may utilize the house for another Government employee for the
residual periods on the rent as agreed by me in the lease agreement.
Condition of the house:
It is hereby affirmed that house is complete in all respect fully habitable. If, it is
no found so on inspection, the permission of occupation allowed by the
Government shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.
Non-renting of house / flat to department earlier.
The house is not rented out through Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement),
Lahore other Government / Semi Government Department.

Signature of the owner


I the undersigned hereby undertake:

Presently I am not occupying any accommodation owned hired or
requisitioned by the Government.

To pay the difference or rent between the assessed rent of my entitlement

(which is less) and the demand of the owner direct to the owner and the
Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Lahore will not be a party in this

To accept the category, which categorized by the works division, assessment

board at a rent fixed by it, and for which the owner will sign the lease

I or any of my dependent has never allotted any government hired

accommodation at Lahore, during my service.

That, if for one reason or the other, the house is not hired by the Collectorate
of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, it will not be responsible for payment of
any rent on it, even if I have been allowed to occupy it.

Name: Jamshed Abbas

Designation: Inspector, Collectorate of Custom (Appraisement),

This Rent Agreement is made on this 01.09.2022 by Mr. Jamshed Abbas
S/o Saif Ullah owner of the House No.44, Block N-3 Wapda Town, Lahore
after called the Lessor Owner, Party of the first part
Mr. Jamshed Abbas, Inspector Collectorate of Customs
(Appraisement), Lahore add: House No.44, Block N-3 Wapda Town, Lahore,
called Lessee/Tenant, Party of the Second Part That the expression of the term,
Lesser/Owner is the owner and in possession of the House No.44, Block N-3 Wapda
Town, Lahore, and has agreed to let out the said house, to the Lessee/Tenant and
the Lessee/Tenant has agreed to take the same on rent Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty
thousand only) per month.

1. That the Tenant/Lessee shall pay as the monthly rent of Rs. 50,000(Rupees fifty
thousand only) per month, excluding electricity and water charge.
2. That the Tenant/Lessee shall not sub-let any part of the above said demised
premised premises to anyone else under any circumstances without the consent of
3. That the Tenet/Lessee shall abide by all the bye-laws, rules and regulation, of the
local authorities in respect of the demised premises and shall not do any illegal
activities in the said demised premises.
4. That this Lease is granted for a period of Twelve (12) months only commencing
from 01.09.2022 and this lease can be extended further by both the parties with
their mutual consent on the basis of prevailing rental value in the market.
5. That the Lessee shall pay electricity & water charge as per the proportionate
consumption of the meter to the Lessor/Owner.
6. That the Tenant/Lessee shall not be entitled to make structure in the rented premises
except the installation of temporary decoration.
7. That the Tenant/Lessee shall carry on all day to day minor repairs at his/her own
8. That this agreement may be terminated before the expiry of this tenancy period by
serving one month prior notice by either party for this intention.
9. That the Lessee shall pay the one month advance rent the Lessor the same shall be
adjusted in monthly rent.
10. That both the parties have read over and understood all the contents of this
agreement and have signed the same without any force or pressure from any side.
In Witness Where of the Lessor/Owner and the Tenant/Lessee hereunto subscribed
mentioned in presents of the following witnesses.


(Jamshed Abbas)
CNIC: 34301-4639524-3
Rent demanded Rs.80,000/-
I, Abida Noreen w/o Sheikh Muhammad Zafar owner of the House
No.372 Ravi Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore do hereby give my consent
out for rent to Mrs. Humera Javed Assistant Collector, Collectorate of
Customs (Appraisement) Mughal Pura Dry Port Lahore at a monthly rent
Rs.80,000/- and advance amount Rs.200,000/- only.
Status of difference of rent:
If the rent demanded by me is higher than the rent sanctioned by the
department as per rules the difference shall be payable by the above officer
direct to me. The Government shall not be a party in this transaction. Moreover,
I shall never claim the difference of the rent from the Government.
Period of lease agreement.
I shall execute lease agreement for a period of one year at the rate of
sanctioned by the Government and is extendable.
Period of lease agreement.
In case the house after having been hired by the Government is vacated by the
above mentioned officer during the course of agreed lease period, I shall refund
the balance of advance rent if any, outstanding for the remaining period in order
to get back the possession of the house. If fails to make this refund the
department may utilize the house for another Government employee for the
residual periods on the rent as agreed by me in the lease agreement.
Condition of the house:
It is hereby affirmed that house is complete in all respect fully habitable. If, it is
no found so on inspection, the permission of occupation allowed by the
Government shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.
Non-renting of house / flat to department earlier.
The house is not rented out through Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement),
Lahore other Government / Semi Government Department.

Abida Noreen____________________________
Signature of the owner

I the undersigned hereby undertake:

Presently I am not occupying any accommodation owned hired or
requisitioned by the Government.

To pay the difference or rent between the assessed rent of my entitlement

(which is less) and the demand of the owner direct to the owner and the
Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Lahore will not be a party in this

To accept the category, which categorized by the works division, assessment

board at a rent fixed by it, and for which the owner will sign the lease

I or any of my dependent has never allotted any government hired

accommodation at Lahore, during my service.

That, if for one reason or the other, the house is not hired by the Collectorate
of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, it will not be responsible for payment of
any rent on it, even if I have been allowed to occupy it.

Name: Humera Javed

Designation: Assistant Collector, Collectorate of Custom

(Appraisement), Mughalpura Dry Port, Lahore.
I, Abida Noreen w/o Sheikh Muhammad Zafar owner of the House
No.372 Ravi Block Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore do hereby give my consent
on this date 01.10.2022 to rent out my above stated house to Mrs. Humera
Javed w/o Muhammad Usman Tipu, a monthly rent of Rs.80,000/- (Rupees
eighty thousands only) with one year advance rent. If the above demanded rent
is higher than the rent sanctioned by the Collectorate of Custom (Appraisement)
Lahore, than the difference shall be payable by the above stated officer direct to
me. The Government shall not be a party to this transaction nor will I ever have
claim on the Government for the same.

In case, the house after having been hired by the Collectorate of Custom
(Appraisement) Lahore is vacated by the above mentioned officer during the
currency of agreement/ agreed lease period, I shall refund the balance of
advance rent.

This agreement is extendable with the consent of the both parties after
One Year. In case of holding over of the premises the rent of the premises shall
stand automatically increased at the end of every Year of its tenancy by 10%
percent of the rent already being paid by the “Tenant”.

I hereby affirm that the house is complete in all respect and habitable. If it
is not found so on inspection, the occupation allowed by the Customs
Department shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.


(Abida Noreen) (Humera Javed)

CNIC:35202-8095316-8 CNIC: 34101-7579540-

I the undersigned hereby undertake:

Presently I am not occupying any accommodation owned hired or
requisitioned by the Government.

To pay the difference or rent between the assessed rent of my entitlement

(which is less) and the demand of the owner direct to the owner and the
Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Lahore will not be a party in this

To accept the category, which categorized by the works division, assessment

board at a rent fixed by it, and for which the owner will sign the lease

I or any of my dependent has never allotted any government hired

accommodation at Lahore, during my service.

That, if for one reason or the other, the house is not hired by the Collectorate
of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, it will not be responsible for payment of
any rent on it, even if I have been allowed to occupy it.

Name: Falik Shair

Designation: Additional Collector, Collectorate of Custom
(Appraisement), Mughalpura Dry Port, Lahore.



I, Ghulam Fatima w/o Khan Muhammad owner of above said house hereby authorize Ms. Razia
Yaqoob Appraiser Officer, Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, that to receive the
payment/cheque of rent of the said house from her department at her own name because I
mostly remain out of city due to my business affairs and the payment of rent as
admissible/passed from her department along with differential amount handed over to me in
cash well in time.

Before the Witness, this special power of attorney has been signed by me as owner of the
above said house enabling the tenant i.e. Razia Yaqoob to proceed further in the matter before
the concerned quarter.

Ghulam Fatima Razia Yaqoob

(33106-0339271-6) (33301-4899556-6)

Witness Witness
Name: _______________________ Name: _______________________

Father’s Name: ________________ Father’s Name: ________________

CNIC No: ____________________ CNIC No: ____________________


I the undersigned hereby undertake:

Presently I am not occupying any accommodation owned hired or
requisitioned by the Government.

To pay the difference or rent between the assessed rent of my entitlement

(which is less) and the demand of the owner direct to the owner and the
Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Lahore will not be a party in this
To accept the category, which categorized by the works division, assessment
board at a rent fixed by it, and for which the owner will sign the lease

I or any of my dependent has never allotted any government hired

accommodation at Lahore, during my service.

That, if for one reason or the other, the house is not hired by the Collectorate
of Customs (Appraisement), Lahore, it will not be responsible for payment of
any rent on it, even if I have been allowed to occupy it.

Name: Asad Javaid

Designation: Inspector (BS-16), Collectorate of Custom

(Appraisement), Mughalpura Dry Port, Lahore.


Rent demanded Rs.40,000/-
I, Fatima Amir Ranjha w/o Muhammad Amir Javed Ranjha owner of
the House No. BVS-M2(A), 05-R-630, Lake City, 13-KM Raiwind Road,
Lahore do hereby give my consent out for rent to Mr. Asad Javaid, Inspector,
(BS-16) Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement) Mughal Pura Dry Port Lahore
at a monthly rent Rs.40,000/- and advance amount Rs.100,000/- only.
Status of difference of rent:
If the rent demanded by me is higher than the rent sanctioned by the
department as per rules the difference shall be payable by the above officer
direct to me. The Government shall not be a party in this transaction. Moreover,
I shall never claim the difference of the rent from the Government.
Period of lease agreement.
I shall execute lease agreement for a period of one year at the rate of
sanctioned by the Government and is extendable.
Period of lease agreement.
In case the house after having been hired by the Government is vacated by the
above mentioned officer during the course of agreed lease period, I shall refund
the balance of advance rent if any, outstanding for the remaining period in order
to get back the possession of the house. If fails to make this refund the
department may utilize the house for another Government employee for the
residual periods on the rent as agreed by me in the lease agreement.
Condition of the house:
It is hereby affirmed that house is complete in all respect fully habitable. If, it is
no found so on inspection, the permission of occupation allowed by the
Government shall automatically stand withdrawn / cancelled.
Non-renting of house / flat to department earlier.
The house is not rented out through Collectorate of Customs (Appraisement),
Lahore other Government / Semi Government Department.

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