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Tubular and Process Assemblies: W A T L O W

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Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 367

On stock chart units:
• Five to seven working days on all Assembly Stock
Tubular and • 10 working days on special voltages and/or
Process Assemblies • 15 working days on special element lengths

Circulation Heaters
Circulation heaters provide a ready-
made means to install electric
heating with a minimal amount of
time and labor. This is
accomplished by combining
heating elements, vessel, insulation,
terminal enclosure, mounting
brackets and inlet and outlet
connections into a complete

Circulation Heaters
Made from NPT screw plug or ANSI
flange heater assemblies mated
with a pressure vessel (tank),
circulation heaters are designed to
heat forced-circulation air, gases or
liquids. Ideal for either in-line or
side-arm operations, these
assemblies direct fluids past
FIREBAR® or WATROD heating Assembly
elements, to deliver fast response Features and Benefits Gasket
and even heat distribution. • Standard screw plugs and
Watlow can meet virtually all your flanges feature a wide selection Threaded
Pipe Outlet
circulation heater assembly needs of WATROD and FIREBAR
with made-to-order units. Made-to- elements to meet specific
order units can be made from a application requirements. Jacket
wide range of heating element Mounting
sheath materials, wattages, vessel Type Sizes (inch) Lugs
1" (25 mm)
sizes and materials, pressure NPT 11⁄4, 21⁄2 Insulation
ratings, terminal enclosures and Screw Plugs Vessel
ANSI flanges 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14
Performance Capabilities Threaded
Pipe Inlet
• Watt densities to 120 W/in2 • Flange ratings meet recognized
(18.6 W/cm2) agency standards. ANSI B16.5
• Wattages to one megawatt Class 150 on:
• UL® and CSA component Four or six inch FIREBAR • Heavy-gauge steel jacket
recognition to 480VÅ(ac) and element flanges (shroud) protects thermal
600VÅ(ac) respectively insulation and heating vessel.
Three to 14 inch WATROD Comes with protective primer
• Ratings to 600 lb pressure class element flanges coating.
• Incoloy® sheath temperatures to • FIREBAR assemblies pack • All catalog units rated to ANSI
1600°F (870°C) more wattage in a smaller heater pressure Class 150. Pressure
• Passivated 316 stainless steel bundle—replaces larger flanges vessels (tanks) are either carbon
sheath temperatures to 1200°F with round tubular elements, with or 316 stainless steel.
(650°C) a smaller package.
• NPT or ANSI Class 150 nozzle
• Steel sheath temperatures to • Compacted MgO insulation connections make installation
750°F (400°C) filled elements maximize easy. Inlet and outlet nozzle
dielectric strength, heat transfer connections are:
• Copper sheath temperatures to and life.
350°F (175°C) Threaded MNPT on eight inch
• One inch (25 mm) thermal and smaller tanks
insulation, rated to 750°F
(400°C), reduces heat loss from Class 150 flanged connections
the vessel. on 10 inch and larger tanks

UL® is a registered trademark of

Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc.
Incoloy® is a registered trademark of
Special Metals Corporation.

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Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Features and Benefits • Flange mounting holes straddle • UL® and CSA component
• Mounting lugs are welded onto centerline to comply with industry recognition under file numbers
the tank wall of all 21⁄2 inch NPT standards. E52951 and 31388 respectively.
and larger units. Lugs are flush • Standard, general purpose See pages 268 to 271 for details.
with outer insulation jacket and (NEMA 1) terminal enclosures • Branch circuits are subdivided
provide mounting support. offer easy access to terminal by National Electric Code (NEC)
wiring. requirements to a maximum of
48 amps per circuit.

• Water: • Industrial water rinse tanks • Paraffin
Deionized • Hydraulic oil, crude, asphalt • Caustic cleaners
Demineralized • Lubricating oils at API specified • Nitrogen, hydrogen and other
Clean watt densities air/gas systems
Potable • Heat transfer oil • Superheating steam

Terminal Enclosures refer to pages 322 to 324. For CSA Certified Enclosures
General purpose (NEMA 1) terminal flange terminal enclosures, refer to To meet agency recognition
enclosures, without thermostats, are pages 340 to 341. requirements, CSA certified
supplied on all Watlow circulation Stand-off Terminal Enclosures moisture and/or explosion resistant
heaters. Moisture and explosion Stand-off terminal enclosures help terminal enclosures are available.
resistant ratings are available to protect terminal enclosures against Consult your Watlow representative
meet specific application needs. For excessive temperatures. For details, for details.
screw plug terminal enclosures, refer to page 340.

Thermostats Thermostats are typically mounted See Screw Plug Immersion

To provide process temperature in the terminal enclosure. Optional Heaters, page 324, and Flange
control, Watlow offers optional side mounting on vessel also Immersion Heaters, on page 342
single and double pole thermostats. available. for details.

Thermocouples See Screw Plug Immersion

To sense process or element sheath Heaters, page 325 and Flange
temperature, ASTM Type J or K Immersion Heaters, on page 342
thermocouples are available. for details.

Process Thermocouple in Nozzle Ref. Ref. Dimension

(Must specify which nozzle) Tank Size Nozzle Size "A"
1 1⁄4 3
⁄4 NPT 8 3⁄16
2 1⁄2 1 NPT 8 3⁄16
3 1 NPT 8 3⁄16
4 1 1⁄2 NPT 10 3⁄8
T 5 2 NPT 11 1⁄16
6 2 1⁄2 NPT 13 3⁄8
8 2 1⁄2 NPT 14 3⁄8

For 10 inch and larger tanks consult factory for dimension.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 369


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Branch Circuits
Branch circuits are subdivided by 48 amps per circuit. Consult factory
National Electrical Code (NEC) for circuit requirements other than
requirements to a maximum of those listed in the stock charts.

Wattages and Voltages

Watlow routinely supplies circulation with voltages and wattages outside
heaters with 120 to 480VÅ(ac) as these parameters.
well as wattages from 500 watts to For more information on special

Circulation Heaters
one megawatt. If required, Watlow voltage and wattage configurations,
will configure circulation heaters consult your Watlow representative.

Sheath Materials Standard Sheath Materials Made-to-Order Sheath Materials

The following sheath materials are WATROD Incoloy® WATROD 304 stainless steel
available on WATROD and 316 stainless steel Monel®
FIREBAR heating elements: Steel FIREBAR 304 stainless steel
FIREBAR Incoloy® Exotic Sheath Materials
Consult your Watlow representative
for details and availability.

Baffles mounted on the heating For critical sheath temperature and
Direction of Flow
element bundle enhance and/or low flow conditions, baffles may be
modify liquid or gas flow for better required.
heat transfer. Consult your Watlow representative
for details.

Pressure Vessels
All standard pressure vessel (tank) 316 stainless steel pressure To order, specify pressure
materials are rated to 150 lb and vessels (tanks) are passivated on all vessel (tank) size, material and
made from: wetted surfaces. Available from pressure class.
• Carbon steel Assembly Stock on 21⁄2 inch NPT ANSI ratings to 600 lb are available
and four or six inch ANSI flange for high-pressure applications. For
• 316 stainless steel
circulation heaters. pressure class ratings above
All catalog pressure vessels (tanks) 600 lb, as well as other vessel
Made-to-order units can be made in
are steel unless otherwise noted. materials, consult Watlow Process
a variety of materials, flange sizes
and pressure classes. Systems in Troy, Missouri.

Passivated Finish
For critical applications, passivation Consult factory for details.
will remove free iron from all wetted

Monel® is a registered trademark of

Special Metals Corporation.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 370

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Options To order, specify gasket type,
Rubber, asbestos-free and spiral
Continued wound gaskets are available for all flange size/rating and process
heater flange, and inlet and outlet operating temperature.
flange sizes. For details on gasket materials and
Watlow recommends ordering temperature ratings, see page 343.
spares in case replacement
becomes necessary.

Inlet and Outlet Nozzle Connections 10 inch and larger vessels are
All inlet and outlet materials are supplied with Class 150 inlet and
compatible with the pressure vessel outlet flanges. Optional Class 300 or
material and pressure class rating. Class 600 can be provided to mate
Vessel sizes from 11⁄4 to eight inches with existing piping.
are typically configured with MNPT To order, specify type, size and
(Male National Pipe Thread) pressure class rating for both inlet
nozzles. Optional NPT and flange and outlet nozzle/flange
sizes can be supplied to mate with connections.
existing piping.

High Temperature Thermal Insulation

To further minimize heat loss, the To order, specify insulation
pressure vessel’s standard one inch thickness, standard or high
thermal insulation wrap may be temperature insulation and
replaced with thicker or higher temperature rating.
temperature insulation. For more Vessels may be supplied with a
information, consult your Watlow primer coating without insulation.
To order, specify no insulation.

Protective Steel Jacket (Shroud)

To protect circulation heaters from can be supplied. Jacket diameter is
weather or wash-down conditions, dependent upon thermal insulation
fully welded (weatherproof) or thickness.
partially welded (standard) outer To order, specify protective steel
protective steel jackets are jacket, material type and
available. Standard steel, or made- weatherproof, if desired.
to-order 304 or 316 stainless steel

Support Saddles
To mate with an existing installation, To order, specify mounting lugs or
customized support saddle(s) support saddles and supply a
and/or mounting lugs are available. dimensional drawing.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 371


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Maximum Velocities Maximum Velocity to Avoid Excessive Pressure Drop
The rate at which a gas or liquid Fluid Nominal Pipe Size Maximum Velocity
flows through inlet and outlet pipes inch ft/sec (m/sec)
is critical to maintaining the desired Gases All 200 (61.0)
output temperature. Pressure drop Liquid 4 and smaller 10 (3.0)
through the circulation heater must Liquid 6-8 15 (5.0)
be considered to properly size Liquid 10-12 19 (6.0)
blowers or pumps. The Maximum Liquid 14-16 21 (6.4)
Liquid 18-20 23 (7.0)
Velocity to Avoid Excessive
Liquid 24 24 (7.3)
Pressure Drop chart gives

Circulation Heaters
recommended maximum velocities,
in feet per second and meters per
second of gas or liquid being
heated and nominal pipe size.

Vessel Orientation Liquids Air or Gases

Guidelines Orient circulation heater: Orient circulation heater:
Correctly orienting the heating • Horizontally with inlet and outlet • Horizontally with the inlet nozzle
vessel assures lower terminal pipes pointing up closest to the terminal enclosure.
enclosure temperatures and • Vertically with the terminal • Vertically with terminal enclosure
element immersion. Detailed enclosure up and the inlet pipe at the bottom of the tank. Use the
instructions on vessel orientation are on the bottom nozzle nearest the bottom as the
contained in the Installation and inlet connection.
These orientations ensure the
Maintenance Instructions that
heating elements will be immersed If installation constraints do not
accompanies all circulation heaters.
at all times and help prevent allow mounting in accordance with
The following are guidelines for premature failure. these guidelines, consult your
vessel orientation in liquid and gas Watlow representative.
heating applications.

Application Hints
• Select the recommended heating • For maintenance/replacement • Ensure wiring integrity by making
element sheath material and watt procedures, retain an area twice sure terminal enclosure
density for the substance being the circulation heater’s overall temperature does not exceed
heated. Use the Supplemental length to permit easy removal 400°F (205°C).
Applications Chart on pages and inspection of screw plug or • Protect against electrical shock
263 to 266. If unable to flange heater assemblies. by properly grounding the unit
determine the correct heating • Choose a FIREBAR assembly per NEC requirements.
element type and material, when you require: • One or more circulation heaters
consult your Watlow
A smaller package may be connected in series to
More kilowatts or lower watt achieve the desired total kilowatt
• Assure selecting proper vessel by or temperature output.
density in an equally sized
considering the pressure or flow
WATROD circulation tank.
rate, process temperature and
corrosiveness of the media being • Minimize problems associated
heated. If assistance with vessel with low flow or low liquid level
selection is required, consult your conditions with a low liquid level
Watlow representative. sensor and/or sheath high-limit

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 372

Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters
Replacement Heater Assemblies
To help assure minimum process Spare and/or replacement screw complete circulation heater code
downtime, it’s advisable to order plug or flange heaters can be number and specifying
and keep on hand a replacement ordered by simply providing the “replacement heater only.”
flange or screw plug heater

11⁄4" NPT
3 4"
/ NPT Inlet & Outlet
Ref B
6 7/16"
(164 mm)
3 3/4"
(95 mm)
(100 mm)

1 2"
/ NPT Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
3 1/8" No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
(79 mm) Ref
A 1.1 24 5⁄8 (625) 15 (381) 31⁄8 (79)
1.2 32 5⁄8 (829) 23 (584) 3 (76)
1.3 42 5⁄8 (1083) 32 (813) 4 (102)
11⁄4" NPT Screw Plug—WATROD Element 1.4 63 5⁄8 (1616) 53 (1346) 4 (102)
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 120/240VÅ(ac) 240VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 1-Phase 1-Phase lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2➃ 3.0 1.1 CBEC15A6 23 (11)
Steel Tank 4.0 1.1 CBEC19A10 29 (14)
2-Copper 5.0 1.2 CBEC23J10 29 (14)
(9.3 W/cm2) 6.0 1.2 CBEC27J10 31 (14)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➃ 1.0 1.1 CBEN13G6 21 (10)
Steel Tank 1.5 1.1 CBEN19A6 29 (14)
2-Incoloy® 2.0 1.2 CBEN24G6 29 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2➃ 1.5 1.1 CBES19G6 29 (14)
Steel Tank 2.0 1.2 CBES25G6 29 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2)
All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➃ Wired for higher voltage.
unless otherwise noted.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days

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Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
11⁄4" NPT Screw Plug—FIREBAR Element
FIREBAR Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 1-Phase 3-Phase 1-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)
Applications: Clean and Potable Water
90 W/in2➇ 1.5 1.1 CBDNF7R10bg CBDNF7R11bg 26 (12)
Steel Tank 3.0 1.1 CBDNF11G10bg CBDNF11G11b 26 (12)
1-Incoloy® 5.0 1.1 CBDNF16G3 CBDNF16G5 26 (12)
(14 W/cm2) 6.5 1.2 CBDNF19G3 CBDNF19G5 30 (14)

Circulation Heaters
8.5 1.2 CBDNF24L3 CBDNF24L5 31 (14)
10.5 1.3 CBDNF29R3 CBDNF29R5 43 (20)
12.75 1.3 CBDNF34R3 CBDNF34R5 44 (20)
17.0 1.4 CBDNF45G3 CBDNF45G5 69 (32)
21.5 1.4 CBDNF55R5 71 (33)
Applications: Process Water, Ethylene Glycol (50%)
45 W/in2➇ 2.0 1.1 CBDNF13A27 25 (12)
Steel Tank 2.5 1.1 CBDNF15J27 26 (12)
1-Incoloy® 3.0 1.2 CBDNF18A27 30 (14)
(7 W/cm2) 4.0 1.2 CBDNF22J27 CBDNF22J28 31 (14)
5.0 1.3 CBDNF27J27 CBDNF27J28 43 (20)
6.0 1.3 CBDNF32J27 CBDNF32J28 44 (20)
8.0 1.4 CBDNF42A27 CBDNF42A28 69 (32)
10.0 1.4 CBDNF51J27 CBDNF51J28 71 (33)
Applications: Cooking Oils, Ethylene Glycol (100%)
30 W/in2➂ 1.7 1.1 CBDNF16G12 CBDNF16G13 26 (12)
Steel Tank 2.2 1.2 CBDNF19G12 CBDNF19G13 30 (14)
1-Incoloy® 2.8 1.2 CBDNF24L12 CBDNF24L13 31 (14)
(4.7 W/cm2) 3.5 1.3 CBDNF29R12 CBDNF29R13 43 (20)
4.25 1.3 CBDNF34R12 CBDNF34R13 44 (20)
5.7 1.4 CBDNF45G12 CBDNF45G13 69 (32)
7.2 1.4 CBDNF55R12 CBDNF55R13 71 (33)
Applications: Heat Transfer Oils, Lubrication Oils, Mineral Oil, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➇ 1.25 1.1 CBDNF16G20 26 (12)
Steel Tank 1.65 1.2 CBDNF19G20 30 (14)
1-Incoloy® 2.15 1.2 CBDNF24L20 CBDNF24L19 31 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2) 2.65 1.3 CBDNF29R20 CBDNF29R19 43 (20)
3.20 1.3 CBDNF34R20 CBDNF34R19 44 (20)
4.25 1.4 CBDNF45G20 CBDNF45G19 69 (32)
5.40 1.4 CBDNF55R20 CBDNF55R19 71 (33)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock b Standard

unless otherwise noted. c Must be operated 3-phase wye.
Availability g Available in 1-phase only.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days h Can be wired 1-phase.
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 374

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
11⁄4" NPT Screw Plug—FIREBAR Element
FIREBAR Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 1-Phase 3-Phase 1-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)

Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
15 W/in2➂ 0.67 1.1 CBDNF13A29 25 (12)
Steel Tank 0.83 1.1 CBDNF15J29 26 (12)
1-Incoloy® 1.00 1.2 CBDNF18A29 30 (14)
(2.3 W/cm2) 1.33 1.2 CBDNF22J29 CBDNF22J30 31 (14)
1.67 1.3 CBDNF27J29 CBDNF27J30 43 (20)
2.00 1.3 CBDNF32J29 CBDNF32J30 44 (20)
2.67 1.4 CBDNF42A29 CBDNF42A30 69 (32)
3.30 1.4 CBDNF51J29 CBDNF51J30 71 (33)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils, Asphalt
8 W/in2➂ 0.43 1.1 CBDNF16G22 26 (12)
Steel Tank 0.55 1.2 CBDNF19G22 30 (14)
1-Incoloy® 0.70 1.2 CBDNF24L22 CBDNF24L21 31 (14)
(1.3 W/cm2) 0.88 1.3 CBDNF29R22 CBDNF29R21 43 (20)
1.08 1.3 CBDNF34R22 CBDNF34R21 44 (20)
1.40 1.4 CBDNF45G22 CBDNF45G21 69 (31)
1.80 1.4 CBDNF55R22 CBDNF55R21 71 (32)
All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock Truck Shipment only
unless otherwise noted. ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days

21⁄2" NPT
(183 mm)
1" NPT Inlet & Outlet 4 15/16"
Ref (125 mm)
3 1/2"
(89 mm)
3 8"
/ - 16 UNC Thread
(4 places) 3/4" deep (19 mm)
4 3/8"
(111 mm)

5 5/8"
(143 mm)

(284 mm) C 1 1/4" 1 2"/ NPT 3 1/8"
(32 mm) (79 mm)
1 2"

21⁄2" NPT Screw Plug

Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
2.1 34 11⁄16 (881) 22 1⁄2 (572) 16 1⁄2 (419)
2.2 44 11⁄16 (1135) 32 1⁄2 (1129) 26 1⁄2 (673)
2.3 573⁄16 (1453) 45 (1143) 39 (991)
2.4 63 11⁄16 (1618) 51 1⁄2 (1308) 46 1⁄2 (1181)
2.5 34 11⁄16 (881) 22 1⁄2 (572) 16 1⁄2 (419)
2.6 44 11⁄16 (1135) 32 1⁄2 (1129) 26 1⁄2 (673)
2.7 57 3⁄16 (1453) 45 (1143) 39 (991)

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 375


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
21⁄2" NPT Screw Plug—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 3-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2 6.0 2.5 CBLC714L3 CBLC714L5 24 (11)
Steel Tank 7.5 2.5 CBLC717L3 CBLC717L5 24 (11)
3-Copper 9.0 2.5 CBLC720L3 CBLC720L5 26 (12)
(9.3 W/cm2) 12.0 2.6 CBLC726C3 CBLC726C5 27 (13)

Circulation Heaters
15.0 2.6 CBLC731L3 CBLC731L5 29 (14)
18.0 2.7 CBLC737C3 CBLC737C5 30 (14)
Application: Deionized Water, Demineralized Water
60 W/in2 6.0 2.5 CBLR714L3 CBLR714L5 24 (11)
316 SS Tank 7.5 2.5 CBLR717L3 CBLR717L5 24 (11)
3-316 SS 9.0 2.5 CBLR720L3 CBLR720L5 26 (12)
(9.3 W/cm2) 12.0 2.6 CBLR726C3 CBLR726C5 27 (13)
Passivated 15.0 2.6 CBLR731L3 CBLR731L5 29 (14)
18.0 2.7 CBLR737C3 CBLR737C5 30 (14)
Application: Process Water
48 W/in2 6.0 2.5 CBLN717G3 CBLN717G5 24 (11)
Steel Tank 7.5 2.5 CBLN719R3 CBLN719R5 26 (12)
3-Incoloy® 9.0 2.5 CBLN724R3 CBLN724R5 27 (13)
(7.5 W/cm2) 12.0 2.6 CBLN732G3 CBLN732G5 29 (14)
15.0 2.7 CBLN739R3 CBLN739R5 31 (14)
18.0 2.7 CBLN747G3 CBLN747G5 32 (15)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➄➅ 3.0 2.5 CBLNA17G3 CBLNA17G5 24 (11)
Steel Tank 4.5 2.6 CBLNA24R3 CBLNA24R5 27 (13)
3-Incoloy® 6.0 2.6 CBLNA32G3 CBLNA32G5 29 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2) 7.5 2.7 CBLNA39R3 CBLNA39R5 31 (14)
9.0 2.7 CBLNA47G3 CBLNA47G5 32 (15)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2➅ 3.0 2.5 CBLS717E3 CBLS717E5 24 (11)
Steel Tank 4.5 2.5 CBLS724N3 CBLS724N5 27 (13)
3-Steel 6.0 2.6 CBLS732E3 CBLS732E5 29 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2) 7.5 2.7 CBLS739N3 CBLS739N5 31 (14)
9.0 2.7 CBLS747E3 CBLS747E5 32 (15)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 2.0 2.5 CBLN717G12 CBLN717G13 24 (11)
Steel Tank 2.5 2.5 CBLN719R12 CBLN719R13 26 (12)
All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock
3-Incoloy® 3.0 2.5 CBLN724R12 CBLN724R13 27 (13)
unless otherwise noted.
(2.5 W/cm2) 4.0 2.6 CBLN732G12 CBLN732G13 29 (14) Availability
5.0 2.7 CBLN739R12 CBLN739R13 31 (14) Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
6.0 2.7 CBLN747G12 CBLN747G13 32 (15) Standard: 10 working days

Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and operated
8 W/in2➂ 2.0 2.6 CBLS732E12 CBLS732E13 29 (14)
at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to produce 1⁄3 more kW
Steel Tank 3.0 2.7 CBLS747E12 CBLS747E13 32 (15) and watt density.
3-Steel ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
(1.3 W/cm2) original kW and watt density
(3-phase only).

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 376

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
21⁄2" NPT Screw Plug—FIREBAR Element
FIREBAR Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 3-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)

Applications: Clean and Potable Water

90 W/in2h 15.0 2.1 CBLNF15C3 CBLNF15C5 22 (10)
Steel Tank 20.0 2.1 CBLNF18C3 CBLNF18C5c 23 (11)
3-Incoloy® 25.0 2.1 CBLNF23C5 31 (14)
(14 W/cm2) 32.0 2.2 CBLNF28L5 34 (16)
38.0 2.2 CBLNF33L5 35 (16)
Applications: Process Water, Ethylene Glycol (50%)
45 W/in2h 6.0 2.1 CBLNF12A27 21 (10)
Steel Tank 7.5 2.1 CBLNF14J27 22 (10)
3-Incoloy® 9.0 2.1 CBLNF17A27 23 (11)
(7 W/cm2) 12.0 2.1 CBLNF21J27 CBLNF21J28 31 (14)
15.0 2.2 CBLNF26J27 CBLNF26J28 34 (16)
18.0 2.2 CBLNF31J27 CBLNF31J28 35 (16)
24.0 2.3 CBLNF41A28 44 (20)
30.0 2.4 CBLNF50J28 52 (24)
Applications: Cooking Oils, Ethylene Glycol (100%)
30 W/in2c 5.0 2.1 CBLNF15C12 CBLNF15C13 22 (10)
Steel Tank 6.5 2.1 CBLNF18C12 CBLNF18C13 23 (11)
3-Incoloy® 8.5 2.1 CBLNF23C12 CBLNF23C13 31 (14)
(4.7 W/cm2) 10.5 2.2 CBLNF28L12 CBLNF28L13 34 (16)
12.8 2.2 CBLNF33L12 CBLNF33L13 35 (16)
17.0 2.3 CBLNF44C12 CBLNF44C13 44 (20)
21.5 2.4 CBLNF54L13 52 (24)
Applications: Heat Transfer Oils, Mineral Oil, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2h 3.8 2.1 CBLNF15C20 22 (10)
Steel Tank 4.9 2.1 CBLNF18C20 23 (11)
3-Incoloy® 6.4 2.1 CBLNF23C20 CBLNF23C19 31 (14)
(3.6 W/cm2) 7.9 2.2 CBLNF28L20 CBLNF28L19 34 (16)
9.6 2.2 CBLNF33L20 CBLNF33L19 35 (16)
12.8 2.3 CBLNF44C20 CBLNF44C19 44 (20)
16.1 2.4 CBLNF54L20 CBLNF54L19 52 (24)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
15 W/in2c 2.0 2.1 CBLNF12A29 21 (10)
Steel Tank 2.5 2.1 CBLNF14J29 22 (10)
3-Incoloy® 3.0 2.1 CBLNF17A29 23 (11)
(2.3 W/cm2) 4.0 2.1 CBLNF21J29 CBLNF21J30 31 (14)
5.0 2.2 CBLNF26J29 CBLNF26J30 34 (16)
6.0 2.2 CBLNF31J29 CBLNF31J30 35 (16)
8.0 2.3 CBLNF41A29 CBLNF41A30 44 (20)
10.0 2.4 CBLNF50J29 CBLNF50J30 52 (24)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils, Asphalt All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock
8 W/in2c 1.25 2.1 CBLNF15C22 22 (10) unless otherwise noted.
Steel Tank 1.63 2.1 CBLNF18C22 23 (10)
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
3-Incoloy® 2.13 2.1 CBLNF23C22 CBLNF23C21 31 (14) Standard: 10 working days
(1.3 W/cm2) 2.63 2.2 CBLNF28L22 CBLNF28L21 34 (15) Note: Assembly Stock may be shipped same
3.19 2.2 CBLNF33L22 CBLNF33L21 35 (16) day if ordered before 11:00 am CST.
4.25 2.3 CBLNF44C22 CBLNF44C21 44 (20)
5.38 2.4 CBLNF54L22 CBLNF54L21 52 (24) c Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
h Can be wired 1-phase.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 377


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
3" Flange No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
3.1 35 3⁄16 (894) 221⁄2 (573) 161⁄2 (419)
Ref Ref
11 16"
7 / 1" NPT Inlet & Outlet 5"
3.2 45 3⁄16 (1148) 321⁄2 (826) 261⁄2 (673)
(195 mm) (127 mm) 3.3 57 11⁄16 (1465) 45 (1143) 39 (991)
4 1/8"
3 8"
/ - 16 UNC Thread
(105 mm)
(4 places) 3/4" (19 mm) deep
4 3/8"
(111 mm)
5 5/8"
(143 mm)

Circulation Heaters
1 2"
Ref C (2 places) 3 1/8"
11 1/2" 1 1/4" (79 mm)
(292 mm) 1 2"
/ NPT Ref (32 mm)

3" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 1-Phase 3-Phase 1-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2 6.0 3.1 CFMC715J10 CFMC715J3 CFMC715J11 CFMC715J5 66 (30)
Steel Tank 9.0 3.1 CFMC721J10 CFMC721J3 CFMC721J11 CFMC721J5 70 (32)
3-Copper 12.0 3.2 CFMC727A3 CFMC727A11 CFMC727A5 80 (37)
(9.3 W/cm2) 15.0 3.2 CFMC732J3 CFMC732J11 CFMC732J5 96 (44)
18.0 3.3 CFMC738A3 CFMC738A11 CFMC738A5 98 (45)
Application: Process Water
48 W/in2➄ 6.0 3.1 CFMN718A10 CFMN718A3 CFMN718A11 CFMN718A5 68 (31)
Steel Tank 7.5 3.1 CFMN720J10 CFMN720J3 CFMN720J11 CFMN720J5 70 (32)
3-Incoloy® 9.0 3.2 CFMN725J10 CFMN725J3 CFMN725J11 CFMN725J5 78 (36)
(7.5 W/cm2) 12.0 3.2 CFMN733A3 CFMN733A11 CFMN733A5 96 (44)
15.0 3.3 CFMN740J3 CFMN740J11 CFMN740J5 100 (46)
18.0 3.3 CFMN748A3 CFMN748A11 CFMN748A5 107 (49)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➄➅ 3.0 3.1 CFMNA18A10 CFMNA18A3 CFMNA18A11 CFMNA18A5 68 (31)
Steel Tank 4.5 3.2 CFMNA25J10 CFMNA25J3 CFMNA25J11 CFMNA25J5 78 (36)
3-Incoloy® 6.0 3.2 CFMNA33A10 CFMNA33A3 CFMNA33A11 CFMNA33A5 96 (44)
(3.6 W/cm2) 7.5 3.3 CFMNA40J10 CFMNA40J3 CFMNA40J11 CFMNA40J5 100 (46)
9.0 3.3 CFMNA48A10 CFMNA48A3 CFMNA48A11 CFMNA48A5 107 (49)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and
unless otherwise noted. operated at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to
Availability produce 1⁄3 more kW and watt density.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
Standard: 10 working days original kW and watt density
Truck Shipment only (3-phase only).

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 378

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
3" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) 240VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
No. 1-Phase 3-Phase 1-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 3.0 3.1 CFMS718A10 CFMS718A3 CFMS718A11 CFMS718A5 68 (31)
Steel Tank 4.5 3.1 CFMS725J10 CFMS725J3 CFMS725J11 CFMS725J5 78 (36)
3-Steel 6.0 3.2 CFMS733A10 CFMS733A3 CFMS733A11 CFMS733A5 96 (44)
(3.6 W/cm2) 7.5 3.3 CFMS740J10 CFMS740J3 CFMS740J11 CFMS740J5 100 (46)
9.0 3.3 CFMS748A10 CFMS748A3 CFMS748A11 CFMS748A5 107 (49)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 2.0 3.1 CFMN718A12 CFMN718A13 68 (31)
Steel Tank 2.5 3.1 CFMN720J12 CFMN720J13 70 (32)
3-Incoloy® 3.0 3.2 CFMN725J12 CFMN725J13 78 (36)
(2.6 W/cm2) 4.0 3.2 CFMN733A12 CFMN733A13 96 (44)
5.0 3.3 CFMN740J12 CFMN740J13 100 (46)
6.0 3.3 CFMN748A12 CFMN748A13 107 (49)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils
8 W/in2➂ 2.0 3.2 CFMS733A12 CFMS733A13 96 (44)
Steel Tank 3.0 3.3 CFMS748A12 CFMS748A13 107 (49)
(1.3 W/cm2)
All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 379


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
4" Flange 4.1 38 15⁄16 (989) 20 1⁄2 (521) 17 (432)
4.2 49 7⁄16 (1256) 31 (787) 27 1⁄2 (699)
Ref Ref 4.3 70 7⁄16 (1789) 52 (1321) 48 1⁄2 (1232)
12 5/8" 1 1/2" NPT Inlet & Outlet 5 11/16" 4.4 91 7⁄16 (2326) 73 (1854) 66 (1676)
(321 mm) (144 mm)
4 11/16" 3 8"
(119 mm) / - 16 UNC Thread
(4 places) 3/4" (19 mm) deep
5 13/16"
(148 mm)
6 5/8"
(168 mm)

Circulation Heaters
1 2"
Ref C (2 places) 3 11/16"
14 3/8" 1 1/4" (94 mm)
(365 mm) 1 2"
/ NPT (32 mm)

4" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2 12 4.1 CFOC715J10 2 CFOC715J3 1 CFOC715J11 1 CFOC715J5 1 124 (57)
Steel Tank 18 4.1 CFOC721J10 2 CFOC721J3 1 CFOC721J11 1 CFOC721J5 1 127 (58)
6-Copper 24 4.2 CFOC727A10 2 CFOC727A3 2 CFOC727A11 1 CFOC727A5 1 160 (73)
(9.3 W/cm2) 30 4.2 CFOC732J3 2 CFOC732J11 2 CFOC732J5 1 163 (74)
36 4.3 CFOC738A3 2 CFOC738A11 2 CFOC738A5 1 229 (104)
50 4.3 CFOC751A5b 2 234 (107)
60 4.4 CFOC760J5b 2 297 (135)
Application: Deionized Water, Demineralized Water
60 W/in2 12 4.1 CFOR716A10 1 CFOR716A3 1 CFOR716A11 1 CFOR716A5 1 124 (57)
316 SS Tank 18 4.1 CFOR722A10 2 CFOR722A3 1 CFOR722A11 1 CFOR722A5 1 127 (58)
6-316 SS 24 4.2 CFOR727J10 2 CFOR727J3 2 CFOR727J11 1 CFOR727J5 1 160 (73)
(9.3 W/cm2) 30 4.2 CFOR733A3 2 CFOR733A11 2 CFOR733A5 1 163 (74)
Passivated 36 4.3 CFOR738J3 2 CFOR738J11 2 CFOR738J5 1 229 (104)
50 4.3 CFOR751J5 2 234 (106)
60 4.4 CFOR761A5 2 297 (135)
Application: Process Water
48 W/in2 9 4.1 CFON713J10 1 CFON713J3 1 CFON713J11 1 CFON713J5 1 122 (56)
Steel Tank 12 4.1 CFON718A10 2 CFON718A3 1 CFON718A11 1 CFON718A5 1 125 (57)
6-Incoloy® 15 4.1 CFON720J10 2 CFON720J3 1 CFON720J11 2 CFON720J5 1 127 (58)
(7.5 W/cm2) 18 4.1 CFON725J10 2 CFON725J3 1 CFON725J11 1 CFON725J5 1 160 (73)
24 4.2 CFON733A10 2 CFON733A3 2 CFON733A11 1 CFON733A5 1 163 (74)
30 4.3 CFON740J3 2 CFON740J11 2 CFON740J5 1 229 (104)
36 4.3 CFON748A3 2 CFON748A11 2 CFON748A5 1 234 (107)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock b Standard

unless otherwise noted.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard:10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 380

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
4" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2 ➄➅ 6 4.1 CFONA18A10 1 CFONA18A3 1 CFONA18A11 1 CFONA18A5 1 125 (57)
Steel Tank 9 4.1 CFONA25J10 1 CFONA25J3 1 CFONA25J11 1 CFONA25J5 1 160 (73)
6-Incoloy® 12 4.2 CFONA33A10 2 CFONA33A3 1 CFONA33A11 1 CFONA33A5 1 163 (74)
(3.6 W/cm2) 15 4.3 CFONA40J10 2 CFONA40J3 1 CFONA40J11 1 CFONA40J5 1 229 (104)
18 4.3 CFONA48A10 2 CFONA48A3 1 CFONA48A11 1 CFONA48A5 1 234 (107)
25 4.4 CFONA64J3 2 CFONA64J11 2 CFONA64J5 1 298 (136)
30 4.4 CFONA77A3 2 CFONA77A11 2 CFONA77A5 1 306 (139)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 6 4.1 CFOS718A10 1 CFOS718A3 1 CFOS718A11 1 CFOS718A5 1 125 (57)
Steel Tank 9 4.1 CFOS725J10 1 CFOS725J3 1 CFOS725J11 1 CFOS725J5 1 160 (73)
6-Steel 12 4.2 CFOS733A10 2 CFOS733A3 1 CFOS733A11 1 CFOS733A5 1 163 (74)
(3.6 W/cm2) 15 4.3 CFOS740J10 2 CFOS740J3 1 CFOS740J11 1 CFOS740J5 1 229 (104)
18 4.3 CFOS748A10 2 CFOS748A3 1 CFOS748A11 1 CFOS748A5 1 234 (107)
25 4.4 CFOS764J3 2 CFOS764J11 2 CFOS764J5 1 298 (136)
30 4.4 CFOS777A3 2 CFOS777A11 2 CFOS777A5 1 306 (139)

Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin

16 W/in2➂ 3 4.1 CFON713J12 1 CFON713J13 1 122 (56)
Steel Tank 4 4.1 CFON718A12 1 CFON718A13 1 125 (57)
6-Incoloy® 5 4.1 CFON720J12 1 CFON720J13 1 127 (58)
(2.6 W/cm2) 6 4.1 CFON725J12 1 CFON725J13 1 160 (73)
8 4.2 CFON733A12 1 CFON733A13 1 163 (74)
10 4.3 CFON740J12 2 CFON740J13 1 229 (104)
12 4.3 CFON748A12 1 CFON748A13 1 234 (107)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils
8 W/in2➂ 5 4.3 CFOS740J12 1 CFOS740J13 1 229 (104)
Steel Tank 6 4.3 CFOS748A12 1 CFOS748A13 1 234 (106)
6-Steel 8 4.4 CFOS764J12 1 CFOS764J13 1 298 (135)
(1.3 W/cm2) 10 4.4 CFOS777A12 1 CFOS777A13 1 306 (139)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted. ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and
Availability operated at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days produce 1⁄3 more kW and watt density.
Standard: 10 working days ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
Truck Shipment only original kW and watt density
(3-phase only).

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 381


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
4" 150 lb ANSI Flange—FIREBAR Element
FIREBAR Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 3-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Applications: Process Water, Ethylene Glycol (50%)

45 W/in2 12.0 4.1 CFONF13G27 1 125 (57)
Steel Tank 15.0 4.1 CFONF16A27 1 128 (58)
6-Incoloy® 18.0 4.1 CFONF18G27 1 130 (59)
(7 W/cm2) 24.0 4.1 CFONF22R27 2 CFONF22R28 1 133 (61)

Circulation Heaters
30.0 4.2 CFONF27R27 2 CFONF27R28 1 168 (77)
36.0 4.2 CFONF32R27 2 CFONF32R28 1 170 (78)
48.0 4.3 CFONF42G28 2 236 (107)
60.0 4.3 CFONF51R28 2 240 (109)
Applications: Cooking Oils, Ethylene Glycol (100%)
30 W/in2 10.0 4.1 CFONF16J12 1 CFONF16J13 1 128 (58)
Steel Tank 13.0 4.1 CFONF19J12 1 CFONF19J13 1 130 (59)
6-Incoloy® 17.0 4.1 CFONF24J12 1 CFONF24J13 1 133 (61)
(4.7 W/cm2) 21.0 4.2 CFONF30A12 2 CFONF30A13 1 168 (77)
25.5 4.2 CFONF35A12 2 CFONF35A13 1 170 (78)
34.0 4.3 CFONF45J12 2 CFONF45J13 1 236 (107)
43.0 4.3 CFONF56A13 2 240 (109)
Applications: Heat Transfer Oils, Mineral Oils, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➃ 7.5 4.1 CFONF16J20 1 128 (58)
Steel Tank 10.0 4.1 CFONF19J20 1 130 (59)
6-Incoloy® 12.8 4.1 CFONF24J20 1 CFONF24J19 1 133 (61)
(3.6 W/cm2) 15.8 4.2 CFONF30A20 1 CFONF30A19 1 168 (77)
19.0 4.2 CFONF35A20 1 CFONF35A19 1 170 (78)
25.0 4.3 CFONF45J20 2 CFONF45J19 1 236 (107)
32.3 4.3 CFONF56A20 2 CFONF56A19 1 240 (109)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
15 W/in2➂ 4.0 4.1 CFONF13G29 1 125 (57)
Steel Tank 5.0 4.1 CFONF16A29 1 128 (58)
6-Incoloy® 6.0 4.1 CFONF18G29 1 130 (59)
(2.3 W/cm2) 8.0 4.1 CFONF22R29 1 CFONF22R30 1 133 (61)
10.0 4.2 CFONF27R29 1 CFONF27R30 1 168 (77)
12.0 4.2 CFONF32R29 1 CFONF32R30 1 170 (78)
16.0 4.3 CFONF42G29 1 CFONF42G30 1 236 (107)
20.0 4.3 CFONF51R29 1 CFONF51R30 1 240 (109)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils, Asphalt
8 W/in2➂ 2.5 4.1 CFONF16J22 1 128 (58)
Steel Tank 3.25 4.1 CFONF19J22 1 130 (59)
6-Incoloy® 4.25 4.1 CFONF24J22 1 CFONF24J21 1 133 (61)
(1.3 W/cm2) 5.25 4.2 CFONF30A22 1 CFONF30A21 1 168 (77)
6.38 4.2 CFONF35A22 1 CFONF35A21 1 170 (77)
8.5 4.3 CFONF45J22 1 CFONF45J21 1 236 (107)
10.75 4.3 CFONF56A22 1 CFONF56A21 1 240 (109)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted. ➃ Wired for higher voltage.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 382

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Fig. A Dimension B Dimension E Dimension
5"Flange No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
5.1 49 3⁄16 (1249) 30 (762) 14 7⁄8 (378)
5.2 56 3⁄16 (1427) 37 (940) 18 9⁄16 (471)
5.3 67 11⁄16 (1719) 48 1⁄2 (1232) 24 15⁄16 (633)
Ref Ref 5.4 81 1⁄16 (2059) 61 7⁄8 (1572) 30 7⁄8 (784)
12 5/8" 2" NPT Inlet & Outlet 6 9/16"
(321 mm) (167 mm) 5.5 94 1⁄16 (2389) 74 7⁄8 (1902) 37 15⁄16 (964)
4 11/16" 3 8"
(119 mm) / - 16 UNC Thread
(4 places) 3/4" (19 mm) deep
5 9/16"
(141 mm)
7 5/8"
(194 mm)

1 2"
Ref 25" (635 mm) (2 places) 4 1/4"
E 1 1/4" (108 mm)
1 2"/ NPT (32 mm)

5" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Application: Clean Water

60 W/in2 24 5.1 CFNC727A10 3 CFNC727A3 2 CFNC727A11 3 CFNC727A5 1 140 (64)
Steel Tank 30 5.1 CFNC732J3 2 CFNC732J11 2 CFNC732J5 1 142 (65)
6-Copper 36 5.2 CFNC738A3 2 CFNC738A11 2 CFNC738A5 1 160 (73)
(9.3 W/cm2) 50 5.3 CFNC751A5 2 180 (82)
60 5.4 CFNC760J5➁ 2 190 (87)
60 W/in2 36 5.1 CFNC727A3X 3 CFNC727A11X 3 CFNC727A5X 1 145 (66)
Steel Tank 45 5.1 CFNC732J3X 3 CFNC732J11X 3 CFNC732J5X 3 147 (67)
9-Copper 54 5.2 CFNC738A3X 3 CFNC738A11X 3 CFNC738A5X 3 166 (76)
(9.3 W/cm2) 75 5.3 CFNC751A5X 3 188 (86)
90 5.4 CFNC760J5X➁ 3 200 (91)

Application: Process Water

48 W/in2➄ 24 5.1 CFNN733A10 3 CFNN733A3 2 CFNN733A11 3 CFNN733A5 1 145 (66)
Steel Tank 30 5.2 CFNN740J3 2 CFNN740J11 2 CFNN740J5 1 167 (76)
6-Incoloy® 36 5.3 CFNN748A3 2 CFNN748A11 2 CFNN748A5 1 180 (82)
(7.5 W/cm2)
48 W/in2 36 5.1 CFNN733A3X 3 CFNN733A11X 3 CFNN733A5X 1 150 (68)
Steel Tank 45 5.2 CFNN740J3X 3 CFNN740J11X 3 CFNN740J5X 3 173 (79)
9-Incoloy® 54 5.3 CFNN748A3X 3 CFNN748A11X 3 CFNN748A5X 3 188 (86)
(7.5 W/cm2)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➁ Standard

unless otherwise noted. ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and operated
Availability at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to produce 1⁄3 more
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days kW and watt density.
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 383


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
5" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions

23 W/in2➄➅ 9 5.1 CFNNA25J10 1 CFNNA25J3 1 CFNNA25J11 1 CFNNA25J5 1 140 (64)
Steel Tank 12 5.2 CFNNA33A10 2 CFNNA33A3 1 CFNNA33A11 1 CFNNA33A5 1 145 (66)
6-Incoloy® 15 5.2 CFNNA40J10 2 CFNNA40J3 1 CFNNA40J11 1 CFNNA40J5 1 167 (76)
(3.6 W/cm2) 18 5.3 CFNNA48A10 2 CFNNA48A3 1 CFNNA48A11 1 CFNNA48A5 1 180 (82)

Circulation Heaters
25 5.4 CFNNA64J3 2 CFNNA64J11 2 CFNNA64J5 1 195 (89)
30 5.5 CFNNA77A3 2 CFNNA77A11 2 CFNNA77A5 1 220 (100)
23 W/in2 14 5.1 CFNNA25J10X 3 CFNNA25J3X 1 CFNNA25J11X 1 CFNNA25J5X 1 140 (66)
Steel Tank 18 5.2 CFNNA33A10X 3 CFNNA33A3X 1 CFNNA33A11X 1 CFNNA33A5X 1 145 (68)
9-Incoloy® 23 5.2 CFNNA40J10X 3 CFNNA40J3X 3 CFNNA40J11X 1 CFNNA40J5X 1 167 (79)
(3.6 W/cm2) 27 5.3 CFNNA48A10X 3 CFNNA48A3X 3 CFNNA48A11X 3 CFNNA48A5X 1 180 (86)
38 5.4 CFNNA64J3X 3 CFNNA64J11X 3 CFNNA64J5X 1 195 (94)
45 5.5 CFNNA77A3X 3 CFNNA77A11X 3 CFNNA77A5X 3 220 (106)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 12 5.2 CFNS733A10 2 CFNS733A3 1 CFNS733A11 1 CFNS733A5 1 145 (66)
Steel Tank 15 5.2 CFNS740J10 2 CFNS740J3 1 CFNS740J11 1 CFNS740J5 1 167 (76)
6-Steel 18 5.3 CFNS748A10 2 CFNS748A3 3 CFNS748A11 1 CFNS748A5 1 180 (82)
(3.6 W/cm2) 25 5.4 CFNS764J3 2 CFNS764J11 2 CFNS764J5 1 195 (89)
30 5.5 CFNS777A3 2 CFNS777A11 2 CFNS777A5 1 220 (100)
23 W/in2 18 5.2 CFNS733A10X 3 CFNS733A3X 1 CFNS733A11X 1 CFNS733A5X 1 150 (68)
Steel Tank 23 5.2 CFNS740J10X 3 CFNS740J3X 3 CFNS740J11X 1 CFNS740J5X 1 173 (79)
9-Steel 27 5.3 CFNS748A10X 3 CFNS748A3X 1 CFNS748A11X 3 CFNS748A5X 1 188 (86)
(3.6 W/cm2) 38 5.4 CFNS764J3X 3 CFNS764J11X 3 CFNS764J5X 1 206 (94)
45 5.5 CFNS777A3X 3 CFNS777A11X 3 CFNS777A5X 3 233 (106)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 8 5.1 CFNN733A12 1 CFNN733A13 1 145 (66)
Steel Tank 10 5.2 CFNN740J12 1 CFNN740J13 1 167 (76)
6-Incoloy® 12 5.3 CFNN748A12 1 CFNN748A13 1 180 (82)
(2.6 W/cm2)
16 W/in2➂ 12 5.1 CFNN733A12X 1 CFNN733A13X 1 150 (68)
Steel Tank 15 5.2 CFNN740J12X 1 CFNN740J13X 1 173 (79)
9-Incoloy® 18 5.3 CFNN748A12X 1 CFNN748A13X 1 188 (86)
(2.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils
8 W/in2➂ 5 5.2 CFNS740J12 1 CFNS740J13 1 167 (76)
Steel Tank 6 5.3 CFNS748A12 1 CFNS748A13 1 180 (82)
6-Steel 8 5.4 CFNS764J12 1 CFNS764J13 1 195 (89)
(1.3 W/cm2) 10 5.5 CFNS777A12 1 CFNS777A13 1 220 (100)
8 W/in2➂ 7.5 5.2 CFNS740J12X 1 CFNS740J13X 1 173 (79)
Steel Tank 9 5.3 CFNS748A12X 1 CFNS748A13X 1 188 (86)
9-Steel 12 5.4 CFNS764J12X 1 CFNS764J13X 1 206 (94)
(1.3 W/cm2) 15 5.5 CFNS777A12X 1 CFNS777A13X 1 233 (106)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted. ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and operat-
Availability ed at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to produce 1⁄3
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days more kW and watt density.
Standard: 10 working days ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
Truck Shipment only original kW and watt density
(3-phase only).
Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 384

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
6" Flange No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
Ref Ref
2 1/2" NPT Inlet & Outlet 7 1/4" 6.1 40 7⁄16 (1027) 20 1⁄2 (521) 17 (432)
12 11/16"
(322 mm) (184 mm) 6.2 50 15⁄16 (1294) 31 (787) 27 1⁄2 (699)
4 11/16" 3/4"
6.3 71 15⁄16 (1827) 52 (1321) 48 1⁄2 (1232)
(119 mm) - 10 UNC Thread
(4 places) 3/4" (19 mm) deep 6.4 92 15⁄16 (2361) 73 (1854) 66 (1676)
6 5/8"
(168 mm)
8 3/4"
(222 mm)

1 2"
14 7/16" C (2 places) 4 3/4"
(367 mm) 3 1/2" (121 mm)
1 2"/ NPT (89 mm)

6" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2 24 6.1 CFPC715G10 3 CFPC715G3 2 CFPC715G11 2 CFPC715G5 1 212 (97)
Steel Tank 36 6.1 CFPC721G10 4 CFPC721G3 2 CFPC721G11 2 CFPC721G5 1 217 (99)
12-Copper 48 6.2 CFPC726R3 4 CFPC726R11 3 CFPC726R5 2 222 (101)
(9.3 W/cm2) 60 6.2 CFPC732G3 4 CFPC732G11 3 CFPC732G5 2 226 (103)
72 6.3 CFPC737R3 4 CFPC737R5 2 290 (132)
100 6.3 CFPC750R5 4 298 (136)
120 6.4 CFPC760G5 4 360 (164)
60 W/in2 30 6.1 CFPC715G10X 3 CFPC715G3X 5 CFPC715G11X 3 CFPC715G5X 1 215 (98)
Steel Tank 45 6.1 CFPC721G10X 5 CFPC721G3X 5 CFPC721G11X 3 CFPC721G5X 5 223 (102)
15-Copper 60 6.2 CFPC726R3X 5 CFPC726R11X 3 CFPC726R5X 5 226 (103)
(9.3 W/cm2) 75 6.2 CFPC732G3X 5 CFPC732G11X 5 CFPC732G5X 5 288 (131)
90 6.3 CFPC737R3X 5 CFPC737R5X 5 296 (134)
125 6.3 CFPC750R5X 5 306 (139)
150 6.4 CFPC760G5X➁ 5 370 (168)

Application: Deionized Water, Demineralized Water

60 W/in2 24 6.1 CFPR715N10 3 CFPR715N3 2 CFPR715N11 2 CFPR715N5 1 212 (97)
316 SS Tank 36 6.1 CFPR721N10 4 CFPR721N3 2 CFPR721N11 3 CFPR721N5 1 217 (99)
12-316 SS 48 6.2 CFPR727E3 4 CFPR727E11 3 CFPR727E5 2 222 (101)
(9.3 W/cm2) 60 6.2 CFPR732N3 4 CFPR732N11 3 CFPR732N5 2 226 (103)
Passivated 72 6.3 CFPR738E3 4 CFPR738E5 2 290 (132)
100 6.3 CFPR751E5 4 298 (136)
120 6.4 CFPR760N5 4 360 (164)
60 W/in2 30 6.1 CFPR715N10X 3 CFPR715N3X 5 CFPR715N11X 3 CFPR715N5X 1 215 (98)
316 SS Tank 45 6.1 CFPR721N10X 5 CFPR721N3X 5 CFPR721N11X 3 CFPR721N5X 5 223 (102)
15-316 SS 60 6.2 CFPR727E3X 5 CFPR727E11X 3 CFPR727E5X 5 226 (103)
(9.3 W/cm2) 75 6.2 CFPR732N3X 5 CFPR732N11X 5 CFPR732N5X 5 288 (131)
Passivated 90 6.3 CFPR738E3X 5 CFPR738E5X 5 296 (135)
125 6.3 CFPR751E5X 5 306 (139)
150 6.4 CFPR760N5X 5 370 (168)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➁ Standard

unless otherwise noted.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only
Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 385


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
6" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Application: Process Water

48 W/in2➄ 18 6.1 CFPN713G10 2 CFPN713G3 1 CFPN713G11 1 CFPN713G5 1 212 (97)
Steel Tank 24 6.1 CFPN717R10 3 CFPN717R3 2 CFPN717R11 2 CFPN717R5 1 214 (97)
12-Incoloy® 30 6.1 CFPN720G10 3 CFPN720G3 2 CFPN720G11 2 CFPN720G5 1 217 (99)
(7.5 W/cm2) 36 6.1 CFPN725G10 4 CFPN725G3 2 CFPN725G11 2 CFPN725G5 1 222 (101)

Circulation Heaters
48 6.2 CFPN732R3 4 CFPN732R11 3 CFPN732R5 2 226 (103)
60 6.3 CFPN740G3 4 CFPN740G11 3 CFPN740G5 2 290 (132)
72 6.3 CFPN747R3 4 CFPN747R5 2 298 (136)
48 W/in2 23 6.1 CFPN713G10X 3 CFPN713G3X 5 CFPN713G11X 1 CFPN713G5X 1 215 (98)
Steel Tank 30 6.1 CFPN717R10X 3 CFPN717R3X 5 CFPN717R11X 3 CFPN717R5X 1 217 (99)
15-Incoloy® 38 6.1 CFPN720G10X 5 CFPN720G3X 5 CFPN720G11X 3 CFPN720G5X 1 223 (102)
(7.5 W/cm2) 45 6.1 CFPN725G10X 5 CFPN725G3X 5 CFPN725G11X 3 CFPN725G5X 5 226 (103)
60 6.2 CFPN732R3X 5 CFPN732R11X 3 CFPN732R5X 5 288 (131)
75 6.3 CFPN740G3X 5 CFPN740G11X 5 CFPN740G5X 5 296 (135)
90 6.3 CFPN747R3X 5 CFPN747R5X 5 306 (139)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➄➅ 12 6.1 CFPNA17R10 2 CFPNA17R3 1 CFPNA17R11 1 CFPNA17R5 1 214 (97)
Steel Tank 18 6.1 CFPNA25G10 2 CFPNA25G3 1 CFPNA25G11 1 CFPNA25G5 1 222 (101)
12-Incoloy® 24 6.2 CFPNA32R10 3 CFPNA32R3 2 CFPNA32R11 2 CFPNA32R5 1 226 (103)
(3.6 W/cm2) 30 6.3 CFPNA40G10 3 CFPNA40G3 2 CFPNA40G11 2 CFPNA40G5 1 290 (132)
36 6.3 CFPNA47R10 4 CFPNA47R3 2 CFPNA47R11 2 CFPNA47R5 1 298 (136)
50 6.4 CFPNA64G3 4 CFPNA64G11 3 CFPNA64G5 2 360 (164)
60 6.4 CFPNA76R3 4 CFPNA76R11 3 CFPNA76R5 2 368 (167)
23 W/in2 15 6.1 CFPNA17R10X 3 CFPNA17R3X 1 CFPNA17R11X 1 CFPNA17R5X 1 217 (99)
Steel Tank 23 6.1 CFPNA25G10X 3 CFPNA25G3X 5 CFPNA25G11X 1 CFPNA25G5X 1 226 (103)
15-Incoloy® 30 6.2 CFPNA32R10X 3 CFPNA32R3X 5 CFPNA32R11X 3 CFPNA32R5X 1 288 (131)
(3.6 W/cm2) 38 6.3 CFPNA40G10X 5 CFPNA40G3X 5 CFPNA40G11X 3 CFPNA40G5X 1 296 (135)
45 6.3 CFPNA47R10X 5 CFPNA47R3X 5 CFPNA47R11X 3 CFPNA47R5X 5 306 (139)
63 6.4 CFPNA64G3X 5 CFPNA64G11X 3 CFPNA64G5X 5 370 (168)
75 6.4 CFPNA76R3X 5 CFPNA76R11X 5 CFPNA76R5X 5 381 (173)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and
unless otherwise noted. operated at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to
Availability produce 1⁄3 more kW and watt density.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
Standard: 10 working days original kW and watt density
Truck Shipment only (3-phase only).

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 386

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
6" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils

23 W/in2 12 6.1 CFPS717R10 2 CFPS717R3 1 CFPS717R11 1 CFPS717R5 1 214 (97)
Steel Tank 18 6.1 CFPS725G10 2 CFPS725G3 1 CFPS725G11 1 CFPS725G5 1 222 (101)
12-Steel 24 6.2 CFPS732R10 3 CFPS732R3 2 CFPS732R11 2 CFPS732R5 1 226 (103)
(3.6 W/cm2) 30 6.3 CFPS740G10 3 CFPS740G3 2 CFPS740G11 2 CFPS740G5 1 290 (132)
36 6.3 CFPS747R10 4 CFPS747R3 2 CFPS747R11 2 CFPS747R5 1 298 (136)
50 6.4 CFPS764G3 4 CFPS764G11 3 CFPS764G5 2 360 (164)
60 6.4 CFPS776R3 4 CFPS776R11 3 CFPS776R5 2 368 (167)
23 W/in2 15 6.1 CFPS717R10X 3 CFPS717R3X 1 CFPS717R11X 1 CFPS717R5X 1 217 (99)
Steel Tank 23 6.1 CFPS725G10X 3 CFPS725G3X 5 CFPS725G11X 1 CFPS725G5X 1 226 (103)
15-Steel 30 6.2 CFPS732R10X 3 CFPS732R3X 5 CFPS732R11X 3 CFPS732R5X 1 288 (131)
(3.6 W/cm2) 38 6.3 CFPS740G10X 5 CFPS740G3X 5 CFPS740G11X 3 CFPS740G5X 1 296 (135)
45 6.3 CFPS747R10X 5 CFPS747R3X 5 CFPS747R11X 3 CFPS747R5X 5 306 (139)
63 6.4 CFPS764G3X 5 CFPS764G11X 3 CFPS764G5X 5 370 (168)
75 6.4 CFPS776R3X 5 CFPS776R11X 5 CFPS776R5X 5 381 (173)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 6 6.1 CFPN713G12 1 CFPN713G13 1 212 (97)
Steel Tank 8 6.1 CFPN717R12 1 CFPN717R13 1 214 (97)
12-Incoloy® 10 6.1 CFPN720G12 1 CFPN720G13 1 217 (99)
(2.6 W/cm2) 12 6.1 CFPN725G12 1 CFPN725G13 1 222 (101)
16 6.2 CFPN732R12 1 CFPN732R13 1 226 (103)
20 6.3 CFPN740G12 2 CFPN740G13 1 290 (132)
24 6.3 CFPN747R12 2 CFPN747R13 1 298 (136)
16 W/in2➂ 7.5 6.1 CFPN713G12X 1 CFPN713G13X 1 215 (98)
Steel Tank 10 6.1 CFPN717R12X 1 CFPN717R13X 1 217 (99)
15-Incoloy® 12.5 6.1 CFPN720G12X 1 CFPN720G13X 1 223 (102)
(2.6 W/cm2) 15 6.1 CFPN725G12X 1 CFPN725G13X 1 226 (103)
20 6.2 CFPN732R12X 5 CFPN732R13X 1 288 (131)
25 6.3 CFPN740G12X 5 CFPN740G13X 1 296 (135)
30 6.3 CFPN747R12X 5 CFPN747R13X 1 306 (139)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils
8 W/in2➂ 8 6.2 CFPS732R12 1 CFPS732R13 1 226 (103)
Steel Tank 10 6.3 CFPS740G12 1 CFPS740G13 1 290 (132)
12-Steel 12 6.3 CFPS747R12 1 CFPS747R13 1 298 (136)
(1.3 W/cm2) 16.5 6.4 CFPS764G12 1 CFPS764G13 1 360 (164)
20 6.4 CFPS776R13 1 368 (167)
8 W/in2➂ 10 6.2 CFPS732R12X 1 CFPS732R13X 288 (131)
Steel Tank 12.5 6.3 CFPS740G12X 1 CFPS740G13X 1 296 (135)
15-Steel 15 6.3 CFPS747R12X 1 CFPS747R13X 1 306 (139)
(1.3 W/cm2) 21 6.4 CFPS764G12X 5 CFPS764G13X 1 370 (168)
25 6.4 CFPS776R12X 5 CFPS776R13X 1 381 (173)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 387


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
6" 150 lb ANSI Flange—FIREBAR Element
FIREBAR Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 3-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Applications: Process Water, Ethylene Glycol (50%)
45 W/in2 30 6.1 CFPNF13G27 5 217 (99)
Steel Tank 37.5 6.1 CFPNF16A27 5 220 (100)
15-Incoloy® 45 6.1 CFPNF18G27 5 223 (102)
(7 W/cm2) 60 6.1 CFPNF22R27 5 CFPNF22R28 5 226 (103)

Circulation Heaters
75 6.2 CFPNF27R27 5 CFPNF27R28 5 232 (106)
90 6.2 CFPNF32R27 5 CFPNF32R28 5 236 (107)
120 6.3 CFPNF42G28 5 304 (138)
150 6.3 CFPNF51R28 5 314 (143)
Applications: Cooking Oils, Ethylene Glycol (100%)
30 W/in2➂ 25 6.1 CFPNF16J12 5 CFPNF16J13 5 220 (100)
Steel Tank 32 6.1 CFPNF19J12 5 CFPNF19J13 5 223 (102)
15-Incoloy® 42 6.1 CFPNF24J12 5 CFPNF24J13 5 226 (103)
(4.7 W/cm2) 52 6.2 CFPNF30A12 5 CFPNF30A13 5 232 (106)
64 6.2 CFPNF35A12 5 CFPNF35A13 5 236 (107)
85 6.3 CFPNF45J12 5 CFPNF45J13 5 304 (138)
110 6.3 CFPNF56A13 5 314 (143)
Applications: Heat Transfer Oils, Mineral Oil, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➃ 19 6.1 CFPNF16J20 5 220 (100)
Steel Tank 24 6.1 CFPNF19J20 5 223 (102)
15-Incoloy® 32 6.1 CFPNF24J20 5 CFPNF24J19 5 226 (103)
(3.6 W/cm2) 40 6.2 CFPNF30A20 5 CFPNF30A19 5 232 (106)
48 6.2 CFPNF35A20 5 CFPNF35A19 5 236 (107)
64 6.3 CFPNF45J20 5 CFPNF45J19 5 304 (138)
80 6.3 CFPNF56A20 5 CFPNF56A19 5 314 (143)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Lube Oils, Liquid Paraffin
15 W/in2➂ 10 6.1 CFPNF13G29 5 217 (99)
Steel Tank 12.5 6.1 CFPNF16A29 5 220 (100)
15-Incoloy® 15 6.1 CFPNF18G29 5 223 (102)
(2.3 W/cm2) 20 6.1 CFPNF22R29 5 CFPNF22R30 5 226 (103)
25 6.2 CFPNF27R29 5 CFPNF27R30 5 232 (106)
30 6.2 CFPNF32R29 5 CFPNF32R30 5 236 (107)
40 6.3 CFPNF42G29 5 CFPNF42G30 5 304 (138)
50 6.3 CFPNF51R29 5 CFPNF51R30 5 314 (143)
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils, Asphalt
8 W/in2➂ 6.3 6.1 CFPNF16J22 5 220 (100)
Steel Tank 8.1 6.1 CFPNF19J22 5 223 (102)
15-Incoloy® 10.6 6.1 CFPNF24J22 5 CFPNF24J21 5 226 (103)
(1.3 W/cm2) 13.1 6.2 CFPNF30A22 5 CFPNF30A21 5 232 (106)
16 6.2 CFPNF35A22 5 CFPNF35A21 5 236 (107)
21.3 6.3 CFPNF45J22 5 CFPNF45J21 5 304 (138)
26 6.3 CFPNF56A22 5 CFPNF56A21 5 314 (143)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
unless otherwise noted. ➃ Wired for higher voltage.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 388

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
8" Flange Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
1 2"
Ref 7 13/16" No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
14 11/16" 2 / NPT Inlet & Outlet (198 mm)
(373 mm) B 7.1 473⁄16 (1199) 24 11⁄16 (627) 21 3⁄16 (538)
6 9/16" 3 4" 7.2 553⁄16 (1402) 32 11⁄16 (830) 29 3⁄16 (741)
(167 mm) / - 10 UNC Thread
(4 places) 3/4" (19 mm) deep 7.3 623⁄16 (1580) 39 11⁄16 (1008) 36 3⁄16 (919)
7 5/8"
(194 mm) 7.4 69 13⁄16 (1773) 47 5⁄16 (1202) 43 13⁄16 (1113)
10 3/4"
(273 mm)
7.5 79 5⁄16 (2014) 56 13⁄16 (1443) 53 5⁄16 (1354)
7.6 88 5⁄16 (2243) 65 13⁄16 (1672) 62 5⁄16 (1583)
1 2"
7.7 98 5⁄16 (2497) 75 13⁄16 (1926) 72 5⁄16 (1837)
(2 places) / NPT
14 1/2" C 3 1/2" 5 3/4"
(368 mm) (89 mm) (146 mm)
1 2" Ref

8" 150 lb ANSI Flange— WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Application: Clean Water
60 W/in2 50 7.1 CFRC721N3➁ 3 CFRC721N11 3 CFRC721N5 2 340 (155)
Steel Tank 75 7.2 CFRC729N3➁ 6 CFRC729N5➁ 2 360 (164)
18-Copper 100 7.3 CFRC737E3➁ 6 CFRC737E5 3 385 (175)
(9.3 W/cm2) 125 7.4 CFRC745E3➁ 6 CFRC745E5➁ 3 410 (186)
150 7.5 CFRC752N5➁ 6 440 (200)
175 7.6 CFRC760N5➁ 6 465 (211)
200 7.7 CFRC768E5➁ 6 510 (232)

Application: Process Water

48 W/in2➄ 50 7.2 CFRN725N3➁ 3 CFRN725N11➁ 3 CFRN725N5➁ 2 350 (159)
Steel Tank 75 7.3 CFRN735N3➁ 6 CFRN735N5➁ 2 380 (173)
18-Incoloy® 100 7.4 CFRN744E3 6 CFRN744E5 3 410 (186)
(7.5 W/cm2) 125 7.5 CFRN754M3➁ 6 CFRN754M5➁ 6 445 (202)
150 7.6 CFRN763M5➁ 6 490 (223)
175 7.7 CFRN773D5 6 530 (241)
200 7.7 CFRN782M5➁ 6 560 (254)
48 W/in2 67 7.2 CFRN726D3X➁ 4 CFRN726D11X➁ 3 CFRN726D5X➁ 2 358 (163)
Steel Tank 100 7.3 CFRN736D3X➁ 8 CFRN736D5X➁ 4 392 (178)
24-Incoloy® 133 7.4 CFRN744M3X➁ 8 CFRN744M5X➁ 4 425 (193)
(7.5 W/cm2) 167 7.5 CFRN754M3X➁ 8 CFRN754M5X➁ 8 463 (210)
200 7.6 CFRN763M5X➁ 8 511 (232)
233 7.7 CFRN773D5X 8 554 (252)
267 7.7 CFRN782M5X➁ 8 587 (267)

Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions

23 W/in2➄➅ 30 7.2 CFRNA32N10➁ 3 CFRNA32N3➁ 2 CFRNA32N11➁ 2 CFRNA32N5➁ 1 370 (168)
Steel Tank 40 7.3 CFRNA43E3➁ 3 CFRNA43E11➁ 2 CFRNA43E5➁ 2 410 (186)
18-Incoloy® 50 7.4 CFRNA51M3➁ 3 CFRNA51M11 3 CFRNA51M5 2 440 (200)
(3.6 W/cm2)
23 W/in2 40 7.2 CFRNA33D10X➁ 4 CFRNA33D3X➁ 4 CFRNA33D11X➁ 2 CFRNA33D5X➁ 2 382 (174)
Steel Tank 53 7.3 CFRNA43M3X➁ 4 CFRNA43M11X➁ 3 CFRNA43M5X➁ 2 425 (193)
24-Incoloy® 67 7.4 CFRNA51M3X➁ 4 CFRNA51M11X➁ 3 CFRNA51M5X➁ 2 457 (207)
(3.6 W/cm2)
All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➁ Standard ➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the
unless otherwise noted. ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and original kW and watt density
Availability operated at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to (3-phase only).
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days produce 1⁄3 more kW and watt density.
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only
Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 389


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
8" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element
WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits 1-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils

23 W/in2 30.0 7.2 CFRS732N10➁ 3 CFRS732N3➁ 2 CFRS732N11➁ 2 CFRS732N5➁ 1 370 (168)
Steel Tank 40.0 7.3 CFRS743E3➁ 3 CFRS743E11➁ 2 CFRS743E5 2 410 (186)
18-Steel 50.0 7.4 CFRS751M3 3 CFRS751M11 3 CFRS751M5 2 440 (200)
(3.6 W/cm2) 60.0 7.5 CFRS762D3➁ 6 CFRS762D11➁ 3 CFRS762D5➁ 2 480 (218)

Circulation Heaters
70.0 7.6 CFRS770M3➁ 6 CFRS770M11 6 CFRS770M5 2 530 (241)
80.0 7.7 CFRS779M3➁ 6 CFRS779M5➁ 3 610 (277)
23 W/in2 40.0 7.2 CFRS733D10X➁ 4 CFRS733D3X➁ 4 CFRS733D11X➁ 2 CFRS733D5X➁ 2 382 (174)
Steel Tank 53.0 7.3 CFRS743M3X➁ 4 CFRS743M11X➁ 3 CFRS743M5X➁ 2 425 (193)
24-Steel 67.0 7.4 CFRS751M3X➁ 4 CFRS751M11X➁ 3 CFRS751M5X➁ 2 457 (208)
(3.6 W/cm2) 80.0 7.5 CFRS762D3X➁ 8 CFRS762D11X➁ 4 CFRS762D5X➁ 4 461 (209)
93.0 7.6 CFRS770M3X➁ 8 CFRS770M11X➁ 6 CFRS770M5X➁ 4 554 (252)
107.0 7.7 CFRS779M3X➁ 8 CFRS779M5X➁ 4 636 (289)

Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin

16 W/in2➂ 17.0 7.2 CFRN725N12➁ 1 CFRN725N13➁ 1 350 (159)
Steel Tank 25.0 7.3 CFRN735N12➁ 2 CFRN735N13➁ 1 380 (173)
18-Incoloy® 33.0 7.4 CFRN744E12➁ 2 CFRN744E13 1 410 (186)
(2.6 W/cm2) 42.0 7.5 CFRN754M12➁ 3 CFRN754M13➁ 2 445 (202)
50.0 7.6 CFRN763M13➁ 2 490 (223)
58.0 7.7 CFRN773D13 2 530 (241)
67.0 7.7 CFRN782M13➁ 2 560 (254)
16 W/in2 23.0 7.2 CFRN726D12X➁ 2 CFRN726D13X➁ 1 358 (163)
Steel Tank 33.0 7.3 CFRN736D12X➁ 2 CFRN736D13X➁ 1 392 (178)
24-Incoloy® 44.0 7.4 CFRN744M12X➁ 4 CFRN744M13X➁ 2 425 (193)
(2.6 W/cm2) 56.0 7.5 CFRN754M12X➁ 4 CFRN754M13X➁ 2 463 (210)
67.0 7.6 CFRN763M13X➁ 2 511 (232)
77.0 7.7 CFRN773D13X➁ 2 554 (252)
89.0 7.7 CFRN782M13X➁ 4 587 (267)

Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils

8 W/in2➂ 12.5 7.3 CFRS743E12➁ 1 CFRS743E13➁ 1 410 (186)
Steel Tank 16.5 7.4 CFRS751M12 1 CFRS751M13 1 440 (200)
18-Steel 20.0 7.5 CFRS762D12➁ 2 CFRS762D13➁ 1 480 (218)
(1.3 W/cm2) 24.0 7.6 CFRS770M12 2 CFRS770M13 1 530 (241)
27.0 7.7 CFRS779M12➁ 2 CFRS779M13➁ 1 610 (277)
8 W/in2➂ 17.0 7.3 CFRS743M12X➁ 1 CFRS743M13X➁ 1 425 (193)
Steel Tank 22.0 7.4 CFRS751M12X➁ 2 CFRS751M13X➁ 1 457 (208)
24-Steel 27.0 7.5 CFRS762D12X➁ 2 CFRS762D13X➁ 1 461 (209)
(1.3 W/cm2) 32.0 7.6 CFRS770M12X➁ 2 CFRS770M13X➁ 1 554 (252)
36.0 7.7 CFRS779M12X➁ 2 CFRS779M13X➁ 1 636 (289)

All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock ➁ Standard

unless otherwise noted. ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 390

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
10" Flange Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
8.1 76 9⁄16 (1945) 60 13⁄16 (1545) 67 9⁄16 (1716)
8.2 84 1⁄16 (2135) 68 5⁄16 (1735) 75 1⁄16 (1907)
8.3 91 3⁄16 (2316) 75 7⁄16 (1916) 82 3⁄16 (2088)
8.4 99 1⁄16 (2516) 83 5⁄16 (2116) 90 1⁄16 (2288)
8.5 106 9⁄16 (2707) 90 13⁄16 (2307) 97 9⁄16 (2478)
15 3/4" B
(400 mm)
3" Flange Inlet & Outlet 3"
7 9/16" (76 mm)
(192 mm)

12 15/16"
(329 mm) 12 7/8" (327 mm)

11 1/2" 12 1/2"
(292 mm) (318 mm) 7/8" X 2" Slot

(22 X 51 mm)
(2) 3/4" - 10
1 2"
/ NPT 1/2" (13 mm) 1" 4"
Ref C (25 mm) (100 mm)
7/8" 9"
1 1/4" X 3"
(22 mm) (229 mm)
(32 x 76 mm)
1 3/4" (44 mm)

10" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 3-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)
Application: Process Water
48 W/in2➄ 262 8.5 CFSN773E5 9 600 (273)
Steel Tank
(7.5 W/cm2)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2➄➅ 60 8.1 CFSNA43N3➁ 3 CFSNA43N5➁ 3 515 (234)
Steel Tank 75 8.2 CFSNA51N3➁ 9 CFSNA51N5 3 530 (241)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 90 8.3 CFSS762E5➁ 3 540 (245)
Steel Tank 105 8.4 CFSS770N5 3 600 (272)
27-Steel 120 8.5 CFSS778N5➁ 3 645 (293)
(3.6 W/cm2) All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock
unless otherwise noted.
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin Availability
16 W/in2➂ 75 8.3 CFSN763N13➁ 3 540 (245) Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
Steel Tank 87 8.5 CFSN773E13➁ 3 600 (273)
Truck Shipment only
(2.6 W/cm2) ➁ Standard
➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils ➄ 240VÅ(ac) can be wired wye and operated
8 W/in2➂ 30 8.3 CFSS762E12➁ 3 CFSS762E13➁ 1 540 (245) at 480VÅ(ac) 3-phase to produce 1⁄3 more
Steel Tank 35 8.4 CFSS770N12 3 CFSS770N13 1 600 (273) kW and watt density.
➅ Can be wired wye to produce 1⁄3 of the orig-
27-Steel 40 8.5 CFSS778N12➁ 3 CFSS778N13➁ 1 645 (293) inal kW and watt density
(1.3 W/cm2) (3-phase only).

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 391


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
12" Flange Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
9.1 76 7⁄8 (1953) 60 11⁄16 (1541) 67 13⁄16 (1722)
9.2 84 3⁄8 (2143) 68 3⁄16 (1732) 75 5⁄16 (1913)
9.3 91 7⁄8 (2334) 75 11⁄16 (1922) 82 13⁄16 (2103)
9.4 99 (2515) 82 13⁄16 (2103) 89 15⁄16 (2284)
9.5 106 1⁄2 (2705) 90 5⁄16 (2294) 97 7⁄16 (2475)
16 3/16" B
(411 mm) 5" Flange Inlet & Outlet
3 1/4"
7 15/16" (83 mm)

Circulation Heaters
(202 mm)

(356 mm) 14 7/8" (378 mm)

11 1/2" 12 1/2"
(292 mm) (318 mm) 7/8 X 2" Slot

(22 X 51 mm)
(2) 3/4" - 10
UNC 2B 1 2"/ NPT
1/2" (13 mm) 1" 4"
Ref C (25 mm) (100 mm)
1 1/4" X 3" 9 1/16"
(22 mm) (230 mm)
(32 X 76 mm)
1 3/4" (44 mm)

12" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 3-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Application: Process Water

48 W/in2 350 9.5 CFTN773C5 12 650 (295)
Steel Tank
(7.5 W/in2)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2 80 9.1 CFTNA43L5➁ 3 565 (257)
Steel Tank 100 9.2 CFTNA51L5 3 585 (266)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 140 9.4 CFTS770L5 4 650 (295)
Steel Tank 160 9.5 CFTS778L5➁ 4 700 (318)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 117 9.5 CFTN773C13➁ 3 650 (295)
Steel Tank
36-Incoloy® All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock
(2.6 W/cm2) unless otherwise noted.
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
Standard: 10 working days
8 W/in2➂ 47 9.4 CFTS770L12➁ 3 CFTS770L13 2 700 (318) Truck Shipment only
Steel Tank 54 9.5 CFTS778L12➁ 3 CFTS778L13➁ 2 750 (341)
(1.3 W/cm2) ➁ Standard
➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 392

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Fig. A Dimension B Dimension C Dimension
14" Flange No. in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
10.1 75 3⁄4 (1924) 59 7⁄16 (1510) 66 1⁄2 (1689)
10.2 83 1⁄4 (2115) 66 15⁄16 (1700) 74 (1880)
10.3 90 3⁄4 (2305) 74 7⁄16 (1891) 81 1⁄2 (2070)
10.4 98 1⁄4 (2496) 81 15⁄16 (2081) 89 (2261)
10.5 105 3⁄4 (2686) 89 7⁄16 (2272) 96 1⁄2 (2451)
16 5/16" B
(414 mm)
6" Flange Inlet & Outlet
5 16" 3 1/2"
7 / (89 mm)
(202 mm)

(381 mm) 16 1/8" (410 mm)

11 1/2" 12 1/2"
7/8" X 2" Slot
(292 mm) (318 mm)
(22 X 51 mm)
(2) 3/4" - 10
UNC 2B 1 2"
/ NPT 1/2" (13 mm) 1" 4"
Ref C (25 mm) (100 mm)
1 1/4" X 3" 9 1/4"
(22 mm) (32 X 76 mm) (235 mm)
1 3/4" (44 mm)

14" 150 lb ANSI Flange—WATROD Element

WATROD Code No. Est. Ship.
Description kW Fig. 240VÅ(ac) No. of 480VÅ(ac) No. of Weight
No. 3-Phase Circuits 3-Phase Circuits lbs (kg)

Application: Process Water

48 W/in2 315 10.2 CFWN754J5➁ 15 600 (273)
Steel Tank 375 10.3 CFWN763J5➁ 15 650 (295)
(7.5 W/cm2)
Applications: Forced Air and Gases, Caustic Solutions, Degreasing Solutions
23 W/in2 100 10.1 CFWNA43J5➁ 3 570 (259)
Steel Tank 125 10.2 CFWNA51J5 5 590 (268)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Lightweight Oils, Degreasing Solutions, Heat Transfer Oils
23 W/in2 150 10.3 CFWS762A5➁ 5 650 (295)
Steel Tank 175 10.4 CFWS770J5 5 700 (318)
45-Steel 200 10.5 CFWS778J5➁ 5 780 (354)
(3.6 W/cm2)
Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin
16 W/in2➂ 105 10.2 CFWN754J13➁ 3 600 (273)
Steel Tank 125 10.3 CFWN763J13➁ 5 650 (295)
45-Incoloy® All circulation heaters are Assembly Stock
(2.6 W/cm2) unless otherwise noted.
Applications: Bunker C and #6 Fuel Oils Assembly Stock: Five to seven working days
8 W/in2➂ 60 10.4 CFWS770J12➁ 3 CFWS770J13 3 700 (318) Standard: 10 working days
Truck Shipment only
Steel Tank 67 10.5 CFWS778J12➁ 5 CFWS778J13➁ 3 780 (354)
➁ Standard
(1.3 W/cm2) ➂ Must be operated 3-phase wye only.

Circulation pgs 367-393 11/22/00 1:30 PM Page 393


Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters

- -

Circulation Heater Base Code Number

General purpose (NEMA 1) terminal enclosure standard

Optional Terminal Enclosure Type

Circulation Heaters
S = General purpose with thermostat (NEMA 1)
W = Moisture resistant (NEMA 4)
E = Explosion resistant (NEMA 7)
E/W = Explosion/moisture resistant (NEMA 7/4)

Optional Thermostata or Thermocoupleb

a Thermostat code numbers shown on page 425. Check sensing bulb O.D. against thermowell I.D. to
assure proper fit. For side-mount thermostats, also assure adequate capillary tube length.
b Specify Type J or K thermocouple. If overtemp thermocouple specify orientation horizontal, vertical
up or vertical down.

How to Order If stock units do not meet your Availability

To order a stock circulation heater, application needs, Watlow can Assembly Stock: Five to seven
please specify: provide made-to-order heaters. working days
• Watlow code number Please provide: Modified Stock ➁: Five-10 working
• Volts/watts • Application (including vessel days
orientation) Standard: 10 working days
• Phase
• Volts/watts Made-to-Order: Six to eight weeks
• Flange or screw plug size
• Phase
• Tank material
• Number of circuits Options, complexity and quantity
• Options
• Watt density may affect availability and lead
• Quantity
• Sheath material and number of times. Consult factory.
If the circulation heater is to be
heating elements Replacement Heater
configured with options, add the
suffix letter(s) to the circulation • Flange or screw plug size Assemblies Only
heater base code number, as • Tank material Replacement heater assemblies
indicated on the Build-a-Code • Inlet and outlet mating type and available by ordering circulation
chart. size heater code number and specifying
• Centerline of inlet and outlet “replacement heater only.”
• Terminal enclosure type
• Options
• Quantity
➁ Assembly Stock units with catalog options.

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 394

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Booster Heaters

Booster Heaters Performance Capabilities NEMA 1

Conduit Terminal
Booster heaters are ideal for • Watt densities to 60 W/in2 Opening Enclosure
with Integral
circulating applications requiring (9.3 W/cm2) Thermostat
less kilowatts, including engine • Wattages to 3kW 4" (100 mm) 1" FNPT
preheating. O.D. Jacket Outlet Pipe
• Voltages to 480VÅ(ac)
Booster heaters are made from a
• Steel sheath temperatures to Vessel
steel or brass 11⁄4" NPT screw plug Insulation
750°F (400°C)
heater and insulated pressure
vessel with 1" FNPT inlet and outlet. • Copper sheath temperatures to
This assembly also contains an 350°F (175°C)
integral thermostat. Inlet Pipe WATROD

Features and Benefits Applications

• Dual voltages simplify stocking • Inlet and outlet nozzle • Stand by generators
and wiring. connections are one inch FNPT • Peak power trimming generators
• Carbon steel, standard pipe fittings welded to the vessel. • Mobile generator sets
wall vessel is compatible with • General purpose (NEMA 1)
many applications. • Earth-moving equipment
terminal enclosure protects
• One inch thick (25 mm) fiber- terminals and thermostat. • Water heaters
glass thermal insulation, rated • Integral thermostat controls • Lightweight oils
to 750°F (400°C), reduces heat process temperatures from:
60° to 160°F (15° to 70°C)
• Steel jacket (shroud) is fully on copper sheath elements
welded and painted to protect
175° to 550°F (80° to 290°C) on
thermal insulation. steel sheath elements

Terminal Enclosure
General purpose (NEMA 1) terminal protect wiring and thermostat from For explosion resistant (NEMA 7)
enclosures with integral thermostats liquid contaminants. To order, add and explosion/moisture resistant
are supplied on all Watlow booster the suffix letter W to the booster (NEMA 7/4) terminal enclosures,
heaters. Optional moisture resistant heater base code number. see Screw Plug Immersion
(NEMA 4) terminal enclosures Heaters, pages 322 to 324.

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 395


Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters
Booster Heaters

Est. Ship.
Description Code No. Weight 3 4" 45/8"
kW Phase 120/240VÅ(ac) lbs (kg) Conduit Opening (117 mm)
Application: Aqueous Solutions Removable 313/16"
Terminal Cover (97 mm)
60 W/in2 1.5 1 CBEC8G6 18 (8.2)
Brass Plug 2.0 1 CBEC10F6 18 (8.2) 615/16"
(176 mm)

Circulation Heaters
2-Copper 2.5 1 CBEC12F6 18 (8.2)
(9.3 W/cm2) 3.0 1 CBEC15A6X 18 (8.2) Outlet
Application: Lightweight Oils
23 W/in2 0.5 1 CBES7G6 18 (8.2)
4" Outside 2015/16"
Steel Plug 0.75 1 CBES10B6 18 (8.2) Diameter (532 mm)
2- Steel 1.0 1 CBES12P6 18 (8.2)
(3.6 W/cm2) 14"
(356 mm)
All units are Assembly Stock
For optional housing adders use circulation heater adders.
Assembly Stock: Five to seven days
Inlet 1" FNPT

How to Order If our Assembly Stock units do not Availability

To order a booster heater, please meet your application needs, Assembly Stock: Five to seven
specify: Watlow can provide a made-to-order working days
unit. For made-to-order units, con-
• Watlow code number Modified Stock➀: Five to seven
sult your Watlow representative and
• Volts/watts working days
provide the following information:
• Options Made-to-Order: Six to eight weeks
• Application
• Quantity Options, complexity and quantity
• Volts/watts
may affect availability and lead
If the booster heater requires an • Watt density times. Consult factory.
optional NEMA 4 terminal
enclosure, add the suffix letter W • Phase
to the base code number. • Terminal enclosure type
• Options
• Quantity
➀ Assembly Stock units with catalog options.

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 396

Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Engine Preheaters
Watlow engine preheaters help Features and Benefits
maintain a desired minimum engine • Incoloy® sheath minimizes the
temperature to make starting fast risk of premature failure in the
and easy. Also reduces engine wear event of a dry-fire condition.
caused by cold engine starting. • Integral, prewired adjustable
Engine preheaters mount thermostat, mounted in a general
conveniently on an engine or rail. purpose (NEMA 1) terminal
The internal thermostat constantly enclosure provides a ready-to-
adjusts to ambient temperature install unit.
changes to keep engine coolant • Easy installation with standard,
warm at all times. one inch (25 mm) diameter
An internal tank temperature sensor beaded inlet and outlet nozzles.
protects Watlow engine preheaters Rubber hose connections • Integral check valve assures
from dry fire conditions caused by eliminate the need for threaded proper coolant flow and correct
low coolant levels or blocked flow. fittings and adapters. thermostat operation. Check
Installation is easy with just two • 120/240VÅ(ac) or 240/480VÅ(ac) valve will not interfere with
mounting bolts, and inlet and outlet dual voltages make field wiring adequate thermo-siphoning.
hose connections. flexible. Minimizes stocking • UL® and CSA component
Performance Capabilities multiple voltages. recognition under file numbers
• Watt densities from 45 to 90 W/in2 • Mounting bracket isolates E52951 and 31388 respectively.
(7 to 14 W/cm2) harmful engine vibration. See pages 268 to 271 for details.
• Up to 6 kW • Heavy-duty welded carbon steel Applications
• UL® and CSA component tank resists corrosion and • Standby generators
recognition to 480VÅ(ac) and extends life. • Primary power generators
600VÅ(ac) respectively. • Optional oil pressure • Firepump engines
• Thermostatically controlled from interconnect switch disrupts
60 to 160°F (15 to 70°C) power during engine operation.
• Incoloy® sheath temperatures to
1600°F (870°C)

Terminal Enclosures
The following terminal enclosures • Explosion resistant (NEMA 7) Order by adding the suffix letter W
are available: class 1, groups C and D. (NEMA 4) or E (NEMA 7) to the
• Standard, general purpose For class 1, group B enclosures, engine preheater base code
(NEMA 1) consult your Watlow number.
• Moisture resistant (NEMA 4)

Threaded Nozzles
Carbon steel threaded inlets and typically supplied for firepump
outlets are available for installations applications. To order, specify
using rigid piping or threaded threaded nozzles and NPT size.
adapters. Threaded nozzles are

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 397


Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters
Engine Preheaters
Application Hints
• Mount engine preheaters in • Estimate kilowatt requirements English
horizontal position only (as shown with the following formula. First Cubic inches X 3 = estimated wattage
in Figures #1, #2 and #3). Consult determine the engine
your Watlow representative if displacement, then multiply:
Liters X 183 = estimated wattage
vertical mounting is unavoidable.
• Mount the heater near or below 1/4"- 20 Mounting Bolts
the lowest point on the engine Outlet Nozzle Vibration
Sized for 1" I.D. Isolator Bushings
block. Keep outlet nozzle pointed

Circulation Heaters
(25 mm) hose Mounting Slots
(2) Mounting Studs
up, as indicated on the tank.

WATROD Heating Element Check Valve Inlet Nozzle

Thermowell Sized for 1" I.D.
(25 mm) hose
NEMA 1 Terminal Enclosure

Figure 1 (4) Mounting Slots 9/32" X 3/4" 33/4"

(7 mm X 19 mm) (95 mm)
31/8" 63/16" 2" (50 mm)
(162 mm) (79 mm) (157 mm)

23/16" (56 mm) 1" (25 mm)

Up Outlet 21/4" (57 mm)

Ref. Diameter
(4) 1/4-20
5 8"
Bolts, 5/8"
4 / 11/2" (38 mm) (16 mm) 45/8"
(117 mm) Threaded (117 mm)
Overall Length ±3/8" (10 mm) Length

Overall Code No. Est. Ship.

kW Length 120/240VÅ(ac) 208VÅ(ac) 240/480VÅ(ac) Weight
Inch (mm) 1-Phase 1-Phase 1-Phase lbs (kg)
Application: Ethylene Glycol/Engine Coolant
1.13 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPL2S12➀ 12 (6)
1.50 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPB6S12 CPBPB2S12➀ 12 (6)
1.69 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPM2S12➀ 12 (6)
1.88 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPN2S12➀ 12 (6)
2.00 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPC6S12 12 (6)
2.25 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPD6S12 12 (6)
2.25 26 11⁄16 (678) CPBPD2S12➀ 15 (7)
2.50 20 7⁄8 (530) CPBPE6S12 12 (6)
3.00 26 11⁄16 (678) CPBPF2S12➀ CPBPF7S12 15 (7)
3.75 26 11⁄16 (678) CPBPG2S12➀ 15 (7)
4.00 26 11⁄16 (678) CPBPH7S12 15 (7)
5.00 26 11⁄16 (678) CPBPJ7S12➀ 15 (7)

All preheaters are Stock unless ➀ Standard

otherwise noted.
Stock: Same day shipment
Standard: Four weeks

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 398

Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters (4) Mounting Slots 9/32" X 3/4"

(7 mm X 19 mm) 33/4"
Engine Preheaters 63/8" 31/8" 63/16" (95 mm)
(162 mm) (79 mm) (157 mm) 2" (50 mm)
Figure 2
215/16" (75 mm) 1" (25 mm)

Up Outlet Inlet 31/2" (89 mm)

Ref. Diameter (4) 1/4-20
Bolts, 5/8"
(16 mm)
4 5/8" Length 4 5/8"
(117 mm) 11/2" (38 mm) (117 mm)
Overall Length ±3/8" (10 mm)

Overall Code No. Est. Ship.

kW Length 277VÅ(ac) 480VÅ(ac) Weight
Inch (mm) 1-Phase 3-Phase lbs (kg)
Application: Ethylene Glycol/Engine Coolant
1.5 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPB4S12➀ CPCPB13S12➀ 12 (6)
2.0 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPC4S12➀ CPCPC13S12➀ 12 (6)
2.5 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPE4S12➀ CPCPE13S12➀ 12 (6)
3.75 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPG4S12➀ CPCPG13S12➀ 12 (6)
4.0 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPH4S12➀ CPCPH13S12 12 (6)
5.0 20 7⁄8 (530) CPCPJ4S12➀ CPCPJ13S12 12 (6)

Figure 3 (4) Mounting Slots 9/32" X 3/4"

63/8" 31/8" (7 mm X 19 mm) 43/8" 11/2"
(162 mm) (79 mm) (111 mm)
2" (50 mm) (38 mm)

21/4" 1" (25 mm)

Up Outlet Inlet (57mm)
Ref. Diameter

4 5/8" 11/2" (38 mm) (4) 1/4-20 Bolts,

(117 mm) 5/8" (16 mm)
Overall Length ±3/8" (10 mm) 45/8"
Threaded Length (117 mm)

Overall Code No. Est. Ship. All preheaters are stock unless otherwise
kW Length 120/240VÅ(ac) 208VÅ(ac) Weight noted.
Inch (mm) 1-Phase 1-Phase lbs (kg) Availability
Application: Ethylene Glycol/Engine Coolant Stock: Same day shipment
Standard: Four weeks
0.75 15 5⁄8 (397) CPBPK2S12➀ 9 (4) ➀ Standard
1.0 15 5⁄8 (397) CPBPA6S12➀ 9 (4)

How to Order provide a made-to-order unit. For Availability

To order a Stock, or Standard made-to-order units, provide the Stock: Same day shipment
engine preheater, please specify: following information: Modified Stock➁: Five to seven
• Code number • Volts/watts working days
• Volts/watts • Phase Standard: Four weeks
• Phase • Inlet and outlet type and size Made-to-Order: Six to eight weeks
• Options • Terminal enclosure type Options, complexity and quantity
• Quantity • Mounting orientation may affect availability and lead
If our Stock units do not meet your • Options times. Consult factory.
application needs, Watlow will • Quantity
➁ Stock units with catalog options.

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 399


Tubular and
Process Assemblies
Circulation Heaters
Pipe Insert Heaters
Pipe insert immersion heaters Fill
Expansion Tank (OPT)
permit removing and servicing the
heater bundle without draining the Storage Tank
liquid being heated.
Heating is accomplished by Vent
mounting a flange or screw plug
immersion heater inside a pressure-
tight bayonet pipe vessel. The pipe
vessel then mates to a flange

Circulation Heaters
connection on a storage tank’s side.
Heat transfer between element(s) Drain
and tank contents is accomplished Flange
by heating the air or heat transfer Bayonet Vessel
fluid inside the bayonet pipe for
conduction to the tank’s contents.
Performance Capabilities
• Wattages to 100kW • Carbon steel, 304 and 316 Applications
• Voltages to 600VÅ(ac) stainless steel bayonet vessels • Indirect heating of viscous fluids:
• Ratings to 600 lb pressure class offer compatibility with a wide Asphalt
• Incoloy® sheath temperatures to range of liquids.
1400°F (760°C) • Welded flange on pipe vessel
ensures pressure seal.
• Stainless steel sheath Syrup
temperatures to 1200°F (650°C) • Heating element support(s)
ensure proper element spacing Glue
• Steel sheath temperatures to
and maximum heater • Corrosive liquids
750°F (400°C)
performance. • Degreasing fluids
Features and Benefits
• Heat transfer fluid fill/drain and
• Low watt density screw plug or vent couplings ease installation
flange heaters, mounted in the and maintenance.
bayonet vessel, provide long life.

Pipe insert heaters can be supplied • CSA certified terminal enclosures For descriptions and ordering
with a variety of options, including: • Stand-off terminal enclosures information about these options,
• Appropriate gasket materials please refer to Flange Immersion
• Thermocouple temperature
• Passivation cleaning on pipe Heaters, pages 340 to 343, or
insert Screw Plug Immersion Heaters,
• Thermostats pages 322 to 326.
• European screw plug to flange • Customer specified materials,
adapters sizes and pressure class ratings

Flanges to 24 inches nominal pipe needs. For information on flange
size are available in materials materials and ratings, consult your
compatible with specific application Watlow representative.

Circulation pgs 394-400 11/22/00 10:52 AM Page 400

Tubular and
Process Assemblies F.O.B.: Hannibal, Missouri

Circulation Heaters
Pipe Insert Heaters
Bayonet Vessels
Bayonet vessels are available up to requirement and element watt
14 inches nominal pipe size and density. For more information,
20 feet long. Vessel size is please consult your Watlow
dependent upon the kW representative.

Application Hints
• Mount pipe insert heater conduct heat from the elements • For pipe insert heater assemblies
horizontally. to the bayonet vessel. Consult employing heat transfer fluid, use
• Locate pipe insert heaters low in your Watlow representative for an expansion tank. This will allow
the tank, but above the sludge recommendations. for fluid expansion and
level. contraction during heater cycling.
• Select a watt density that’s
• Consider a low liquid level sensor compatible with the heat transfer • Insulate the pipe insert heater’s
to protect against low liquid level media being used. exterior to minimize heat loss.
conditions. • Use a sheath high-limit sensing
• Select the proper heat transfer device inside the bayonet vessel
media (air or fluid) to adequately to protect against element
over-heating. Caution:
Do not insulate the terminal

How to Order Availability

All pipe insert heaters are made-to- • Maximum bayonet length beyond Made-to-Order: Six to eight weeks
order. To order, please specify: the storage tank mating flange Options, complexity and quantity
• Application • Dimension from heater flange to may affect availability and lead
• Volts/watts inside of storage tank wall times. Consult factory.
• Phase • Terminal enclosure type
• Number of circuits • Options
• Bayonet vessel material • Quantity
• Storage tank mating flange size


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