Kangaroo Mother Care
Kangaroo Mother Care
Kangaroo Mother Care
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE : Student has some knowledge regarding kangaroo mother care
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: - At the end of the teaching the participant will be able to
Define KMC .
State two types of KMC.
Identify babies eligible for KMC.
List the advantages to the mother and baby/family health worker and nation.
Discuss the problems and its solution to use KMC .
Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) has 4 Lecture cum LCD What are the four
4 min parts: discussion parts of KMC ?
Cultural barriers, e.g., grandmothers may
not accept the method. In some traditions,
the babies are separated from their mothers
and the granny takes care of the baby during
the first weeks. Also, babies are usually
carried on the back rather than in front.
Educate mothers, grandmothers and others
in the community regarding importance of
keeping the mother and newborn baby
Model and support the KMC unit in the
Have providers from local facilities give
community education talks about KMC.
Relatives, neighbors, and other members of
the community may laugh at the mother who
is practicing KMC.
Conduct awareness campaigns and model
KMC within the community.
Obtain support for KMC from leaders and
well-known people; have these people
promote KMC.
Noncompliance of mothers and health staff.
Mothers may be concerned about
suffocating the baby while sleeping with the
baby in the KMC position.
Reassure mothers that if the baby is secured
in the proper KMC position while the
mother is sleeping, there is no risk of
smothering; it is actually very safe. It has
been observed that maintaining KMC while
in a reclined or semi-recumbent position
may actually reduce the risk of apnea for the
baby. There is no known experience of any
baby being smothered while in the KMC
Kangaroo mother care is a technique which is used for the care of infant who is low birth
weight .This method is totally inexpensive . this consist of four parts : skin to skin
contact ,exclusive breast feeding ,support to the mother and baby ,early discharge and
follow up. there are some criteria which is useful for KMC such as ,status of mother and
baby low birth weight baby ,willingness of mother. There are many benefits of KMC for
mother ,baby ,family ,health facility and nation .position of KMC are explained . there
are many problems are also associated with breast feeding for mother and baby .
At the end of this class room teaching the students will gain knowledge about the topic
kangaroo mother care. they will able to teach the mother and family members about the
advantage of breast feeding and the position of the KMC . at the end of this teaching I
would like to thank all the students and teacher for supporting me during my teaching.