Health Talk On Kangaroo Mother Care
Health Talk On Kangaroo Mother Care
Health Talk On Kangaroo Mother Care
• Previous knowledge of the group: The group has some knowledge regarding KMC.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: After the health talk, the group will gain more knowledge and develop desirable skill regarding KMC.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of health talk, group will be able to-
define Kangaroo Mother Care.
enlist components of KMC.
discuss prerequisites of KMC.
explain benefits of KMC.
describe requirements of KMC implementation.
enlist eligibility criteria for KMC.
discuss preparation for KMC.
explain KMC procedure.
identify time of initiation of KMC.
describe duration of KMC.
explain about discontinuation of KMC.
discuss about post discharge follow up.
S.No. Time Specific Content Teaching AV-Aid Evaluation
Objective Learning
1. 1 min To introduce SELF INTRODUCTION - - -
self. Good afternoon, everyone.
Myself Archita Sharma student of MSc. Nursing 1st year of Sister
Nivedita Govt. Nursing College, IGMC, Shimla.
Today I am standing in front of you to give health talk on Kangaroo
Mother Care.
7. 1 min To explain the REQUIREMENTS OF KMC IMPLEMENTATION Lecture cum - What are the
requirements of Training of doctors, nurses and other staff in KMC Discussion requirements of
KMC especially who are involved in care of mother and baby. KMC
implementation. Educational material like information booklet, pamphlets, implementation ?
poster, video film on KMC on local language.
Reclining chairs or beds with adjustable backrest or pillow
or ordinary chair.
No extra staff is required.
8. 3 min To tell about the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR KMC Lecture cum Flashcards What is the
eligibility For baby: Discussion eligibility criteria
criteria for for KMC?
• All stable low birth weight babies are eligible for KMC. It is
particularly useful for caring LBW infants weighing below
2000 gm.
• In a stable baby, KMC can be initiated soon after birth.
• KMC should be started after baby is haemodynamically
9. 2 min To explain the PREPARATION FOR KMC Lecture cum - What are the
preparation for preparations to be
KMC. 1. Counseling: Discussion made for KMC?
Explain benefits of KMC to mothers and their family.
Demonstrate procedure to mother gently with patience.
Answer the questions as asked by mother and family to
remove anxiety.
Allow mother to interact with someone who have already
practicing KMC for her baby.
Discus about procedures to mother in law, husband and any
other member of family.
2. Mother’s clothing:
11. 1 min To tell the time TIME OF INITIATION OF KMC Lecture cum Leaflets What is the time
of initiation of KMC should be initiated gradually with a smooth transition Discussion for initiation of
KMC. from conventional care to continue KMC. KMC?
KMC can be started as soon as the baby is stable.
Short KMC session can be initiated during recovery with
ongoing medical treatment.
KMC can be provided while baby is with gavage feeding.
12. 3 min To tell the DURATION OF KMC Lecture cum - What is the
duration of Duration should not be less than one hour to avoid frequent Discussion duration of
KMC. handling which may be stressful to baby. KMC?
Gradually length of KMC sessions should be increased up to
24 hours a day.
KMC should be continued in postnatal ward and home.
When mother is not available then other family member such
as father, grandmother can provide KMC.
Can mother continue KMC during sleep and rest
4. Mother can sleep with baby in KMC position in semi
recumbent position about 15 -30 degree above the ground.
A comfortable chair with adjustable back may be useful to
provide KMC during sleep and rest.
Adjustable bed or several pillows or an ordinary bed can be
used to maintain position which decreases risk of apnea of
Supporting garments can be used to carry the baby in
kangaroo position during sleep and rest.
Father and family members can provide KMC to relieve
mother during rest.
13. 2 min To tell about DISCONTINUATION OF KMC Lecture cum - When is KMC to
when to KMC can be continued until the baby gains weight around Discussion be discontinued ?
discontinue 2500 gm or reaches 40 weeks of post conception age.
KMC. KMC can be discontinued if baby starts wriggling to show
discomfort and pulls limbs out, cries every time when mother
tries to put the baby back into skin contact.
When mother and baby are comfortable, KMC can be
continued as long as possible at health facility or at home.
Mother can provide skin to skin contact occasionally after the
baby bath and during cold nights.
14. 1 min To tell about POST DISCHARGE FOLLOW UP Lecture cum - Discuss about
Post discharge In general a baby is followed up once or twice a week till Discussion post discharge
follow up. baby reaches 2.5-3 kg of weight. follow up.
There after a follow up once in 2-4 weeks may be
sufficient till 3 months of post conceptual age.
Kangaroo mother care is a special way of caring low birth weight infants by skin-to-skin contact. Two basic components of KMC are skin to skin
contact and exclusive breast feeding. Support to the mother and post discharge follow up are the prerequisites of KMC. KMC provides effective
thermal control and reduces risk of hypothermia. KMC results in increased duration and rate of breast feeding.
Book References:
- Dutta Parul , Pediatric Nursing , 2nd Edition 2009, Jaypee Brother Medical Publication ; New Delhi
- Ghai O.P. , Essential Pediatrics , 5th Edition 2003 ,Mehta Publishers ; New Delhi
- Jacob Annamma. ”A Comprehensive Textbook of Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing”. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publication.
Third Edition. PP 600603, 213-215.
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