Dynamics Q Sample 2016
Dynamics Q Sample 2016
Dynamics Q Sample 2016
Instructions: Complete the following five problems worth 20 points each. No material
other than a calculator and pen/pencil can be used in the exam. A passing grade is
approximately 70 points. If you do not understand something, make reasonable
assumptions and state them clearly. This will be considered in the grading.
Moment of Mass for Homogeneous
of Inertia SolidsSolids
for Homogeneous
(Also called Mass Moment of Inertia)
Second Moment of Mass
Laplace Transform Tables
Problem 1: Consider the piston-crank system shown below. The mass of the piston is
1.5 kg and it is constrained to move linearly in the direction shown. The angular speed of
the crank AB is a constant 5.30 rad/sec in the direction shown.
ωAB rD/B
(a) In the position shown, calculate the angular velocity (magnitude and direction) of
link BD and the velocity of the piston.
(b) Find the force on link BD assuming that the link BD has negligible mass/inertia.
Problem 2: An engineer at the National Institute of Standards and technology (NIST) is
testing a new device to measure the static friction coefficient between two materials. Her
device operates as follows: (1) A sample of one of the materials to be tested is mounted
by strong epoxy to a rotating disk to form a slip-surface as shown; (2) a sample of mass m
of the second material is placed on the slip-surface at a known distance L from the center
of rotation; (3) the rotary table is accelerated from zero angular speed at a rate of α
rad/sec2; (4) the angular speed ωslip at which slipping first occurs is recorded.
(a) Find the mathematical relationship between the static friction coefficient µs and
the other parameters α, ωslip and m and the acceleration of gravity g.
(b) Sketch on the diagram below the direction you would observe the block to
initially slip relative to the surface of the disk. (Hint: think very carefully about
the components of the acceleration and the conditions under which slipping will
occur. Consider limiting cases of very high and very low α and ω.)
Problem 3: A uniform door of mass 20 kg can be treated as a uniform plate having the
dimensions shown. If it is connected to a torsional spring at A which has a stiffness of 80
N-m/rad, determine the required initial twist in the spring in radians so that the door has
an angular velocity of 12 rad/sec when it closes at θ=0o after being opened to θ=90o and
released from rest. (Hint: For a torsional spring M=kθ where k is the stiffness and θ is the
angle of twist.)
Problem 4: The motions of a violin string can be modeled as a string stretched between
two walls as shown below in Figure 1(a). The string has a constant tension T and a mass
per unit length γ. The displacement of the string at any time t is given is y(x,t). If the
motions are assumed to be small the tension in the string remains constant (T) and the
equations of motion for the string can be derived by considering the differential element
shown in Figure 1(b).
Figure: (a) Diagram of a vibrating string stretched between two walls; (b) a differential
element of the string of length dx.
(a) Assuming small motions write down the approximate relationship between the
angle of the string θ(x,t) and the displacement of the string y(x,t).
(b) Using a first order Taylor series expansion with dx as the small variable, write
down an approximate relation for θ(x+dx,t) in terms of y(x,t).
(c) Assuming small motions and ignoring gravity, apply Netwon’s second law
(ΣF=ma) to the differential element in Figure (b) to obtain the equation of motion
for the string. Hint: (1) ΣF is the sum of the forces on the element; (2) the mass of
the differential element dm is the length dx multiplied by the mass per unit length
γ ; and (3) the acceleration is a = ∂ 2 y ∂t 2 .
(d) Discuss in general how to solve the equation of motion for the vibrating string.
What are the boundary conditions? What happens if the guitarist increases the
tension in the string – show the effect mathematically and describe what happens
in words?
Poblem 5: The 30 kg electric motor shown below is supported by four springs each
having a stiffness of 200 N/m. If the rotor is imbalanced so that its effect is equivalent to
a 4 kg mass located 60 mm from the axis of rotation. The non-dimensional damping ratio
of the system is ζ=0.15 (ζ=c/(2(km)½).
(a) Determine the amplitude of vibration when the rotor is turning at 95.5 revolutions
per minute (RPM).
(b) A new technician arrives on Monday morning and gets a shock as he ramps the
motor speed up from rest to a final speed of 150 RPM in ten seconds. What does
the technician observe? Give some quantitative estimates of what ocurs and
discuss the most major limitation of your analysis.