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QB - Fem (U1 & U2) PDF

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1. State the situations in which FEM is preferred over other methods?

2. Compare FEM and FDM based on the advantages of FEM?

3. State the principle of virtual work.

4. A solid bar is subject to uniform surface traction. Write down the governing
differential equation.

5. Explain the steps involved in finite element methods.

6. What the h and p - versions of finite element method?

7. Distinguish between Rayleigh-Ritz method and Finite difference method.

8. What is meant by a shape function? Write down the shape functions for a two
noded bar element.

9. What is weighting function?

10. What is the difference between FDM and FEM?

11. Distinguish between the two approximate methods:

a) Finite difference method

b) Finite element method.

12. What is meant by stiffness and flexibility matrices? and what do they signify?
13. State whether TRUE or FALSE: (a) The finite element method can be used for
the solution of physical problems when analytical solutions are not available. (b)
The finite method can be used for problems in which material behavior is non-

14. Write down the governing differential equation for a bar subject to surface
traction in the axial direction.

15. List the different types of weighted residual methods.

16. In the structural analysis of a beam using an approximate method, when would
the approximate solution approach the exact value?

17. What is a convergence criterion?

18. Differentiate between a structural & non- structural problem.

19. Briefly discuss about convergence in FEM.

20. List the types of approximate methods in structural Analysis


1. a) The following differential equation in available for a physical phenomenon

ⅆ2 y
+ y = 4x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Boundary conditions are, y (0) =0 and y (1)=0. obtain
one term approximate solution by Galerkin's method.

b) A simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire

span and it is subjected to a point load at the centre of span. Calculate the
deflection at the midspan by using Rayleigh-Ritz method.

2. a) (i) Summarize the Galerkin method of obtaining an approximation

solution of a given problem. How can deviation from exact solution be
minimized using the Galerkin procedure?
(ii) Explain how the finite difference method can be used to estimate
deflection at specific locations on a beam subject to transverse loads.

b) A uniform cantilever beam of length L is subject to a vertical point load at x

= L and a uniformly distributed transverse loading of q N/m along its length.
The flexural rigidity of the beam is 'EI'. Obtain an expression for the mid-
point slope and deflection using the Rayleigh-Ritz method.

3. a) A simply supported beam of length L' is subjected to load 'P' Newton at its
mid-point. The displacement function is given by ω = C1 sin ( 𝐿 )+ C2 sin
( ). Determine the maximum displacement moments using Rayleigh- Ritz

ⅆ2 y
b) The differential equation of a physical phenomenon is given by ⅆx2 -10x2=5.
Obtain two terms Galerkin's solution by using the trial functions: N1(x) =
x(x - 1); N2(x) =x2(x-1); 0≤ x ≤ 1. Boundary Conditions are: y(0)= y(1)= 0.

4. a) A simply supported beam of length L is subjected to an uniformly distributed

load of intensity q. Using Rayleigh-Ritz method find the maximum

b) (i) Derive the stiffness matrix for a bar element with two nodes.
(ii) Obtain the displacements at points B and C, and also the forces on the
portions AB, BC and CD of the fixed-fixed bar shown in Figure. E is
constant for all the portions and area of the portion BC = 2A, Area of portion
AB = Area of portion CD = A.

5. a) Explain the basic concepts of finite element methods to formulate governing


b) Explain the special characteristics of stiffness matrix.

6. a) Explain the following methods:

i) Natural discretisation
ii) Artificial discretisation.

(b) Explain the variational approach and weighted residual methods.

7. a) (i) State the following principles: principle of minimum potential energy
and the principle of virtual work.
(ii) Obtain expressions for the slope and deflection at the free end of the
stepped cantilever beam shown in Fig. Use the finite difference method.

b) A cantilever beam of length L and flexural rigidity EI is subject to a

uniformly distributed load (vertically downward direction) of intensity 4
kN/m. A tip load (downward direction) load of 5 kN also acts on the beam.
Obtain the mid-span deflection and slope using the Rayleigh method. The
selected trial function must satisfy the conditions of zero deflection and zero
slope at the fixed end.

8. a) (i) State the principle of virtual work.

(ii) Determine the displacements of nodes 1 and 2 in the spring system shown
in Fig. Use the principle of minimum potential energy.

b) Explain how the Rayleigh-Ritz method can be used to estimate the mid-point
deflection of a simply-supported beam of length L subject to uniformly
distributed loading along its length. What would be the error in comparison
with the exact solution?

9. a) Determine a 2 parameter solution of the following using the Galerkin's

ⅆ2 y
method and compare it with the exact solution = - cos(πx), 0 ≤ x≤ 1,
u(0) = 0, u(1)=0
b) Using Rayleigh-Ritz method find the deflection at center of simply
supported beam of span length 'L' subjected to concentrated load 'W' at its
10. a) Explain how the finite element method varies from finite difference method
with a suitable example?
ⅆ2 y
b) The Differential equation of physical phenomenon is given by ⅆx2 + 750 x2
= 0 . 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. Trial function y=n1 (x- x3) when y(0) =0 and y(l)=0. Discuss
the procedure to arrive at the solution by any two methods of approximation.





1. What is meant by Discrete Element Method (DEM)?

2. What are the characteristics of Stiffness matrix?

3. The nodal displacements of a 90 cm long 2-node bar element are 5 mm and 3. 3

mm. Obtain the interpolation function for the axial displacement along the bar

4. Describe the 3-node bar element.

5. List out the characteristics of shape functions.

6. Derive the shape function for 1-D for element.

7. Write down the stiffness matrix for the beam element shown in Figure 3.
8. A circular bar of length 3L has its area varying from 4A to A linearly over its
length as shown in figure. Generate the stiffness matrix when it is divided into
three elements.

9. What is interpolation function?

10. What are the advantages of transformation matrix?

11. Write about concentrated load, distributed load and combination of both.

12. What is CST element?

13. Relate degrees of freedom associated with a finite element, number of nodes and
field variables.

14. Obtain the stiffness matrix for a linear spring finite element.

15. Sketch the shape functions of a 2-node bar element.

16. What are the features of a 3-node bar element?

17. What are the characteristics of shape functions?

18. State the principle of minimum potential energy

19. State the effect of temperature in structural analysis.

20. Summarize the formulation factors of stiffness matrix?

1. a) Consider a bar as shown in Figure 1. An axial load of 200 KN is applied at
point P. Take A1 = 2400 mm2, E1 = 70 x 109 N/m2, A2 = 600 mm2, E1 = 200
x 109 N/m2. Calculate the following:
i) The nodal displacement at point P,
ii) Stress in each material and
iii) Reaction force.

b) Using two finite elements, find the stress distribution in a uniformly tapering
bar of circular cross-sectional area 3 cm2 and 2 cm2 at their ends, length 100
mm subjected to an axial tensile load of 50 N at smaller end and fixed at la
end. Take the value of Young's modulus 2x105 N/mm2.

2. a) Consider the bar subject to axial loading given in Fig. Calculate nodal
displacements, element stresses and support reactions when P = 45 kN. E =
210 GPa.

b) The natural frequencies of a uniform fixed-fixed bar undergoing free axial

vibrations is to be approximately obtained. Obtain the governing differential
equation and explain the finite element formulation of the given problem.

3. a) A bar of uniform cross section is clamped at one end and left free at the other
end and it is subjected to a uniform axial load 'p' and uniform traction q0 as
shown in Fig. Calculate the displacement and stresses in the bar by using
Rayleigh - Ritz / Galerkin with two terms polynomial and three terms
polynomial. Compare with exact solutions.
b) Using three elements, determine the stress distribution in a uniformly
tapering bar of circular cross sectional area 3cm2 and 2 cm2 at their ends,
length 100 mm, subjected to an axial tensile load of 50 N at smaller end and
fixed at larger end. Take the value of young's modulus as 2 x 105 N/mm2.

4. a) Find the forces on the members of the pin jointed truss shown in Figure. Find
also the resultant deflection at point O. Assume E = 70 GPa and equal area
of 1 sq. cm for all members.

b) (i) Derive the stiffness matrix for a 1D beam element.

(ii) Find the deflection and rotation at point B of the beam shown in Figure.

5. a) Using Lagrange interpolation formula construct the shape function in natural

coordinates for one dimensional axial element with four nodes, Sketch the
shape function.

b) Compute the nodal load vector due to self-weight for the four noded
rectangular elements.

6. a) Calculate the following for the bar arrangement shown in figure:

i) Nodal displacements
ii) Elemental stresses and support reactions
for A1 =300 mm2, A2 = 50 mm2 and E =2x105 N/ mm2.

b) Derive the shape function for CST element.

7. a) (i) Explain the difference between essential and natural boundary

(ii) The uniformly tapering bar shown in Fig. has a density of 8000 kg/m 3.
Divide the bar into 2 equal length elements and determine the displacement
at the lower end of the bar due to the applied 750 N load and due to its self-
weight. Use the finite element method. Thickness = 8 mm.

b) Contrast between equilibrium and compatibility requirements at the nodes of

finite elements. A fixed-fixed beam of length L and flexural rigidity El is
subject to a uniformly distributed load (vertically downward) of intensity 4
kN/m. A downward point force of 3 kN acts on the beam at its mid-length.
Obtain the mid-span deflection and slope using the finite element method.

8. a) (i) A tapering bar of length L is supported in the vertical position and subject
to its own self-weight. Material properties of the bar material are known.
Explain how the tip displacement of the given bar can be estimated using the
finite element method.
(ii) Can the problem described in 8(a) (i) be solved using the finite difference
method? Briefly explain your answer.

b) Refer Fig. where the given fixed-fixed bar is acted upon by a 2.5 kN axial
force as indicated. The bar cross-section area is 800 mm2 while E = 200 GPa.
Find the stresses in the bar.
9. a) (i) A metallic fin, with thermal conductivity k = 360 W/m°C, 0.1 cm thick
and 10 cm long, extends from a plane wall those temperature is 235° C.
Determine the temperature distribution and amount of heat transferred from
the fin to the air at 20° C with h=9W/m2 °C. Take width of the fin to be 1 m.
(ii) Write the differences between static and dynamic Analysis.
b) (i) For the two bar truss shown in fig. Determine the displacement of node
1 & stress in element 1-3.

(ii) Consider the bar element Area of element 1, A1= 300mm2 Area of
element 2, A2= 300mm2. Area of element 3, A3= 600mm2, Length of element
1, l1 = 200 mm, Length of element 2, l2 = 200 mm, Length of element 3, l3 =
400 mm, E = 2 x 105 N/mm2, Point Load acting axially ‘p’ = 400 kN = 400
x 103 N. Calculate the nodal displacement at point of application of load.

10. a) Neatly describe the need of software package of FEA and their applications.

b) Show the steps required to form the finite element equations of simply
supported beam with uniformly distributed load.

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