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2 MarksPractice Paper

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List out the properties of stiffness matrix

2. What are the different coordinate systems used in FEM?
Two types of coordinate systems are used in finite element analysis: a global coordinate
system (x, y ) located in a finite element mesh, or element d o m ain and a natural coordinate

system ( ᵋ) located in every master element, or parent d o m ain .

3. Define a simplex, complex and multiplex element
Simplex elements are those for which the approximating polynomial consists of constant and linear
Complex terms consists of quadratic, cubic and higher order terms according to the need in addition
to constant and linear terms
Multiplex elements are those whose boundaries are parallel to the coordinate axes to achieve
interelement continuity and whose approximating polynomials contain higher order terms
Example rectangular elements
4. What are shape functions and what are their properties?
5. Define ‘Natural coordinate system’

natural coordinate system ( ᵋ) located in every master element, or parent d o m ain .

6. What are the advantages of natural coordinate system?
reasons for choosing natural coordinates in addition to global coordinates: one is the ease of
constructing trial functions for elements, and the other is the ease of integration within the

7. What are 1-Dimensional scalar and vector variable problems?

8. What types of problems are treated as one-dimensional problems?

9. Write down the expressions for shape functions of 1-D bar element.

10. Define aspect ratio. State its significance.

11.Define stiffness co-efficient and flexibility co-efficient.

Loads and displacements in an element are related through stiffness
andflexibility coefficients. Stiffness coefficient (K)
is the force required to produceunit displacement, while Flexibility coefficient
(F) is the displacement producedby a unit force. They are usually defined for
1-d e l e m e n t s s u c h a s t r u s s e l e m e n t s o r s p r i n g e l e m e n t s
P = K . u
K=AE/l is the stiffness coefficient
where, F=l/ AE

is the flexibility coefficient

12.List down any two convergence criteria for finite element method.
The displacement field within an element must be continuous.
The function w is indeed continuous if for example it is expressed as,
W = C1 + C2 x + C3 x2 +C4 x3 +…………….
The approximate function should provide inter-element compatibility up to a degree required by the
The displacement model must include the rigid body displacements of the element.
13.Derive the shape functions for two nodded bar element.
14. What are the convergence requirements for a finite element displacement mode?
Completeness. The elements must have enough approximation power to capture the analytical
solution in the limit of a mesh refinement process. This intuitive statement is rendered more precise
Compatibility. The shape functions should provide displacement continuity between elements.
Physically these insure that no material gaps appear as the elements deform. As the mesh is refined,
such gaps would multiply and may absorb or release spurious energy.
Stability. The system of finite element equations must satify certain well posedness conditions that
preclude nonphysical zero-energy modes in elements, as well as the absence of excessive element
15.Give the displacement for the point ‘P’ of the given bar element, which is at quarter span of the
element from rigid node?

1. Write down the expressions for the element stiffness matrix of a beam element
2. What is a higher order element? Give an example.
3. What is meant by finite element analysis?
4. Briefly explain Gaussion elimination method.
Gauss elimination method isa direct method for solving [K]{x} ={P} where[K] isa square
matrix of order
n.The method involves reduction of the coefficient matrix to upper triangular form and back

It is most commonly used for solving simultaneous linear equations.

5. Why polynomial type interpolation functions are preferred over trigonometric functions?
6. What is meant by ‘descretization’?
The problem domain is discretized into a collection of simple shapes, or elements.
Model body by dividing it into an equivalent system of many smaller bodies or units (finite elements)
interconnected at points common to two or more elements (nodes or nodal points) and/or boundary
lines and/or surfaces.
7. List out the various weighted-residual methods.
8. Define the concept of potential energy
9. List out any four advantages of using FEA
Irregular Boundaries
General Loads
Different Materials
Boundary Conditions
Variable Element Size
Easy Modification
Nonlinear Problems (Geometric or Material).
10. What is the need for FEA?
To understand the physical behaviors of a complex
object (strength, heat transfer capability, fluid flow, etc.)
– To predict the performance and behavior of the design;
to calculate the safety margin; and to identify the
weakness of the design accurately; and
– To identify the optimal design w
11.Explain shortly the stiffness matrix.
the matrix represents the resistance of the element to change when subjected to external influences
The primary characteristics of a finite element are embodied in the element stiffness matrix. For a
structural finite element, the stiffness matrix contains the geometric and material behaviour
information that indicates the resistance of the element to deformation when subjected to loading.
Such deformation may include axial, bending, shear, and torsional effects.
12.Write the shape function for 1-D linear bar element in LCR and GCR.
13.Draw the Pascal’s Triangle for interpolation function.
14.Explain Dirichlet and Newmann boundary conditions.
When using a Dirichlet boundary condition, one prescribes the
value of a variable at the boundary, e.g. u(x) = constant.
• When using a Neumann boundary condition, one prescribes the
gradient normal to the boundary of a variable at the boundary,
e.g. ∂u(x) /∂x= constant.
15.State Principle of stationary potential.

11.(i) Derive the Finite element characteristic equation for a 2 noded plane truss element . (8)
(ii) Derive the shape function for 2 noded bar element (7)

12. Derive the stresses in the system of a 3 noded bar element using the principle of minimum potential
energy (15)

Calculate the nodal displacements and forces for the bar loaded as shown in figure. (15)
Es = 210 GPa, EAl = 70 GPa, As = 200 mm2, AAl = 100 mm2

11. i) Derive the shape functions for a 2-noded bar element in LCR (8)
ii) Derive the stiffness matrix of a 2-D truss element (7)

12. A stepped bar is subjected to an axial load of 200 KN at the place of change of cross section and
material as shown in figure. Find (a) The nodal displacements (b) the reaction forces (c) the induced
stresses in each material. (15)


For a tapered bar of uniform thickness t=10mm as shown in figure. Find the displacements at
the nodes by forming into two element model. The bar has a mass density G = 7800 Kg/M3, the young’s
modulus E = 2x105 MN/m2 . In addition to self weight, the bar is subjected to a point load P= 1 kN at its
centre. Also determine the reaction forces at the support. (15)


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