Pfrs For Smes
Pfrs For Smes
Pfrs For Smes
Rosos, CPA
This is typically the case for banks, credit unions, insurance entities, securities
dealers or brokers, mutual funds and investment banks.
The Philippine SEC in a meeting on October 7, 2010 resolved to exempt from the
mandatory adoption of the PFRS for SMEs small and medium-sized entity that
meets any of the following criteria:
If an SME that uses the PFRS for SMEs in a current year breaches the floor and
ceiling size criteria at the end of the current year, the entity shall be required to
transition to full PFRS in the next year if the ceiling threshold is breached or another
acceptable accounting basis if the floor threshold is breached.
Soon to be Atty. Abigail D. Rosos, CPA
Micro -business entities are entities whose total assets or total liabilities are below
the P3,000,000 floor threshold.
Micro-business entities have the option to use any of the following bases of
accounting in the preparation of financial statements:
a. Full PFRS
b. PFRS for SMEs
c. Another acceptable basis of accounting, such as income tax basis of
accounting or cash basis of accounting.
• Changes in revaluation
• Unrealized gain and losses
on changes in fair values of
FVOCI investments
• Remeasurements of the
net defined benefit liability
• Gains and losses arising
from translating the financial
statements of a foreign
• Effective portion of gains
and losses on hedging
instruments in a cash flow
• Changes in fair value of a • Changes in revaluation
financial liability designated surplus
at FVPL that are attributable • Some actuarial gains and
to changes in credit risk losses
• Changes in the time value • Some changes in fair
of option when the option’s values of hedging
intrinsic value and time instruments
value are separated and • Some gains and losses
only the changes in the arising from translating the
intrinsic value is designated financial statements of a
as the hedging instrument foreign operation
• Changes in the value of
the forward element of
forward contracts when
separating the forward
element and spot element of
a forward contract and
designating as the hedging
instrument only the changes
in the spot element, and
changes in the value of the
foreign currency basis
spread of a financial
instrument when excluding it
from the designation of that
financial instrument as the
hedging instrument.
6. Minimum line items of statement of financial position
• Explicitly stated under
• Explicitly stated under
section 4 of PFRS for • Not explicitly stated
Soon to be Atty. Abigail D. Rosos, CPA
a sale.
40. Declaration of dividends after the reporting period
• Non-adjusting event and • Non-adjusting event and
disclosed only but the disclosed only but the
entity has an option of entity has an option of
presenting dividend as a presenting dividend as a
• Non-adjusting event and
segregated component of segregated component of
disclosed only.
retained earnings at the retained earnings at the
end of reporting period end of reporting period
(appropriation of retained (appropriation of retained
earnings) earnings)
41. Key management personnel compensation
• Under PAS 24, an entity is
required to disclose key
management compensation
• Under PFRS for SMEs, • Under PFRS for Small
in total and for each of the
an entity is required to Entities, an entity is
following categories: short-
disclose key management required to disclose key
term employee benefits,
personnel compensation in management personnel
post-employment benefits,
total only. compensation in total only.
termination benefits, other
long-term benefits, share-
based payments.