Exam 2015s1 Solution
Exam 2015s1 Solution
Exam 2015s1 Solution
[10 marks]
Question 1
Evaluate the following expressions, and provide the output in each case.
A: ('comp', 10001)
A: 'ducks'
A: 'c00l'
A: False
(e) [i for i in "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck".split() if len(i) > 6]
A: ['woodchuck']
[8 marks]
Question 2
Rewrite the following function, replacing the while loop with a for loop, but preserving the re-
mainder of the original code structure:
def all_alpha(word):
i = 0
while i < len(word):
if not word[i].isalpha():
return False
i += 1
return True
def all_alpha(word):
for i in range(len(word)):
if not word[i].isalpha():
return False
return True
[10 marks]
Question 3
The following code is intended to read in a dictionary of words from a file (dictionary.txt),
spell-check a second file (jabberwocky.txt) relative to it, and compute a sorted list of unique
words not found in the dictionary.
As presented, the lines of the function are out of order. Put the line numbers in the correct order
and introduce appropriate indentation (indent the line numbers to show how the corresponding
lines would be indented in your code).
1 oov[word] = True
2 word = word.strip(".,;:!?\"\'`")
3 if word.lower() not in dictionary:
4 worddict = {}
5 oov = {}
6 for line in open(doc, encoding="utf-8").readlines():
7 worddict[word.strip()] = True
8 for word in line.split():
9 newwords = out_of_dict("jabberwocky.txt", init_dict("dictionary.txt"))
10 for word in open(dictfile, encoding="utf-8").readlines():
11 return worddict
12 def init_dict(dictfile):
13 return sorted(oov)
14 def out_of_dict(doc, dictionary):
[12 marks]
Question 4
The following function valid_url(url) that takes a single string argument url, and is intended
to return True if url is a valid full-specified URL (with the hostname ending in .com or .au),
and False otherwise. Recall that a valid fully-specified URL is made up of a scheme, hostname,
optional port and optional path.
def is_valid_url(url):
SCHEMES = ("http", "ftp")
TLDS = ("com", "au")
scheme, rest = url.split("://")
except ValueError:
return False
if scheme not in SCHEMES:
return False
rest_path = rest.split("/")
hostname = rest_path[0]
path = rest_path[1:]
if ":" in hostname:
(hostname, port) = hostname.split(":")
port = int(port)
except ValueError:
return False
tld = hostname.split(".")[-1]
if tld not in TLDS:
return False
return True
The provided implementation has logic errors in it, and rejects some valid fully-specified URLs it
should accept, and conversely, accepts some inputs which are not valid fully-specified URLs.
(a) Provide an example of a valid fully-specified URL for which valid_url() would return True
(i.e. the function would perform correctly).
A: Any URL with the http or ftp scheme, with or without a port number, and with or without a trailing path; satisfied if URL
looks plausible (irrespective of whether exists or not)
(b) Provide an example of a valid fully-specified URL for which valid_url() would return
False, despite it being valid.
A: Different scheme (e.g. https) OR different TLD; not fussed about whether the hostname exists or not, but the scheme must be
(c) Provide an example of an invalid fully-specified URL for which valid_url() would return
True, despite it being invalid.
A: hostname not fully-specified (e.g. http://au)
(d) Provide an example of an invalid fully-specified URL for which valid_url() would return
False (i.e. the function would perform correctly).
A: Lots of possibilities (NB the URL simply needs to be non-fully-specified, so simply omitting the scheme is good enough)
[9 marks]
Question 5
The following function is meant to recursively sum up the numbers in a (possibly nested) list
of numbers, ignoring any non-numeric values, and non-list types. The following is an example
function call which illustrates its intended behaviour:
>>> sum_list(['b', 1, ['a'], 3, [1, 2, {2: 3}, [[[[4]]]]]])
Identify exactly three (3) errors in the code (using the provided line numbers), determine for each
whether it is a “syntax”, “run-time” or “logic” error, and provide a replacement line which corrects
the error.
1 def sum_list(curr_list):
2 curr_sum = None
3 if type(curr_list) == list:
4 for element in curr_list:
5 element_type = type(element)
6 if element_type = list:
7 curr_sum += sum_list(element)
8 else:
9 if element_type == int or float:
10 curr_sum += element
11 return numsum
A: • line 2: logic error; curr_sum = None → curr_sum = 0
• line 6: syntax error; if element_type = list: → if element_type == list:
• line 9: logic error; if
element_type == int or float: →
if element_type == int or element_type == float:
• line 11: run-time error; return numsum → return curr_sum
Part 2: Constructing Programs
[10 marks]
Question 6
The function csv_aggregate(infile, outfile) takes an input file name infile (a string) and
output file name outfile (also a string). infile is of the following format:
where each (non-header) row contains (in order) the ID of a document, the ID of a sentence within
that document, and a binary value indicating whether the given sentence has positive sentiment
(i.e. says positive things) or not. The function takes infile and calculates the relative proportion
of positive sentiment sentences in a given document, and returns a single row for that document,
containing the document ID (docid) and the calculated proportion (pos_ratio) of positive sen-
timent sentences. This is saved in the file outfile. For example, given the file sentences.csv
with the content above, outfile will be as follows:
Provide code to insert into each of the numbered boxes in the code on the next page to complete
the function as described. Note that your code will be evaluated at the indentation level indicated
for each box.
import csv
(5) fpout.write("{},{}\n".format(prev_docid,pos/total))
[12 marks]
Question 7
Write a function equiword(word) that takes a single argument word (a non-empty string) and re-
turns a (positive) integer n if all unique letters in word occur exactly n times, and False otherwise.
For example:
>>> equiword("intestines")
>>> equiword("deeded")
>>> equiword("duck")
>>> equiword("doggy")
def equiword(word):
from collections import defaultdict
letter_dict = defaultdict(int)
for letter in word:
letter_dict[letter] += 1
letter_freq_list = sorted(letter_dict.values())
if word and letter_freq_list == letter_freq_list[::-1]:
return letter_freq_list[0]
return False
[18 marks]
Question 8
A “Takuzu” puzzle takes the form of an n × n square of even dimensions (e.g. 4 × 4 but not 5 × 5),
each cell of which is to be filled with either a zero (0) or a one (1), such that, when solved:
• each row and column of the square contains an equal number of zeroes and ones; and
• no row or column contains more than 2 adjacent occurrences of the same digit.
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1
1 0
1 0
whereas the following is not, because the first row and third column contain too many ones:
0 1 1 1
1 1 0
1 1 0
0 0 1 1
and the following is similarly invalid, because it contains three adjacent ones in the first and fourth
columns, and three adjacent zeroes in the third row:
0 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
We will represent Takuzu squares based on the following two-dimensional list representation (cor-
responding to the valid 4 × 4 solved example from the previous page), noting that the number of
rows and columns will vary according to the size of the square:
takuzu = [[0, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1]]
For partially-solved Takuzu squares such as the following (which is valid):
0 1
1 0
1 0
Write a function valid(takuzu) that takes a Takuzu square as an argument and returns True if
takuzu is a valid Takuzu square, and False otherwise.
For example:
>>> valid([[None, None, 0, 1], [1, 0, None, None], [1, None, 0, None],
... [None, 0, None, 1]])
>>> valid([[None, None, 0, 1], [1, 0, None, None], [1, None, 0, None],
... [1, 0, None, 1]])
>>> valid([[1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> valid([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
>>> valid([[None, None], [None, None]])
>>> valid([[1, 1], [0, 1]])
def valid(takuzu):
MAX_VALS = len(takuzu)/2
def valid_rowcol(lst):
counts = [0, 0]
prev = None
repeats = 0
for cell in lst:
for val in range(len(counts)):
if cell == val:
counts[val] += 1
if prev == val:
repeats += 1
if repeats > MAX_REPEATS:
return False
repeats = 1
if cell is None:
prev = None
repeats = 0
prev = cell
if counts[0] > MAX_VALS or counts[1] > MAX_VALS:
return False
return True
Part 3: Conceptual Questions
[9 marks]
Question 9: Algorithmic Problem Solving
(a) In the context of algorithmic development, what is the difference between an “exact” and
“approximate” approach?
A: An exact approach provides an exact solution, whereas an approximate approach provides an estimate of the solution (which may or
may not be the exact value)
(b) Outline the “divide-and-conquer” strategy of algorithmic problem solving, with the aid of an
A: Solve a problem by solving its sub-problems ...
[10 marks]
Question 10: Applications of Computing
(a) With the aid of an example, describe what “alignment” means in the context of statistical
machine translation, e.g. as used for language decipherment purposes.
A: Alignment is the process of determining which substrings in the target language are translations of which particular substrings in
the source language
(b) List three (3) possible attacks on an “Internet voting system”.
A: Possible answers:
• multiple voting
[12 marks]
Question 11: HTML and the Internet
(a) Based on the following HTML document:
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>HTML Example</title>
5 </head>
6 <body>
7 <ul>
8 <li>A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Link">link</a>,</li>
9 <li>a link;</li>
10 <li>my kingdom for a link!</li>
11 </ul>
12 </body>
13 </html>
and the provided line numbers, identify in the document where each of the following items occurs.
In the case that the item spans multiple lines, you should specify the full range of line numbers
(e.g. 2-4).
[8 marks]
A: line 1
A: line 8
A: 8
(iv) A list: