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Stack structure of 8086, programming using stack- Interrupts - Types of Interrupts and
Interrupt Service Routine- Handling Interrupts in 8086- Interrupt programming -
Programmable Interrupt Controller - 8259, Architecture (Just mention the control word, no
need to memorize the control word)- Interfacing Memory with 8086.


Definition: The meaning of ‘interrupts’ is to break the sequence of operation. While the
CPU is executing a program, on ‘interrupt’ breaks the normal sequence of execution of
instructions, diverts its execution to some other program called Interrupt Service Routine
(ISR). After executing ISR, the control is transferred back again to the main program.
Interrupt processing is an alternative to polling.

Whenever a number of devices interrupt a CPU at a time, and if the processor is able to handle
them properly, it is said to have multiple interrupt processing capability.
• There are two interrupt pins in 8086. NMI and INTR
Need for Interrupt: Interrupts are particularly useful when interfacing I/O devices that
provide or require data at relatively low data transfer rate.

It is a single non-maskable interrupt pin (NMI) having higher priority. When this interrupt is
these actions take place −
• Completes the current instruction that is in progress.
• Pushes the Flag register values on to the stack.

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• Pushes the CS (code segment) value and IP (instruction pointer) value of the return
address on to the stack.
• IP is loaded from the contents of the word location 00008H. (Type 2*4=00008 H)
• CS is loaded from the contents of the next word location 0000AH.
• Interrupt flag and trap flag are reset to 0.

• The INTR is a maskable interrupt pin. It can be accepted (enable) or rejected (masked).
• The microprocessor enabled the interrupt using set interrupt flag instruction. It should
disable using clear
• interrupt Flag instruction.
• These actions are taken by the microprocessor −
• First completes the current instruction.
• Activates INTA output and receives the interrupt type, say X.
• Flag register value, CS value of the return address and IP value of the return address
are pushed on to the stack.
• IP value is loaded from the contents of word location X × 4
• CS is loaded from the contents of the next word location.
• Interrupt flag and trap flag is reset to 0

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Types of Interrupts: There are two types of Interrupts in 8086.

Internal (or) Software Interrupts are generated by a software instruction and operate
similarly to a jump or branch instruction.
External (or) Hardware Interrupts are caused by an external hardware module.

Hardware interrupts are generated by hardware devices when something unusual happens; this
could be a
key-press or a mouse move or any other action.
It can be divided into two
1. Maskable 2. Non maskable
Maskable Interrupts:
There are some interrupts which can be masked (disabled)or enabled by the processor.
Non-Maskable Interrupts:
There are some interrupts which cannot be masked out or ignored by the processor. These are
with high priority tasks which cannot be ignored (like memory parity or bus faults).
Interrupts are generated by a software instruction and operate similarly to a jump or branch
• 256 interrupts are there
INT n is invoked as software interrupts- n is the type no in the range 0 to 255(00 to FF)
Interrupts are divided into three groups
Type 0 to Type4 (Dedicated Interrupts)
- TYPE 0 interrupt represents division by zero situation.
- TYPE 1 interrupt represents single-step execution during the debugging of a program.

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- TYPE 2 interrupt represents non-maskable NMI interrupt.
- TYPE 3 interrupt represents break-point interrupt.
- TYPE 4 interrupt represents overflow interrupt.
Type 5 to 31(Not used by 8086, reserved for higher processor like 80286,80386….
Type 32-255(Available for user)
- User defined interrupts
Interrupt Service Routine

For every interrupt, there must be an interrupt service routine (ISR), or interrupt handler. When
an interrupt is invoked, the microprocessor runs the interrupt service routine. For every
interrupt, there is a fixed location in memory that holds the address of its ISR. The group of
memory locations set aside to hold the addresses of ISRs is called the interrupt vector table.

When an interrupt is occurred, the microprocessor stops execution of current instruction. It

transfers the content of program counter (CS and IP) into stack. After this, it jumps to the
memory location specified by Interrupt Vector Table (IVT). After that the code written on that
memory area will execute.

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The first 1Kbyte of memory of 8086 (00000 to003FF) is set aside as a table for storing the
starting addresses of Interrupt Service Procedures (ISP). Since 4-bytes are required for storing
starting addresses of ISPs, the table can hold 256 Interrupt procedures. The starting address of
an ISP is often called the Interrupt Vector or Interrupt Pointer. Therefore, the table is referred
as Interrupt Vector Table.

NMI (Non mask-able interrupt)

o This is a non-mask-able, edge triggered, high priority interrupt.
o On receiving an interrupt on NMI line, the microprocessor executes INT
o Microprocessor obtains the ISR address from location 2 x 4 = 00008H from the IVT.
o It reads 4 locations starting from this address to get the values for IP and CS to execute
the ISR.
This is a mask-able, level triggered, low priority interrupt.
o On receiving an interrupt on INTR line, the microprocessor executes 2 INTA pulses.
o 1st INTA pulse – The interrupting device calculates (prepares to send) the vector number.

2nd INTA pulse – The interrupting device sends the vector number ‘N’ to the microprocessor.

o Now microprocessor multiplies N x 4 and goes to the corresponding location in the IVT to
obtain the ISR address. INTR is a mask-able interrupt.
o It is masked by making IF = 0 by software through CLI instruction.
o It is unmasked by making IF = 1 by software through STI instruction.

The Operation of an Interrupt sequence on the 8086 Microprocessor:

1. External interface sends an interrupt signal, to the Interrupt Request (INTR) pin, or an
internal interrupt occurs.
2. The CPU finishes the present instruction (for a hardware interrupt) and sends Interrupt
Acknowledge (INTA) to hardware interface.
3. The interrupt type N is sent to the Central Processor Unit (CPU) via the Data bus from the
hardware interface.
4. The contents of the flag registers are pushed onto the stack.
5. Both the interrupt (IF) and (TF) flags are cleared. This disables the INTR pin and the trap
or single-step feature.

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6. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the Stack.
7. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the Stack.
8. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, from (4 x N) and then placed into the IP and from
(4 x N +2) into the CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt service procedure
addressed by the interrupt vector.
9. While returning from the interrupt-service routine by the Interrupt Return (IRET) instruction,
the IP, CS and Flag registers are popped from the Stack and return to their state prior to the

Interrupt programming - Programmable Interrupt Controller - 8259, Architecture

Necessity of 8259A

In a system, microprocessor may need to perform the following tasks in an efficient way using

Read ASCII characters from a keyboard on an interrupt basis.

Count interrupts from a timer to produce a real time clock of seconds, minutes and hours.

Communicate with an A/D converter.

Communicate with a display or printer.

Detect several emergency signals like power failure etc on an interrupt basis.

Each of these interrupt applications requires a separate interrupt pin. But, the 8086 has
only two interrupt inputs: NMI and INTR. If we use NMI for a power failure interrupt, this
leaves only one interrupt input for all other applications. The solution is to use an external
device called a priority interrupt controller (PIC) such as Intel 8259A.

Internal 8259 Block Diagram includes eight blocks: data bus buffer, read/write logic, control
logic, three registers (IRR, ISR and IMR), priority resolver, and cascade buffer.

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Function of 8259A

The Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) functions as an overall manager in an interrupt-

driven system environment.

It accepts requests from the peripheral equipment, determines which of the incoming
requests is of the highest importance (priority), ascertains whether the incoming request has a
higher priority value than the level currently being serviced and issues an interrupt to the CPU
based on this determination.

Each peripheral device or structure usually has a special program or, routine that is associated
with its specific functional or operational requirements; that is referred to as a service routine
or service procedure.

The 8259A PIC, after issuing an interrupt to the CPU, must somehow input information
(interrupt vector number) into the CPU that can point the program counter to the service
procedure associated with the requesting device.

The 8259A PIC adds eight vectored priority encoded interrupts to the microprocessor.
This controller can be expanded without additional hardware, to accept up to 64 interrupt
requests. This require a master 8259A and eight 8259A slaves.

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Internal Block Diagram of 8259A

Data Bus Buffer:

The data bus buffer allows the 8085 to send control words to the 8259A and read a status word
from the 8259 Block Diagram. The 8-bit data bus buffer also allows the 8259A to send interrupt
opcode and address of the interrupt service subroutine to the 8085.

8-bit data bus:

The 8-bit data bus (𝐷7−𝐷0) allows the 8086-
* To send control words to the 8259A and read a status word from the 8259A.
* To send interrupt types to the 8086.
The eight data lines are always connected to the lower half of the 8086 data bus because the
8086 expects to receive interrupt types on lower 8-bit data lines. 𝑹𝑫,𝑾𝑹 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝑺:

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The 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 inputs control data transfer when the device is selected by asserting its chip
select (𝑪𝑺) input low. Usually 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 pins are connected to the system 𝑹𝑫 and 𝑾𝑹 lines.
𝑪𝑺 may be connected to address decoder’s output.
Address pin 𝑨𝟎: 𝐴0 input of 8259A is used to select one of the two internal addresses in the
device. This pin may be connected to any of the system address lines.

Cascade Buffer Comparator:

This section generates control signals necessary for cascade operations. It also generates
Buffer-Enable signals. As stated earlier, the 8259 Block Diagram can be cascaded with other
8259s in order to expand the interrupt handling capacity to sixty-four levels. In such a case, the
former is called a master, and the latter are called slaves. The 8259 can be set up as a master
or a slave by the SP/EN pin.


For a master 8259, the CAS0-CAS2 pins are output pins, and for slave 8259, these are input
pins. When the 8259 is a master (that is, when it accepts interrupt requests from other 8259s),
the CALL opcode is generated by the Master in response to the first INTA. The vector address
must be released by the slave 8259. The master sends an identification code of three-bits to
select one out of the eight possible slave 8259s on the CAS0-CAS2 lines. The slave 8259s accept
these three signals as inputs (on their CAS0 – CAS2 pins) and compare the code sent by the
master with the codes assigned to them during initialization. The slave thus selected (which
had originally placed an interrupt request to the master 8259) then puts the address of the
interrupt service routine during the second and third INTA pulses from the CPU.

The cascade lines (CAS2-CAS0) are used as outputs from the master to the slaves for cascading
multiple 8159As in a system. The master outputs a 3-bit slave identification number on these
lines. Each slave in a system is assigned a 3-bit ID as part of its initialization. Sending this 3-
bit ID number enables the slave.

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Slave program/Enable buffer (𝐒𝐏/𝑬𝑵):
This pin is a dual function pin, when the 8259A is in buffered mode, this is an output that
controls the data bus transceivers in a large microprocessor-based system. When the 8259A is
not in the buffered mode, this pin programs the device as a master (1) or a slave (0). When we
use only one 8159A in our system, the 𝐒𝐏/𝑬𝑵 pin is tied high (1).

The SP/EN signal is tied high for the master. However, it is grounded for the slave.

In large systems where buffers are used to drive the data bus, the data sent by the 8259 in
response to INTA cannot be accessed by the CPU (due to the data bus buffer being disabled).
If an 8259 is used in the buffered mode (buffered or non-buffered modes of operation can be
specified at the time of initializing the 8259), the SP/EN pin is used as an output which can be
used to enable the system data bus buffer whenever the data bus outputs of 8259 are enabled
(i.e. when it is ready to send data).

Thus, in non-buffered mode, the SP/EN pin of an 8259 is used to specify whether the 8259 is
to operate as a master or as a slave, and in the buffered mode, the SP/EN pin is used as an
output to enable the data bus buffer of the system.

INT Pin:
The interrupt output (INT) pin of 8259A is connected to the INTR pin on the microprocessor
(8086) when there is only one 8259A in the system. In a system with master and slaves, only
master’s INT pin is connected to 8086. The slave’s INT pins are connected to different IR pins
of the master.

Interrupt acknowledge (𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨) pin:

This input pin of 8259A is connected to the 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨 output of the 8086.
Interrupt request inputs(𝐈𝐑𝟕−𝐈𝐑𝟎):
The eight interrupt request inputs (IR7-IR0) are used to request an interrupt by the external
devices in case of single 8159A system. In case of multiple 8259A system these input pins
(IR7-IR0) of the master is connected to output INT pins of the slaves. Unused IR inputs should
be tied to ground so that a noise pulse cannot accidentally cause an interrupt. An interrupt signal
must remain high on an IR input until after the falling edge of the first 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑨 pulse.

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The interrupt Mask Register (IMR):
This register is used to disable (mask) or enable (unmask) individual interrupt inputs. Each bit
in this register corresponds to the interrupt input with the same number. We can unmask an
interrupt input by sending a command word with a 0 in the bit position that corresponds to that

The Interrupt Request Register (IRR):

The IRR keeps track of which interrupt inputs are asking for service. If an interrupt input has
an interrupt signal on it, then the corresponding bit in the IRR will be set.
The In-Service Register (ISR):
The ISR keeps track of which interrupt inputs are currently being serviced. For each input that
is currently being serviced, the corresponding bit will be set in the ISR.
The Priority Resolver:
The Priority Resolver acts as a “judge” that determines if and when an interrupt request on one
of the IR inputs gets serviced.

Read/Write Logic:

The RD and WR inputs control the data flow on the data bus when the device is selected by
asserting its chip select (CS) input low.

Control Logic:

This block has an input and an output line. If the 8259A is properly enabled, the interrupt
request will cause the 8259A to assert its INT output pin high. If this pin is connected to the
INTR pin of an 8085 and if the 8085 Interrupt Enable (IE) flag is set, then this high signal will
cause the 8085 to respond INTR as explained earlier.

8259A Interrupt Operation

To implement interrupt, the interrupt enable flip-flop in the microprocessor should
be enabled by writing the EI instruction and the 8259A should be initialized by writing
control words in the control register. The 8259A requires two types of control words:

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(a) Initialization Command Words (ICWS)
(b) Operational Command Words (OCWs)

ICWs are used to set up the proper conditions and specify RST vector address.
The OCWs are used to perform functions such as masking interrupts, setting up status-read
operations etc.
Step-1: The IRR of 8259A stores the request.
Step-2: The priority resolver checks 3 registers-
* The IRR for interrupt requests. * IMR for masking bits and * The ISR for interrupt request
being served. It resolves the priority and sets the INT high when appropriate.
Step-3: The MPU acknowledges the interrupt by sending signals in 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴.
Step-4: After the 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 is received, the appropriate priority bit in the ISR is set to indicate
which interrupt level is being served and the corresponding bit in the IRR is reset to indicate
that the request for the CALL instruction is placed on the data bus.
Step-5: When MPU decodes the CALL instruction, it places two more 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 signals on the
data bus.
Step-6: When the 8259A receives the second 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴, it places the low-order byte of the CALL
address on the data bus. At the 3rd 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴, it places the high order byte on the data bus. The
CALL address is the vector memory location for the interrupt, this address is placed in the
control register during the initialization.
Step-7: During the 3rd 𝐼𝑁𝑇𝐴 pulse, the ISR bit is reset either automatically (Automatic-End-
of-Interrupt-AEOI) or by a command word that must be issued at the end of the service routine
(End of Interrupt-EOI). This option is determined by the initialization command word (ICW).
Step-8: The program sequence is transferred to the memory location specified by the CALL


Semiconductor memories are of two types, viz. RAM (Random Access Memory) and
ROM (Read Only Memory). The semiconductor RAMs are of broadly two types-static RAM
and dynamic RAM. The semiconductor memories are organized as two-dimensional arrays of
memory locations. For example, 4Kx8 or 4K byte memory contains 4096 locations, where each
location contains 8-bit data and only one of the 4096 locations can be selected at a time.

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The general procedure of static memory interfacing with 8086 is briefly described as follows:
1. Arrange the available memory chips so as to obtain 16-bit data bus width. The upper 8-bit
bank is called "odd address memory bank" and the lower 8-bit bank is called "even address
memory bank".
2. Connect available memory address lines of memory chips with those of the microprocessor
and also connect the memory __ and __ inputs to the corresponding processor control signals.
Connect 16-bit data bus of the memory bank with that of the microprocessor 8086.
3. The remaining address lines of the microprocessor, ___ and A0 are used for decoding the
required chip select signals for the odd and even memory banks. The __ of memory is derived
from the O/P of the decoding circuit.

Problem 1
Interface two 4Kx8 EPROM and two 4Kx8 RAM chips with 8086. Select suitable maps.
Memory Map Table

Total 8K bytes of EPROM need 13 address lines A0-A12 (since z13 = 8K).
Address lines A13 - A19 are used for decoding to generate the chip select.
The ___ signal goes low when a transfer is at odd address or higher byte of data is to be
Let us assume that the latched address, ___ and demultiplexed data lines are readily available
for interfacing.

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The memory system in this problem contains in total four 4K x 8 memory chips.
The two 4K x 8 chips of RAM and ROM are arranged in parallel to obtain 16-bit data bus
width. If A0 is 0, i.e., the address is even and is in RAM, then the lower RAM chip is selected
indicating 8-bit transfer at an even address. If A0 is i.e., the address is odd and is in RAM, the
___ goes low, the upper RAM chip is selected, further indicating that the 8-bit transfer is at an
odd address. If the selected addresses are in ROM, the respective ROM chips are selected. If
at a time A0 and ___ both are 0, both the RAM or ROM chips are selected, i.e., the data transfer
is of 16 bits. The selection of chips here takes place as shown in table below.

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Problem 2:
Design an interface between 8086 CPU and two chips of 16K×8 EPROM and two chips of
32K×8 RAM. Select the starting address of EPROM suitably. The RAM address must start at
00000 H.
Solution: The last address in the map of 8086 is FFFFF H. after resetting, the processor starts
from FFFF0 H. hence this address must lie in the address range of EPROM.

It is better not to use a decoder to implement the above map because it is not continuous, i.e.
there is some unused address space between the last RAM address (0FFFF H) and the first
EPROM address (F8000 H). Hence the logic is implemented using logic gates.

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Problem3: It is required to interface two chips of 32K×8 ROM and four chips of 32K×8 RAM
with 8086, according to following map.
ROM 1 and ROM 2 F0000H - FFFFFH, RAM 1 and RAM 2 D0000H - DFFFFH, RAM 3
and RAM 4 E0000H - EFFFFH. Show the implementation of this memory system.

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Stack is a block of memory that may be used for temporarily for storing contents of register inside CPU. The
stack is a block of memory that is accessed using SP and SS registers. The stack works in LIFO (Last In
First Out) manner.
Stack contains a set of sequentially arranged data bytes, with last item appearing on top of it. This item is
popped off from the stack when used by CPU.
The stack pointer is a16 bit register that contains the offset of the address that lies in the stack segment.
The stack segment has maximum 64 Kbytes locations, and thus may overlap with other segments.
The stack segment register contains the base address of the stack in the memory.
The stack segment register and stack pointer register together address the stack top.
Each push operation decrements the stack pointer, while each pop operation increments the stack pointer.

An INTERRUPT is a condition that causes the microprocessor to temporarily work on a different task and
then return to its previous task. Interrupt is an event or signal that request to attention of CPU. Whenever an
interrupt occurs the processor completes the execution of the current instruction and starts the execution of
an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) or Interrupt Handler. ISR is a program that tells the processor what to do
when the interrupt occurs. After the execution of ISR, control returns back to the main routine where it was

There are two interrupt pins in 8086. NMI and INTR
NMI: It is a single non-maskable interrupt pin (NMI) having higher priority. When this interrupt is
activated, these actions take place −
• Completes the current instruction that is in progress.
• Pushes the Flag register values on to the stack.
• Pushes the CS (code segment) value and IP (instruction pointer) value of the return

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address on to the stack.
• IP is loaded from the contents of the word location 00008H.(Type 2*4=00008 H)
• CS is loaded from the contents of the next word location 0000AH.
• Interrupt flag and trap flag are reset to 0.
INTR: The INTR is a maskable interrupt pin. It can be accepted (enable) or rejected (masked). The
microprocessor enabled the interrupt using set interrupt flag instruction. It should disable using clear
interrupt Flag instruction. The following actions are taken by the microprocessor −
• First completes the current instruction.
• Activates INTA output and receives the interrupt type, say X.
• Flag register value, CS value of the return address and IP value of the return address
are pushed on to the stack.
• IP value is loaded from the contents of word location X × 4
• CS is loaded from the contents of the next word location.
• Interrupt flag and trap flag is reset to 0


1. External interface sends an interrupt signal, to the Interrupt Request (INTR) pin, or an internal
interrupt occurs.
2. The CPU finishes the present instruction (for a hardware interrupt) and sends Interrupt
Acknowledge (INTA) to hardware interface.
3. The interrupt type N is sent to the Central Processor Unit (CPU) via the Data bus from the
hardware interface.
4. The contents of the flag registers are pushed onto the stack.
5. Both the interrupt (IF) and (TF) flags are cleared. This disables the INTR pin and the trap or
single-step feature.
6. The contents of the code segment register (CS) are pushed onto the Stack.
7. The contents of the instruction pointer (IP) are pushed onto the Stack.
8. The interrupt vector contents are fetched, from (4 x N) and then placed into the IP and from (4 x N
+2) into the CS so that the next instruction executes at the interrupt service procedure addressed
by the interrupt vector.
9. While returning from the interrupt-service routine by the Interrupt Return (IRET) instruction,
the IP, CS and Flag registers are popped from the Stack and return to their state prior to the


In INTERRUPT method, whenever any device needs service from microprocessor, the device notifies to
processor by sending signal called interrupt. Upon receiving an interrupt signal, the microprocessor holds
whatever it is doing and serves the corresponding device. The program associated with the interrupt is called
the interrupt service routine (ISR) or interrupt handler.

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In POLLING method, the microprocessor continuously monitors the status of a given device; when the
status condition is met, it performs the service. After that, it moves on to the next device until each one is
serviced. Although polling can monitor the status of several devices and serve each of them if certain
conditions are met.


In general, there are two types of Interrupts:
Internal (or) Software Interrupts are generated by a software instruction and operates similarly to a
jump or branch instruction.
External (or) Hardware Interrupts are caused by an external hardware module
HARDWARE INTERRUPTS: One source is from an external signal applied to NMI or INTR input pin of
the processor. The interrupts initiated by applying appropriate signals to these input pins are called hardware
interrupts Hardware interrupts are generated by hardware devices when something unusual happens; this
could be a key-press or a mouse move or any other action. It can be divided into two1. Maskable2. Non
➢ Maskable Interrupts: There are some interrupts which can be masked (disabled)or enabled by the
➢ Non-Maskable Interrupts: There are some interrupts which cannot be masked out or ignored by
the processor. These are associated with high priority tasks which cannot be ignored (like memory
parity or bus faults).

SOFTWARE INTERRUPTS: Interrupts are generated by a software instruction and operate similarly to a
jump or branch instruction. 256 interrupts are there. INT n is invoked as software interrupts- n is the type
no in the range 0 to 255(00 to FF). Interrupts are divided into three groups
• Type 0 to Type 4 (Dedicated Interrupts)
- TYPE 0 interrupt represents division by zero situation.
- TYPE 1 interrupt represents single-step execution during the debugging of program.
- TYPE 2 interrupt represents non-maskable NMI interrupt.
- TYPE 3 interrupt represents break-point interrupt.
- TYPE 4 interrupt represents overflow interrupt.
• Type 5 to 31(Not used by 8086, reserved for higher processor like

• Type 32-255(Available for user): User defined interrupts


For every interrupt, there must be an interrupt service routine (ISR), or interrupt handler. When an

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interrupt is invoked, the microprocessor runs the interrupt service routine. For every interrupt,
there is a fixed location in memory that holds the address of its ISR. The group of memory
locations set aside to hold the addresses of ISRs is called the interrupt vector table.
When an interrupt is occurred, the microprocessor stops execution of current instruction. It transfers the
content of program counter into stack. It also stores the current status of the interrupts internally but not on
stack. After this, it jumps to the memory location specified by Interrupt Vector Table (IVT). After that the
code written on that memory area will execute


The interrupt vector (or interrupt pointer) table is the link between an interrupt type code and the
procedure that has been designated to service interrupts associated with that code. 8086 supports
total 256 types i.e. 00H to FFH. The first 1Kbyte of memory of 8086 (00000 to003FF) is set aside
as a table for storing the starting addresses of Interrupt Service Procedures(ISP).Since 4-bytes are
required for storing starting addresses of ISPs, the table can hold 256 Interrupt procedures. The
starting address of an ISP is often called the Interrupt Vector or Interrupt Pointer. Therefore, the
table is referred as Interrupt Vector Table.

Predefined Interrupts:
Divide-By-Zero Interrupt-Type 0: The 8086 will automatically do a type 0 interrupt if the result of a DIV
operation or an IDIV operation is too large to fit in the destination register. For a type 0 interrupt, the 8086
pushes the flag register on the stack, resets IF and TF and pushes the return addresses on the stack.

Single Step Interrupt-Type 1: The use of single step execution feature is found in some of the monitor &
debugger programs. When we tell a system to single step, it will execute one instruction and stop. We can
then examine the contents of registers and memory locations.

Non-maskable Interrupt-Type 2: The 8086 will automatically do a type 2 interrupt response when it
receives a low to high transition on its NMI pin. When it does a type 2 interrupt, the 8086 will push the flags
on the stack, reset TF and IF, and push the CS value and the IP value for the next instruction on the stack. It
will then get the CS value for the start of the type 2 interrupt service procedure from address 0000AH and
the IP value for the start of the procedure from address 00008H.

Breakpoint Interrupt-Type 3: The type 3 interrupt is produced by execution of the INT3 instruction. The
main use of the type 3 interrupt is to implement a breakpoint function in a system. The breakpoint feature
executes all the instructions up to the inserted breakpoint and then stops execution. The mnemonic for the
instruction is INT3. Whenever we insert a breakpoint, the system executes the instructions up to the
breakpoint and then goes to the breakpoint procedure.

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Overflow Interrupt-Type4: The 8086 overflow flag will be set if the signed result of an arithmetic
operation on two signed numbers is too large to be represented in the destination register or memory


NMI (Non mask-able interrupt)-

• This is a non-mask-able, edge triggered, high priority interrupt.

• On receiving an interrupt on NMI line, the microprocessor executes INT
• Microprocessor obtains the ISR address from location 2 x 4 = 00008H from the IVT.
• It reads 4 locations starting from this address to get the values for IP and CS to execute
the ISR.

INTR (Maskable Interrupt)-

This is a mask-able, level triggered, low priority interrupt.
• On receiving an interrupt on INTR line, the microprocessor executes 2 INTA pulses.
• 1st INTA pulse – The interrupting device calculates (prepares to send) the vector number. 2nd INTA
pulse – The interrupting device sends the vector number ‘N’ to the microprocessor.
• Now microprocessor multiplies N x 4 and goes to the corresponding location in the IVT to
obtain the ISR address. INTR is a mask-able interrupt.
• It is masked by making IF = 0 by software through CLI instruction.
• It is unmasked by making IF = 1 by software through STI instructions.


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The 8259A is a programmable interrupt controller designed to work with Intel microprocessor 8080 A,
8085, 8086, 8088.Programmable Interrupt controller able to handle no of interrupts at a time.


• 8 levels of interrupts.
• Can be cascaded in master-slave configuration to handle 64 levels of interrupts.
• Internal priority resolver.
• Individually maskable interrupts.

• Modes and masks can be changed dynamically.

• Accepts IRQ, determines priority, checks whether incoming priority > current level being
serviced, issues interrupt signal.
• In 8086 mode, provides 8 bit vector number.
• Starting address of ISR or vector number is programmable.
• No clock required.

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Pins Description
CS Active low chip for enabling RD/WR operations.
𝐖𝐑 Active low write enable input. This enables to accept command words from CPU
𝐑𝐃 Active low read input. Enables to release status onto data bus
D7 – D0 These pins forms bidirectional data bus that carries 8 bit data either to control word or from
status word register. These also carries interrupt vector information
CAS2 – CAS0 A single 8259A gives 8 interrupts, if more interrupts are required, the 8259A is used in cascaded
mode to provide 64 interrupts lines. Also act as select lines for addressing slaves in 8259A
𝐏𝐒 ̅̅̅̅ This pin is a dual-purpose pin. When chip is used in buffered mode, it can be used as buffer
enable to control buffer transceivers. If not used in buffered mode then pin is used as input to
designate whether chip is used as master or slave.
INT This pin goes high whenever a valid interrupt request is asserted. This is used to interrupt CPU
and is connected to interrupt input of CPU
IR0 – IR7 These pins act as input to accept requests to CPU.
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐀 This pin is an input used to strobe 8259A interrupt vector data onto to the data bus.


The Interrupt sequence in an 8086-8259A system is described as follows:
1. One or more IR lines are raised high that set corresponding IRR bits.
2. 8259A resolves priority and sends an INT signal to CPU.
3. The CPU acknowledge with INTA pulse.

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4. Upon receiving an INTA signal from the CPU, the highest priority ISR bit is set and the corresponding
IRR bit is reset. The 8259A does not drive data during this period.
5. The 8086 will initiate a second INTA pulse. During this period 8259A releases an 8-bit pointer on to a
data bus from where it is read by the CPU.
6. This completes the interrupt cycle. The ISR bit is reset at the end of the second INTA pulse if
automatic end of interrupt (AEOI) mode is programmed. Otherwise ISR bit remains set until an
appropriate EOI command is issued at the end of interrupt subroutine.


Static RAM Interfacing:

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