Summer 2022
Summer 2022
Summer 2022
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
15 minutes extra for each hour
R=1 Ohm
L= 2 Henry
Fig. No. 1
22531 [2]
d) Draw the block diagram of PLC.
e) Draw the response of first order control system and
show the effect of time constant in it.
f) Compare open loop system and closed loop system on the
basis of following points.
i) Feedback path
ii) Complexity
iii) Cost
iv) Accuracy
g) Draw the output of derivative controller mode if the error
e (t)
signal is t
22531 [4]
c) Draw ladder diagram for 3 motor operation for following
i) Start push button, start motor M1.
ii) When motor M1 is ON after 8 minutes M2 is ON and
M1 is OFF.
iii) When M2 is ON, after 15 minutes M3 is ON and M2 is
OFF. and when stop push button is pressed M3 is OFF.
Fig. No. 2