CSP IMPQ By Campusify
CSP IMPQ By Campusify
CSP IMPQ By Campusify
Study Material
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2 marks
4 marks
6) For the electrical system shown in fig. No.1, Derive the transfer function Vo(s)/Vi(s)
2 marks
11) For a system having closed loop transfer function for unit step i/p determine
1) wn 2) damping factor
T(S) = _______64________
S2 + 5S + 64
12) Define i) steady state error ii) Type of the system
13) Define i) damping ratio ii) transient response
14) Define the following terms Stable System and Unstable System.
4 marks
16) For the given transfer function C(s)/R(s) = (S+2)/S(S2+ 2S+ 2)(S2+7S+12)
Find Poles, Zeros & Characteristic Equation
17) Draw the time response of second order underdamped control system with neat
18) Derive unit step response of 1st order system.Draw the response.
19) A second order system is given by
T(S) = _______25________
S2 + 6S + 25
Determine time domain specifications.
i) Rise time ii) peak time iii) settling time iv) peak overshoot
20) Find error coefficients and steady state error for the transfer function
G(s).H(s) = 10 (s+1)_______
where r(t)=3+10t
21) What are the standard test signals used in time domain analysis and state the
mathematical statement for each.
22) Determine the stability of the system whose characteristic equation is given as
2 marks
4 marks
2 Marks:
4 Marks:
2 Marks:
14) Explain the terms normally open and normally closed contact.
4 Marks:
y1 = A + B + C . D + E
y2 = (F . G .H ) + I
Q = y1 . y2
22) Draw ladder diagram for 3 motor operation for following conditions
i. Start push button starts motors M1 and
ii. after 10 seconds motor M2 starts and
iii. after 10 seconds motor M3 starts
24) State four points of information associated with a counter instruction of PLC.
25) State four points of information associated with a timer instruction of PLC.