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ii. Determine the Transfer function of the electrical network shown in the fig.
2. i. Reduce the Block diagram to its Canonical form and obtain C(s)/R(s).
ii. Give the Comparison between block diagram and Signal flow graph methods.
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4. i. Consider the Mechanical system show below and write the Differential equation.
ii. Draw the torque-voltage electrical analogous circuit for the mechanical system
shown below.
5. i. For the Signal flow graph shown below find C/R, using Mason’s gain formula.
ii. Find the Transfer Function C(S)/R(S) of block diagram shown below.
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Construct the Equivalent signal flow graph and obtain C/R using mason’s gain
ii. For the block diagram shown below, Find the output C/R .
7. Using SFG, Find the overall Transfer function for the system shown in the fig.
8. Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system shown in
Fig. Draw the T-V and T-I electrical analogous circuits.
9. Write the differential Equations governing the mechanical system shown in the fig.
and determine the transfer function.
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10. Determine the overall transfer function of the system shown in the fig.
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13. Sketch the response of the second order under damped system.
14. List the time domain specifications.
15. What are generalized error and static error constants?
16. Define position, velocity error constants.
17. Define damping ratio.
18. Name the test signals used in time response analysis.
19. Define step signal.
20. Define ramp, parabolic and impulse signal.
1. With the Suitable block diagrams and Equations, Explain the following type of
controllers employed in Control Systems.
i. Proportional controller
ii. Proportional – plus – integral controller
iii. PID controller
iv. Integral controller
2. The Unity feedback system is characterized by the open loop transfer function
G(𝑆) = . Determine the gain K, so that the system will have the damping ratio
of 0.5. For this value of K, Determine the settling times, peak overshoot, and time to
peak overshoot for a unit step input.
3. Derive Expression for Rise time, fall time, settling time, peak overshoot.
4. The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by
𝐺( 𝑆) = where K and T are positive constants. By what factor should the
amplifier gain be reduced so that the peak overshoot of unit step response of the
system is reduced from 75% to 25%.
𝑌(𝑆) 2
5. Consider a Second order model = 𝜔 ; 0 < 𝜀 < 1. Find the response y
𝑅(𝑆) 𝑠2+2𝜀𝜔𝑛𝑠+𝜔 2𝑛
(t) to a unit step input.
6. i. Derive the Expression and Sketch the response of Second order under damped
ii. For a unity feedback control system the open loop transfer function G(s) =
10(s+2)/s2 (s+1). Find Kp, KV, Ka and the steady state error when the input is R(s)
3 2 1
where R(s)
s s2 3s3
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8. A unit ramp input is applied to a unity feedback system whose transfer function is
C(s)= 100/(s2+5s+100).Find the time response and steady state error
9. i. A unity feedback system with unit step input for which open loop transfer function
G(s) =16/s(s+8).Find the transfer function, the natural Frequency, the damping ratio
and the damped frequency of oscillation.
ii. Derive the response of undamped second order system for unit step input.
10. The unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function
G(s) = K(2s+1)/ s(5s+1)(1+s)2 with r(t) = (1+6t). Find the minimum value of K if the
steady error is to be less than 0.1.
20. Determine the frequency domain specification of a second order system when closed
loop transfer function is given by C(S)/R(S)= 2 164
𝑠 +10𝑠+64
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The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is
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9. Design a Lead Compensator for a Unity feedback System with Open loop transfer
function G(S) = K/S(S+1)(S+3) to Satisfy the following Specifications.
i) Velocity error Constant, Kv ≥50
ii) Phase Margin is ≥ 20 degrees.
10. Explain in detail the procedure for Nichol’s chart with M and N circles.
S3+4.5S2+3.5S+1.5 = 0.
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3. Determine the range of K for stability of unity feedback system whose OLTF is
G(s) = 𝑘
Using RH criterion.
k s 2
4. (i) Draw the root locus of the G(s) = whose H(s) = 1.
s2 2s 3
Determine open loop gain k at = 0.7.
(ii) Determine the range of K for which system is stable using RH Criterion.
S4+ 3 S3 + 3 S2 +S +k = 0
5. (i) Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is
G(s) . Find the value of K so that the damping ratio of the
s s 2 s 4
6. (i) Construct Routh array and determine the stability of the system whose
characteristic equation is S6+2S5+8S4+12S3+20S2+16S+16=0. Also determine the
number of roots lying on right half of S-plane, left half of S-plane and on imaginary
(ii) Explain the procedure for Nyquist Stability Criterion
7. (i) Construct Routh array and determine the stability of the system whose
characteristic equation is S5+S4+2S3+2S2+3S+5=0. Comment on the location of the
roots of Characteristic equation.
(ii) Explain the rules for construction of the Root Locus of a feedback system.
8. Sketch the Root Locus of the System whose open loop transfer function is
G(S) = K / S (S+1) (S+3). Determine the Value of K for Damping Ratio equal to 0.5.
9. Construct the Nyquist plot for a system, whose open loop transfer function is given
by G(S) H(S) = K(1+S) 2 / S3. Find the range of K for stability.
10. Draw the Nyquist plot for the System whose open loop transfer function is
G(s) H(s) = K / S (S+2) (S+10). Determine the range of K for which the closed loop
System is Stable.
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4. For a given state variable representation of a second order system given below find
the state response for a unit step input and
𝑥 0 1 𝑥1 0 𝑥1 (0)
[ 1 ]=[ ] [𝑥 ] + [ ] [𝑢] [ ] =[0] by using discrete time approximation
𝑥2 −2 −3 2 2 𝑥2 (0) 1
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0 1 0 0
A=[0 −1 1 ], B=[ 0 ] and C= [1 0 0] .Determine the Transfer function of the
0 −1 −10 10
(𝑆) 3
6. A System is characterized by the Transfer function = .
𝑈(𝑆) (𝑠 3+5𝑠2 +11 𝑠+6)
Identify the first state as output .Determine whether or not the system is completely
controllable and observable
ii) Find the Controllability of the System described by the following equations
−1 −1 𝑋̇1 0
𝑋̇ =[ ] [ ] + u(t)
[ ]
2 −1 𝑋̇2 1