Lwrci Ic Di Manual
Lwrci Ic Di Manual
Lwrci Ic Di Manual
operator’s manual
2 LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348
LW R C I - D I E L E VAT E D . I M P R O V E D . E N H A N C E D .
NOTICE: LWRC International, LLC shall not be responsible for injury, death, or damage from either intentional or
negligent discharge of this firearm or from its function when used in a manner other than designed.
IMPORTANT: Careless or improper handling, unauthorized adjustment or parts replacement, neglect, poor storage and
the use of wrong caliber or any ammunition other than recommended will prejudice any warranties extended by LWRC
International on this Firearm.
LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348 3
1.1 GENERAL SAFETY PROCEDURES An important part of safe handling, especially around other
When handling any type of firearm, the shooter must, at all times, keep people, is to frequently ensure that the weapon is clear when it is
not being actively shot. For example, when handing your weapon
in mind the cardinal safety rules of weapons handling:
to another person, clear the weapon and lock the bolt carrier to
the rear using the bolt catch. When the receiving person takes
THE FOUR FIREARMS SAFETY RULES the weapon, the new holder should follow the clearing procedure
1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded at all times. (including visual inspection of the chamber). Please consult
section 3 of this manual for instructions on how to clear your IC.
2. Never point your weapon at anything that you do not intend to destroy.
3. Keep your finger off of the trigger until you intend to fire. Always ensure that you are firing the correct caliber ammunition
through your weapon. To ensure proper function and safety,
4. Keep the weapon’s safety on until you intend to fire.
LWRCI recommends using factory-loaded ammunition that
complies with SAAMI, NATO, or CIP published standards. LWRCI
does not guarantee your weapon’s safety or performance when
using reloaded, hand loaded, or surplus ammunition.
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Carrier Group with Integrated
Linear Gas Key, Nickel-
+ Type III Hard-Coat Anodize on Receivers and Rails + LWR
Boron-coated Carrier and
Cam Pin, MIL-Spec bolt
+ LWRCI Advanced Trigger Guard FO LW
- P ER S A |
+ Fully Ambidextrous Lower Controls: Mag Release,
| BoltIN T
Catch HIG
& Release, and Selector
LWRCI Angled Ergonomic
Fore Grip w/ QD Sling Point + Mil-Spec, 6-Position Buffer TubeRO
LWRCI COLD HAMMER FORGED SPIRAL + H2 Buffer and Mil-Spec Buffer Spring
+ LWRCI Compact Stock w/ QD sling
+ LWRCI Ambidextrous Charging Handle
2 4 7
15 14 12 13 11 10
8 LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348
17 18 19 20 25 24
21 14 22 23 16
15. Magazine 19. Ejection Port Cover 24. LWRC DI Gas Block
16. Front Take-Down Pin 20. Bolt Carrier (Inside) 25. Gas Lube
(Pivot Pin) 21. Magpul MOE+ Grip
17. Forward Assist 22. LWRCI Enhanced Trigger Guard
18. Brass Deflector 23. Ambi Mag Release
LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348 9
2.3 OPERATING CONTROLS CAUTION: Although numerous aftermarket fire control groups are
This section details the function of the parts of the weapon that the available, LWRCI can only warranty the use of the fire control group
shooter will manipulate during firing. supplied with your weapon.
LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348 11
the weapon is no longer firing with the exception of the ‘Range Safe’ 3.0 PRE-OPERATING PROCEDURES
condition. To close it, simply push the cover up until it engages the Several measures should be taken before firing your LWRCI-DI. These
upper receiver. pre-operating procedures can be taken as often as the shooter wishes,
but they should at the least be completed before every firing session to
2.3.8 LWRCI COMPACT STOCK (9) ensure proper function of the firearm.
The standard LWRCI-DI comes equipped with an LWRCI Compact
Stock fitted to a 6-position buffer tube. To adjust the length of pull of 3.1 CLEARING YOUR WEAPON
either stock, hold down the back of the stock release lever and slide Clearing your weapon is an important starting and stopping point for
the stock forwards or backwards to the desired position. Release many weapon operations. Clear the weapon upon receiving it from
the lever and rock the stock forward and back until you hear a click, someone, when you pass it along to someone, and when it is being set
ensuring that the stock is locked in place. down on the range or for storage. Clearing is also the easiest way to
put the weapon into conditions 3-4.
2. Press and hold the bottom half of either bolt catch lever. The
traditionally taught method is to turn the rifle onto its side and
hold the bolt catch with the support hand, but the ambi controls of
the IC allow for the firing hand to hold open the bolt catch as well.
3. Using the hand that is not holding the bolt catch lever, grasp the
charging handle, depress the latch(es) and firmly pull the charging
handle and carrier group all the way to the rear. If a round was
chambered, it should have been ejected as the bolt carrier moved
to the rear. As it moves all of the way to the rear, the bolt carrier
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5. Reassemble the weapon by inserting the bolt carrier group into the
3.2 PRE-FIRE INSPECTION (PFI) upper receiver, close up the upper and lower receivers, and
A pre-fire inspection should be performed before each firing session. re-insert the rear takedown pin. .
1. Clear the weapon before placing it into Condition 4. 6. If applicable, ensure that the adjustment of the gas block is in the
2. Break the weapon down ‘shotgun style’ by pulling out the rear appropriate position for the current firing schedule.
takedown pin and pivoting the upper and lower receivers apart. 7. Inspect your magazines. Ensure that they are clean and not dented
3. Inspect the bolt carrier group. Remove the bolt carrier group by or cracked. Pay special attention to the shape of the feed lips on
pulling the charging handle back halfway and sliding the bolt metal magazines. Check that the magazine follower moves freely
carrier group free of the upper receiver. Check to make sure that within the magazine body and returns home under its own spring
the bolt is fully captive in the carrier. Make sure that the cam pin is tension. Do not oil or otherwise lubricate magazines.
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8. Inspect the ammunition. Ensure that the ammunition is the correct 5. Check the bolt release. Press the large paddle on the upper
caliber for the weapon and is not damaged. Do not oil or otherwise portion of either bolt release. The carrier group should slam
lubricate ammunition. forward and lock into battery. Never slam the carrier group
forward on your chamber flag. This may cause the flag to break
Once the inspection is completed, clear the weapon and return it to
and become stuck in your bore.
either Condition 4 or make it ‘Range Safe’.
6. Check the function of the safety. With the selector on SAFE, pull
3.3 PRE-FIRE FUNCTION TEST the trigger. Nothing should happen; the hammer should not drop.
The shooter should complete a pre-fire function test of the action and 7. Check semi-auto function. Rotate the selector to “SEMI” and pull
fire control group after the weapon has been disassembled and the trigger. The hammer should drop with a loud click. Repeat this
reassembled. As the pre-fire inspection involves partially breaking the test by charging the weapon (pull the charging handle firmly to the
weapon down, a function test should always follow an inspection. rear, then release).and pulling the trigger again. The hammer
Perform the following steps, watching closely for anything that impedes should drop.
the movement of the carrier group or makes the weapon hard to cycle.
8. Check the trigger reset. Hold down the trigger while charging the
1. Clear the weapon before placing it into Condition 4. weapon again. Once the charging handle and carrier group have
2. Check the function of the magazine catch. Insert an empty returned home, slowly release the trigger. Listen for a click as you
magazine into the magazine well, tugging on it to ensure that it is release the trigger; that ‘click’ is the sound of the disconnector
fully seated and held in place by the magazine catch. separating from the hammer. The hammer should remain cocked
when the trigger is fully released.
3. Check the function of the charging handle and the bolt catch.
Grasp the charging handle and pull it to the rear. The bolt carrier 9. Check full-auto function (if applicable). Set the selector to “AUTO”.
group should lock to the rear because of the empty magazine. The Pull and hold the trigger. The hammer should fall. Charge the
charging handle should not return forward on its own accord. Push weapon at least three times while holding the trigger down. The
the charging handle until it is latched back into its home position. hammer should fall each time the carrier group goes into the
home position.
4. Check the function of the magazine release. Release the magazine
using the magazine release and remove it from the weapon. The Once the function test is completed, clear the weapon and return it
carrier group should remain locked to the rear. to either Condition 4 or make it ‘Range Safe’.
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If you have fired all of the rounds in the magazine, turn the weapon
counter-clockwise and visually inspect the chamber to make sure that
it is empty and the bolt carrier is locked back.
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As the bullet travels down the barrel and passes the gas port, the propellant gases behind the bullet are
siphoned off by the gas port. This gas travels through the gas block before flowing down the gas tube and
into the nozzle on the carrier. The pressurized gas forces the carrier to start moving backwards. As the bolt
carrier group moves in the upper receiver, the cam pin follows the path of the cam pin track in the upper
receiver which, in conjunction with the gas working against the gas rings of the bolt, causes the bolt lugs
unlock from the barrel extension. The rearward motion of the bolt carrier group is called the recoil stroke.
As the bolt carrier group continues its recoil stroke, the extractor (the part of the bolt that grips the rim of
the cartridge case) holds firmly to the cartridge, causing the empty cartridge to be withdrawn, or extracted,
from the chamber.
Once the empty cartridge is withdrawn to the ejection port, it is flung from the weapon by the spring loaded
ejector, located on the bolt face.
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In semi-automatic firing, as the bolt carrier recoils to the rear, it cocks the hammer. The hammer is initially
retained by the disconnector. As the shooter lets go of the trigger, the disconnector releases the hammer.
The hammer moves slightly before re-engaging the front face of the trigger. This re-engagement is called
the reset.
In automatic firing, as the bolt carrier recoils to the rear, it cocks the hammer on the auto sear. As the
carrier moves back forward after it has completed its recoil stroke, the front of the bolt will trip the auto
sear, releasing the hammer and firing the round. When the shooter releases the trigger, the hammer is
caught by the hammer/trigger engagement surface and the fire control group is reset.
The recoil stroke concludes when the buffer halts the rearward motions of the bolt carrier group. The buffer
spring, which was compressed during the recoil stroke, drives the bolt carrier group forward. This forward
motion is called the counter-recoil or return stroke. As the bolt carrier moves forward, the next round is
stripped from the top of the magazine and directed into the chamber by the magazine feed lips and the
receiver feed ramps.
As the bolt carrier group continues the return stroke, the round is seated in the chamber.
The bolt carrier group completes the forward motion of the return stroke, the bolt locking lugs pass between
the barrel extension lugs. During the last ½” of bolt carrier group travel, the cam pin moves from the guide
channel into the cam pin recess, rotating the bolt counter-clockwise and locking the bolt lugs against the
barrel extension lugs.
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Note that the use of water-based lubricants, such as WD-40, is not advised as the
water content of the lubricant can actually aid corrosion.
When applying lubricant, use a moderate coat of lubricant on moving parts. A moderate
coat should be just visible to the eye. Apply lubricant directly to the part and spread it
with a brush, cloth, or finger.
4. Takedown pins
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To start the field strip, separate the upper and lower receivers:
2. From the left-hand side, press in the rear takedown pin. From the
right-hand side, pull the rear takedown pin to the right until it
stops. FIG 5.2.A
3. Repeat step 2 for the front pivot pin. FIG 5.2.B GROUP
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To complete the field strip of the lower receiver assembly, remove the buffer and spring from
the buffer tube:
1. With the hammer cocked, depress the buffer retainer using a screwdriver, punch, or other
suitable tool. The buffer should spring free. FIG 5.2.D
2. Pull on the buffer to remove the buffer and buffer spring from the lower receiver. FIG 5.2.E
To complete the field strip of the upper receiver assembly, remove the bolt carrier group and
5.2.E charging handle from the upper:
1. Pull the charging handle to the rear about three-quarters of the way.
2. Remove the bolt carrier group from the upper receiver. FIG 5.2.F
3. Pull the charging handle fully towards the rear. Remove the charging handle by moving it
downward so the expanded end of the charging handle passes through the cut-out in the
guide track of the upper receiver.
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Detailed disassembly is simply breaking down the rifle as much as is possible without specialized tools.
This type of disassembly should be done routinely. For example, the detailed disassembly might be done
after several thousand rounds of suppressed fire or before the rifle is put away for extended storage.
To complete the detailed disassembly of the lower receiver, simply remove the stock:
1. Grasp the adjustment lever on the underside of the buttstock. Pull the adjustment lever
straight down to disengage the stock pin, and then slide the stock off of the end of the buffer tube.
1. Cup the bolt carrier group in one hand and, with a suitable punch or the tip of a cartridge,
push out the firing pin retainer in to your cupped hand. Do not twist the retainer during
removal. FIG 5.3.A
2. Slide the firing pin out of the rear of the carrier. FIG 5.3.B
3. Rotate the cam pin to the side so that it is clear of the gas nozzle. Lift the cam pin out of the bolt
carrier group. FIG 5.3.C
4. Remove the bolt from the front of the bolt carrier. FIG 5.3 D
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Reassembly of the LWRCI-DI is achieved by reversing the order of the disassembly steps. Some items to
keep in mind during the reassembly are:
1. When reinstalling the buffer and buffer spring, push the buffer fully into the buffer tube, passing the
buffer detent to ensure that it is fully captured by the detent.
2. Do not forget the cam pin. The rifle may chamber a round and fire without the cam pin, but that shot
could lead to catastrophic failure of the weapon.
3. Some degree of looseness of fit between the upper and lower receiver may be present. While this is
normal and has no effect on the function of the rifle, LWRC-DI’s are equipped with a nylon-tipped
tension screw which may be adjusted to address the looseness. The tension screw is located inside
the lower’s fire control group pocket positioned beneath the upper’s rear take-down lug.
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4. Using a cleaning rod with a bore brush, punch the bore several 3. Complete all of the routine maintenance detailed in section 5.5.
times to break buildup free. 4. Scrub the bolt (including the extractor) with a nylon brush dipped
5. Punch the bore with a dry patch to remove the residue and solvent. in solvent. Pay particular attention to removing build up of any type
Repeat this step until the patches come through the bore clean. in the extractor groove. Wipe away any remaining solvent with a rag
or cloth.
6. Wipe the bolt carrier, charging handle, interior of upper receiver,
5. Scrub the bolt carrier, firing pin, and the interior of the upper
buffer and buffer spring with a cloth slightly dampened with
receiver with a nylon brush dipped in cleaning solvent.
cleaning solvent if available.
6. Clean the firing pin hole and firing pin cavity of the bolt with a pipe
7. Scrub the face of the bolt with a nylon brush dipped in cleaning
7. Wipe away any remaining solvent thoroughly with a rag.
8. Remove the solvent from the parts with a cloth or rag.
8. Apply a moderate coat of lubricant to the cavity on the carrier into
9. Apply a coat of lube to the interior of the upper receiver, buffer
which the bolt is installed.
spring, charging handle, and bolt carrier. Do not lubricate the face
9. Reassemble the weapon and check to make sure that all moving
of the bolt.
parts are functioning correctly.
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In blowing sand and snowy conditions, conduct frequent function The LWRCI-DI is equipped with user-configurable rails that allow for
checks of your weapon and take every opportunity to remove sand and the direct attachment of rail segments and other shooting accessories.
snow from the weapon. Carrying a small brush is highly recommended. To install a rail accessory, use the supplied T20 Torx-head screws that
Compressed air can also be used to blow sand from the weapon. come with the accessory. Match the installation holes to the desired
Do not lubricate the interior of the upper receiver or any exterior parts hole position on the rail and tighten until hand tight, or no more than
of the rifle when operating in extremely sandy or snowy field 15 in-lbs. The screws come with a patch of thread locker pre-applied,
conditions. Apply point lubrication as sparingly as possible. but if a screw has to be removed and reinstalled, apply a drop of blue
Loctite 242 to the screw before reinstallation.
When performing routine maintenance, remove the top rail and brush
away any sand or snow from the piston components
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Magazine not seated properly Re-insert magazine, tap/tug to ensure Worn out/incorrect Buffer Replace Buffer Spring. Do not try to
locked in place, charge rifle or release Spring stretch.
bolt catch. Too many rounds in magazine Remove rounds from magazine and
Rifle not fully charged Ensure charging handle is pulled all do not exceed magazine capacity
when reloading. (Recommended to
the way to the rear before release.
down-load duty magazines by two
Unable to fully charge rifle Ensure correct buffer and spring are rounds for highest reliability).
installed, check buffer roll pin is flush
Magazine not seated properly Re-insert magazine, tap/tug to
with outside of buffer body, inspect
ensure locked in place, charge rifle or
buffer tube for FOD (Foreign Object release bolt catch.
Bent/damaged magazine feed Inspect magazine and replace as
Bent/damaged magazine feed Inspect Magazine and replace as lips not allowing round to feed necessary.
lipsnot allowing rounds to sit necessary. at correct angle
at proper height to be loaded
Worn/weak magazine spring Replace magazine spring.
Worn/damaged bolt lugs Replace bolt. not pushing rounds up to correct
causing bolt to skip over rounds height in order to be fed properly
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Magazine not seated properly Remove magazine, lock bolt to rear, Wrong ammunition for chamber Inspect all ammunition prior to use
clear failed round, reinsert magazine and ensure it is the correct caliber
and ensure it is seated properly. and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Clear, field strip rifle, inspect and FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Clear, field strip rifle, inspect and
in receiver/barrel extension/ clean inside receiver/barrel in receiver/barrel extension/bolt clean bolt face, under extractor,
chamber. extension/chamber. face/under extractor inside chamber and barrel
Short Stroke See Short Stroke section for
remedies. Ammunition defective/damaged Inspect all ammunition prior to use
or out of specification and ensure it is the correct caliber
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348 29
Defective ammunition/dead Inspect all ammunition prior to use Worn/broken extractor Replace extractor and/or extractor
primer and ensure it is the correct caliber and/or extractor spring spring.
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
Corroded/Out of specification Inspect all ammunition prior to use
Broken/weak hammer spring Replace hammer spring. ammunition and ensure it is the correct caliber
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
Worn/broken firing pin Replace firing pin.
Torn case rim Defective ammunition or dirty
FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Clear, field strip rifle, inspect and chamber. Clean chamber and
in receiver/barrel extension/bolt clean bolt face, under extractor, inspect ammunition.
face/under extractor. inside chamber and barrel
extension. FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Clear, field strip rifle, inspect and
in receiver/barrel extension/bolt clean bolt face, under extractor,
Carrier Bounce/ Bolt Bounce See Carrier Bounce/ Bolt Bounce face/under extactor inside chamber and barrel extension.
section for solutions.
Ammunition defective/damaged Inspect all ammunition prior to use
or out of specification and ensure it is the correct caliber
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
30 LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348
Worn/broken ejector spring Replace ejector spring (armorer Worn/Incorrect buffer spring Replace buffer spring. Use
level repair). manufacturer recommended
springs only.
FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Inspect, remove and clean
under extractor not allowing extractor. Incorrect buffer (too light) Use manufacturer recommended
spent case to be released buffers only.
Gas regulator on wrong setting Adjust regulator to correct setting.
(A3 & A5 models) Worn/broken piston Replace piston return spring.
return spring
FOD (Foreign Objected Detected) Clear, field strip rifle, inspect and
in receiver/barrel extension/bolt clean bolt face, under extractor, Gas regulator on wrong setting Adjust regulator to correct setting.
face/under extactor inside chamber and barrel (A5 model)
Bound/broken ejector Remove ejector, inspect, replace/ Suppressor causing excessive Install heavier buffer and stronger
clean as needed. back pressure in operating buffer spring.
system and rifle has no
Short stroke See Short Stroke section for regulator
Over powered ammunition Inspect all ammunition prior to use
and ensure it is the correct caliber
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348 31
Under powered ammunition Inspect all ammunition prior to use Broken/worn piston spring Inspect piston spring and replace
and ensure it is the correct caliber as necessary.
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
Worn/Incorrect buffer spring Replace buffer spring. Do not try to
Dirty, fouled and/or dry Clean bolt carrier group, inside of stretch it back.
operating system upper receiver, chamber and piston
Incorrect buffer (too light) Use manufacturer recommended
system. Apply point lubrication.
buffers only.
Receiver extension misaligned Re-install and realign receiver
Gas regulator on wrong setting Adjust regulator to correct setting.
causing drag on carrier group extension (armorer-level repair).
(A5 model)
Gas block loose or cracked, Re-pin loose block, replace barrel
Suppressor causing excessive Install heavier buffer and stronger
resulting in a loss of pressure assembly if cracked (armorer-
back pressure in operating buffer spring.
level repair).
system and rifle has no
Incorrect buffer (too heavy) Use only manufacturer regulator
and/or buffer spring installed recommended springs and buffers.
Over powered ammunition Inspect all ammunition prior to use
in rifle
and ensure it is the correct caliber
Under-powered ammunition Inspect all ammunition prior to use and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
and ensure it is the correct caliber
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
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Bent/damaged feed lips Inspect magazine and replace as Ammunition defective/ Inspect all ammunition prior to use
necessary. damaged/low quality or out and ensure it is the correct caliber
of specification and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
Use match grade ammunition of
good provenance for best results.
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6.15 TUMBLING ROUNDS (KEYHOLING) The use of projectiles that do not readily compress like sintered
Rounds are failing to stabilize in bore, striking the target powdered metal frangible projectiles, solid metal (copper/brass)
sideways, resembling a “keyhole” shape. projectiles and jacketed projectiles with non-lead cores like
M855A1 will result in shortened barrel life.
Shorter barrels generally also have a shorter barrel life as there
Ammunition defective/damaged Inspect all ammunition prior to use is less barrel to stabilize the projectiles after throat and bore
or out of specification and ensure it is the correct caliber erosion which is concentrated on the chamber end.
and SAAMI/CIP/NATO compliant.
Bore fouled with copper causing Clean bore with copper solvent.
rounds not to stabilize properly Follow instructions provided with
34 LWRCI.COM | 410.901.1348
LWRCI™ products are warranted to be free from defective materials and workmanship for the life of the
original purchaser. LWRCI™’s obligation under this warranty shall be limited to (1) repairing or (2) replacing any
product that, upon inspection at LWRCI™ and based on its discretion, is found to be defective in material or in
This warranty is limited and does not extend to: careless handling, abuse and misuse, unauthorized adjustments
or modifications, use of improper or remanufactured ammunition, excessive or unreasonable use, ordinary wear-
and-tear, rust or corrosion, and damages due to non-factory barrel obstructions. Repairs and replacements
are warranted for the duration of the original warranty. This warranty applies only to factory built products that
have been purchased through an authorized LWRCI distributor or direct dealer.The warranty is only good for the
original purchaser of the product.
No parts of this document Exclusive Remedy: The remedies in this section and in the warranty agreement constitute the sole and exclusive
may be copied, reproduced or remedies of any authorized customer, as well as its successors and assigns, for any defect in the product.
transmitted in any form or for
Disclaimer: The warranty stated in this agreement is the sole and exclusive warranty pertaining to the
any purpose without expressed
product. LWRCI™ disclaims any warranty, express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranty of
written consent from LWRC
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall LWRCI™ be responsible for any indirect,
International LLC.
incidental, or consequential damages including, without limitations, lost profits or costs of delay, with respect
® All rights reserved.
to economic loss or injury to property or to third parties, whether as a result of breach of express or implied
2016 LWRCI.
warranty, negligence or otherwise.
Prior to returning any LWRCI™ product for warranty work, you must receive return material authorization (RMA)
from our customer service department. The contact information is available in this document. Items are return
shipped using prepaid shipping. LWRCI™, LLC accepts no responsibility for items lost or damaged in shipping.
Items that are returned and found to be Out-of-Warranty will be repaired at the customer’s expense; however, no
work will be performed without the customer’s written authorization.
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