Lecture5 Edited - BS5-AIOU-29102024
Lecture5 Edited - BS5-AIOU-29102024
Lecture5 Edited - BS5-AIOU-29102024
Interdependence is of higher value SMILE – How important There is nothing Be more concerned with your character
than independence it is to smile at right to fear, it is only than with your reputation because
time and also when it to understand a character is what you really are, while
comes from the heart reputation is merely what other thinks
you are
• Unit 3&4
15. Lindemann – Hinshelwood mechanism
Assignment 1 (submission before mid term) Search any field of life that does not involve chemistry (directly or indirectly)
Assignment 2: (submission before final) Implementing physical chemistry on i) self cleaning materials & ii) solar energy
Dr Shabana Waseem (POP) - 22102024
a - Voltmeter
b – Salt bridge
c - Electrode
d - Electrolyte
e - Electrode
f - Electrolyte
g – conducting wire
Conductance, or electrical conductance, measures a material’s ability to conduct electricity, essentially showing
how easily an electrical current can flow through it. It is the opposite of electrical resistance, mathematically
expressed as 1/R.
The wire
This is the simplest part of the setup. The wire
allows electrons to travel between the two half-
cells. Often it connects to a device called a
voltmeter which measures the potential.
Voltmeters are useful for monitoring the progress
of the reaction, but not required. The conductor
doesn’t HAVE to be a wire, but wires are the most
common way of connecting the cells for these
types of setups.
Salt bridge: The salt bridge is usually an
inverted U-tube filled with a concentrated
solution of inert electrolytes. It is used to
Electrolytic solutions are those that are capable of conducting an maintain the charge balance and to complete
electric current. A substance that, when added to water, renders it the circuit by allowing the flow of ions through it.
conductive, is known as an electrolyte. A common example of an e It contains a gel in which inert electrolytes like
lectrolyte is ordinary salt, sodium chloride. Solid NaCl and pure KNO3 or K2SO4 are mixed. Through the salt
water are both non- conductive, bridge, negative ion flows towards the anode
but a solution of salt in water is readily conductive. A solution of su and positive ion flows to the cathode, and the
gar in water, by contrast, is incapable of conducting a current; sugar charge balance is maintained, and the cell
is therefore a non-electrolyte. keeps on functioning.
Electrode potential: In a galvanic cell, when Zn(s) + Cu+2(aq) → Zn+2 + Cu(s) 6/15
two-electrode are dipped in their respective ion,
there is a tendency for one of the electrodes At anode (oxidation half),
(anode) to undergo oxidation, whereas the ion Zn(s) →Zn+2 + 2e–
At cathode( reduction half),
of the other electrode (cathode) has the Cu+2(aq) + 2e– → Cu(s)
tendency to gain an electron. This tendency of
losing of electrons (oxidation) or gaining of
electrons (reduction) is called electrode
Standard electrode potential (E0): Standard
electrode potential is defined as the electrode
potential of an electrode relative to a standard
hydrogen electrode under standard conditions.
The standard conditions taken are as follows:
•1 molar concentration of each ion in the
•A temperature of 298 K.
•1 bar pressure.
Dr Shabana Waseem (POP) - 22102024
Electrochemical Series
A series of the standard electrode has been established by measuring the potential of various electrodes versus 7/15
standard hydrogen electrodes (SHE). When the electrodes (metals and non-metals) in contact with their ions are
arranged on the basis of the values of their standard reduction potential or standard oxidation potentials, the resulting
series is called the electrochemical series.