PNB 777
PNB 777
PNB 777
The Manager,
Dear Sir,
In consideration of the above I/we hand over to you herewith my/our Fixed Deposit
Receipt No._______________ dated ___________ for ₹_____________ issued in
my/our ____________________ favour duly discharged being _____________%
margin for issuing guarantee in favour of
the__________________________________________ **/as security against the
said guarantee. In case of renewal of the receipt before expiry of the contract, the
renewed receipt shall continue to form security under this guarantee.
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IRMD L&A Cir No. 73/2021 : Consolidated Circular - Bank Guarantees
“Confidential - Strictly for internal circulation only”
पंजाब नैशनल बक
एकीकृत जो खम बं धन भाग (ऋण नीित अनु भाग) धानकायालय,
** Name of Beneficiary
Yours faithfully,
Mobile _________________
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IRMD L&A Cir No. 73/2021 : Consolidated Circular - Bank Guarantees
“Confidential - Strictly for internal circulation only”