Appendix V
Appendix V
Appendix V
The Manager,
Dear Sir(s),
We request you to issue a guarantee for Rs. _________on our behalf in favour of
________________as per draft approved by us. All the terms and conditions of the
general counter indemnity shall apply to and cover your said guarantee. As already
agreed with you in our general counter indemnity, we authorize the bank to pay the
amount demanded to the beneficiary after receipt of demand in writing from him
without reference to us and irrespective of any dispute between us and the said
beneficiary. The payment as made shall be binding upon and recoverable from us.
Yours faithfully,
BG NO : __________________
Date : __________________
Page 76 of 123
IRMD L&A Cir No. 73/2021 : Consolidated Circular - Bank Guarantees
“Confidential - Strictly for internal circulation only”