Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
1.What are thenecessary components of an ADC. Sketch the block diagram of an ADC.
2Show the graphical representation of the following signals, where x(n) is shown in Fig.2
() x(1) - x(n-1)
(ü) x(2n)
32-1 01 2 3 4
Þ. Express x(n) as illustrated in Fig.2 in terms of delta function.
A. Determine the z-transforms of the DT signals, z()={1,2, 5, 7,0, 1}. The up arrow(index, 0) is
at the first entry of the signal.
5. Determine the minimum sampling frequency for each of the following bandpass signals:
(i)za(t) is real with Xaf) nonzero only for 9kHz< |f|< 12kHz.
(ii)a(t) is real with Xa(f) nonzero only for 18kHz < |f|< 22kHz.
(iiüi) za(t) is complex with Xa(f) nOnzero only for 30kHz < |f| < 35kHz.
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
Departmnent of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
grd Year 1st Semester Final Examination, 2022
Course Code: EEE 331, Session: 2019-2020
Course Title: Digital Signal Processing I
Full Marks: 100 Credit: 3.0 Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Part - A
(Answer any two of the following questions)
1 a. Write down the steps to calculate the convolution graphically. 5
b. Considering graphical approach, compute y(n) = z(n) *h(r). The input sequences z(n)
and the response h(n) is given in Fig.1
x(k) b(k
(a) (b)
Fig:1 4
C. Briefly explain the scaling and convolution properties.
d 6
Prove the distributive property of convolution.
2. Expres the sequence z<n]= {1,3, -2,4} in terms of
) Impulse sequence
(ii) Unit step sequence 7
b. Determine the z-transform of z(n) mentioned below. Also find the ROC.
X(2) = 1-z-1+0.52-2
3. Find the discrete sequence, z{n] of the continuous time domain signal z.(t) which is sam
pled with sampling period T.
ze(t) = sin(2r(100t)
Te(t) =cos
(4000 t)cos(1000nt)
What is the Nyquist rate and Nyquist interval for the above signal ?
C Adigital communication link carries binary-coded words representing samples of an input
ze(t) = 3cos(6007t)+2cos(18007t)
The link is operated at 10000 bits/s and each input sample is quantizedi into 1024 difer
ent voltage levels.
(i) What are the sampling frequency and the folding frequency in Hz?
(i1) What is the Nyquist rate for the signal z.(t) in Hz?
(iü) What is the resolution of quantization A? 5
d. What is aliasing? What can be done to reduce aliasing?
Part - B
(Answer any two of following questions)
Given the sequence z(n) = (6 - n)lu(n) - u(n -6)], make a sketch of
() y1(n) = a(4- n) (i) ya(n) = z(2n - 3)
(ii) ys(n) = r8-3n) (iv) ya(n) = z(n?- 2rn + 1)
b With a given sequence 5
h(n) = u-n-1)
For the input z(n) = -n3 u(n), find the output of the system.
Determine whether or not the signals below are periodic and, for each signal that is peri 6
odic, determine the fundamental period
(i) z(n) = cos(0.125Tn)
(ii) z(n) = sin( +0.2n)
(ii) z(n) = ei"cos(na/17)
6 a. Use the window design method to design a linear phase FIR filter of
order N = 24 to 8
approximnate the following ideal frequency response magnitude:
|Halele) = 0,
ol s 0.2r
0.27< wl<n
b What do you understand by FIR and IIR system?
C. Find the Kaiser window parameters, B andN, to
frequency we = T/2, a stop-band ripple o, = 0.002,design
a low-pass filter with a cutoff 5
than 0.1m. and a transition bandwidth no greater
d Design a low-pass Butterworth filter that has a 3dB
attenuation of 40dB at 3.OkHz. cutoff frequency of 1.5kHz and an 5
e. Write down few properties of delta function.
Shahjalal Universityof Science and Technology
Course No: EEE 327 (Electrical properties of materials)
Term Test-1
Marks:20, Time:25 minutes
Fig. 1 Fig.2
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Course No: EEE 327 (Electrical properties of materials)
Term Test-2
Marks:20, Time:30 minutes
1, For a wide rectangular barrier (aa >> 1), the tunnelling probability can be expressed as
T,e-2aa Where g2 2m(Vo-E) ,To T = 16E(Vo-E)
Vo =Height of the barrier, E= Incident energy and a=Barrier width.
Show that the maximum energy value of T, is 4 and find the corresponding incident
energy. 8
2. The maximum wavelength for which an electromagnetic wave can eject electrons from a
platinum surface is 196 nm. When radiation with a wavelength of 141 nm shines on the
surface, what is the maxinum speed of the ejected electrons? 4
Part- A
(Answer any two of thefollowing questions)
1. a. Define- i) Bravais Lattice ii)Atomic packing factor ii) Miller index
b. .Given the Si lattice parameter a = 0.543 nm. calculate the number of Si atoms per unit volume,
in nm3
i. Calculate the number of atoms per m and per pm on the (100), (110), and (111) planes
Which plane has the most number of atoms per unit area? Si has in diamond cubic crystal
structure as shown in Figure 1(b).
Cubic crystal
bonded network
of atoms
Figure 2(b)
The thernmal conductivity of mica is 0.75 W/m/K. Consider an insulating disc of mica of 6
thickness of 0.1 mm and a diameter of 10 mm. What is the thermal resistance of the disk. What
is the temperature drop across the disc, if the heat flow through it is 25 W?
d. What is the skin depth for a solid core copper wire carrying a current at 60 Hz? The resistivity of
copper at 27 °C is 17 n2 m. Its relative permeability ur z 1. Is there any sense in using a
conductor for power transmission which has a diameter more than 2 cm?
3 a Two possible conduction bands are shown in Figure 3(a). State which band will result in heavier 6
electron effective mass and why?
b The work function of aclean Cesium surface Figure 3(a)
is 1.9 eV. 9
i. What is the longest wavelength of radiation which can result in
ii. If blue radiation of wavelength 450 nm is incident onto the Cs photoemission?
kinetic energy of the photo emitted electrons in eV? photocathode, what will be the
iii. What should be voltage required on the opposite electrode to
current? extinguish the external photo
C. Show the frequency dependence of dielectric constant.
d 8
Define degenerate states. 2
Part- B
(Answer any two of the following questions)
Consider a step potential function, having a "height" of Vo. A particle with energy E>
incident from the txdirection travelling in the -x direction. Vo is 12
i. Write the wave
solutions for each region.
ii. Derive expressions for the transmission and reflection coefficients.
b. The solution to Schrodinger's wave equation for a
particular situation is given by
b(*) =
Determine the probability of finding the particle between the limits 0 sxs
Part - A
(Answer any three of the following questions)
Discuss the availability, present scenario and the future potential of solar energy in 10
b. Show a nuclear power plant in a schematic diagram and mention its major advantages 10
and disadvantages.
C. Write short notes on 10
(i) Ocean Thermal Energy conversion (0TEC)
(ii) Geothermal Energy
J. a. What is the physical significance of IC engine firing order? Briefly explain the engine op 15
eration of 4-stroke SI engine.
b A car has 3000cc, V8, square spark ignition engine. Calculate bore and stroke length of 15
that engine. Will you be able to use Diesel in your car? Explain.
4 a. State First" and "Second" laws of thermodynamics. Explain how these two laws quantify 15
"energy" and "efficiency' of a system with reference to perpetual motion machine of lst
kind and 2nd kind.
b. An inventor has designed a heat engine which works between a source temperature of 15
327°C and a sink temperature of 27°C. The invention claims that the heat engine can
produce a work output of 300KJ with a heat input of 500KJ. Is the claim of the inventor
true? Justify.
Why is Carnot cycle not practicable for an actual steam power plant? How does the ac 15
tual vapor cycle deviate from the idealized one?
b. How can the efficiency of an ideal Rankine cycle be increased? Describe with the help of a 15
T -S diagram.
Identify the following components as boiler mountings or accessories and mention their 15
two important features.
(i) Economizer
(ii) Air Preheater
(ii) Steam Stop Value
(iv) Feed Water Pump
(V) Water Level indicator
b. Draw the schematic diagram of Babcock and Wilcox boiler and explain why the water 15
tubes are kept inclined in this boiler.
V220/0 volts
T, Zuss 0.9 +j0.2 Q Sp 30KVA
30 kVA 20:*VA
2401480 volts 480115 vOts
Xy 0.10 p.u. X 0.10 p.u.
Fig.1: Single-phase circuit
a) Fig.2 shows the one-line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generators at 20
buses 1and 3. The magnitude of voltage at bus 1is adjusted to 1.05 pu. Voltage magnitude
at bus 3 is fixed at 1.04 pu with a real power generation of 200 MW. À 0oad consisting of
400MW and 250 MVAR is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a
100 MVA base and the line charging susceptances are neglected. Obtain the power flow
solution by the Gauss-Seidel method including line flows and line losses.
0.02 + 0.04
p MW
a) Bxplain the Newton-Raphson method of load flow analysis for three-phase power systems 10
Plot the load curve and find maximum demand of individual consumer, load factor of
individual consumer, diversity factor and load factor of the station
Part B
4. In a3-0 system, it has been found that negative sequence components and zero sequence 5
components are absent. What do you conclude from it?
b) One conductor of athree-phase line is open. The current following to the Aconnected load 15
through line Ais 10 A. With the current in line Aas areference and assuming that line Cis
open, find the symmetrical components of the line currents.
Draw the zero sequence equivalent circuits of three phase transformer bank for different Y- 5
5. a) Determine Z bus for the network shown in Fig.3 where the impedances are shown in per 10
unit. Preserve all buses.
j0.2 s0.2
i Determine the steady state, transient and subtransient short circuit currents.
ii) Obtain the fundamental-frequency waveform of the armature current for a three
phase short circuit at the terminals of the generator. Assume the short circuit is
applied at the instant when the rotor direct axis is along the magnetic axis of phase
A, i.e., g-0
vb. Explain what causes the Ferrantieffect and how itcan be reduced
Derive the fault current equation for a line-to-line fault 6
Part- A
0 1
01 0
0 1 1
10 1
1 1 1
Figure: 3c
d. Reduce the following Boolean expressions to the indicated number of literals: 6
Figure: 4b
Implement JK flip-flop using D flip-flop.
excitation function
d An asynchronous sequential circuit is described by the
Y=x,x + (x4 +x)y
And the output function z = y
Implement the circuit with a NOR SR latch.
ii) Repeat with a NAND SR latch.
ls (111) in an 10
5. a. A sequential circuit detects the occurrence of three consecutivecycle. The circuit
input stream (x) and produces an output pulse for one clock
willnot consider overlapping sequences as different sequences. e.g. 11110 is only
cycle in this
one sequence followed by 10, so the output Y, will be 1 for only one
case. 111111 are two consecutive cycles, but Y will look like this 001001.
i) Make a state diagram and a state table for the circuit.
ii) Find the input, output and state equations for Dflip-flop.
ii) Implement the circuit using Dflip-flop.
b. The contents of afour-bit register is initially 0110. The register is shifted six6
times to the right with the serial input being 1011100, What is the content of the
register after each shift? Draw timing waveform of the input and output.
Draw block diagram of a 4x4 memory unit and explain its operation modes.
6. Design a synchronous BCD counter using JK flip-flop.
b. For the serial adder shown in figure 6b, tabulate the state of registers and Dflip 6
flop after each clock pulse. Initially the register A stores 1011 and register B
stores 1100.
Shilt SO
control Shift register A
CLK H(Augend)
input Shift register B
Figure: 6b
g. Construct s 16 x 1 multiplexer with two 8 x1 and one 2 x 1 multiplexers. Use 6
block diagrams.
d. )How many 128 x 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 3
2048 bytes?
(iHow many lines of the address must be used to access 2048 bytes? How many
of these lines are connected to the address inputs of all chips?
(ii)How many lines must be decoded for the chip select inputs? Specify the size
of the decoder.