C F1048 Pages:2: Answer Any Two Full Questions, Each Carries 15 Marks
C F1048 Pages:2: Answer Any Two Full Questions, Each Carries 15 Marks
C F1048 Pages:2: Answer Any Two Full Questions, Each Carries 15 Marks
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks. Marks
c) Compare the computational complexities of DFT computation for N=16 using DIT (3)
FFT and direct method.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Design an ideal digital differentiator with frequency response (7)
Hd(ejω)=jω for -𝜋 ≤ω ≤π using rectangular window with N=8
b) 2 (8)
For the analog transfer function H(s)= , determine H(z) using impulse
invariance method (Assume T=1 sec)
a) Using bilinear transform, design a high pass filter, monotonic in pass band with cut (10)
5 off frequency of 1000Hz, αp=3dB and, αs=10dB at 350Hz. The sampling frequency
is 5000Hz
b) Design an ideal low pass FIR filter with Hd(ejω)=1 for -𝜋 ≤ω ≤𝜋 (5)
2 2
= 0 for 2
≤|ω| ≤ π
Find h(n) for L=11 using direct truncation
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C F1048 Pages:2
Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks.
7 a) Obtain the direct form I, direct form II, cascade and parallel realization of the
1 (10)
1+3𝑧 −1
system H(z)= 3 1
1−4𝑧 −1 +8𝑧 −2
c) Explain the fixed point and floating point representation of numbers (5)
9 a) Explain (10)
I. Harvard architecture
II. Pipelining
b) Explain the effects of quantization and round off in digital filter coefficients (6)
c) Explain the errors resulting from rounding and truncating (4)
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