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Ec301 Digital Signal Processing, December 2020

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A 06000Ec301122001

Reg No.:


Fifth Semester B.Tech Degree Regular and Supplementary Examination

Course Code: EC30f

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

Answer ony twofull questions, eoch carries 15 marks. Marks

a) Comment on the relationship between DTFT and DFT. (3)

b) Obtain the real sequence x(n) using DIT- IFFT algorithm if the first five points in (12)
the 8 point DFT of x(n) are given by {1.5,0,2+0.5j,0,0.5}

2a) Given two real sequences x(n)=[ 2 3 ll and y(n):[2 | 2 l]. Compute the DFTs (7)
X(k) and Y(k) of these two sequences using a single DFT calculation.
b) Given two sequences x[n] and y[n] such that x[n]=[2 2 0 2l and the 4 point (8)
circular convolution between x[n] and y[n] results in g[n]:[0 l0 8 8] .

Determine the sequence y[n].

3a) Using overlap

method and 5 point circular convolutions, determine the (e)

response of an LTI system with impulse response h(n) : u(n) + 26(n - L) -

u(n - 3) for an input sequence x(n) = Xl-loand(n - k), where

Au = t, for k even
- 2,for k odd.
b) Given the eigh! point DFT X(k) of a sequence x(n) as (6)
x(k):{l 2+j | -r+j 2+2j -I-j | 2-jl.
Determine the following without directly computing the IDFT.

a) Zi="lx(,)l'
b) x(4)
Answer ony twofutl questions, each carries 15 marks.
4 a) Design a low pass Butterworth digital filter using bilinear transformation for the (10)
given specifications

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SB region: 2.1 - 4kHz

PB ripple:2dB
SB attenuation:20dB
Sampling frequency: I 0kHz
Obtain the transfer function of the digital filter.
b) An FIR filter function given by H(z):-. Determine whether the filter (5)

function represents a low pass filter, high pass filter, bandpass filter or a band
') reject filter.
5 a) The transfer function of an analog low pass filter is given by H(s) = (5)
\ (s+0'2) Ah+oi-
Obtain fha
the froncfar
transfer firanfinn
function nf
of +ha anrrirrolpnf ;iftifol
the equivalent digital rfflf
filter using
impulse invariant method. (Use T:lsec)
b) Explain the characteristics of a Butterworth filter (3)
c) Design an FIR filter that realizes the frequency response given by (7)

H(a)- oslarl< I
0, !, s lul< n
' Using frequency sampling method, determine the filter coefficients.
6 a) Design a normalized linear phase FIR filter with a phase delay of r-4, and atleast (10)
50dB attenuation irrthe stopband. Also obtain its magnitude response.
' 'b) Compare IIR filters and FIR filters. (5)
Answer any twofull questions, eoch corries 20 marks.
7 a) Obtain parallel form realization of an IIR filter defined by the transfer function (8)

b) Obtain the direct form II structure for H(z) =ffi. Redraw the (8)

structure if the filter is realized on a fixed point processor using 8 bit word length
in Q7 format. (Use truncation for quantization of the coefhcients).
c) Briefly explain the working of a MAC unit in a DSP processor with a neat (4)

8 a) Elaborate the possible errors that may arise when an FIR filter is realized on a (7)
finite word length processor.
b) i.) Given an input sequence x(n):{l 3 2 5 2 I 5 I 9}, which is fed to an (S)

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intenpol* with an upsarding frctor L:3.

Deternrine the output seq'erre€.
ii.) Dnaw ttre brock aiarmr of the interpr*or
(with an upsanpring fstor L=3)
by cerrectry nrentioning th qr-off fte$€ncy
of the intcrporatiJ ;;; *
usd,if tlre input signal is bandlimited to a freqrrcncy
of larl < 3. Substantiate 6re
need for tlre interporation firter
with neessry diagrans ard expranations.
Differentige between trwlcdfun and
"] rounding with an exanpre.
a) {5)
\r'hin rimit cycre oscilhion in rec'rsive fihers with an exampre.
b) The huice coefficier*s of a rke
stage rattice s&rcture are
qv givan (r)
( ,
E'r'ql by
uJ =ff1
-nt = 1.
= 4'
K2 =
r, xs = ; - ohaia tre direct form structure forthe FIR
't7 c) obtain *e oirect rorm I, ard its trmspored structune
forthe IIR firter (8)
defined by tlrc hamibr fuirctisr
H(z) =-0f:8"':+t3rr+o.o1
0.523+0.322 0.72z. + o.2


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