EE414 DSP - Final Exam - Jan 2021 - Set A
EE414 DSP - Final Exam - Jan 2021 - Set A
EE414 DSP - Final Exam - Jan 2021 - Set A
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
(ii) Construct the recovered analog signal spectrum if an ideal lowpass filter
with a cutoff frequency of 4 kHz is used to filter the sampled signal in
order to recover the original.
(4 marks)
(b) Assume that a DS processor with a sampling time interval of 0.01 second
converts the following analog signal x(t) to a digital signal x(n):
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
Figure Q2
(b) Determine the values for the amplitude spectrum, phase spectrum and power
(9 marks)
(c) Illustrate the amplitude spectrum, phase spectrum and power spectrum in the
digital frequency domain.
(3 marks)
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
5z 2z
(i) X ( z) = −
( z − 1) 2
( z − 0.5) 2
(2 marks)
z −4 −6 z −3
(ii) X ( z) = +z +
( z − 1) z + 0.5
(2 marks)
(b) Given the digital system y(n) below with a sampling rate of 8,000 Hz:
(ii) Compute the magnitude frequency response (in dB) and phase response
(in degrees) up to 4,000 Hz.
(7 marks)
(iv) Classify the type of filter for this DSP system with explanation.
(3 marks)
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
Q4 Consider a design of 5-tap FIR band reject filter with a lower cutoff frequency
of 2,000 Hz, an upper cutoff frequency of 2,400 Hz, and a sampling rate of 8,000
Hz using the Hamming window method.
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
(d) Construct the transfer function H(z) for the above Chebyshev filter.
(7 marks)
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
Formula Sheet
N −1 2kn N −1
1 1
X ( k )e X (k )W
− kn
x ( n) = N
= N
N k =0 N k =0 for n = 0, 1, …, N-1
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
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January - April 2021 Final Examination EE414 Digital Signal Processing
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