Iecee02 Ed.24.0
Iecee02 Ed.24.0
Iecee02 Ed.24.0
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CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 2
FOREWORD......................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 5
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 6
2 Normative references .................................................................................................... 6
3 Rules ............................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 General ................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 IECEE Certificates ................................................................................................ 7
3.3 Participation in the CB Scheme ............................................................................. 8
3.4 The IECEE Website .............................................................................................. 9
3.5 Complaints ............................................................................................................ 9
4 Procedures for handling IECEE Certificates ................................................................. 10
4.1 General ............................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Procedure for obtaining an IECEE Certificate ...................................................... 10
4.3 Procedure for recognition of IECEE Certificates ................................................... 11
Annex A ─ Statement of Test Results - Energy Efficiency Testing Service (E3) .................... 13
A.1 Scope ................................................................................................................. 13
A.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 13
A.3 Rules .................................................................................................................. 13
A.3.1 Deliverables ................................................................................................. 13
Annex B ─ Global Motor Energy Efficiency (GMEE) Program ............................................... 14
B.1 Scope ................................................................................................................. 14
B.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 14
B.3 Rules .................................................................................................................. 14
B.3.1 Participation ................................................................................................. 14
B.3.2 Deliverables ................................................................................................. 14
B.3.3 Expert Task Force (ETF) .............................................................................. 15
B.3.4 Proficiency Testing Program ......................................................................... 15
Annex C ─ Industrial Cybersecurity Program ....................................................................... 16
C.1 Scope ................................................................................................................. 16
C.2 Rules .................................................................................................................. 16
C.2.1 Certificate of Conformity - Industrial Cybersecurity Capability........................ 16
C.2.2 Customer’s Testing Facilities (CTFs) & Subcontracting ................................. 16
Annex D – Component Certification Program ....................................................................... 17
Annex E Aspect Certification Program ................................................................................. 18
This publication governs the Certification Body Scheme of the IECEE for testing and
certification of electrotechnical equipment and components which includes appliances, systems,
industrial and household equipment and sub-assemblies (CB Scheme and its related services).
This twentieth edition of IECEE 02 cancels and replaces the nineteenth edition published in
This publication is directly related to Publication IEC CA 01 “IEC Conformity Assessment
Systems – Basic Rules” and IECEE 01-S “IECEE Supplement to Harmonized Basic Rules IEC
CA 01.”
The annexes to this publication are normative.
Document Owner: CMC WG 10 “Maintenance of the IECEE Rules and Operational Documents”
History of changes
Note This introduction provides an overview of the CB Scheme and is not part of the Rules.
The Scheme is intended to reduce obstacles to international trade which arise from having to
meet different national certification or approval criteria. Participation of the various NCBs within
the Scheme is intended to facilitate certification or approval according to IEC standards. Where
national standards are not yet completely based on IEC standards, declared national
differences will be taken into account; however, successful operation of the Scheme
presupposes that national standards are reasonably harmonized with the corresponding IEC
standards. Use of the Scheme to its fullest extent will promote the exchange of information
necessary in assisting manufacturers around the world to obtain certification or approval at
national level.
The operating units of the Scheme are the NCBs accepted according to these Rules. Those
NCBs employ testing laboratories also accepted according to the Rules, known as CB Testing
Laboratories (CBTLs). A list of NCBs is shown on the IECEE Website.
The CB Scheme is based on the use of IECEE Certificates which provide evidence that
representative specimens of the product have successfully passed tests to show compliance
with the requirements of the relevant IEC standard. A supplementary report providing evidence
of compliance with declared national differences in order to obtain national certification or
approval may also be attached to the Test Report.
The first step for an NCB, intending to operate in the CB Scheme, is to be accepted as a
Recognizing NCB. Such an NCB is prepared to recognize IECEE Certificates as a basis for
certification or approval at national level for one or more categories of products
The second step for an NCB, which can be taken at the same time as the first step, is to be
accepted as an Issuing and Recognizing NCB. Such an NCB is entitled to issue IECEE
Certificates for the categories of equipment for which it recognizes IECEE Certificates. It should,
however, be noted that an NCB may recognize IECEE Certificates for more categories of
equipment than for which it is entitled to issue IECEE Certificates.
The Rules are formulated in such a way as to make them applicable in different national
certification structures.
Rules of Procedure –
CB Scheme
1 Scope
This publication contains the Rules of Procedure of the IECEE CB Scheme for Mutual
Recognition of Test Certificates for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (CB Scheme).
2 Normative references
The following publications contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of these Rules of Procedure. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were
valid. The IECEE Certification Management Committee (CMC) shall decide the timetable for the
introduction of new publications or revised editions of existing publications. For the normative
documents without publication year, the latest version is applied.
ISO/IEC 17025: 2017, General requirements for the competence of calibration and testing
ISO/IEC 17040: 2005, Conformity assessment – General requirements for peer assessment of
conformity assessment bodies and accreditation
ISO/IEC 17065: 2012, Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies certifying products,
processes and services.
3 Rules
3.1 General
3.1.1 The IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment
and Components (IECEE) operates a scheme with the aim of facilitating international trade and
evolving industry needs by promoting and simplifying certification and approval at national level
through mutual recognition of test results. IECEE Certificates according to 3.2.1 are used as
the means for mutual recognition of test results. The IECEE also develops certification schemes
in new areas to meet evolving industry needs.
3.1.2 The Scheme is called “IECEE CB Scheme for Mutual Recognition of Test Certificates
for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components”, hereinafter referred to as “the CB Scheme”.
3.1.3 The CB Scheme shall be governed by the CMC, whose responsibilities in this respect
are defined in IEC CA 01 and IECEE 01-S.
3.1.4 The IEC, IECEE and combination IEC/IECEE logos are copyrighted and belong to the
IEC. Their use is restricted to official documents published by the IEC or the IECEE or both and
shall not be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without prior permission in writing from the IECEE
Executive Secretary.
3.2.2 The Certification Management Committee (CMC) shall determine the format and content
of IECEE Certificates.
The name(s) and signature(s) of the authorized person(s) shall clearly appear on the CB Test
Certificate and the names shall be declared to the IECEE Secretariat and listed in the Quality
Procedure used by the NCB to process the CB Scheme.
3.2.3 Test data used to support certification shall be generated by the test report issuing
CBTL/CTF within their recognized scope. Use of data generated by the test report issuing
CBTL/CTF prior to recognition of a standard within their scope, is permitted so long as (a) the
original test results are not older than six months, and (b) review the original test results
demonstrate that they are fully in accordance with the IECEE rules.
3.2.4 IECEE Certificates shall not be used in any form of advertising or sales promotion.
Note This subclause does not preclude the holder of a IECEE Certificate from making reference to the existence of
that Certificate in business correspondence related to equipment for which a IECEE Certificate has been issued.
3.2.5 Amending IECEE Certificates and Test Reports due to typographical errors,
addresses and other similar changes, as well as, due to technical modifications to products
declared in valid IECEE Certificates and Test Report is allowed in accordance with OD-2037
and OD 2020.
3.2.7 When a IECEE Certificate has been cancelled, the Secretary of the IECEE shall be
notified as soon as possible by the issuing NCB, which shall state the reason for cancellation.
The Executive Secretary of the IECEE shall inform the manufacturer and all NCBs participating
in the CB Scheme for the standard concerned that the relevant IECEE Certificate has been
cancelled, and give the reason for the cancellation.
Note Each NCB concerned decides for itself if any certification or approval at national level based on that IECEE
Certificate should be revoked.
When there is more than one accepted NCB in a country, national arrangements shall be made
to provide the co-ordination necessary for the operation according to these Rules.
An NCB shall not be, or be influenced by, a body which manufactures or trades in
electrotechnical equipment and components.
Note The Member Body of IECEE and the NCB may be the same body.
3.3.2 An NCB shall be accepted by the CMC either as a Recognizing NCB or as an Issuing
and Recognizing NCB according to the Particular Rules of Procedure IECEE 02-2.
Note The acceptance described in this subclause may be made in two steps or in one step.
3.3.4 An NCB nominated by a Member Body of the IECEE to participate in the CB Scheme
shall, via the Member Body of the IECEE, send a written application to the Secretary of the
IECEE who shall submit the application to the CMC for decision.
An Issuing and Recognizing NCB will not be authorized to issue IECEE Certificates for a
standard until IECEE Certificates for that standard are recognized by that NCB.
National differences, if any, from the specified standards, as well as other requirements (see
3.3.3), shall also be indicated in the application for later publication on the IECEE Website.
There shall not be more than one set of national differences for each country.
For missing TRFs that address National Differences, the IECEE Secretariat shall request the
relevant MBs to develop and provide the required TRFs
Note Candidate NCBs are strongly recommended to keep the number of national differences as low as possible.
The arrangements, when relevant, between the Member Body of the IECEE and the candidate
NCB, shall be described, and a written statement from the NCB that it accepts the arrangement
and permits the Member Body of the IECEE to act on its behalf according to these Rules shall
be submitted.
3.3.5 Each Member Body of the IECEE shall communicate the following information relevant
to the recognition of IECEE Certificates to the Secretary of the IECEE:
• whether or not written information on procedures and rules for certification or approval at
national level is available;
• whether or not a foreign manufacturer is required to make application for certification or
approval at national level through representatives resident in that country.
3.3.6 Each Member Body of the IECEE shall inform the Secretary of the IECEE about changes
in the information given according to 3.3.4 and about the information according to 3.3.5.
3.3.7 An NCB wishing to discontinue recognizing IECEE Certificates for certain standards
shall, via the Member Body of the IECEE, notify the Secretary of the IECEE and remove R
standards from scope using the NCB dashboard.
3.3.8 An NCB wishing to withdraw from the CB Scheme shall notify the Secretary of the IECEE
at least one year in advance and shall indicate the reason for the withdrawal and the date from
which the withdrawal will become effective. The annual dues for that NCB shall be paid for the
calendar year following the year during which the notice was given.
3.3.9 Should, in the opinion of the CMC, an NCB hamper the aim, operation or development
of the CB Scheme, fail to take action regarding misuse of IECEE Certificates or violate these
Rules, the CMC has the right to exclude or to suspend that NCB from the CB Scheme.
A decision to exclude or suspend an NCB shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of
IEC CA 01 .
a) categories of products covered by the CB Scheme, standards accepted for use in the CB
Scheme, the product standards for which NCBs in each country have declared recognition
of IECEE Certificates,
b) national differences for each standard and country as declared by the Member Body or its
c) important rules in addition to the content of the standards which have to be fulfilled in the
d) the product categories for which NCBs in each country are authorized to issue IECEE
e) IECEE Certificates issued, accepted NCBs,
f) the operation of the CB Scheme, to assist the applicants, and
3.4.2 The information published on the IECEE Website is based on information given by the
Member Bodies of the IECEE. Neither the IEC nor the Executive Secretary of the IECEE is
therefore liable for the accuracy of that information.
3.5 Complaints
If there are complaints concerning the behaviours of an NCB or CBTL, the case shall be
reported to the Secretary of the IECEE with due documentation of evidence. After review and
acceptance of the complaint, the Secretary of the IECEE will submit the case to the Board of
Appeal in accordance with the procedure as per sub-clause 4.2 of IECEE 02-1.
4.1.2 The applicant may be a manufacturer or act on behalf of a manufacturer. In the latter
case, evidence shall be submitted that the applicant is authorized to act on behalf of the
manufacturer for the application and that the manufacturer undertakes the same obligations as
the applicant.
Note Those obligations may be to follow these Rules, the rules of the NCBs involved and legal obligations in the
countries concerned.
4.1.3 The application may cover one or more factories within one or more countries, where
the product will be manufactured.
4.1.4 Unless otherwise agreed between the applicant and the NCB, the tests shall be carried
out by an accepted CBTL on the request of the NCB. Specific rules for utilization by an NCB of
a customer’s testing facilities are given in OD-2048.
4.2.2 The application shall be made and dealt with according to the rules of the Issuing and
Recognizing NCB to which it is submitted. That NCB shall inform the applicant about the
relevant rules and procedures and about the specimens needed for the testing.
4.2.3 Upon receipt of an application for a IECEE Certificate, the relevant Issuing and
Recognizing NCB shall within one month arrange for testing of the relevant equipment. If the
result of the tests is favourable, the NCB concerned shall sign and issue a IECEE Certificate to
the applicant.
The NCB shall register the certificate in the IECEE online deliverables database within three
months from the certificate issue date. Certifications from the previous year shall be registered
by the end of January of the following year.
In exceptional cases where the public release of information on the certificate in the IECEE
online deliverables database would place an NCB in breach of a confidentiality agreement with
the certificate holder, the NCB may request to restrict the display of any and all information until
the certificate “release date.”
The NCB shall also submit a statement explaining why they are unable to register the full
4.2.4 The applicant may also request testing to cover national differences in countries in which
the IECEE Certificate is to be used.
If additional tests have been carried out, a report of the results may be attached to, and
considered to be a part of, the Test Report.
4.2.5 When the application for obtaining a IECEE Certificate includes more than one factory
location, the Applicant shall include a declaration from the Manufacturer stating that the
sample(s) submitted for evaluation is (are) representative of the products from each factory.
A statement shall be included in the Test Report confirming Manufacturer’s declaration or where
differences exist; they shall be identified in the Test Report.
Note The statement may be the Manufacturer’s declaration
The name and address of each factory shall be reported in the Test Report (where applicable
for the relevant TRF) and on the IECEE Certificate.
4.2.6 The application, the results of the work done and the information obtained in connection
with the application for a IECEE Certificate shall be confidential. However, basic identification
data for the product may be published after the date of issue, unless particular confidentiality
is agreed between the applicant and the Issuing and Recognizing NCB.
4.2.7 Disagreements between an Issuing and Recognizing NCB and an applicant may be dealt
with according to the appeal procedure of the NCB.
If the applicant is not satisfied with the result of the appeal at national level, and if the
disagreement concerns the application of these Rules, the dispute may be referred to the Board
of Appeal of the IECEE.
4.3.2 When applying for national certification or approval on the basis of a IECEE Certificate,
an applicant shall follow the rules of procedure applicable in the country concerned and shall
confirm readiness to comply with all the relevant national provisions regarding, for example,
retesting, checking, factory surveillance, and payment of fees, as if the equipment had been
tested in accordance with the procedures valid in that country.
4.3.3 The NCB shall examine the submitted IECEE Certificate (regardless of the location of
the issuing NCB, even if that NCB is located in the same country as the recognizing NCB) and
any required specimen to the extent considered necessary for the identification of the relevant
equipment and for the recognition of the IECEE Certificate.
If the result of this examination is favourable, national certification or approval shall be granted
by the NCB without additional testing following its own statutes and rules of procedure. However,
if the test report does not cover declared national differences, if any, arrangements shall be
made with the Applicant to carry out the additional evaluation and testing.
The NCB retains the right to test further the equipment to ascertain whether or not the
equipment complies with the relevant standard. Such additional testing should be kept to a
4.3.4 The NCB may challenge the IECEE Certificate when the standard according to which it
was issued is no longer in force in the country of the NCB.
4.3.5 The NCBs are encouraged to handle applications for recognition of IECEE Certificates
within 15 working days.
4.3.6 Should the NCB receiving an IECEE Certificate for recognition consider it to have been
issued in error, the NCB that issued the certificate shall be informed as soon as possible. If the
NCBs involved arrive at different conclusions, the case may be referred to the Board of Appeal
of the IECEE.
4.3.7 The NCBs shall have the right to keep for reference photographs, technical
documentation and specimens or, for large equipment, parts of such equipment, when required
according to their rules. Such reference material shall be confidential.
A.2 Definitions
For the purpose of this publication, the definitions of IECEE Definitions apply with the following
E3 Energy Efficiency
IECEE E3 Service IECEE Reporting Service for Energy
Statement of Test Results Statement of Test results is a document by
which the NCB confirms impartial test results
of the IECEE E3 laboratory thus giving
confidence to the market.
A.3 Rules
The Energy Efficiency Testing Service (E3) is operated following the main requirements in this
document with the following additional considerations.
A.3.1 Deliverables
The deliverables for this service include a Statement of Test Results (STR) and a Test Report.
A Statement of Test Results (STR) is a document issued by an NCB in conjunction with the
attached E3 Test Report. The actual test data shall be stated.
Rationale: As a statement of specific test results, it can only cover the tested model(s).
Therefore, the specific model or models have to be mentioned on the STR.
The STR TRF may only use the relevant clauses related to Energy Efficiency and/or the data
required by the client.
Upon issuance of an STR, the NCB is responsible for adding the information in the IECEE online
system. The contents to be entered are specified by the system.
Note: Not all content entered by the NCB is available on the public facing side of the system.
The format for the Statement of Test Results shall be administered by the IECEE Secretariat
and any revisions approved by the CMC.
The test results shall then confirm an appropriate Efficiency Class (IE-code) in accordance with
IEC 60034-30-1 Rotating electrical machines - Part 30-1: Efficiency classes of line operated AC
motors (IE code)
B.2 Definitions
For the purpose of this publication, the definitions of IECEE Definitions apply with the following
B.3 Rules
The Global Motor Energy Efficiency (GMEE) Program is operated following the main
requirements in this document with the following additional considerations.
B.3.1 Participation
Participation in the Global Motor Energy Efficiency (GMEE) Program is for IECEE Issuing NCBs
Recognizing NCBs do not apply. Although, IECEE Members and other interested stakeholders
may determine the suitability and potential further use of such results. As a result, specification
of National Differences is not applicable.
B.3.2 Deliverables
The deliverables for this service include a IECEE Certificate (CBTC) and a Test Report (CBTR).
The result shall be specified with an inclusion of the standard, program identification, and
efficiency class. For example:
A primary responsibility of the ETF shall include the determination of sampling criteria (OD 2041)
to ensure consistent application by all NCBs.
The IEC 62443 series of standards generally specify requirements for security capabilities.
These capabilities may be technical capabilities (security mechanisms) or process capabilities
(human procedures).
1) To evaluate an applicant’s ability to provide IEC 62443 compliant security capabilities. This
assessment focuses on evidence that supports the Applicant’s submittal. This submittal
contains the specific requirements and the processes used to implement the security
capabilities for which they are requesting to be assessed.
2) To evaluate that these capabilities have been applied to either:
a) a specific product or
b) a specific solution.
C.2 Rules
The IECEE Industrial Cybersecurity Program is operated following the main requirements in
this document with the following additional considerations.
Note: In this case, Test Results relate to the assessment of supporting evidence for security capabilities required by
IEC 62443 and the application of those capabilities.
This publication contains the Rules of Procedure for the IECEE Component Certification
Program (CCP). The service is intended to provide a framework for evaluations for components
and sub-assemblies against an end-product standard using part of this end-product standard
within IECEE scope to result in an IECEE Component Certificate of Conformity (CCC).
D.2. Rules
The IECEE CCP is operated following the main requirements of this document with the following
additional considerations.
D.2.1. Participation
Participation in the IECEE CCP requires that NCBs are Issuing and Recognizing NCBs under
IECEE CB scheme and that the IEC standard used under IECEE CCP is within the NCBs Issuing
The deliverable to be issued as a result of the IECEE CCP is an IECEE CCC in accordance
with OD-2037-F4. A Certificate is associated with a supporting IECEE Test Report. The report
is not valid as an IECEE Test Report unless signed by an approved CBTL under IECEE CB
scheme, that the IEC standard used under IECEE Component Certification Program is within
the CBTL scope and appended to a Certificate issued by an NCB in accordance with this
Operational Document.
This IECEE CCP doesn’t cover the complete standard as some clauses are not applicable to
the component/sub-assembly and in this case the compliance is limited to the identified
clauses/requirements. All of the applicable clauses in the end-product standard shall be applied.
To issue a Test Report under IECEE Component Certification Program the CBTL has to use
the TRF developed under IECEE CB Scheme linked to the version of the IEC standard used
with the IECEE Component Certification Program. It is important that within the Test Report the
CBTL specifies the testing perimeters covered by the partial testing.
This publication contains the Rules of Procedure for the IECEE Aspect Certification Program
(ACP). The service is intended to provide a framework for evaluations in accordance with a
standard already within IECEE scope covering only one specific aspect of the end-product when
the aspect is covered fully by another standard to result in an IECEE Aspect Certificate of
Conformity (ACC).
E.2. Rules
The IECEE ACP is operated following the main requirements of this document with the following
additional considerations.
E.2.1. Participation
Participation in the IECEE ACP requires that NCBs are Issuing and Recognizing NCBs under
IECEE CB scheme and that the IEC standard used under IECEE ACP is within the NCBs Issuing
The deliverable to be issued as a result of the IECEE ACP is an IECEE ACC in accordance with
OD-2037-F5. A Certificate is associated with a supporting IECEE Test Report. The report is not
valid as an IECEE Test Report unless signed by an approved CBTL under IECEE CB scheme,
that the IEC standard used under IECEE Aspect Certification Program is within the CBTL scope
and appended to a Certificate issued by an NCB in accordance with this Operational Document.
The IECEE ACP covers the complete standard even though the standard covers only part of
the product safety or performance of the end-product.
To issue a Test Report under IECEE Aspect Certification Program the CBTL has to use the TRF
developed under the rules of IECEE CB Scheme and a full evaluation against the standard is