Iec 62491 2008
Iec 62491 2008
Iec 62491 2008
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IEC 62491
Edition 1.0 2008-03
ICS 01.110; 29.020.20 ISBN 2-8318-9663-0
–2– 62491 © IEC:2008
1 Scope ...............................................................................................................................7
2 Normative references .......................................................................................................7
3 Terms and definitions .......................................................................................................8
4 Rules................................................................................................................................9
4.1 General requirements ..............................................................................................9
4.2 Use of designated cable cores............................................................................... 10
4.3 Use of additional labelling ..................................................................................... 10
5 Identification labelling ..................................................................................................... 11
5.1 General ................................................................................................................. 11
6 Connection labelling ....................................................................................................... 14
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 14
6.2 Local-end connection labelling .............................................................................. 14
6.3 Remote-end connection labelling........................................................................... 15
6.4 Both-end connection labelling................................................................................ 16
7 Signal labelling ............................................................................................................... 17
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 17
7.2 Labelling by signal designation .............................................................................. 17
7.3 Labelling of cables for certain designated conductors............................................ 18
8 Composite labelling ........................................................................................................
IEC 62491:2008 19
9 Arrangement of
additional labelling................................................................................. 20
9.1 General ................................................................................................................. 20
9.2 Relative positions of the labelling .......................................................................... 20
9.3 Characters to be used ........................................................................................... 20
10 Correspondence between labelling and documentation................................................... 21
11 Conformance to this standard ......................................................................................... 21
Annex A (informative) Examples of labelling ......................................................................... 22
Bibliography.......................................................................................................................... 30
Table 1 – Example of connection table in which the cable cores are identified by
means of codes for their colour ............................................................................................. 10
Table 2 – Connection table corresponding to Figure 1 with labelling ..................................... 12
Table 3 – Connection table corresponding to Figure 2 with labelling ..................................... 13
Table 4 – Marking of certain designated conductors.............................................................. 18
Table 5 – Methods of labelling defined in this standard ......................................................... 21
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IEC 62491:2008
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International Standard IEC 62491 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 3:
Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols.
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
62491 © IEC:2008 –5–
The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "" in
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• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.
Additional labelling of cables and cores might be required within larger systems or
installations with many cores of the same colour or with many cables, and where therefore the
use of the designations provided by the cable manufacturer only would be ambiguous.
Due consideration should be given to the fact that additional labelling will cause additional
cost, usually increasing with the number of characters in the labelling string and the number
of different labelling elements. The available space may also impose restrictions with regard
to the number of characters, their height and the length of the labelling. As a general rule the
use of additional labelling should therefore be limited to a necessary minimum and be kept as
short as practicable.
However, also the advantages and benefits should be taken into considerations in choosing
additional labelling of cables and cores.
It is important to notice that a single machine or a system has different needs of information in
the different phases of its lifecycles (assembling, production, service and maintenance).
• the possibilities to communicate and identify signals and connections across different
involved engineering disciplines and departments like:
process engineering,
– software engineering,
electrical engineering,
– mechanical/fluid engineering, IEC 62491:2008
– control engineering;
• minimizing the time used to locate an eventual error (and the reason for it) in the test
• saving time when locating an eventual error (and the reason for it) in the service and
maintenance phase;
• remove the doubt of which core should be connected to which terminal, when replacing
components that are placed close to each other;
• if used in pre-planning, it gives a clear view for panel-builders, electricians/technicians;
service/maintenance and system controllers which will minimize misunderstandings
regarding connections.
Besides being used in connections between terminal blocks, labelling can also be used when
single core cables connect components inside units as: cubicle, pulpit, case, etc.; such
methods make possible:
1 Scope
This standard provides rules and guidelines for the labelling of cables and cores/conductors
used in industrial installations, equipment and products, in order to maintain a clear relation
between the technical documentation and the actual equipment and for other purposes. The
following methods are described and designated:
The physical design of the labels, the material to be used for the labels as well as cable
manufacturers’ product bound marking of cables and cores are not part of this standard.
IEC 61175, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products –
Designation of signals
IEC 81346-1, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products –
Structuring principles and reference designations – Part 1: Basic rules (to be published)
IEC 61666, Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products –
Identification of terminals within a system
ISO/IEC 646, Information technology – ISO 7-bit coded character set for information
–8– 62491 © IEC:2008
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
conductor (of a cable)
part of a cable which has the specific function of carrying current
[IEV 461-01-01]
assembly of one or more conductors and/or optical fibres, with a protective covering and
possibly filling, insulating and protective material
[IEV 151-12-38]
assembly comprising a conductor with its own insulation (and screens if any)
[IEV 461-04-04]
conductive part of a device, electric circuit or electric network, provided for connecting that
device, electric circuit or electric network to one or more external conductors
[IEV 581-06-36]
terminal designation
identifier of a terminal with respect to the object to which it belongs, related to one aspect of
the object.
signal designation
unambiguous identifier of a signal within a system
reference designation
identifier of a specific object with respect to the system of which the object is a constituent,
based on one or more aspects of that system
labelling (of a cable or core)
label or labels attached to a cable or core indicating appropriate characteristics
62491 © IEC:2008 –9–
identification labelling
labelling showing the identifier of an object as a constituent of a specific installation, system,
equipment or product
connection labelling
labelling of a cable or core showing the identifier of the terminal, terminal block or equipment
to which it is connected
local-end connection labelling
system of labelling of cables and cores where the labelling of the end of the cable or core
refers to the terminal, terminal block or equipment to which it is connected
remote-end connection labelling
system of labelling of cables and cores where the labelling of the end of the cable or core
refers to the terminal, terminal block or equipment to which the other end of it is connected
both-end connection labelling
system of labelling of cables and cores where each end of a cable or core is provided with
local-end connection labelling and remote-end connection labelling
signal labelling (
system of labelling of cables and cores used as a supplement to other labelling generally
based on the signal(s) carried by the cable
IECor core
3.16 f656427606f6/iec-62491-2008
composite labelling
system of labelling where two or more of the identification labelling, connection labelling and
signal labelling systems are used together
4 Rules
Cables and cores shall be recognizable at each end; it shall be possible to relate cables and
cores to the technical documentation.
• the designation and marking provided by the manufacturer of the cable, see 4.2, or
• an additional labelling, see 4.3.
Additional labelling might be required within larger systems or installations with many cores of
the same colour or with many cables, and where therefore the use only of the designations
provided by the cable or core manufacturer would be ambiguous.
Cable cores are often designated by the manufacturer applying methods such as:
These designations should, to the extent possible, be used for the identification of the cores.
Additional labelling is in such cases normally not required.
The use of such designations shall be described in the documentation of the equipment in
accordance with 7.5 and 9.3 of IEC 61082-1.
For the indication of the colours of cable cores in the documentation, the colour coding of
IEC 60757 shall be applied.
NOTE The colour does not provide any information on where the core is to be connected. The connection
information is in entirety to be found in associated connection table or connection diagram.
Core colour Local end Remote end
IEC 62491:2008 B4X1:33
BN A4X1:17
f656427606f6/iec-62491-2008 B4X1:34
RD A4X1:18 B4X1:35
The additional labelling, where required, shall be one of the following types:
The method used shall be specified in the supporting documentation, see Clause 11.
Additional information, for example a reference to a page number of the circuit diagram, may
be added on the label. The use of such additional information shall be explained in the
technical documentation. For an example, see Clause A.5.
62491 © IEC:2008 – 11 –
5 Identification labelling
5.1 General
The purpose of identification labelling is to show the identifier of the cable or core as a
constituent of the system of which it is a part. The same labelling is valid and may be used all
along a cable or core, even if it has junctions in its run.
The identification labelling does not provide any information on the connection. The
connection information is in its entirety to be found in associated documentation.
NOTE 1 For further information on the preparation of the relevant document types, see IEC 61082-1.
The reference designation can take different forms depending on, in which structure the core
is identified and to which object the core is associated.
NOTE 2 “Cable numbers” are considered as a kind of reference designation. For further information,
see IEC 81346-1.
The reference designation should normally be shown with relevant prefix sign, but this may be
omitted if no ambiguity can arise.
NOTE 3 In the examples of this standard the first prefix sign of the reference designations (even if named
“complete”) has been deliberately omitted in order not to give a reader the impression that a specific one is
required for cables and connections.
IEC 62491:2008
Cables between terminals belonging to the same object within which cable or core are
identified. See Figure 1 and Table 2. The labels at each end as well as possible intermediate
labels are shown.
• W23 is a single core cable with end labels and an intermediate label;
• W24 is a cable with end labels and intermediate labels. Also, the labels of each core of
this cable are shown in the example. Note that the additional labelling of the cable cores
could be omitted if the cable cores are unambiguously designated by numerals or colours
by the cable manufacturer as described in 4.2.
– 12 – 62491 © IEC:2008
1 W24-2
2 W24-1
4 W23
W23 W24
1 W23
2 W24-1
3 W24
4 W24-2
IEC 407/08
The initial part of the reference designation identifying the object within which the labelling is
required to be unambiguous may be omitted if no ambiguity can occur. This requires that the
reference designation of this object is clearly shown on a label related to that object.
NOTE 4 The complete reference designation of the cable or core is still the concatenation of the reference
designation of the object and that of the cable or core.
If the object of which the cable core is completely a constituent has a reference designation
A1B2C3D4 and if the cable core is connecting two terminals within this unit, then the core
labelling could be abbreviated to W23 while the full reference designation of that core is
62491 © IEC:2008 – 13 –
2 A1B2W23
1 A1B2W23
1 IEC 62491:2008
IEC 408/08
If the core is crossing border lines between objects, the full reference designation that is
relevant in this case needs to be presented on the label. For example the core connecting
terminal block X1 inside A1B2C3D4 and terminal block X1 inside A1B2 is identified with
respect to the object of which it is completely a constituent (i.e. A1B2) by A1B2W23.