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Physical Education - Prelim REVIEWER

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Physical Education

an integral part of the education program purposely to promote the optimum development of the
individual physically, socially, emotionally and mentally through total movement in the performance of
properly selected physical Activities.


1901- Physical Exercise was one of the subjects introduced in the public schools and regular

program of athletics was developed.

1920- Physical Education was made as required subjects in the curriculum of all public


1937- Physical Education was made curricular subject in the secondary school curriculum.1969- The
school of Physical Education and sports development act of 1969. A program of activities included
among others:

1.A program of health education and nutrition,2. A program of Physical Fitness for all pupils,3.A program
of competitive athletics,

4. A program of intramurals and inter unit athletic competition, within schools, districts, and

provinces and

5. An anual athletic competitions within and among regions.

et. aul Unibersitp Jloilo

1982- MAPE was introduced and the learning area involves music, art, and physical

Article 1 of the International Charter of PE and Sports.

The practice of Physical Education and sports is a fundamental right for all.. and the right should not be
treated as different in principle from the right of adequate food,shelter and medicines.

Article XIV Section 19 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution mandates that:

The State Shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs,league competitions and
amatuer sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self discipline, teamwork, and
excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All Educational institutions shall
undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other

Functions of Physical Education Physical education performs three functions which are:

1. BIOLOGIC - This function emphasizes the physiological and health-related benefits of physical activity.
PE helps in the development and maintenance of physical fitness, including cardiovascular health,
muscular strength, flexibility,and coordination. It contributes to the prevention of obesity and chronic

2. INTEGRATIVE - The integrative function of PE focuses on the role of physical education in integrating
various aspects of personal development and education. It aims to combine physical skills with cognitive
and emotional growth, fostering a well-rounded individual.

3. SOCIAL - The social function of PE pertains to the development of social skills and values through
physical activity. PE provides opportunities for students to work together in teams, communicate
effectively, and develop leadership and cooperation skills. It fosters a sense of community and
belonging, as students interact with peers from diverse backgrounds in a collaborative environment.

All in all, Physical Education as education" through" movement is best concieved of as being that
component of the educational process which aims to improve and complement the individual chiefly
through professionally selected and directed physical activities.

Fitness- A major goal of Physical Education

Different people differ in their otion of fitness. in the field of physical education, the concept of fitness
has implications for physical, social, emotional and mental wel-being. In view of these four aspects, it
can be said that FITNESS is the ability to live a healthy, satisfying and useful life. This type of life is what
the educational philosphers and thinkers term as the"Good life" This is the ultimate goal of education.


Through the carefully selected physical activities, an individual who participates actively will develop and
maintain good health and a high level of fitness. The acquisition of physical skills can motivate an
individual to participate further, in physical activities hence his growth and development will be


Participation in the physical education activities provides opportunities for the development of desirable
social traits needed, for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worthwhile traits are Friendliness,
cooperation, respect for the rights of others, good sportsmanship, honesty in group competition.


The informal nature of physical education activity offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional

Examples of traits are: self confidence, self control, self- reliance, courage, determination


Through participation in physical education activities the individual develops his mental capacities:

as he learns the mechanical principles underlying movement, as he acquires knowledge and

understanding of rules and strategies of games and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his
movements in areas like gymnastics and dance.


1. Knowledge- It enhances critical thingking how activities are done according to rules,

regulations and strategies.

2. Physical Fitness- Improves and maintains the workload of the individual without staggering and
undue fatigue after which have time or energy to meet some more emergencies in life.

3. Social- To understand oneself; to get along with others for effective living.

4. Motor Skills- it is the learning of the fundamental skills necessary for participation in

sports and games.

5. Aesthetic- relating or responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses.

6. Nationalism- preservation of cultural heritage to revival of indigenous games, dances and sports.

7. Conservation of natural environment - such as protection of forest and acquatic resources.

Purpose of Physical Education

1. To develop optimum physical fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable of living the
goodlife and contributing his maximum capacity to the attainment of the goals of the new society.
2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well being through:a. The improvement
of proper work habits and work attitudes such as panctuality,cooperation, reliability, precision and
accuracy, and open mindedness; and

b. proper emphasis on problem solving skills such that an individual can identify a problem

correctly and master the skills necessary or useful in the business world;

3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order, and develop other desirable traits
necessary for effective group participation or group living essential to the new society through;

a. An adequate system of values by equipping the individual to be able to make moral choices

or decisions needed in daily living; and

b. offering group participation in such experiences as intramural, extramural,play days or sports


4. To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an ibiding faith in God and love of

country and fellowmen; and

5. To install a love of and pride for their preservation, and develop an understanding of the

culture of other for a feeling of international brotherhood and unity.


-Aims to develop student's physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their
ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active
and healthy lifestyle.


Take care of your body for optimal health and functioning.


A state of having a healthy body.a state of health, well-being, specifically,the ability to perform aspects
of sports, and daily activities.


Organic vigor - refers to the soundness of the heart and the lungs which contributes to the ability to


Endurance- is the ability to sustain long-continued contractions where a number of muscle groups are
used.Strength - is the capacity to sustain the application of force without yielding or breaking..the ability
of the muscles to exert effort against a resistance.

Powe -refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest period of
time.Flexibility - is the quality of plasticity which gives the ability to don a wide range of movement.

Agility- is the ability of the individual to change direction or position in space with quickness and
lightness of movement.Balance- is the ability to control organic equipment neuro-muscularly.

Or a state of equilibrium.

-Speed - is the ability to make

successive movements of the same kind in the shortest period of time.-Coordination- is the linking of
the senses to produce smooth,quick and efficient control of movement of the body during performance
of physical acts.

General Fitness

It is incorporating a healthy and nutritious diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation,and mental stability
and well-being into one's daily lifestyle.Ofl
Fitness - includes developing muscle strength, endurance, flexibility and agility.

Components of Physical Fitness

Health Related Components-(Flexibility, Cardiovascular Endurance,Muscular Strength, Muscular

Endurance and Body Composistion).

Performance Related Components-(Agility, Balance, Coordination, Power and Speed).

Health Related Fitness

A function of body's adaptation to exercise. It could be developed and maintain through the regular and
proper exercise program.

A. Muscular Strength- Refers to the ability of the muscle to exert maximum effort in brief duration. It
may be developed through isotonic, isometric, or isokinetic contractions.

Isotonic Contractions

are voluntary

contractions in which muscles shorten and lengthen alternately.The muscle contracts at varying speed

isotonic contracion

against a resistance.

2 types of contractions

Concentric Contractionrefers to muscles that shorten during exercise.There is no movement that occurs
and the length of the muscle remains unchanged.

Eccentric Contractionreferes to the muscle that lengthens during an exercise. Muscles exert force due to
an outside resistance.

The most common example of isotonic contraction is calisthenics exercise. This makes use of a body
segment or the entire body weight as a form of resistance during an exercise.some of the most

calisthenics exercises that are being performed to increase muscular strength are push ups, sit ups, ups.

Isometric Contractions- are another type of

contractions in which the muscles are

contracted against an immovable resistance.The exercise provides maximum contraction of muscle;

however, there is no observed

movement during the exercise k

about 5 seconds.


isometric contraction

Isotonic -Muscle contracts but does not shorten shortens and movement occurs.

Isometric- muscle does not shorten but tension increases.

Muscular Endurance

the ability of the muscles to endure a sub maximal effort for a prolonged period of time.

Performing a strength exercise such as push up over a long period of time or performning the same
exercise for a many continuous repetitions is a demonstration of a muscular endurance.

Cardiovascular Endurance

- the ability of the heart, blood vessels,and the lungs to take in and process oxygen in the body. It draws
both from cardio respiratory fitness and muscular endurance and reflects on how long one can sustain
any given physical activity.

Imporant variables to consider when engaging in

any cardiovascular endurance program

Intensity which referes to how stressful the

exercise is.

Duration which referes to how long will

exercise be performed.

Frequency which refers to the number of times

the individual will exercise each week.

Mode which refers to the kind of activity,

selected such as brisk working or jogging.

Activities that develop cardiovascular endurance prolonged brisk walking

prolonged jogging


stationary bicycling
prolonged skipping rope

playing basketball

continous swimming


Aerobic dancing


10. playing football


Also known as "range of motion"

The ability of your muscles and joints to go though their full range of movements and carry out a wide
variety of tasks.

When we increase our flexibility, we

actually lengthen the fibers in our


Flexibility is influenced by three factors;

1. Structure of the joints,

2. Amount of tissues sorrounding the joint; and

3. Extensibility of the legaments, tendons and muscle tissue that connects the joints.

Types of Stretching

There are four types of stretching including:ice

Static stretching Dynamic stretching Proprioceptive


Ballistic stretching

Stretching Techniques: Ballistic

Ballistic Stretching- Bouncing movements;repetitive contractions of the agonist muscle are used to
produce quick

stretches of the antagonist


Concern that somewhat uncontrolled forces within the muscle may exceed extensibility limits in the
muscle fiber, thus

producing small microtears in the musculotendinous unit.

Static stretching is used to stretch muscles while the body is at rest. It is composed of various techniques
that gradually lengthen a muscle to an elongated position (to the point of discomfort), which are held
for a period of 15 seconds to two minutes. For example, a static hamstring stretch as seen below:

Dynamic stretching on the other hand uses movement or momentum of the limb or trunk to move the
muscle between its extremes of range. It is a controlled movement and should not be vigorous or
bouncy at the end of range. For example, adynamic hamstring leg swing

PNF Stretching

PNF stretching is the guickest.most effective and efficient way of increasing flexibility and it is
appropriate for beginners.

Stage One The performer stretches the muscle as far as it will go.

Stage Two The partner helps them hold the muscle in a isometric contraction for 6-10 seconds.

Stage Three The performer then takes time to relax the muscle.
Stage Four The partner helps stretch the muscle even further.

Body Composition

BODY COMPOSITION IS A Combination of muscle, bone,and fat.

Lean body mass- muscle

and other non-fat tissue

Body fat —stored calories

What is Somatotyping?

Is another word for BODY TYPE.

Is a way of describing a body build.

Each body type (somatotype) can be classified

in 3 ways:
1. Endomorph 2. Mesomorph.3. Ectomorph.


Goal : Gain Weight



Thin, lanky, smaller

bone structure

Eat whatever they want

& never gain any weight


Goal : Lean Up



Medium bone structure

& athletic body

Easier to gain muscle

or lose fat


Goal : Weight Loss



Stockier bone structure

with a larger midsection

& hips

Gain weight easily

& struggle to lose weight

Skill-Related physical fitness

Refers to the quality of one's movement skill.


The ability to control or stabilize the body

while standing or moving

Sports requiring high levels of balance:

ymnastics, golf, ice skating

Static Balance

Maintaining a desired shape in a stationary position

Examples: handstand, headstand

Dynamic Balance

Maintaining an in-balance position while moving, starting, or


Examples: weight transference, jumping, throwing, traveling

Coordination → bringing all the body parts together in

purposeful movement (eye, hand, and foot positioning)





Speed is the ability to move your body or parts of your

body fast.

Example: A basketball player making a fast break,football player out running a defense and a soccer
player running down the field to score a goal.


Power is the ability to move the body parts swiftly

while applying the maximum force of the muscles.

Example: Volleyball players getting up to the net and

lifting their bodies high into the air.

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