Article 1
Article 1
Article 1
One of the gravest forms of violence that any child can be a victim of is Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)
which is a universal problem. The perpetual effects of Child Sexual Abuse are hard to even
comprehend. The children who are sexually abused often suffer physically, psychologically,
emotionally, and socially, most times unable to recover from the trauma for long periods of time.
The chances of adult psychiatric disorders are relatively high with individuals who have gone
through sexual abuse as children, depending on the level of trauma it has caused. The help to be
extended to those affected legally, socially, and emotionally are not equal because of the level of
awareness, perceptions, and understanding about CSA and practices related to it. Social workers
ought to act instrumental in promoting the justice of the vulnerable by mitigating its incidence.
Through this descriptive study, the researchers have brought to light the level of knowledge,
attitudes, and practices of Social workers about Child Sexual Abuse and has suggested appropriate
social work intervention measures to combat Child Sexual Abuse.
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
child most of the time. NCRB Report 2020 Act of 2012 [6].
shows that all over India, in 26,934 POCSO
A study on Child Abuse in India in 2007 by the
cases, the offenders were known to the victim;
among which 2,556 were family members; Ministry of Women and Child Development
11,272 were family friends/ Government of India showed that 53.22 per cent
of children reported having faced one or more
neighbours/ employer or other known persons
and 13,106 were friends/online friends or live in forms of sexual abuse. 21.90 per cent of child
partners on the pretext of marriage. Child respondents reported facing severe forms of
sexual abuse and 50.76 per cent other forms of
Sexual Abuse in India is at an alarming rate, yet
there is a stigma attached to the topic which also sexual abuse [7]. Children on street, children at
causes the underreporting of the incidence [5]. work and children in institutional care reported
the highest incidence of sexual assault. 50 per
Also, there is no age bar set, the victims are
hardly months old, which questions our societal cent of abuses are persons known to the child or
morals. in a position of trust and responsibility and most
of them did not even report it to anyone. This
The social work profession is associated with also shows that sexual crimes often carry the
individuals, families, groups and communities risk of underreporting due to associated stigmas,
in an effort to enhance social functioning and the actual incidence of the crime may be even
overall well-being. CSA happening at this pace higher than reported [8].
in our country has become a potential cause for
Awareness and Perceptions about Child Sexual
an increase in crime rate and disruption in
harmony. One incident of Child sexual abuse, Abuse among Young Adults in India - A
doesn’t affect only the individual, nor does it Research Study (2017) supported by TATA
Trusts says the chances of reporting sexual
affect the child only at that particular time,
rather it affects the people around the child and abuse experience increase with age and
puts the child in perpetual trauma. There is a education [9]. In three-fifths (62%) of the cases
of those who reported, no legal nor non-legal
grave need to sensitize on the matter, and assure
justice is served. action was taken. Legal action was taken in only
seven per cent of cases of sexual abuse that
Literature Review were reported.
Crimes against children are a concern which Sexual abuse affects the child
affects children worldwide. India is home to both physically as well as psychologically. A
over 19 per cent of the world’s children who study done by Kailash Satyarthi Children’s
form 42 per cent of the nation’s population. It is Foundation found that survivors of CSA lack
alarming that crime against children has risen confidence, fear going out alone, sense a change
by 16.2 per cent between 2020 and 2021. The in the behaviour of family members and in case
decade 2011-2021 showed a shocking increase of children above 15 years of age ten to blame
in crime against children and a third (36.1%) of or harm themselves[9]. The trauma associated
the crimes registered were under the POCSO with Child Sexual Abuse can cause arrested
development and psychosocial and behavioural
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
problems throughout their life. Sexual abuse at institutions [13]. In the first half of 2012 alone,
such early age could lead to psychiatric the Times of India newspaper reported sexual
disorders in adulthood, developmental delays, abuse cases in eight different residential
memory lapses, inability to control anxiety and facilities in different parts of the country. Child
violent outbursts. Sexually abused children feel sexual abuse in India, though widespread, is
unloved which shows how the family itself can difficult to document because it is shrouded in
infuse long-term adverse impacts on survivors’ secrecy. Fear of social stigma, an unwillingness
self-esteem and confidence. Thus the affected to implicate family members, and other factors
children need therapy and early intervention discourage families from exposing abuse. Police
that could mitigate the aftermath [10]. misbehaviour and a long judicial process are
deterrents to seeking redress. Children’s
An Epidemiological Overview of Child
complaints are often dismissed not just by
Sexual Abuse (2014, Mannat Mohanjeet Singh family members or persons in positions of
et al) pictures CSA to be an extensive problem authority, but also by the police, medical staff,
and even the lowest prevalence includes a huge and others. Instead of compassion, victims may
number of victims [11]. Three main issues have be re-traumatized by how they are treated once
been identified that make it difficult to estimate they make their abuse known.
exactly how many children are victims of CSA.
Firstly, the way abuse is defined plays an A study on preferential treatment of children
important role. Secondly, the cases reported by and children's rights, such as the right to life,
the official organizations usually underrate the protection, participation, and development,
number of victims as many cases never get among male and female children, found that a
reported to them. Thirdly, different studies significant portion of respondents (45.3%) had
report the prevalence for different time periods. experienced sexual abuse. Among them, 30% of
respondents disclosed that their friends and
The Protection of Children from Sexual peers are the highest perpetrators of sexual
Offenses (POCSO) Act, 2012 has brought about abuse, and 12% of respondents disclosed
child-friendly procedures for reporting, parental sexual abuse. The study revealed that
recording of evidences, investigation and trial of school-going children were victims of sexual
offences. POCSO defines children to be below abuses which were unheard [14].
18 years of age and talks about safe and unsafe
touch. Even the attempt to commit the offence Methodology
is liable for up to half the punishment. If the
The role of social workers in the deep-rooted
offence is heinous, the burden of proof is shifted
to the Accused [12]. problem of Child Sexual Abuse in India is very
essential, from sensitizing the parents, teachers,
Breaking the Silence - Child Sexual and children in being aware of how to spot,
Abuse in India (2013) by Human Rights Watch report and handle the post-incidence with the
says a major problem in India is the lack of children. The descriptive study has aimed to
effective monitoring of residential care capture the awareness, opinion and practices of
facilities, orphanages and other children’s Social workers in Tamil Nadu towards the
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
Objectives: Table 1
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
Guided the
parents/Guardian to file 4 4.3
the case under POCSO
No Response 65 69.9 Note: The above tables 3.0 and 3.1 show the
encounter of Social workers with CSA and their
No 1 1.1 response to the same.
Not faced such a
1 1.1
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
Chart 2 Chart 3 Chart 4 The following are the findings of the study
HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
abuses that happened among the children may be short, medium or long-term and it
and also made an effort to intervene in the depends on various factors. Social workers can
problem. plan interventions along with a
multidisciplinary team to support the child.
Child protection plans can also be formulated at
Suggestions the school level and the children can be trained
Social workers should be appointed in every with consideration of their best interest. Social
school to keep a check on the emotional, workers can also assist the child in identifying
psychological, behavioural and sexual abuse the risk factors around them and how they can
problems faced by children in the school. The be dealt with. Social workers also have a key
social workers should also hold sessions with role in ensuring that the best interest of the child
the children on a regular basis to mitigate the
is taken into consideration at all stages.
abuses faced by them. As the opinion stands out
through our findings, Child Sexual Abuse Conclusion
prevention education should be implemented in Child Sexual Abuse is one of the
schools orienting the children and parents about severest forms of Child abuse that causes
the possible ways of being abused and how to perpetual trauma that causes long-term effects
act accordingly. The POCSO Act of 2012 on the child, mostly psychological. With the
mentions certain guidelines for the victims to increasing incidence of Child Sexual Abuse
take the assistance of experts which also irrespective of age and background, the study
includes social workers. These guidelines are has brought about the Social Workers’
the procedures to be carried out when a child is perspective on Child sexual abuse. The social
a victim of sexual abuse and should be workers depict the need to increase awareness
incorporated into the social work curriculum about CSA among parents, children and other
along with social legislation. There should be institutions responsible for the safety of
more efforts by the NGOs and Government
Children. The awareness on CSA needs to be
bodies at State, District and Block levels to strengthened at the school level as well as in
create awareness about Child sexual Abuse. The families. The family is the first agent of
findings also suggest the need for a Board of socialisation for a child from where she/he
Social Workers that standardizes the learns about the world around them. The family
procedures. can impart preliminary learnings in safe and
Social workers can also be part of the legal unsafe touch, interacting with strangers etc.
system and provide support to the victims as Schools should impart age-appropriate
well as their families. Social workers can play a comprehensive sexual education to the students.
major role in ensuring that there is no re- Social workers should be appointed at the
victimisation occurring in the legal process and school level and they should ensure guidance to
it is as child-friendly as possible. There is also a the children on the matter of CSA.
need for constant follow-up of the state of the
victims to ensure that the child is able to lead
life positively. The effects of child sexual abuse
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HANS SHODH SUDHA, VOL. 3, ISSUE 4, (2023), pp. 4-11 ISSN: 2582-9777
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