Project stakeholders
- The general condi�ons are an integral part I. List of Common Types of Construc�on
of the contract for construc�on for a large Insurance
project and they are incorporated by - Construc�on insurance provides coverage
reference into the owner/contractor for material, risks, natural disasters,
agreement based on the rights, employees.
- Performance bonds, specific types of
coverages, and all risk insurance should be
determined clearly in the contract in order
to protect both par�es and avoid disputes
MODULE 3: CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION and other interested par�es who closely
collaborated to develop this format.
- SPECIFICATIONS are the writen or printed
descrip�on of the work to be done describing - Specifica�ons should be separated according
quali�es of the material to be used, the to work packages and types, for easier
equipment to be installed and the mode of understanding and distribu�on. For example,
construc�on (1.25) Specifica�on types can be separated as
- SPECIFICATIONS describe the project to be follows:
constructed, supplemen�ng drawings and 1) Civil
forming part of the contract, and describe 2) Structural
quali�es of materials, their methods of 3) Finishing
manufacture and their installa�on, and 4) Electrical
workmanship and mode of construc�on. 5) Mechanical
- They also provide other informa�on not shown 6) Plumbing and Sewerage
in the drawings, including a descrip�on of the 7) Landscaping
final result. 8) Quality
- Specifica�ons should complement drawings, 9) Health & Safety
not overlap or duplicate them, and normally - Specifica�ons can be divided into more
prescribe the quality standards of construc�on detailed Specifica�ons. For example, Standard
expected on the project. Civil Specifica�on can be divided on:
- They indicate the procedure by means of which o Earthworks
it may be determined whether requirements o Piling
are sa�sfied. Because specifica�ons are an o Shoring
integral part of the Contract Documents, they o Concrete
are considered to be legal documents, and o Reinforcement
should therefore be comprehensive, accurate, o etc.
and clear
- Specifica�ons should include any necessary
- The purpose of construc�on specifica�ons is to codes and standards applicable to the project.
delineate the requirements regarding the - The specifica�ons should also include
materials, products, installa�on procedures descrip�ons and procedures for alternate
and quality aspects involved with execu�on of materials, products or services if necessary.
the work and fulfillment of the contract. - Contract Documents contain the bidding and
- Construc�on specifica�ons become a part of construc�on requirements, drawings and
the legal documents of the agreement and specifica�ons.
form a cornerstone of the project design. In - The project manual is the bound writen
fact, the construc�on specifica�ons override por�on of the Contract Documents.
the project drawings in the event of conflic�ng - The project manual is typically organized
informa�on according to Master Format.
- The project manual contains the following
o Introductory Informa�on
- The Construc�on Specifica�ons Ins�tute (CSI) o Bidding Requirements
MasterFormat® is the most widely used o Contrac�ng Requirements
standard for organizing specifica�ons for o Specifica�ons
building projects in the United States and o Appendices
Canada. Its format of organiza�on is widely - Introductory Informa�on
recognized. CSI is a na�onwide organiza�on o Title Page
composed of architects, engineers, o Cer�fica�ons Page
manufacturers’ representa�ves, contractors, o Table of Contents
o Guide to Use of the Project Manual 140°F and is corrosive (pH of
(used by many specifiers) 3).
Example of Performance
Specifica�ons “…Aluminium
- Specifica�ons Plant should produce 100,000
o Division 01 – General Requirements tons of aluminium per one
o Divisions 02– Technical Specifica�ons year…”
- Appendices b) Prescrip�ve Specifica�ons
o Appendices are not included in Master o Prescrip�ve specifica�ons convey the
Format but they are useful for requirements of a project through a
including copies of informa�on, detailed explana�on of the materials
reference documents, exis�ng that the contractor must use, and the
condi�ons, photographs or example means of installing those materials.
forms for use in administra�on. o This type of specifica�on provides
more certainty regarding the final
3.7 ORGANIZATION OF SPECIFICATION product composi�on than the
- It is important for the specifica�ons sec�on of performance specifica�on, and is very
the project manual to be arranged in an orderly frequently used for highly complex
and comprehensive format. por�ons of a project.
- If the sec�on is organized clearly and follows a o This type of specifica�on will typically
defined procedure, it is less likely that the be formated in a manner similar to
specifier will overlook or forget something. the following sec�ons:
- It will also help the contractor, es�mator, General: This sec�on will
inspector, or other reviews find informa�on typically contain references to
more easily. na�onal/interna�onal
standards, design
a) Performance Specifica�ons required submitals from the
o A performance specifica�on is a contractor to the
document that specifies the architect/engineer, quality
opera�onal requirements of a control requirements and
component or installa�on. product handling
o Moreover, the performance requirements.
specifica�on tells the contractor what Products: This sec�on will
the final installed product must be describe, in detail, the various
capable of doing. products required for the task
o Example of Performance Specifica�ons covered by the specifica�on
A performance specifica�on along with the individual
may be used in the structural and performance
construc�on of an industrial requirements of each product.
pumping system. The Execu�on: This sec�on will
specifica�on would provide a explain how to prepare the
required pumping rate (say materials and conduct the
500 gallons per minute), a installa�on, including the
required pressure (20 psi) and tes�ng requirements to be
the difference in height followed.
between the pump and the o Example of Prescrip�ve Specifica�ons
final des�na�on (+40 feet). “…. Waterproof Concrete
The specifica�on will also state Structures
that the liquid to be pumped Waterproof concrete shall be
will be at a temperature of mixed so as to produce a
dense workable concrete
represented generally by 30
mm slump. It shall be 3.9 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS
mechanically vibrated to give a
- They are also known as Brief Specifica�ons and
dense and homogeneous
used to show aspect, standard, and type of
mass in all parts of
construc�onal work.
construc�on par�cularly
- In general specifica�ons, nature and class of
around joints and water
works and names of materials that should be
used are described. Only a brief descrip�on of
c) Proprietary Specifica�ons
each and every item is given. It is useful for
o Proprietary specifica�ons are those
es�ma�ng the project. The general
that require the use of a single
specifica�ons do not form a part of contract
approved product type for any
par�cular installa�on.
o Proprietary specifica�ons are o�en
used in cases where there is exis�ng
equipment or installa�ons already on
site. In general, proprietary
specifica�ons are descrip�ons of
materials that either cite a specific
brand name or are writen so
restric�vely that only one vendor or
manufacturer can supply the desired
o Example of Proprietary Specifica�ons
o Purchasing Department
Purchasing department’s main
role is purchasing supplies and
materials used in the projects
and company daily needs.
They need to compare among
different suppliers and finding