Acoustic Modeling Using The Digital Waveguide Mesh
Acoustic Modeling Using The Digital Waveguide Mesh
Acoustic Modeling Using The Digital Waveguide Mesh
Acoustic Modeling
Using the Digital
Waveguide Mesh
[Recent activities in articulatory vocal tract modeling, room
impulse response synthesis, and reverberation simulation]
he digital waveguide mesh (DWM) is a numerical context of discrete-time physics-based modeling for sound syn-
simulation technique based on the definition of a thesis, and [3], where the DWM is examined within a rigorous
regular spatial sampling grid for a particular prob- theoretical and comparative framework for more established yet
lem domain, which in this specific case is a vibrating related wave scattering numerical simulation techniques.
object capable of supporting acoustic wave propaga-
tion resulting in sound output. It is based on a simple and intu- THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL DIGITAL WAVEGUIDE
itive premise—the latter often considered important by the The one-dimensional (1-D) digital waveguide is based on a time
computer musicians who are the primary users of a sound syn- and space discretization of the d’Alembert solution to the 1-D
thesis algorithm—yet the emergent behavior is complex, natu- wave equation. This approach to sound synthesis was first used
ral, and capable of high-quality sound generation. Hence, the in the Kelly-Lochbaum model of the human vocal tract for
DWM has been applied in many areas of computer music speech synthesis [4] and has parallels with other, more generally
research since it was first introduced by Van Duyne and Smith applied wave variable scattering modeling paradigms such as the
in 1993 [1]. This article is the first to attempt to consolidate and transmission line matrix (TLM) method [5] and wave digital fil-
summarize this work. The interested reader is also directed to ters (WDFs) [6]. However it was Julius O. Smith III who first
[2], where DWM modeling is considered in the more general proposed the term digital waveguide and used these techniques
where y+ and y− are arbitrary twice-differentiable functions Note that pJ is defined as the actual pressure value at the point of
denoting wave movement to the left and right, respectively. connection for these N waveguide elements, referred to as the
Assuming that y+ and y− are bandlimited to half the sampling pressure value at scattering junction J. Scattering junctions,
rate of the system allows the discrete time version of (2) to be together with the 1-D waveguide elements described above, pro-
defined for spatial sampling points mX and sampling interval vide the basic building blocks for a digital waveguide physical
nT such that X = cT : model of a vibrating system. For instance, six 1-D strings could
be coupled together via a scattering junction to simulate the
y(nT, mX) = y+ (n − m) + y− (n + m). (3) bridge of a guitar, facilitating sympathetic resonances where
excitation on one string causes low-amplitude oscillation on one
This solution can be implemented in an efficient and straight- or more of the others due to energy transmitted through the
forward manner using two parallel digital delay lines to repre- bridge. Similarly, this scattering junction could also allow cou-
sent the left-going and right-going traveling wave components. pling to a filter to simulate the effects of body resonances. Hence,
Figure 1 shows a digital waveguide implementation of an ideal scattering junctions also act as system sampling points where
string, rigidly terminated at either end of the M-sample delay physical variables may be tapped off for coupling with other
lines, corresponding to the nut and bridge of a typical instru- aspects of the model or with the outside world. Similarly, they
ment. The system is excited with an appropriate input “loaded’’ can also be used to allow energy to be input to a system. In mod-
into the upper and lower delay lines at position xin = min cT eling a wind instrument such as a clarinet, the bore can be
and a physical output is obtained at xout = mout cT by sum- implemented as a 1-D lossless waveguide coupled with the more
Nut + Bridge
y(nT, mincT) y(nT, moutcT)
Termination −1 −1 Termination
x=0 x = McT
[FIG1] The ideal lossless 1-D digital waveguide string model, which is M-samples long and rigidly terminated at either end.
− 1
pJ, i +
+ ΣYi ΣYj
2Yi + 2Yi 2Yj
− −
+ −
+ + z−1 pk
pJ, 1−
z−2 z−1 z−1
[FIG3] Functional block diagram for a W-DWM scattering junction J with N neighbors connected to a K-DWM scattering junction K via a
KW-pipe connecting waveguide element.
[FIG4] DWM topologies: (a) four-port 2-D rectilinear; (b) six-port 2-D triangular; (c) six-port 3-D rectilinear; (d) 12-port 3-D dodecahedral
(CCP); (e) four-port 3-D tetrahedral; (f) eight-port 3-D octahedral.
Glottis Lips
(a) (b)
[FIG5] Forming the impedance mapped /u/ vowel DWM: (a) cross-sectional area function; (b) rectilinear mesh with raised cosine
impedance map.
/a/ /e/
−20 5
f1 f2 f3 f4 4
[FIG6] Formant patterns from the impedance-mapped DWM under noise excitation: (a) /u/ vowel compared with a high resolution 1-D
model and average measured values; (b) /a/ to /e/ diphthong compared with same 1-D model.
f21 f31 f12 f11 03
f11 f22 f51
−20 f02
f11 =1.59 f01
Power (dB)
f21 = 2.14
f31 = 2.92
0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
[FIG7] 2-D triangular DWM model of a membrane with a diameter of 0.5 m: (a) animation captures from the resulting simulation
demonstrating resonance at modes (0,2), (1,1), (2,1), and (3,1); (b) actual output spectrum compared with predicted modal frequencies.
Power (dB)
2,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,400 3,600 3,800 4,000
Frequency (Hz)
(a) (b)
[FIG8] 2-D triangular DWM model of a physically impossible system—a trifoil radiation symbol membrane with a diameter of 0.5 m:
(a) animation captures from the resulting simulation demonstrating modal resonances; (b) output spectrum.
[FIG9] DWM room acoustics modeling in RoomWeaver incorporating the latest implementations of frequency-dependent and diffusive
boundaries. A completely defined acoustic space followed by wave propagation snapshots through a 2-D horizontal plane of the same
space viewed in wireframe mode is shown from left to right.
Magnitude (dB)
1,000 2-D
3-D 0
Number of Modes
600 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Magnitude (dB)
0 −50
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Relative Frequency (1/fs) Relative Frequency (1/fs)
(a) (b)
[FIG10] Frequency response information for 2,310 node DWMs of varying dimension: (a) theoretical modal distribution varying with
increasing dimensionality; (b) frequency response of a 2-D and 4-D DWM.
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