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Current Biology, Volume 34

Supplemental Information

Ancient DNA challenges prevailing

interpretations of the Pompeii plaster casts
Elena Pilli, Stefania Vai, Victoria C. Moses, Stefania Morelli, Martina Lari, Alessandra
Modi, Maria Angela Diroma, Valeria Amoretti, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Massimo
Osanna, Douglas J. Kennett, Richard J. George, John Krigbaum, Nadin
Rohland, Swapan Mallick, David Caramelli, David Reich, and Alissa Mittnik
Figure S1. Plaster casts of all the analyzed individuals and anatomical elements from which
DNA was extracted, related to Figure 1 and Table 1.
Figure S2. Full
results for ancient
individuals for
analysis for k=2 to
k=15, related to
Figure 2. Ancestry
components k shown
as stacked bar plots.
Figure S3. Full results for modern-day
individuals for unsupervised ADMIXTURE
analysis for k=2 to k=15, related to Figure 2.
Ancestry component k as bar plots for ancient
individuals (A) and modern-day individuals (B).
Figure S4. ROH in individual 52, related to STAR Methods. Bar plots showing the cumulative
length of ROH in four length classes (4-8, 8-12, 12-20, and >20 cM, color-coded). In individual 52
a single ROG tract of 4.71 cM was detected. The two right-most panels show the expected ROH
for offspring of closely related parents and small population sizes, respectively.
Sample ID Skeletal element Discovery place
01 tibia Sarno baths
14 phalange Macellum
15 tarsal bone Stabian baths
20 mandible House of the Cryptoporticus
21* right ulna House of the Cryptoporticus
22* tooth House of the Cryptoporticus
25 diaphysis Villa of Mysteries
50* metacarpal House of the Golden Bracelet
51* left humerus House of the Golden Bracelet
52* scapula House of the Golden Bracelet
53* vertebra House of the Golden Bracelet
54 radius House of the Golden Bracelet
CFDT (C7) right tibia House of the Golden Bracelet
79 left femur Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary
*Samples analyzed through Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Oyster Point, CA) and enriched for mtDNA at the University of Florence, before genome-wide

Table S1. Sample information, related to Figure 1 and STAR Methods. Sample ID,
anatomical element and discovery place.
DNA Concentration (pg/µl)
Sample ID
22 ND 2.9 2.8
50 ND 28.1 22.9
51 1.2 17.8 9.3
52 6.1 117 107
53 4.3 32.7 25.4

Table S2. Trio quantification results of all samples expressed as pg/ul, related to STAR
Methods. LAT=large autosomal target; SAT=small autosomal target; YT= Y chromosome target.
ND=not detected.
Sample mtDNA Percentage of position covered at least Average 5' mtDNA contammix
average fragment CtoT haplogroup Map
coverage length % assignment Authentic
1-fold 2-fold 3-fold 4-fold 5-fold

21 0.91 57.45% 23.13% 7.58% 1.77% 0.52% 59.61 N/A N/A N/A

22 55.39 99.97 % 99.97 % 99.90 % 99.69 % 99.46% 59.46 0.3 N1b1a1 0.912

50 37.34 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 99.96% 69.26 0.23 H1h1 0.968

51 3.43 94.37% 81.14% 64.67% 44.61% 28.04% 69.66 0.15 T2c1c 0.977

52 40.82 100.00 % 100.00 % 99.92 % 99.90 % 99.87% 66 0.2 U1a1* 0.908

53 69.85 100.00 % 100.00 % 100.00 % 99.99 % 99.96% 58.99 0.24 H 0.987

Table S3. Results from the mtDNA capture, related to STAR Methods. Results agree with the
results of the independent capture performed on UDG-treated libraries in Boston (Dataset S1).

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