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CG 2024

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Name: …………………………………….. Adm No………..

Date: …………………………Class………….....

Paper 1
June 2024
Time 2 hours 45 min.


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Instructions to Candidates

a) Answer all questions in section A.

b) In section B, Answer question 6 and any other two questions from the remaining
c) Answer all questions using the answer booklet provided.
d) Candidate should check that all pages are printed and no questions are missing.

For Examination use only.

Maximum Score Candidate Score
Section A. 25

Question 6 25

Question 7 25

Question 8 25

Question 9 25

Question 10 25

TOTAL 100%
SECTION A: Answer All Questions

1. (a) List three components of the solar system. (3marks)

(b) State three characteristics of planet Jupiter. (3marks)

2. (a) What is land breeze? (2marks)

(b) State three factors that influence atmospheric pressure on the earth`s surface.


3. (a) Draw a well labeled diagram of a simple fold. (3marks)

(b) Distinguish betweenVolcanicity and Vulcanicity. (2marks)

4. (a) Name two types of desert surfaces. (2marks)

(b) State two factors that influence wind deposition in deserts. (2marks)

5. (a) Identify three factors that influence coastal erosion. (3marks)

(b) Differentiate between a barrier reef and a fringing reef. (2marks)



6. (a) (i) State three factors which influence how a river transport its local. (3marks)

(ii) Describe the following process of river transportation.

 Solution (2marks)

 Suspension (2marks)

(b) Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Name the feature marked X, Y and Z. (3marks)

(ii) State three ways in which waterfalls may be formed. (3marks)

(c) (i) Describe the characteristics of a flood plain. (3marks)

(ii) Identify three features found in the middle stage of a river`s course. (3marks)

(a) Explain three positive effects of river on human activities. (6 marks)

7. (a) (i) What is weathering? (2marks)

(ii) State three agents of weathering. (3 marks

(b) Describe how block disintegration occurs. (5 marks)

(c) Explain how the following factors influence weathering.

 Time (2 marks)

 Nature of the rock (4 marks)

 Action of plants ( 3 marks)

(d) Your class carried out a field study on the effects of weathering around your school


(i) State two objectives of your study. (2 marks)

(ii) Give two methods you would use to collect data. (2 marks)
(iii) State two effects of weathering on the physical environment you are likely to


(2 marks)

(2 marks)

8. (a) Study the diagram below and use it to answer the following questions.

(i) Identify the vegetation zones marked X, Y and Z. (3 marks)

(ii) Describe the characteristics of Tropical Rain Forest. ( 5marks)

(b) Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of vegetation.

 Climate (4 marks)

 Soils (2 marks)

(c) Name the countries where the following grasslands are found

 Downs (1 mark)
 Steppe (1 mark)

 Pampas (1 mark)

 Veldt (1 mark)

(b) Your class carried out field study on vegetation around the school compound.

(i) State two sampling techniques you are likely to use during the study. (2 marks)

(ii) Give two aspects of vegetation you are likely to study. (2 marks)

(iii) Identify three problems you are likely to encounter during the study. (3 marks)

1. (a) List three components of the solar system (3 marks)

- The sun
- The planet
- The natural satellites
- Asteroids / planetoids
- Meteors / meteorites / meteoroids
- Comets
(b) State three characteristics of plane Jupiter. (3 marks)
- Has rings
- The largest planet
- 5th planet from the sun
- Has 16 natural satellites / mocks
- Revolves for 12 earth years round the sun
- Made of gases in solid from / hydrogen & helium
- Covered by thick layers of ice on its surface
- Rotates anti-clockwise
2. (a) What is land breeze? (2 marks)
This is light cool wind blowing from the land towards the sea during night.
(b) State three factors that influence atmospheric pressure on the earth’s surface.
 The altitude of a place
 The temperature variation
 The rotation of the earth

3. (a) Draw a well-labelled diagram of a simple fold. (3 marks)

(b) Distinguish between volcanicity and vulcanicity (2 marks)

volcanicity is the process where magma / molten rock materials reaches the earth’s surface to
form through which liquid, gaseous and solid materials from the earth’s interiors are forced
out ejected to the earth’s surface.
4. (a) Name two types of desert surfaces. (2 marks)

i. Sandy deserts / Erg/koum

ii. Stony deserts / Reg/serrir
iii. Rockly deserts / Harkada
iv. Bed land
(b) State two factors influencing wind deposition in deserts. (2marks)
- Vegetation core/obstacles on desert surface.
- The strength act direction of wind.
- The nature of desert surface.
- The weight of the local carried.
- Changes/variation in weather conditions.
5. (a) Identify three factors that influence coastal erosion.
i. The nature of the waves.
ii. The nature of the coastal rocks.
iii. The nature of materials transported by waves.
iv. The slope gradient of the coast.
v. Coastal alignment/orientation in relation to the preventing winds.
(b) Differentiate between a barrier reef and a fringing reef.
A barrier reef is formed in the deep sea far away from the shore while a fringing reef is
formed closer to the shore. A barrier reef is separated by a deep and wide lagoon from the
shore while a fringing reef is separated by a shallow lagoon from the shore.

(i) (1mk)

7. (a) (i). State three factors which influence how rivers transport their load.
- Size of individual rock particles.
- Gradient of the river channel.
- Amount of water in the stream/stream volume.
- Amount of load.
(ii). Describe the following processes through which a river transport its load.

 Solution.
- It takes place on rocks which contain soluble minerals.
- The soluble minerals in the rocks dissolve into river water and are carried
away downstream; in solution form
 Suspension. (2marks)
- The load, fine insoluble minerals such as sand and silt are carried with
water because they are light.
(b) The diagram below and use it to answer questions below.

(i) Name the parts marked X, Y and Z.

X – Resistant Rock layer
Y – Waterfall
Z – Plunge pool

(ii) State three ways in which waterfalls may be formed.

- Where a river descends on a resistant rock layer which is either vertical,
horizontal or inclined.
- When a river descends on a sharp edge of a plateau.
- Where a river falls over a fault scarp.
- Where a river descends through a cliff into the sea.
- Where a river descend from a hanging valley into a glacial through.
(c) (i) Describe the characteristics of the flood plain.

- It has a gently sloping surface.

- Has a thick alluvial deposit.
- Has a natural leaf on either sides of the river banks.
- Some have marshes./swamps.
- Some have deferred tributaries.
- Some have wide river valleys.
- Some have deltas/distributaries.
- Some have river shifts
- Some have river meanders /bends
- Some have ox – bow lakes
(ii). Identify three features found in the middle stage of a river. (3marks)

- Meanders/Bends.
- Concave banks.
- Bluffs.
- Convex banks.
- Open V-Shaped valley.
- River – braids.
- Alluvial fans
(d) Explain three positive effects of rivers to human activities.

- Some rivers provides water for domestic /industrial use.

- Most rivers have fresh water which is suitable for irrigation.
- Some rivers have been dammed to provide generate H.E.P used for
domestic/industrial processes.
- Some rivers have sand in their channels which are sources of building materials.
- Some rivers have fish which encourage fishing activities.
- Alluvial deposits on some rivers may contain valuable minerals which are
- Some features formed by rivers such as waterfall are tourist attractions which
earn foreign exchange.
- Some rivers have estuaries which encourage the construction of parts/harbours.

8. (a) (i) What is weathering? (2marks)

This is the breakdown and decomposition of roles at or on earth surface in situ due to
physical/ chemical/ biological processes.
(ii) State three agents of weathering. (3marks)
i. Amount of rainfall.
ii. Temperature variation.
iii. Action of plant.
iv. Action by animals.
v. Human activities such as mining, quarrying.
vi. Dissolved substances
(b) Describe how block disintegration occurs.
This occurs in well-jointed rocks found in arid and semi-arid areas having large ….
Temperature ranges. During the day, temperatures are high heating the rocks causing
expansion. During the night, temperature drops causing the rocks to cool and contract.
Continued expansion and contraction makes the rocks to develop large cracks/joints. The
cracks enlarge/widen out the rocks breaks along the cracks into small angular block, process
called block disintegration.
(c) Explain how the following factors influence weathering.
 Time
- The resistance of the rocks determines the time taken to weather such that
hands/resistant rock will take longer time to weather and less resistant rocks take
shorter time to weather.
 Nature of the rock. (4marks)
- Dark rock absorbs and looses heat easily thus expansion and contracting breaking
- Shinny rocks reflect heat easily hence less weathering.
- Well jointed rocks weathers easily through block disintegration.
- Rock structure determines permeability/porosity influencing chemical weathering.
- Rock having soluble minerals easily breaks /decays due to the chemical and physical
- Rock texture determines the resistance of the rock to weathering.
 Action by Plants.
- Plant roots penetrate rock cracks/joint widening them causing weathering.
- Plant decay on roots producing humus acid which reach with rock minerals causing
chemical weathering.
- Some plants may grow on rocks making the rock surface moist encouraging
chemical weathering.
- Plant roots create air and water spaces which aids in chemical weathering.
(d) Your class carried out a field study on the effects of weathering around the school
(i) State two objectives for your study.
- To find out the type of weathering.
- To establish effect of weathering.
- To determine dominant agent of weathering.

(ii) State two effects of weathering on the physical environment you are likely to
identify. (2 marks)
- Bare/barren parts of the hillsides.
- Open cracks on rock surfaces.
- Broken rocks on foot of cliffs.

9.(a) Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow:

(i) Identify the vegetation zone marked X, Y and Z

X – Savannah vegetation
Y - Bamboo
Z – Health and moorland
(ii) Describe the tropical rainforest.

- Forest consists of mixed variety of trees.

- Some trees shed their leaves at different times of the years.
- Forests are evergreen
- Some trees are tall
- Some trees have straight/smooth trunk/stems.
- Some tree species are hardwoods.
- Forest has no undergrowth.
- Forest form canopies.
- Some trees have broad and drip – tipped leaves.

(b) Explain how the following factors have influenced the distribution of vegetation.
 Climate (4marks)
- Region receives high and well – distributed rainfall have forests.
- Coal/warm areas have mixed types of vegetation.
 Soils (2marks)
- Fertile soils encourage the growth of desire vegetation/variety of the
- Deep and well – drained soils support growth of forest vegetation.
(c) Name the countries where the following grass land are found. (4marks)
 Downs -Australia/New Zealand
 Steppe - Russia
 Pampas - Argentina
 Veldt - South Africa

(d) Your class carried out a field study on vegetation around your school compound.

(i) State two sampling you are likely to use during the study.
- Random sampling
- Strat field sampling
- Systematic sampling

(ii) Give two aspects on vegetation you are likely to study.

(iii) State three problems you are likely to encounter during the study.
- Heavy rainfall data collection
- Thick vegetation inhibiting movement
- Steep terrain causing different in movement.

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