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Geography F4 PP1 MS

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MARCH 2024



1. (a) Identify two branches of Geography. (2 marks)

 Physical
 Human
 Practical

(b) Identify three ways in which Geography is related to Agriculture. (3 marks)

 Geography studies relief of an area which helps in identifying areas

for various Agric activities
 Geography looks effects of agriculture on the environment e.g. soil
erosion and conservation practices
 Geography deals with types of soils which influence types of crops.

2. (a) State three characteristics of the outer core. (3 marks)

 Composed of molten rock material

 Is made up of iron and nickel
 Estimated to be about 21oo km to 2900 km thick
 Has a temperature ranging from 37000c to 50000c
 Has an average density of 10.0 gm/cc to 12.3 gm/cc

(b) Name two planets closest to the sun. (2 marks)

 Mercury
 Venus

3. (a) Give two types of igneous rocks. (2 marks)

 Intrusive igneous rocks

 Extrusive igneous rocks

(b) Describe how the thermo-dynamicsm leads to metamorphism. (3 marks)

 Original rocks are subjected to intense heat and pressure

 Pressure is caused by compressional forces while heat is due to rocks
being in contact with magma
 They modify the structure forming new rocks

4. (a) What is humidity? (2 marks)

 Is the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere of a place.

(b) State three factors influencing climate. (3 marks)

 Continentality
 Altitude
 Aspect
 Latitude
 Type of winds
 Inter-tropical convergence zone

5. (a) Identify three temperature grasslands. (3 marks)

 Prairies of Canada
 Downs
 Steppes
 Pampas

(b) What is vegetation? (2 marks)

 Total mass of plant life that occupies a given area


6. Study the map of Kijabe (1:50,000) provided and answer the following questions.

(a) (i) Measure the length of Nairobi – Naivasha railway line from Landhies
(grid reference 257987) to the level crossing near Kijabe station (Grid
reference 308984). Give your answer in kilometers. (2 marks)

(ii) Name three relief features found in the area covered by the map.
(3 marks)

(b) (i) Name three types of drainage patterns. Indicate evidence of the same.
(3 marks)

(ii) Name two types of transport used on the map. (2 marks)

(c) Draw a rectangle measuring 15 cm by 10 cm to represent the area Easting 30

and Easting 40 and south of northing 95. (1 mark)

On the rectangle mark and name the following:-

(i) Railway line (1 mark)
(ii) Thicket (1 mark)
(iii) Regional or provincial boundary (1 mark)
(iv) River Bathi (1 mark)

(d) (i) Citing evidence from the map. State four economic activities carried out
in the area covered by the map. (4 marks)

(ii) State three social functions of Kijabe town. (3 marks)

(iii) State three reasons why you think the area to the East receives high
rainfall. (3 marks)

7. (a) (i) Define the term folding (2 marks)

 Folding is the process of crustal distortion which causes the bending

of the rocks of the earth’s crust due to compressional forces.

(ii) Give three types of folds . (3marks)

 Asymmetrical fold
 Simple symmetrical fold.
 Overfold
 Isoclinical fold
 Recumbent fold
 Anticlinorium and synclinorium complex
 Overthrust fold / nappe

(b) (i) Apart from Fold Mountains, name two other features resulting from
folding (2 marks)

 Rolling plains
 Ridge and valley landscape
 Inter-montane plateau
 Inter-montane basins

(ii) Name two fold mountains in Africa (2 marks)

 Atlas mts
 Cape ranges
 Akwapim

(c) With the aid of illustration, describe how a fold mountain is formed
(8 marks)

 Crustal rocks are subjected to compressional forces

 Geosynclines are formed on the earth’s surface.
 Prolonged and extensive erosion occur on the surrounding higher

 Sediments are deposited in the geosynclines forming thick layers
 The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of the geosynclines
leading to accumulation of more sediment to great thickness.
 Further subsidence of the geosynclines triggers off compressional
forces which cause the sediments to fold.
 The folded layers of sediments in the geosynclines are thrust
upwards to form fold mountains along the edges of the geosynclines

(d)Explain four significances of Fold Mountains to human activities.
(8 marks)

 Fold Mountains are sources of rivers that provide water for

generation of H.E.P.
 Fold Mountains are often forested and provide timber which is
used in the building and construction industry.
 Some fold mountains have exposed valuable minerals deposits
which are mined.
 Fold mountains are tourist attraction / snow covered slopes
encourage, sporting activities.
 The wind ward slopes of Fold Mountain receive heavy
precipitation which enhances agricultural activities.
 The rugged nature of some fold mountains created rain shadow
effect which results into aridity discouraging crop farming.
 The leeward side of the fold mountains create rain shadow effect
encouraging pastoralism
 Fold mountains hinders construction of transport and
communication lines making construction difficult/expensive

8. (a) (i) What is Mechanical weathering? (2 marks)

 It is the breaking down of rocks where they are located, caused by

rainwater, temperature extremes and biological processes.

(ii) Give three factors that influence the rate of weathering. (3 marks)

 surface area,
 rock composition,
 location

(b) Describe the following processes of weathering.

 Carbonation (3 marks)

 It involves rain water dissolving carbon 4 oxide in the

atmosphere forming a weak carbonic acid.
 The carbonic acid reacts with calcium carbonate in rocks to
form calcium bicarbonate solution.
 Calcium bicarbonate solution is removed by running water.
 This leads to the weakening/disintegration of the rock.

 Alternate wetting and drying (3 marks)

 During the wet season surface rocks such as clay/shale absorb

water causing them to swell.

 During the dry season these rocks dry out causing the outer
surface to shrink.
 Repeated wetting and drying weakens the rocks leading to
 These rocks break away from the main rock.

(c) (i) Define Mass wasting. (2 marks)

 the movement of rock and soil down slope under the influence of

(ii) State five factors that influence mass wasting. (5 marks)

 Seismic/earth quake shocks lead to the movement of materials

down slope.
 Increased overburden/deeply weathered thick/thinnly bedded rock
materials are likely to move down slope.
 Increase in moisture lubricates the soil.
 Lack of vegetation reduces the ability of the soil to hold together.
 Under cutting of the slope by
 Rearrangement of soil particles by living organism in the soil.
 The angle of slope determines the movement of the material.
 The nature of the underlying rock.

(d) You intend to carry out a field study on the effects of mass wasting within
your local environment.

(i) List down two objectives of the study. (2 marks)

(ii) Outline three possible problems you are likely to face during the study.
(3 marks)

(iii) State two indications of mass wasting within the area. (2 marks)

 increased slope steepness,

 increased water,
 decreased vegetation
 earthquakes

9. (a) (i) Define a River. (2marks)

 A wide, natural stream of fresh water that flows into an ocean or
other large body of water and is usually fed by smaller streams,
called tributaries, that enter it along its course

(ii) State three factors that influence the rate of erosion by a river in the
upper source. (3 marks)

 The amount of stream discharge

 The amount of load
 The composition/size of sediments/loads
 The slope / gradient of the landscape
 The rock type

(iii) Give two sources of a river. (2 marks)

 Lakes.
 Melting ice/snow.
 Springs.
 Swamps.
 Surface run off.

(b) (i) Describe four processes by which the river transports is load. (8 marks)

 Traction process:- the large and heavy loads of the river are
rolled/dragged along the river bed by the force of the moving water
and gravity.
 Saltation:- some large fragments that cannot remain suspended in the
water are momentarily lifted and dropped by water turbulence. The
series of leaps and hops move the load down the river.
 Suspension:- light insoluble materials such as sand and silt grains are
carried and maintained within the water by river turbulence and
transported downstream.
 Solution process: the soluble minerals/materials are dissolved in the
river water and carried away.

(ii) List two features resulting from:

 River Rejuvenation (2 marks)
 River terraces
 Incised meanders
 Knick point
 Valley within a valley
 Water falls/rapids

 River Captures (2 marks)

 Wind gap .
 Elbow of capture/knick point
 Pirate stream
 Beheaded stream/misfit/captured river.

(iii) Outline two factors that influence the development of drainage patterns.
(2 marks)
 Direction of the slope of the land.
 Difference in rock resistance /hardness.
 The arrangement of rock layers/rock structure.
 Faulting/fault guided.

(iv) Explain two negative effects of rivers to the human environment.

(4 marks)
 When rivers flood, they destroy a lot of property/crops/may lead
to loss of human Iife/displace people.
 Wide/deep rivers are a barrier to transport especially where
bridges have not been constructed.
 River water can be a medium of spreading water-born diseases,
since flood waters may spread chemicals from farms/human
waste which contaminates sources of water
 Some rivers are habitat to dangerous animals which may attack
human beings/destroy crops.

10. a) i) Distinguish between an Ocean and a Sea. (2marks)

 An ocean is a large/extensive body of saline water occupying a

basin between continents while a sea is a large body of saline
water along the continental margins.

ii) State three factors that influence temperature of the ocean water. (3marks)

 Latitude of the ocean.

 The depth of the ocean.
 Salinity of the ocean water
 Air masses & Ocean current.
 Upwelling of water.
 Enclosed and open seas.

iii) State the characteristics of destructive waves (3marks)

 Destroy or modify the existing coastal features through erosion.

 The swash is weaker than the backwash.
 Backwash removes more material on the shore than it’s deposited
 These waves break at high frequency (4 seconds) or more 15
waves per minute
 Are steeper than the constructive wave
 Are high with a height of more than 1m and have a shorter
 Destructive waves are more effective on a steep sloping coast.
b) Explain the following processes of wave erosion
 Hydraulic action (4 marks)
 When a wave breaks against a rock face or a cliff with cracks, it pushes air
into the cracks.
 The air in the cracks is compressed and increases its pressure and the
crack widens.
 When the wave retreats, the pressure is suddenly released causing the
trapped air to suddenly expand explosively.
 This causes the cracks to enlarge.
 Repeated compression and expansion causes the rocks to shatter /break.
 The shattered rocks are carried into the ocean by the backwash.
 They pound the rock face/cliff face leading to the weakening and breaking
up of rocks.

 Solution
 It occurs where a cliff face and sea bed consists of soluble rocks such as
limestone rock.
 The minerals are dissolved by the chemical reaction of water.
 The dissolved minerals are carried away in solution.
 A hollow/cavity is left behind in the rock

ii) Using well-labelled diagram, describe how a blow hole is formed.


 Formed as a result of weathering and wave action.

 Waves attack the base of the cliff though abrasion and hydraulic leading to
formation of a notch.
 Continued wave erosion enlarges the notch into a cave.
 A line of weakness occurs within the cliff.
 Wave erosion act on the line of weakness at the back of the roof of the cave.
 At the same time, chemical weathering through solution erodes the line of
weakness from the surface downwards.
 Eventually a vertical shaft or hole develops connecting the surface and the
roof of the cave below. This vertical shaft is called a blow hole.

c) You carried out a field study on wave deposition along the coast of Kenya.

i) Name two depositional features you identified. (2marks)

 Beach
 Spit
 Offshore bar
 Tombolo, cuspate foreland
 Mudflats and salt marshes
 Dune belts.

ii) Give two methods you used to collect data. (2marks)

 Observing
 Administering questionnaire
 Taking photographs
 Interviewing
 Collecting samples

iii) State two reasons you divided into groups. (2marks)

 To ease congestion in the area of study

 To create order during field work
 To reduce fatigue among participants
 To help participants collect data within the time given
 Enable collection of a wide variety of data

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