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Geo F4 MS

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Name:……………………………………………………………..Class:………Adm No……..

a) The paper has two sections A and B.
b) Answer all questions in section A.
c) In section B answer number 6 and any other two questions.

Section A (25mks)
Answer all questions in this section.
1) a) Name the first two planets of the solar system. (2mks)
 Mercury
 Venus
b) State three effects of the rotation of the earth on its axis. (3mks)
 Causes day and night
 Causes deflection of winds and ocean currents.
 Causes falling and rising of ocean tides.
 Causes difference of speed of air masses
2) a) Define the term weather. (2mks)
 Weather is atmospheric condition of a place observed over a short period of
b) State the significance of humidity in the atmosphere. (2mks)
 Determine the amount of precipitation received in an area.
 Regulate temperature in the atmosphere.
 It determine the amount of energy stored in the atmosphere for the development
of storm.

3) a) Name the three theories which have been put forth to explain the origin of the fold
mountain. (3mks)
 The contraction theory
 The conventional current theory
 Plate tectonic theory
b) Name the fold mountains found in North America. (2mks)
 The rock/mountain
 The Appalachian mountain
4) a) Mention three processes through which wind erodes desert surface. (3mks)
 Abrasion
 Deflation
 Attrition
b) Name two features of water erosion in desert. (2mks)
 Wadis
 Mesas

 Butter
 Inserbergs
 Pediments
 Pediplains
5) The diagram below shows a process of slow mass wasting. Study it and answer the
questions that follow.
a) Identify the process. (1mk)
 Solifluction
ii) Name the feature marked Y. (1mk)
 Saturated soil/rock debris
b) State three conditions which may influence occurrences of landslide. (3mks)
 Nature of the material on a slope.
 Extend of saturation of amount of precipitation
 Angel of the slope/gradient
 Human activities such as mining
 Occurrence of earthquakes
Section B.
Answer No. 6 and any other questions.
6) Study the map of Kisumu East 1:50,000 provided and answer the following questions.
a) i) Convert the scale 1:50,000 into statement scale. (2mks)
 if 1km = 100,000
? = 50,000
50,000cm x 1
= 0.5km
ii) Name four physical features in the area covered by the map. (4mks)
 Escarpment – Nyando escarpment in N.E of the maps
 Rivers all over the maps
 Swamp in the Eastern part of the map
 Steep slopes valleys in N.W part of the map
b) i) Give the direction and bearing of Chiga market grid 0589 from Oronge school
grid 9884. (2mks)
 57NE
ii) Draw a cross section of Easting as to Easting 01 along Northing 96. (4mks)
On the cross section name feature like use scale 1cm represent 50m
- all weather road
- river awach
- main track

c) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map. (4mks)
 There are many permanent rivers all over the map.
 There are swamps in the East and South west part of the map.
 There are ditches in all over the map.
 There is a lake in south west part of the map.
d) Citing evidence from the map identify any three economic activities carried out in
the area. (6mks)
 Agriculture evidenced by sugar plantation in north east part of the map.
 Trade evidence by markets and shops all over the map.
 Transportation evidence by all weather road and railway line.
 Quarrying evidenced by municipal stone quarry in western part of the

7) a) i) Name three types of faults. (3mks)

 Normal fault
 Reverse fault
 Tear/Shear fault
 Thrust fault
 Anticline fault.
ii) Apart from compressional forces explain two other processes that may cause faulting.

 Faulting may be caused by forces acting horizontally away from each other
(tensional forces)
 Faulting may result when horizontal forces act parallel to each other in the
same direction causing shearing (shear/tear)
 Faulting may recur due to the vertical movement which may extent as rain.
b) With a well labeled diagrams describe how compression forces, may have led to the
formation of Rift Valley.

 Compresinal forces may push the outers blocks towards each other the outer
side over the middle block.
 The sunken middle blocks forms a depression known as a rift valley.
c) Outline five ways in which faulting is of significance to human activities. (10mks)
 Faulting leads to the formation of feature that form beautiful sceneries which
attract tourist.
 Faults leads to formation of lakes that are important fishing grounds/ tourist
 Faulting covers displacement of rocks which expose minerals that are mined.
 Block mountain formed during faulting may lead to loss of life and property.
 Subsidence of land as a result of faulting may lead to loss of life and property.
8) a) Define vegetation. (2mks)
 This is plant cover growing in an area.

b) Draw a well labeled diagram to show the distribution of vegetation on tropical

mountain. (5mks)

c) Describe how the following factors influence vegetation:
i. Aspect (2mks)
 Affect sunlight, temperatue and rainfall.
 Windward slop are weather than the leeward side.
 The windward side has luxuriant vegetation while
ii. Drainage (2mks)
 Vegetations grows luxurioantly in regions which are well drained.
 There are fewer vegetation species adapted to water logged conditions.
d) Give five characteristics of Tundra vegetation. (5mks)
 Isolated alphine plants grows among rock and screen.
 Vegetation is adapted to excessive cold, strong winds, permanently frozen sub
 Plants growth is short 2 months or less.
 Dwarf shallow rooted shrubs e.g.crow berry, bearberry, mosses and lichens
e) You carried out a field study on vegetation in the area around your school.
i. Identify five characteristics of vegetation you are likely to study. (5mks)
 The height of the trees.
 Whether the vegetation is evergreen or deciduous.
 The species of vegetation
 The adaptation of the vegetation
 Whether the vegetation is made up of soft or hardwood.
ii. Give four methods you would use to collect data in the study. (4mks)
 Interviewing
 Taking samples
 Taking measurements
 Taking photographs
 Observations.

9) a. i) Name two components of soil. (2mks)

 Soil air
 Soil water

 Organic matter/humus
 Inorganic matter/minerals
ii) State three characteristics of desert soil. (3mks)
 They are sandy
 They are low humus
 They are thin
 They are rich in calcium
 They are saline
iii) State two factors that contribute to soil leaching. (2mks)
 The nature of the soil/solubility of the minerals
 The topography of the land
 High rainfall the amount of rainfall.
b) Describe how lateralization occurs. (6mks)
 During the wet season, minerals salts in the top of the soil dissolve in rain
 The dissolved minerals are deposited further downwards to the lower layer.
 The mineral such as iron and aluminium accumulate in the top layer to form
laterite soil
c) Explain how the following process occurs:
i. Splash
 Rain drops of heavy sudden rainstorms hit and loosen unconsolidated soil
particles there by throwing soil particles away.
ii. Gulley erosion
 It occurs on steep slopes when rain water cuts deep grooves/channels on slope
to form till.
 The channel are deepened and widened to form gullies
d) i) What is soil conservation? (2mks)
 Soil conservations are the measures taken to protect the soil from destruction.
ii) Explain three ways of maintaining soil fertility. (6mks)
 Contour ploughing to form ridges and furrows that breaks the flow of the water
down hill thus checking soil erosion.
 Crop rotation in successive years allows the soil to replenish hence soil fertility
is naturally maintained.
 Planting trees help reduce the surface runoff, leaves reduce the force of falling
rain drops while the roots hold soil particles together thus checking soil erosion.
10) a) i) What is glaciation? (2mks)
 Is the process by which moving ice erodes, transport and deposits materials on
the earth surface.
ii) Outline three types of glacier. (3mks)
 Cirque glacier
 Valley glacier
 Pie dormant glacier
b) State four factors that influence the movement of ice. (4mks)
 Angle of the slope
 Variation in seasons

 Friction with glacial valley
 Thickness and weight of the ice
ii) The diagram below shows types if moraine, label part marked A, B, C. (3mks)
 A – Terminal moraine
 B – Medial moraine
 C- Lateral moraine
c) The diagram below show the glaciated upland. Use it to answer questions.
i. Name the feature marked A,B,C. (3mks)
 A – Arctes
 B – cirque/tarm
 C – pyramidal peak
ii. Describe how a pyramidal peak is formed. (5mks)
 Ice collects on a shallow hollow around a mountain side.
 Freeze and thaw action deepen the hollows.
 Plucking and abrasion attack the sides and floor of the hollow.
 The hollow enlarges and back wall steepens leading to formation of cirque
 Further erosion cause the back wall of the cerque recedes as a result of
plucking leads to the formation of Areles.
 The cirque cuts back further hence the arêtes at the top of the mountain
forming a sharp, steep peak surrounding by cirque called pyramidal peak.
iii. Give two depositional featured in a glaciated lowlands. (2mks)
 Drumline
 Kames
 Eskers
 Outwash plains
 Till plain
 Boulder train
d) Explain three negative effects of glaciations. (6mks)
 Boulder clay deposits create marshy landscape due to poor drainage limiting
 Infertility sand deposited on outwash plains make the land unsuitable for
 Glaciations result in ruggedness landscape which make it difficult for
 Glacial deposition leads to the formation of numerous lakes this reduce the
amount of land available for human activities.

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