Wang 2015
Wang 2015
Wang 2015
Terahertz spectroscopy and coherent control have been B0 . In this case, the B field dominates over the plasma
widely applied in physics [1–4], biology [5], and medicine oscillation and the former governs the trajectory of the
[6]. These applications can potentially benefit from tera- plasma electrons, which causes such radiation properties.
hertz radiation sources from gas [7–17] or solid [18,19] Because of ωc ≫ ωp , the radiation has a many-cycle
plasmas irradiated by fs intense laser pulses thanks to their waveform rather than a single-cycle waveform
high radiation strength and bandwidth up to 100 THz. [7,9–12,26] in the case without the B field. Thus, the
Recently, powerful terahertz radiation of multi-MV=cm current radiation has a narrow-band spectrum.
[20,21] has been efficiently generated via a two-color laser Magnetic fields at tens of teslas are widely available in
scheme in which a fundamental pump laser is mixed with the form of dc or ms-pulsed, nondestructive magnets [29],
its second harmonic in gases [7]. Basically, such radiation where the highest one reaches 100 T. Via destructive
generated by linearly polarized laser drivers is linearly methods, 600 T μs-pulsed B fields were available more
polarized although, in some conditions, the linear polari- than a decade ago [30,31]. Nanosecond-laser-driven
zation becomes elliptical during propagation due to modu- capacitor-coil experiments demonstrated ns-pulsed B fields
lation of the laser phase and polarization in gas plasma [22]. of 1500 T recently [32], which also has significant
To achieve radiation with controllable polarization to applications in novel magnetically assisted inertial confine-
further broaden the terahertz application scope, e.g., polari- ment fusion [33,34].
zation-dependent terahertz spectroscopy [23–25], ellipti- We first demonstrate the scheme sketched above through
cally polarized (EP) or circularly polarized (CP) laser particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with the two-dimensional
pulses have been used to generate EP broadband terahertz (2D) KLAPS code [35], in which the field ionization of gases
radiations [26–28]. is included. The pump laser wavelength is fixed at 1 μm (or
In this Letter, we propose a scheme in which a static the period τ0 ¼ 3.33 fs), and the second laser frequency is
magnetic field is imposed along the propagation direction at the second harmonic of the pump. The two pulses
of a two-color linearly polarized laser driver to generate propagate along the þx direction with linear polarization
narrow-band terahertz radiation of circular or elliptical along the z direction. They have the same spot radius r0 ¼
polarization with the relative phase between the two 150 μm and duration 50 fs at full width at half maximum.
radiation field components fixed at π=2. The radiation Peak intensity of the pump pulse is 2 × 1015 W=cm2 with
rotation direction can be controlled by the B-field sign. At a the energy 42 mJ, and the second pulse has the peak
field strength of 100 T, the electron cyclotron frequency intensity 5 × 1014 W=cm2 and energy 11 mJ. A helium gas
ωc ¼ eB0 =me c isp much higher than the plasma oscillation
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi slab is taken with a uniform density 1.22 × 1016 cm−3 (the
frequency ωp ¼ 4πe2 ne =me (ne is the formed plasma corresponding plasma frequency ωp ¼ 1 THz after the
density), so the radiation frequency is almost at ωc , and complete first-order ionization by the used laser pulses
therefore, it can be smoothly tuned by the B-field strength [17]) and a length 320 μm. The resolutions along the x and y
vy0 ¼ v0 cosðωc t þ θ0 Þ;
vz0 ¼ v0 sinðωc t þ θ0 Þ: ð5Þ
week ending
PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015
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