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PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015

Tunable Circularly Polarized Terahertz Radiation from Magnetized Gas Plasma

W.-M. Wang,1,2,6,* P. Gibbon,1,3 Z.-M. Sheng,4,5,6 and Y.-T. Li2,6
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Advanced Simulation, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, D-52425 Jülich, Germany
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, CAS, Beijing 100190, China
Centre for Mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
SUPA, Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, United Kingdom
Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MoE) and Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
IFSA Collaborative Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
(Received 27 February 2015; published 23 June 2015; publisher error corrected 26 June 2015)
It is shown, by simulation and theory, that circularly or elliptically polarized terahertz radiation can be
generated when a static magnetic (B) field is imposed on a gas target along the propagation direction of a
two-color laser driver. The radiation frequency is determined by ω2p þ ω2c =4 þ ωc =2, where ωp is the
plasma frequency and ωc is the electron cyclotron frequency. With the increase of the B field, the radiation
changes from a single-cycle broadband waveform to a continuous narrow-band emission. In high-B-field
cases, the radiation strength is proportional to ω2p =ωc . The B field provides a tunability in the radiation
frequency, spectrum width, and field strength.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.253901 PACS numbers: 42.65.Re, 52.38.-r, 32.80.Fb, 52.65.Rr

Terahertz spectroscopy and coherent control have been B0 . In this case, the B field dominates over the plasma
widely applied in physics [1–4], biology [5], and medicine oscillation and the former governs the trajectory of the
[6]. These applications can potentially benefit from tera- plasma electrons, which causes such radiation properties.
hertz radiation sources from gas [7–17] or solid [18,19] Because of ωc ≫ ωp , the radiation has a many-cycle
plasmas irradiated by fs intense laser pulses thanks to their waveform rather than a single-cycle waveform
high radiation strength and bandwidth up to 100 THz. [7,9–12,26] in the case without the B field. Thus, the
Recently, powerful terahertz radiation of multi-MV=cm current radiation has a narrow-band spectrum.
[20,21] has been efficiently generated via a two-color laser Magnetic fields at tens of teslas are widely available in
scheme in which a fundamental pump laser is mixed with the form of dc or ms-pulsed, nondestructive magnets [29],
its second harmonic in gases [7]. Basically, such radiation where the highest one reaches 100 T. Via destructive
generated by linearly polarized laser drivers is linearly methods, 600 T μs-pulsed B fields were available more
polarized although, in some conditions, the linear polari- than a decade ago [30,31]. Nanosecond-laser-driven
zation becomes elliptical during propagation due to modu- capacitor-coil experiments demonstrated ns-pulsed B fields
lation of the laser phase and polarization in gas plasma [22]. of 1500 T recently [32], which also has significant
To achieve radiation with controllable polarization to applications in novel magnetically assisted inertial confine-
further broaden the terahertz application scope, e.g., polari- ment fusion [33,34].
zation-dependent terahertz spectroscopy [23–25], ellipti- We first demonstrate the scheme sketched above through
cally polarized (EP) or circularly polarized (CP) laser particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with the two-dimensional
pulses have been used to generate EP broadband terahertz (2D) KLAPS code [35], in which the field ionization of gases
radiations [26–28]. is included. The pump laser wavelength is fixed at 1 μm (or
In this Letter, we propose a scheme in which a static the period τ0 ¼ 3.33 fs), and the second laser frequency is
magnetic field is imposed along the propagation direction at the second harmonic of the pump. The two pulses
of a two-color linearly polarized laser driver to generate propagate along the þx direction with linear polarization
narrow-band terahertz radiation of circular or elliptical along the z direction. They have the same spot radius r0 ¼
polarization with the relative phase between the two 150 μm and duration 50 fs at full width at half maximum.
radiation field components fixed at π=2. The radiation Peak intensity of the pump pulse is 2 × 1015 W=cm2 with
rotation direction can be controlled by the B-field sign. At a the energy 42 mJ, and the second pulse has the peak
field strength of 100 T, the electron cyclotron frequency intensity 5 × 1014 W=cm2 and energy 11 mJ. A helium gas
ωc ¼ eB0 =me c isp much higher than the plasma oscillation
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi slab is taken with a uniform density 1.22 × 1016 cm−3 (the
frequency ωp ¼ 4πe2 ne =me (ne is the formed plasma corresponding plasma frequency ωp ¼ 1 THz after the
density), so the radiation frequency is almost at ωc , and complete first-order ionization by the used laser pulses
therefore, it can be smoothly tuned by the B-field strength [17]) and a length 320 μm. The resolutions along the x and y

0031-9007=15=114(25)=253901(5) 253901-1 © 2015 American Physical Society

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PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015

FIG. 1 (color online). [(a) and (b)] Snapshots of the terahertz

electric fields (MV=cm) at the time of 0.7 ps, and (c) the field FIG. 2 (color online). (a) Temporal waveforms of the terahertz
distributions on the axis (y ¼ 0) at 2 ps, where an external B field electric fields on the axis and (b) the corresponding spectra,
of 178 T is imposed. The broken lines in (c) correspond to the where an external B field of 178 T is imposed. The components
case without the B field. below 1 THz are filtered.

Now, we explain the radiation observed. The terahertz

directions are 0.01 μm and 0.25 μm, respectively. Initially, radiation process [11,12] takes place as follows: first, a net
in the gas region, four simulation particles per cell denoting current and plasma are formed via ionization, the current
gas atoms are adopted. drives an electrostatic oscillating field in the plasma, and
Figure 1 shows spatial distributions of the terahertz then this field is converted into electromagnetic radiation
radiation propagating along the −x direction in the vacuum, at the plasma boundaries. Without an external B field,
which is generated with an external static B field of 178 T electrons released from atoms have velocities only along
imposed along the þx direction. As a comparison, the the laser polarization, say the z direction, and therefore,
radiation generated without the B field is also displayed by the generated radiation is also linearly polarized along the z
the broken lines in Fig. 1(c), illustrating that the radiation direction. With the B field along the x direction, the
has only the z-direction component and a near single-cycle electrons rotate in the y − z plane and then have velocities
waveform, as shown in previous experiments and simu- in both the y and z directions. Hence, the radiation has the
lations [7,9–12]. With the B field, the radiation also has the components along both the y and z directions.
y-direction component in addition to the z-direction one. Frequency and waveform.—We set Ey and Ez as the
The two components have the same frequency, higher than radiation or oscillation electric fields formed in plasma.
that in the case without the B field, and a constant phase The nonrelativistic motion equation of an electron is
displacement. dvy =dt ¼ −eEy =me −ωc vz and dvz =dt¼−eEz =me þωc vy ,
To further analyze the radiation properties, we take the where both the external B field and the radiation fields
temporal waveform observed in the left vacuum 5 μm away much below relativistic strengthes are considered. One
from the vacuum-gas boundary, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The easily derives
low-frequency part below 1 THz has been filtered and the
high-frequency part is retained. One can see the radiation dV eE
frequency at 5 THz, equal to the cyclotron frequency ωc. ¼− − iωc V; ð1Þ
This frequency deviates from the central frequency around dt me
the plasma frequency ωp ¼ 1 THz of the radiation without
the B field. where V ¼ vy þ ivz , E ¼ Ey þ iEz , and i is the imaginary
Without the low-frequency or dc part, the two compo- unit. According to the wave equation ð∇2 − ∂ 2 =c2 ∂t2 ÞE ¼
nents Ey and Ez show nearly the same strength and a −ð4πene =c2 Þdv=dt in plasma with a density ne, one obtains
constant phase displacement of π=2, i.e., circular polari-
zation. When we reverse the B field to the −x direction, the  
1 ∂2 4πen dV
phase displacement is changed to −π=2, i.e., the rotation 2
∇ − 2 2 E¼− 2 e : ð2Þ
of the CP radiation is also reversed, as observed in Fig. 2. c ∂t c dt
Note that, in real applications, the dc part of the radiation
could be rapidly absorbed as soon as it touches a material We first use Eq. (2) omitting the spatial differential term to
rather than the vacuum. The effective radiation interacting look for the oscillation frequencies of the radiation source
with a sample should be a CP wave as shown in at a given position. Set V and E with a frequency ω.
Fig. 2(a). According to Eqs. (1) and (2), one obtains
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PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015

vy;j ¼ vj cosðωc t þ θj Þ and vz;j ¼ vj sinðωc t þ θj Þ. With

ωL ≫ ωc the initial phase θj can be considered as roughly
the same for all electrons, since they are released only at the
laser peak within a few cycles [17] when 50 fs laser
duration is used here. Then, the average electron velocity
just after the passage of the pulses can be written by

vy0 ¼ v0 cosðωc t þ θ0 Þ;
vz0 ¼ v0 sinðωc t þ θ0 Þ: ð5Þ

We replace the electric fields with the vector potentials

Ay and Az in Eqs. (1) and (2). From the two equations,
one obtains dV=dt ¼ ðe=me cÞdA=dt − iωc V and
2 2 2 2
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) Temporal waveforms of the terahertz ð∇ − ∂ =c ∂t ÞA ¼ ð4πene =cÞV, respectively, where
electric fields Ey on the axis and (b) the corresponding spectra, A ¼ Ay þ iAz . Here, we are interested in the higher-
where different lines correspond to different ωc (ωc ¼ 1 THz frequency component with ωþ ≫ ωp . This component
corresponds to B0 ¼ 35.7 T). with η ≃ 1 can propagate in the plasma as in a vacuum,
which could be considered as a plane wave. Therefore, the
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi corresponding electron velocity follows −iωþ V ≃ dV=dt
ω2 ω and −iωc V ≃ ðωc =ωþ ÞdV=dt, with which the motion
ω ¼ ω2p þ c  c : ð3Þ
4 2 equation is rewritten by ð1 − ωc =ωþ ÞðV − V 0 Þ ¼
ðe=me cÞA. Inserting this equation of motion into the wave
Note that one can derive ω ¼ ωp from Eqs. (1) and (2) in equation expressed by A, one obtains
the same way for B0 ¼ 0. The three frequencies ωp and ω
correspond to the cutoff frequencies for wave propagation 2 1 ∂2 ω2p 4πene
in unmagnetized and magnetized cold plasmas, respec- ∇ − 2 2− 2 A¼ V 0 ; ð6Þ
c ∂t c ð1 − ωc =ωþ Þ c
tively [36]. The B field separates the oscillation frequency
from ωp into two frequencies: one above ωp and the other where V 0 ¼ vy0 þ ivz0 . Equation (6) describes radiation
below it. In particular, when ωc ≫ ωp , ωþ approaches ωc , generation from a system forced by a temporally varying
which provides a robust method to control the radiation external source. It is difficult to solve analytically although
frequency by the B-field strength. The simulation results in a solution was given in [38] under the condition of B0 ¼ 0
Fig. 2 and the red line in Fig. 3(b) are in good agreement due to the source term independent of time. Obviously, both
with Eq. (3). The theoretical values are 5.19 THz and the y and z components of the radiation have a strength
0.19 THz, compared to 5 THz and 0 THz in the simulations linearly proportional to v0 according to Eq. (5). The two
with a numerical resolution of 0.5 THz. components have a phase displacement fixed at π=2 which
Performing Fourier transform of Eqs. (1) and (2), is determined by the one between vy0 and vz0 . Therefore,
one obtains the dispersion relation of the radiation wave the radiation at ωþ is CP. The rotation of V 0 and the
alongqthe −x direction, which has the refractive index
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi radiation will be reversed if the B field sign is changed. This
η¼ 1 − ω2p =ðω2 þ ωωc Þ. Under the condition of ωþ ≃ analysis agrees with the simulation results above.
To further study the radiation features, we vary the
ωc ≫ ωp , η ≃ 1, and therefore, the ωþ component of the B-field strength and gas density in the following simu-
radiation generated even in deep plasma can propagate to lations as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Figure 3 illustrates that,
the vacuum with little attenuation [37]. Hence, the radiation with an enhanced B field and ωc ¼ 10 THz, the radiation
is many-cycle and narrow-band as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. frequency, polarization, and waveform agree well with the
This is different from the single-cycle and broadband analysis since the condition given in Eq. (4) is sufficiently
radiation without the B field because of its central met. With ωc ¼ 2 THz, the simulation results roughly
frequency at ωp and η ¼ 0. agree with the analysis. When ωc ¼ ωp ¼ 1 THz, the
Polarization.—Since high-B fields are required for radiation still has the Ey component and its spectrum
frequency-tunable radiation, we consider such B fields as within 0.5–1.5 THz agrees with Eq. (3). Its waveform
attenuates with time because its frequency is close to ωp .
ωL ≫ ωc ≫ ωp ; ð4Þ In Fig. 4, we take different gas densities: 4.9 × 1016 cm−3 ,
1.1 × 1017 cm−3 , and 1.96 × 1017 cm−3 with the corre-
where ωL is the laser fundamental frequency. With sponding ωp ¼ 2, 3, and 4 THz. The radiation frequencies
ωc ≫ ωp , the B field dominates over the plasma oscil- agree well with Eq. (3). The radiation has a many-cycle
lation, and thus, the velocity of an electron satisfies waveform, but the temporal attenuation of the waveform
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PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015

case without the B field. With a given radiation energy, the

radiation strength will decrease linearly with its frequency
ωþ ≃ ωc , i.e., ETHz ∝ 1=ωc .
Next, we consider relatively low B fields with ωc < ωp
as shown in Fig. 5. EP radiation is also generated even with
B0 ¼ 17.8 T or ωc ¼ 0.5 THz. The amplitude of Ey grows
with the B-field strength since more electron energy is
transferred to the y direction by the B field. Both Ey and Ez
have near single-cycle waveforms since their frequencies
are close to ωp . The two-frequency spectrum disappears
due to a low value of ωc . The relative phase is difficult to
calculate since the radiation is broadband. We filter the low-
frequency part below 1 THz (such a filter could be more
meaningful for a spectrum with two frequencies separated),
FIG. 4 (color online). (a) Temporal waveforms of the terahertz and the relative phase is changed from 0.8π to around 0.5π
electric fields Ey on the axis and (b) the corresponding spectra,
as ωc grows from 0.5 THz to 4 THz.
where different lines correspond to different ωp or gas densities.
The radiation with either a high or low B field is
The B field strength is fixed at 357 T. The inset in (a) shows the
radiation fields Ey and Ez with ωp ¼ 4 THz and the components generated due to the gyrational motion of plasma electrons
below 2 THz are filtered. under the B field. This field slightly affects the gas
ionization responsible for the current formation. Hence,
the magnetic approach can be extended to other laser-
becomes more obvious with the growing density since the plasma-based terahertz emission schemes, which has been
frequency ωþ is closer to ωp . The radiation is nearly CP verified by our simulations with an asymmetric-laser
even with ωp ¼ 4 THz, as observed in the inset in Fig. 4(a), scheme [38]. We notice terahertz radiation from a mag-
provided the lower-frequency component is filtered. Note netized plasma cylinder has been considered [39]. Besides,
that as ω− increases with the growing ωp , the field envelope we have performed a 3D PIC simulation and observed the
tends to oscillate around the axis (Ey ¼ 0). same result as a 2D simulation with the same parameters as
We list the radiation strengths obtained in simulations as in Fig. 1 but with a plane laser driver. The result also
a function of ωc and ωp in Table I. It is shown that the approaches that with r0 ¼ 150 μm in Fig. 1(c), indicating
radiation strength roughly follows: that our study is valid with a larger spot radius r0 .
In summary, we have demonstrated a unique EP or CP,
ω ω2p narrow-band terahertz source if a static B field is applied.
ETHz ∝ : ð7Þ With a high B field at a 100 T scale, the radiation shows two
frequencies: the lower is nearly dc and the higher (central
According to Eq. (6), the strength scales linearly with the frequency) almost at ωc . Therefore, the central frequency
ωþ can be adjusted linearly by the B-field strength. The
plasma density or the net current strength, i.e., ETHz ∝ ω2p .
radiation rotation can also be controlled by the B-field
With a given plasma density, the current strength is nearly
not changed with the B field. Multiplying the electron
motion equation by the electron velocity v, one obtains
dv2 =dt ¼ −2eE · v=me , where E is the laser electric fields.
When the B field satisfies Eq. (4), and tens of fs laser
durations are considered here, the rotation of v from the
laser polarization plane is slight during the laser interaction
with the electron, and therefore, the net gain of the electron
energy (also, the radiation energy) is nearly the same as the

TABLE I. Strength (MV=cm) of CP terahertz radiation of the

ωþ component as a function of ωc (the row) and ωp (the column),
where ωc ¼ 2 THz corresponds to B0 ¼ 71 T.

2 THz 5 THz 10 THz 15 THz 20 THz 30 THz

FIG. 5 (color online). [(a) and (c)] Temporal waveforms of the
1 THz 0.13 0.054 0.027 0.016 0.013 0.009 terahertz electric fields on the axis and [(b) and (d)] the
2 THz 0.12 corresponding spectra, where the gas density is taken as 1.96 ×
3 THz 0.23 1017 cm−3 (ωp ¼ 4 THz) and different lines correspond to
4 THz 0.41 0.27 0.20 0.12 different ωc (ωc ¼ 0.5 THz corresponds to B0 ¼ 17.8 T).

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PRL 114, 253901 (2015) PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 26 JUNE 2015

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