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Kinematics 1 - Single Sitting Revision

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Chapter 4: Kinematics I 4.




This section contains Single Correct Choice Type Questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D), out of
which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. A particle has an initial velocity of 9 ms–1 due east and T T L
(A) (B) +
a constant acceleration of 2 ms–2 due west. The dis- 2 2 gT
tance covered by the particle in the fifth second of its
L 2L
motion is (C) (D) T +
gT gT
(A) 0 m (B) 0.5 m
(C) 2 m (D) 20 m 7. A particle is dropped from point A at a certain height
2. The velocity of a car travelling on a straight road is from ground. It falls freely and passes through three
given by the equation v = 9 + 8t − t 2 where v is in points B, C and D with BC = CD. The time taken by the
metre per second and t in second. The instantaneous particle to move from B to C is 2 seconds and from C
acceleration when t = 5 s is to D is 1 second. The time taken to move from A to B is
(A) 0.25 s (B) 0.5 s
(A) 2 ms −2 (B) 1 ms −2 (C) 0.75 s (D) 1.5 s
(C) −1 ms −2 (D) −2 ms −2 8. A juggler maintains four balls in motion, making each
3. A racing car travelling at a constant speed has to pass of them to rise a height of 20 m from his hand. The
through a horizontal turn where the radius of curva- time interval that he should maintain, for the proper
ture of the road is 200 m. If the normal acceleration distance between them g = 10 ms−2 is
of the car cannot exceed 0.8 g where g = 10 ms −2 , the (A) 0.5 s (B) 1 s
maximum speed of the car without sliding can be (C) 2 s (D) 3 s

(A) 36 kmh −1 (B) 72 kmh −1 9. A particle starts from rest at time t = 0 and undergoes
acceleration a as shown. The velocity as function of
(C) 144 kmh −1 (D) 174 kmh −1 time during the interval 0 to 4 second is indicated in
4. Ball A is dropped from the top of a tower of height H. a(ms–2)
At the same instant ball B is thrown vertically upwards
from the ground. When the balls collide, they are mov- 3
ing in opposite directions and the speed of A is twice 2
the speed of B. The height from the ground where the 1
collision happens is 0 t(s)
–1 1 2 3 4 5
(A) (B) –2
4 3 –3
2H 2H
(C) (D)
5 3 (A) v(ms–1) (B) v(ms–1)

5. Wind is blowing at a harbour with a speed of 72 kmh −1

and the flag on the mast of a boat anchored at harbour
flutters along the North-East direction. If the boat t(s)
starts moving at a speed of 51 kmh −1 due North, the
direction of the flag is (in approximation)
(A) towards east (B) towards west (C) v(ms–1) (D) v(ms–1)
(C) towards north (D) towards south
6. Two bodies begin to fall freely from the same height
but the second falls T second after the first. The time t(s) t(s)
(after which the first body begins to fall) when the dis-
tance between the bodies equals L is

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4.92 JEE Advanced Physics: Mechanics – I

10. The slopes of the windscreen of two motor cars are

(A) v = 4 gt (B) v = 5 gt
β1 = 30° and β2 = 15° respectively. The cars have
velocities v1 and v2 in the horizontal direction. If (C) v = 2 gt (D) v = 16 gt
the hailstones appear to the drivers to be bounced by
15. Velocity versus displacement graph of a particle mov-
the windscreen of their respective cars in the vertical
ing in a straight line is shown in figure. Corresponding
direction then 1 (assuming that hailstones were fall- acceleration versus velocity graph will be
ing on the cars vertically) is v(ms–1)
(A) 3 (B) 1
1 1
(C) (D)
3 9
11. A person walks up a stationary escalator in time t1. If
he remains stationary on the escalator, then he reaches 10
up in time t2 . The time it would take him to walk up
(A) a(ms–2) (B) a(ms–2)
the moving escalator is
t1 + t2 10
(A) (B) t1 + t2 10
t1t2 v(ms–1)
(C) t1t2 (D) v(ms–1)
t1 + t2 10 10

(C) a(ms–2) (D) a(ms–2)

12. One stone is dropped from a tower from rest and
simultaneously another stone is projected vertically 10 10
upwards from the tower with some initial velocity.
The graph of the distance, s between the two stones
v(ms–1) v(ms–1)
varies with time ( t ) as (before either stone hits the 10 10
16. Passengers in the jet transport A flying east at a speed
(A) s (B) s
of 800 kmh −1 observe a second jet plane B that passes
under the transport in horizontal flight. Although the
nose of B is pointed in the 45° north east direction,
plane B appears to the passengers in A to be moving
t t away from the transport at the 60° angle as shown.
The true velocity of B is
(C) s (D) s


t t
45° x
13. Wind is blowing from the south at 10 ms but to
a cyclist it appears to be blowing from the east at
10 ms −1 . The cyclist has a velocity (A) 586 kmh −1 (B) 400 2 kmh −1

(A) 10!i − 10 !j (B) 10!i + 10 !j (C) 717 kmh −1 (D) 400 kmh −1

(C) −10!i + 10 !j (D) −10!i − 10 !j 17. A body falling freely from a tower of height h covers
a distance of h during the last second of its motion.
14. If a particle takes t second less and acquires a velocity 16
of v ms–1 more in falling through the same distance on Then the height of tower is (Take g = 10 ms −2 )
two planets where the accelerations due to gravity are (A) 60 m (B) 70 m
2 g and 8 g respectively then (C) 80 m (D) 90 m

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Chapter 4: Kinematics I 4.93

18. The figure shows the displacement-time graph (a

parabola) of a body. This graph indicates that the ini- (A)
( v2 − v1 ) (B)
m 2
v2 − v12 )
tial velocity, in ms −1 and acceleration, in ms −2 respec-
tively are (C)
m 3
v2 − v13 ) (D)
3P 2
v2 − v12 )
23. The motion of a body falling from rest in a resisting
100 dv
80 medium is described by the equation = a − bv
where a and b are constants. The velocity at any time
40 t is
20 a( b − bt
(A) vt = 1 − e − bt ) (B) vt = e
t(s) b a
0 1 2 3 4 5
a( b bt
(A) 80, 40 (B) 40, 80 (C) vt = 1 + e − bt ) (D) vt = e
b a
(C) 80, 32 (D) 32, 16
24. A parachutist drops freely from an airplane for 10 s
19. Acceleration of a particle is a for a time t . It is fol-
before the parachute opens. He then descends with a
lowed immediately by a retardation of a for time . uniform retardation of 2.5 ms–2. If he bails out of the
2 plane at a height of 2495 m and g is 10 ms–2, his veloc-
Consider this as one cycle. If initial velocity of particle ity on reaching the ground will be
is zero, then the displacement of the particle after n
such cycles in succession is (A) 5 ms −1 (B) 10 ms −1
(C) 15 ms −1 (D) 20 ms −1
n ( 3n + 4 ) 2 n( n + 1) 2
(A) at (B) at
8 2 25. The nucleus of a helium atom travels along the axis of
a straight hollow tube 4 m long. The tube is part of a
( n2 + n + 1 )
(C) at 2 (D) nat 2 particle accelerator. If the particle enters the tube with
a speed of 1000 ms −1 and leaves at 9000 ms −1 , and
20. A stone tied to a string of length L is whirled in a assuming that the acceleration is uniform, the time the
vertical circle with the other end of the string at the particle remains inside the tube is
centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at the (A) 4 × 10 −3 s (B) 8 × 10 −4 s
lowest position and has a speed u . The magnitude of
the change in velocity as it reaches a position where (C) 1 × 10 −4 s (D) 8 × 10 −3 s
the string is horizontal is
26. Two cars A and B start off to race with velocities
(A) u2 − 2 gL (B) 2gL 8 ms −1 and 4 ms −1 and travel in straight line with
uniform accelerations 2 ms −2 and 4 ms −2 respec-
(C) u2 − gL (D) (
2 u2 − gL ) tively. If they reach the final point at the same instant,
then the length of the path is
21. For a particle moving rectilinearly the displacement x
(A) 24 m (B) 32 m
depends on time t as x = at 3 + bt 2 + ct + d. The ratio of
(C) 48 m (D) 16 m
its initial acceleration to its initial velocity depends
(A) only on a and b (B) only on b and c 27. A particle is moving in x -y plane with y = and
(C) only on a and c (D) only on a vx = 4 − 2t . The displacement versus time graph of the
particle would be
22. A self-propelled vehicle of mass m whose engine
P (A) s (B) s
delivers constant power P has an acceleration a =
(assume that there is no friction). In order to increase
its velocity from v1 to v2 , the distance it has to travel
will be
t t

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4.94 JEE Advanced Physics: Mechanics – I

(C) s (D) s (A) 30 metre (B) 26 metre

(C) 13 metre (D) 40 metre

33. A car A is going north east at 80 kmh–1 and another

car B is going south east with a velocity of 60 kmh −1 .
t t
The velocity of A relative to B makes an angle with the
north equal to
28. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. It was observed at
a height h twice with a time interval Δt . The initial ⎛ 2⎞ ⎛ 7⎞
(A) tan −1 ⎜ ⎟ (B) tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
velocity of the ball is ⎝ 7⎠ ⎝ 2⎠
⎛ g Δt ⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
(A) 8 gh + g 2 ( Δt )
(B) 8 gh + ⎜ (C) tan −1 ( 7 ) (D) tan −1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 7⎠

1 2 34. A particle is moving along a circular path of radius

(C) 8 gh + g 2 ( Δt )
(D) 8 gh + 4 g 2 ( Δt )
2 3 metre in such a way that the distance travelled mea-

29. A point moves in x -y plane according to the law t2 t3

sured along the circumference is given by s = + .
2 3
x = 5 sin ( 6t ) and y = 5 ( 1 − cos ( 6t ) ) , where x and y
The acceleration of the particle when t = 2 second is
are in metre. The distance traversed by the particle in
t = 4 s is (A) 1.3 ms −2 (B) 3 ms −2
(A) 24 m (B) 48 m (C) 10 ms −2 (D) 13 ms −2
(C) 96 m (D) 120 m
35. A lead ball is dropped into a lake from the diving board
30. A particle moving with uniform acceleration along a 5 m above the water. In hits the water with a certain
straight line covers distances a and b in successive velocity and then sinks to the bottom with this same
intervals of p and q second. The acceleration of the constant velocity. It reaches the bottom 5 s after it is
particle is
dropped. The depth of the lake is take g = 10 ms −2 )
pq ( p + q ) 2 ( aq − bp )
(A) (B) (A) 10 m (B) 20 m
2 ( bp − aq ) pq ( p + q )
(C) 25 m (D) 40 m
2 ( ap − bq ) 2 ( bp − aq )
(C) (D) 36. A balloon starts rising from the ground with an accel-
pq ( p + q ) pq ( p + q )
eration of 1.25 ms −2 . After 8 s, a stone is released from
31. The motion of a particle is defined by x = a cos ( ωt ) the balloon. The stone will
and y = a sin ( ωt ) . The acceleration of the particle is (A) cover a distance of 40 m
(B) have a displacement of 50 m
(A) aω (B) a 2ω (C) reach the ground in 4 s
aω 2 (D) begin to move down after being released
(C) aω 2 (D)
2 37. The velocity acquired by a body when it falls through
a height h is v . If it further falls through a height x
32. The figure shows the acceleration versus time graph
( x ≪ h ) , the increase in velocity is approximately
of a train. If it starts from rest, the distance it travels
before it comes to rest is vx 2v
(A) (B)
2h xh
2vx v
(C) (D)
2 h 2xh
38. An armoured car 2 m long and 3 m wide is moving
0 t(s) at 10 ms −1 when a bullet hits it in a direction making
1 2 3 4
–1 3
–1.5 an angle tan −1 ⎛⎜ ⎞⎟ with the length of the car as seen
⎝ 4⎠

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