MTB-MLE. Grade 3. DLL. QTR 4. Week 28
MTB-MLE. Grade 3. DLL. QTR 4. Week 28
MTB-MLE. Grade 3. DLL. QTR 4. Week 28
B. Establishing a purpose for the What do you know about the -What are the uses of salt? Study the following words Show a picture of a Let us study the outline of the
lesson following pictures? -Where does salt come from? Giant-big, friendly, gentle pineapple.How does it story “Why the Sea is Salty?”
(show pictures of clean water and You are going to listen to a Sea- bland, tasteless, look like? (p. 342 LM)
dirty water) folktale entitled “Why the Sea salty
is Salty?” Ants-tiny, ferocious
*What words describe
giant? sea? ants?
C. Presenting examples/instances What object is common to the Why do you think the sea is Study further the Why does the pineapple Ask: What is the topic or main
of the new lesson pictures? salty? following underlined have plenty of eyes? idea of Roman Numeral I.
-Is water important? Why? words: How many details are given
There are seven yellow Recalling the standards in under Roman Numeral?
ducks in the pond. oral reading of a story. What is the topic or main idea
The pond is wide and the of Roman Numeral II?
water is clean. How many details are given
under Roman Numeral II?
D. Discussing new concepts and Reading the dialogue Reading the folktale to the Use the underlined words Reading of the folktale Discuss Outlining through
practicing new skills #1 pupils. to complete the following by the pupils (alternately “Hinumdomi Kini” , LM p. 312.
chart. by row)
Comprehension Check:
1. How did the seawater taste “The First Pineapple”
Kind of
Underline Character Word
d Words istics referred
before? Comprehension Check
seven numb ducks noun
2. Where did the people get er through completion of an
salt? yello
color ducks noun organizer.
Pair Work: Pupils find a pair and forming a paragraph. Use Bud was a hungry turtle. He
answer the given questions the signal words: First, had no food in his house. He had to shop
Next, Then and Finally. for food. He took a bus to the market. He
went to the market. He went to Food Hub to
(The teacher shall shop. He got lots of food. The sum was
P500. The food was put in bags. Then he
provide activity sheets, put the bags in his cart. He will bring the
bags and the cart home on the bus. He
manila paper and pentel
pen.) I. _____________________
won‟t be a hungry turtle anymore.
I. _____________________
II. __________________
A. _________________
C. _________________
D. _________________
E. _________________